Clinton vs Obama: Perceptions vs Realities
Too bad the Golden Globes were canceled. I give best actress award to Hillary Clinton for her acting performance today where she cried about not wanting the country to go backwards. A David E. Kelley Productions (Ally McBeal, Boston Public) worthy performance. Maybe she could land a gig on "24". If she was this good of an actress all along, she wouldn't be in this mess.
THE PROBLEM WITH DEMOCRACY: A lot of people will vote for Barack Obama because he is a great campaigner, very charismatic and inspiring as a speaker. I'm not sure how much most people know about the difference between his policy and others (Democrat or Republican), or what effect his direction will have on the world.
As mentioned before, most people don't vote on logic, they vote on emotions and feelings. ("Sounds good to me" is about as much as most people can hope for, because at the end of the day, it's a crap shoot as to what results anyone will actually produce.)
But anyway, it doesn't matter if a crystal ball could show the world that Mccain's direction would fix all the world's problems, and Obama would tank the entire universe...People want the image, style and freshness that Barack delivers, if nothing else. If you're the Beatles generation, or younger, you ain't gonna vote for no 70 year old guy like Mccain, when Obama is standing next to him. So look for Obama to siphon off more of the independent votes that would have gone to Mccain, than if Hillary were the candidate.
POOR HILLARY: Can you imagine if she actually has to return to her Senate seat, as Senator. It'll be like playing the rest of the football season when you are already out of the playoffs. Did she run for Senate for any other reason than to run for President. I'm not taking joy in her seemingly current "dip" in popularity. I actually feel bad for her, if she has to return to Senate, in such a public spectacle. (Not fun!) But I think Hillary's destiny will be similar to that of Al Gore's. When the dust settles, and she's out of office and returns to private life, she will be herself, loosen up, take on a good cause -- and everyone will be saying, "Damn, how come you weren't like this when you were running for President."
If nothing else Hillary is going through what long hair grunge rockers went through when Nsync and American Idol got popular. Or like Eric Garcetti, before Zuma Dogg came along.
Thanks to California City News for their take on LA Times article featuring Zuma Dogg.
THE PROBLEM WITH DEMOCRACY: A lot of people will vote for Barack Obama because he is a great campaigner, very charismatic and inspiring as a speaker. I'm not sure how much most people know about the difference between his policy and others (Democrat or Republican), or what effect his direction will have on the world.
As mentioned before, most people don't vote on logic, they vote on emotions and feelings. ("Sounds good to me" is about as much as most people can hope for, because at the end of the day, it's a crap shoot as to what results anyone will actually produce.)
But anyway, it doesn't matter if a crystal ball could show the world that Mccain's direction would fix all the world's problems, and Obama would tank the entire universe...People want the image, style and freshness that Barack delivers, if nothing else. If you're the Beatles generation, or younger, you ain't gonna vote for no 70 year old guy like Mccain, when Obama is standing next to him. So look for Obama to siphon off more of the independent votes that would have gone to Mccain, than if Hillary were the candidate.
POOR HILLARY: Can you imagine if she actually has to return to her Senate seat, as Senator. It'll be like playing the rest of the football season when you are already out of the playoffs. Did she run for Senate for any other reason than to run for President. I'm not taking joy in her seemingly current "dip" in popularity. I actually feel bad for her, if she has to return to Senate, in such a public spectacle. (Not fun!) But I think Hillary's destiny will be similar to that of Al Gore's. When the dust settles, and she's out of office and returns to private life, she will be herself, loosen up, take on a good cause -- and everyone will be saying, "Damn, how come you weren't like this when you were running for President."
If nothing else Hillary is going through what long hair grunge rockers went through when Nsync and American Idol got popular. Or like Eric Garcetti, before Zuma Dogg came along.
Thanks to California City News for their take on LA Times article featuring Zuma Dogg.
ZumaTimes.comLabels: los angeles politics
Zuma you are so right. Obama has gotten people who weren't interested in politics up in arms. He is such a great speaker that any I know who never voted before registered. Some who registered Republican have changed their minds after watching all the debates. People do want change cause look what Bush has done to our country. Illegals were a sensitive issue and it wasn't politically correct to go against it months ago. NOw the candidates are listening to the people.
Conservatives are not turning to the Left to remedy Bush's betrayal of the Right. That's just nonsensical.
I enjoy hearing when one candidate says "I think we should...' and within hours every other candidate paraphrases the same thing...regardless of affilliation.
John Edwards was the first one to harp on the 'middle class' and now they are all for helping the middle class.
Its funny that no says they are rich... and no one says they are poor...everyone says they are 'middle class'. "Middle Class" is that American' badge of honor which allows everyone to be acceptable. The candidates are pandering to the 'shrinkig middle class" and everyone claims to be one.. even the illegals.
I am poor and getting poorer every month with increases in the welfare demands of the City, State and Federal needs. I wonder who will pander for the really poor citizens?
Desperate Hillary and her husband can now kiss the election good bye. How ignornant to say these things. Hillary sounds racist and it will backfire. Going negative will only help Obama. She told reporters "Obama is no Martin Luther Kind." What a stupid thing to say!!!
..Clinton’s Civil Rights Lesson
DOVER, N.H. — As they barnstorm through New Hampshire, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and her husband are often introduced by supporters who once backed another candidate but converted to her cause. Today, in Dover, Francine Torge, a former John Edwards supporter, said this while introducing Mrs. Clinton: “Some people compare one of the other candidates to John F. Kennedy. But he was assassinated. And Lyndon Baines Johnson was the one who actually” passed the civil rights legislation. The comment, an apparent reference to Senator Barack Obama, is particularly striking given documented fears among blacks that Mr. Obama will be assassinated if elected.
Phil Singer, a Clinton spokesman said: “We were not aware that this person was going to make those comments and disapprove of them completely. They were totally inappropriate.”
Mrs. Clinton’s expression did not change noticeably when Ms. Torge made the comment. Only a few hours later, she brought up the civil rights legislation herself in remarks to a Fox News correspondent. Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama have been in a running feud arising from her suggestion at Saturday’s debate that he was raising “false hope.” Mr. Obama responded that Mr. Kennedy did not decide going to the moon was a false hope and that Martin Luther King, Jr. did not see ending segregation as such.
Watch Hollywood start coming out for OBAMA. David Geffen is an Obama supporter and now all the old Clinton supporters are calling him wanting to be part of history they say. The biggest most powerful and richest entertainment folks will all start giving money to Obama.
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