Hillary to Drop Out?
Following her big defeat in Iowa - and the prospect of similar results in New Hampshire and subsequent Southern primaries - Drudge is reporting that some Hillary Clinton campaign key staffers are advising the Senator to consider dropping out of the race. Though some advisors are urging Hillary to stay and fight, others think it's time to drop out before she piles up any more defeats.
This is obviously good news for John Edwards and Barack Obama. And get ready for a bloody campaign.
Stay tuned.
This is obviously good news for John Edwards and Barack Obama. And get ready for a bloody campaign.
Stay tuned.
Labels: Barack Obama, hillary clinton, John Edwards, los angeles politics, matt drudge
I don't even believe that.
It's just like poker, you've got to know when to fold them and when to live to fight another day. The only reason she will drop out is to position herself as a potential VP. But Obama will go with Edwards. I wonder how our esteemed mayor is advising her on this.
"Uh,uhh, uhhh Heeelary - si se puede"
No top contender and money raiser would drop out this early.
Sordidly ridiculous.
I always thought you dropped out AFTER you were defeated...
Former President Bill Clinton is blaming Rush Limbaugh for Hillary’s bad image. I think the L.A. mayor should drop out of her campaign. This would increase her chance to be a front runner in November and allow the mayor to concentrate on his job by saving Angelinos money in the reserve fund.
Did the Mayor and Council spend their own money to go to Iwia and NH? or did they use their office funds?
Once again the fattest of the Blogging Burros spreading rumors and innuendo. The fat Burro's hate for the mayor and any democrat is about as obvious for his dislike of any mexican politician. Mayor Sam go back and listen to KKK-FI.
I think all the loser republicans running for president should drop out. Not one of the republicans can beat any of the democrat front runners and that includes Mayor Sam's nightmare woman, Hillary Clinton.
Mon Jan 07 2008 09:46:28 ET
Facing a double-digit defeat in New Hampshire, a sudden collapse in national polls and an expected fund-raising drought, Senator Hillary Clinton is preparing for a tough decision: Does she get out of the race? And when?!
"She can't take multiple double-digit losses in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada," laments one top campaign insider to the DRUDGE REPORT. "If she gets too badly embarrassed, it will really harm her. She doesn't want the Clinton brand to be damaged with back-to-back-to-back defeats."
Meanwhile, Democrat hopeful John Edwards has confided to senior staff that he is staying in the race because Hillary "could soon be out."
"Her money is going to dry up," Edwards confided, a top source said Monday morning.
10:33 take your meds.
I can't stand Hillary, will not vote for her under any circumstances. Nor for any of this batch of Republicans. But, under no circumstances do I believe she is anywhere near to dropping out. Not with all the $$$$$ she has, not with the political "establishment" so involved in her campaign, no way.....
Last time I checked mayoSam endorsed Antonio. In fact Parke Skelton even wrote to thank him for that endorsement. He wasn't a fat burro then - what gives?
10:56 AM Just worry about taking yours.
saw this at DailyKos this morning, funny Bush Hillary spot.
Michelle Obama already played the race card. How long before Hillary plays the gender card? Liberals are so damn predictable!
There's a "gender card" too?
Never heard of that before. Is that where she bats her eyelashes, hitches up her pant suit to her knee, swoons a bit, and says "Oh my, are there NO gentlemen left in politics to open the door for po' little ol' me?"
(Ain't gonna happen! She'll butch it out to the bitter end.)
"Take your meds" is blog code for "I disagree with you but don't have the intellect to explain why or defend my own position"
A good comeback against it can be something like, "I'm rubber, you're glue . . ."
No. The gender card is "I lost New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada because Americans are not ready for a female president"
When did Michelle Robinson Obama play the race card? As an honors graduate from Princeton and a Harvard Law School graduate, she doesn't need to play the race card.
You must have slept through Michelle Robinson Obama's "gas station" comment. It was truly a sad day for all Americans.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
We are ready for a female President, just not THIS female.
Condi would be just fine with me. So would Laura Ingraham.
Hillary will not drop out now for anything; she is a self described "fighter" and will tough it out as far and as long as the money holds out. It will be very intersting to see if Bill and Hill will spend any of their own personal ill gotten gains on her campaign.
No, Hillary will fight to the last dime; she will (Thanks to Mario Puzo for teaching us the term) "Go to the Mattresses", although that term has meant something a lot different to Bubba.
Got you all beat on the gender card. Back when Carter and his goofy smile was running against Ford (I fell into this gig, not voted in), I refused to vote for these chumps and entered a write in candidate of Barbara Jordan, one of the few rational minds of that time. Black and female.
Barbara Jordan was a fine woman...experienced...smart...and should have been our first women president. Her color was never entered into as an issue. I think Condi would be just fine with me also.
What gas station comment?
Enlighten me. I have a rigth to know if I should be sad.
When Bill Clinton became president in 1993, Newsweek reported that Clinton staffers talked of three terms — two for Bill and one for Hillary.
The idea drew laughs at the time, but gained credibility as Hillary became the first First Lady to become a sitting U.S. senator.
The decades-long dream of Hillary Clinton to become the first woman president may appear to have gone up in smoke last week.
Reeling from her defeat in last week’s Iowa caucuses, Hillary Clinton’s campaign is reportedly in full panic mode as the latest polls show she’s likely to lose big in Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary as well.
Long considered the front-runner, Clinton is now so beleaguered that political insiders are beginning to wonder when — not if — she will drop out of the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Rival John Edwards has reportedly told his senior staff that he plans to stay in the race because Clinton “could soon be out.”
Whether she stays in the race or drops out, it appears evident that the Clinton campaign is in freefall:
Hillary trailed Barack Obama by 13 percentage points — 41 to 28 — in a USA Today/Gallup Poll conducted over the weekend.
She also trailed Obama in a survey by Rasmussen Reports, 39 percent to 27 percent.
A desperate Clinton went on “a rampage,” on Sunday, according to the New York Post, blasting Obama as all talk and no action and criticizing his stance on the Iraq war, lobbyists and other issues. The Post ran a photo of Hillary on its cover Monday under the headline “PANIC.”
After her third-place finish in Iowa, Clinton sent out a fundraising e-mail acknowledging she is in a dogfight and saying: “We’ve got more work to do.”
Hillary has been having so much trouble attracting large crowds of New Hampshire voters to her campaign events that she has been bussing in supporters from out of state, MSNBC reported. Obama, on the other hand, has been drawing standing-room-only crowds. On Saturday, so many supporters turned out for an Obama rally at a Nashua school that hundreds had to wait outside.
Former Sen. Bill Bradley on Sunday became the latest influential political figure to come out in support of Obama.
The Clinton campaign has been engaging in finger-pointing following her Iowa defeat, with advisers blaming chief strategist Mark Penn for failing to predict the Iowa results and for running a campaign that is “too cautious, too arrogant, too conventional,” according to Time magazine.
Women voters, long considered a strength for Clinton, are abandoning her campaign — polls showed that Obama beat Clinton among female voters in the Iowa caucuses, 35 percent to 30 percent.
Even Bill Clinton, Hillary’s trump card, has been drawing less supporters to events – as he openly talks of his wife’s difficulty in appealing to young voters. On Friday, he was greeted by rows of empty seats at the University of New Hampshire, and several people filed out in the middle of his speech.
Analysts say Hillary’s woes are compounded by several factors. First, if she loses in New Hampshire she will most assuredly lose in South Carolina where African Americans dominate the Democratic primary.
With early losses under her belt, Hillary will have an uphill battle convincing donors she can win. Deprived of cash, she will be unable to compete in Super Tuesday — which demands huge ad budgets to cover the large number of states voting
Let's face it Hillary comes off like a mean, aggressive, abrasive woman. Not even like her delivery. She just has a horrible way about her and that's the problem. She could be the most qualified, most intelligent but we know her big boo boo was hiring Villaraigosa as campaign manager. he hasn't helped her at all.
Was that phony Shillary Clinton just on the verge of tears? Thanks for setting women back an enitre generation. It's over. There's no crying in campaigning. That was her Howard Dean moment.
No way in hell.
Condi. Hilarious. Oh god, the thought. I'm puking.
Go Hillary - kick some ass.
Shaken by her loss in the Iowa caucuses and her sinking numbers in the New Hampshire polls, Hillary Clinton was close to tears at a campaign stop on Monday.
Clinton was meeting with undecided voters at a coffee shop in Portsmouth, N.H., when a member of the crowd asked her how she gets up every morning and deals with the problems of running for president, CBS News reported.
“It’s not easy,” she replied. “And I couldn’t do it if I didn’t passionately believe it was the right thing to do.
“This is very personal for me. It’s not just political. It’s not just public.”
Then Hillary’s voice began to crack and she held back tears as she said: “I know what’s happening. And we have to reverse it,” according to CBS.
“Some people think elections are a game and they think it’s who’s up and who’s down. It’s about our country…
“So as tired as I am, and I am, and as difficult as it is to keep up what I try to do on the road, like exercise, try to eat right — it’s tough when the easiest food is pizza — I just believe so strongly in who we are as a nation. So I’m going to do everything I can to make my case.”
What don't you guys believe? That some of Hillary's advisors are thinking she should quit? Why is that impossible? Some of them think she should quit some of them don't apparently. Not hard to believe. She's in trouble. Barack is riding high.
Mayor Sam never said she was dropping out he said (via Drudge) that SOME of her advisors think she should.
Or at least that people are saying that.
We will not play the "fat card" on this blog. We don't expect any sympathy because Mayor Sam is circumferentially challenged.
But please don’t feed any Doritos, Twinkies, donuts, M&M candy, ice cream or buttered pop-corn to Mayor Sam.
Sadly, Hillary will get whipped tomorrow. Dumb Antonio is telling the press the dumbest quotes. "This is a marathon". If Hillary is already showing signs she can't take it then how does AV think she's going to get in shape to go the distance?
Wasn't Bill defeated in Iowa and New Hampshire before winning in the south and the other 'blue' states? And her tears resonated well with people who liked this glimpse into her softer side. She's been hampered by her feminist-era tendency to feel she has to always look tougher than a man...
Obama is getting the younger people who grew up when people could break out of these molds -- but he has zero to say and when he does, it's sure to bankrupt the country by promising too much to all people (like Edwards -- if he drags out his miller father again I'll puke), or nothing at all. "We can repair America" means nothing.
Richardson is right: why has experience suddenly been made to seem like leprosy? He, McCain, and the others are right: the White House is not the place for on-the- job training.
Richardson, Biden and Dodd would put their support behind Hillary as the closest to themselves in ideology and experience if not for their jealousy of Bill and her.
Richardson has already given Edwards his support...it just hasn't been publicized yet. And beside, Richardson is only at 4%!
The problem is obvious: NO ONE (on either side of the aisle) LIKES SHRILLARY!!! I am a DEM but would NEVER vote for her. I'm going with Obama simply because things are so bad now...what difference does it make who gets in. We might as well go for the "likability" factor!
ANYONE but Hillary is my motto! I'm actually thinking of switching sides and going for Romney...at least he has a stand on illegal immigration!!!
The only issue that matters to this DEM is illegal immmigration! It's not a DEM of REP
issue....it's a matter of saving our country from becoming third world. LA is GONE, now! But there's hope for the rest of the country!
"And her tears resonated well with people who liked this glimpse into her softer side."
Good God please spare us!!
Yeah, Bill lost in Iowa and New Hampshire before winning the south. But Bill wasn't running against Obama and Edwards. Hillary will continue to come in third in all the southern states. Hillary has no chance in hell in the south.
Maybe Villaraigosa can give Mark Penn a job as a third floor spinner.
That job is being held for Michael Trujillo.
Do you idiots think the east coast voters even care or know Mayor V.
The mayor is not even a blip on the campaign of Hillary Clinton.
The Blogging Burros and his fellow Mayor haters, will be blaming the next solar eclipse on the midget mayor. Did Mayor V. sleep with some city employee Mayor Sam was stalking or fantasizing about? The old fat white guy seems as bitter as Bernie.
Hillary has a great chance of taking the South. Much better than "I grew up overseas and my mother is an atheist" Obama.
What a bunch of newbies you are.
I'm still choking on the Condi endorsement one of you gave.
No good Democrat hates illegal immigrants the way you do, 6:57, nor would they call Hillary, "Shillary" on a public blog and even more important, would never say they were voting for Romney. So you're no Democrat.
The rest of you sound crazy when you try to blame a Hillary loss on Antonio. That just shows your stupidity. Nobody knows who he is. Ooh, big deal he was on the cover of Time when he won. Then the rest of the country forgot about him.
Democracy is a dangerous thing because most people are very stupid. They do buy that Obama has "foreign experience" because he spend some years as a child overseas -- but then Arnold has more, since he spend his whole life overseas. Maybe we should limit presidential candidates to those who spent at least 4 years overseas as a child, preferably came here as adults. Oops, then they couldn't run. Well, their parents have to take and keep them out of the country as kids for as long as possible, in the eventuality they may run for President. Sure, they'll miss Little League and AYSO soccer and all this boring American childhood stuff, but they'll be the better for it, able to come here 35 years later and tell us why they know so much more than we do.
The most experienced and articulate candidates are getting knocked down and out first like bowling pins -- the public just doesn't have the patience to listen to anything more than vapid soundbites, and glorifies celebrity, however vapid.
Although why a guy with such big ears and a funny little head is a celebrity, beats me. His wife is pretty and well-educated, though.
Romney's big blonde wife has a very big head, and she looks smugger than Hillary ever did in her earlier days. But Hillary's evolved and moved to the middle -- too bad many people still see the "old" Hillary of the healthcare debates. She's more of a fiscally responsible, socially-aware candidate than her Dem rivals.
I'm more Republican on financial issues but they're so conservative with the religious stuff this time, that while I'm someone who used to hate the old Hillary, think I'll vote for the new one.
Looks like, once again, we are soooooooo close to being in perfect agreement -- until the last half of your final sentence.
But up till then...you f-ing nailed it! Perfect spin!!! Lead the reader with a bunch of agreement stuff, then tag it with your agenda at the end.
But I think I know who posted it, cause there is only one person who is that good -- when they want to be. I'll blaze one up, on your behalf and hope that SOMEDAY, the force will pull you out of the "dark" side, to the "good" side.
Carry on!
Anonymous writes ...
"Democracy is a dangerous thing because most people are very stupid."
So is the internet, any group of Bloggong Burros can write for a blog and pretend they actually know something about politics.
Mayor Sam is the TMZ of blogs.
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