Thanks to Green Dot's Steve Barr and David Tokofsky for Not Kicking Me Out of The Party and For Dropping Zuma Dogg Off at The Bus Stop
Thanks to Steve Barr and Green Dot for not kicking Big ZD out of their meeting about Locke Charter in Watts. was a party, it celebration of the approval of the "partnership" between Green Dot and LAUSD at Locke. (But they didn't kick me out, and they had some decent free food!)
Zuma Dogg got to kick the tires a little bit (a lot, actually) at the Green Dot party in (their) celebration of the Locke Charter approval in Watts. ZD has raised a lot of concerns over Charters and potential conflicts of interest and "fraud, waste and abuse" and I have no idea from the party whether that will happen, or not, with Green Dot; but I did get a lot out of the opportunity to meet the truly diverse and non-conforming types who make up the Green Dot staff and supporters.
Reggie, the music director wrote the mega-classic "Let It Whip". (So I hit it off with him, of course, being a music ledgend myself.) I met the guy in charge of "gangs" and I got a real earful as to how complex the situation is with 14 different gangs surrounding the school and the challenge to keep all that "squashed" on the school campus for the future of their brothers and sisters. (However "caught up" these gang members may be, they don't want THEIR kids involved. No thug wants someone dating HIS sister, even though HE wants to date the other guy's sister is how it was explained to me. So you can appeal to them at THAT level. (But that doesn't mean it's easy.) The recent flair up at Locke IS a problem, because they know the school is in transition now and no one is really in charge. (Green Dot doesn't take over until 2008.)
I met Green Dot's "consultant" who is the "political operative strategy" guy. So it was kind of a "Spy vs Spy" off-duty moment. He's doesn't appear to be a bitter, fear-based, loser like the Mayor's City Hall people doing the same thing.
And a bunch of parents, teachers, principals and executive staff who make up Green Dot. Whether all that stuff ZD is concerned about with Charters will be happening at Green Dot is yet to be deterimined. But there was no way they could have been faking their sense of "team" and desire to succeed and "do this damn thing" and rise to the challenge as being demanded by the community in Watts.
ZD always talks about "perception" vs "reality" in the strategy warfare game. This time it works against Julie Korenstein, AJ Duffy ("Duffy" was on Doug McIntyre today), Zuma Dogg and all his anti-AB 1381 compadres who are now also concerned about Charter abuse. We can bring up all the watchdogg angles and warn the people all day and night: But my consultants have taught me that people make decisions like these based on emotions, not logic.
The people in Watts look around...see Green Dot Charters doing well in other areas...AND THEY WANT ONE OF THOSE IN THEIR AREA, TOO! It's a matter of community dignity and respect at some level, too. Then they meet Steve Barr and his team of community outreachers (they spin as good as I've heard) -- and all the parents know is THEY WANT ONE!
So ZD has been having some fun jabbing the Green Dot staff with comments like, "Wow! You guys are like Evil Knivel. You said you're gonna jump Snake River Canyon, and now you have to do it." And the challenge here (besides the tough area from a gang standpoint) is the size of the school. Green Dot's "Secret Formula" is small classroom sizes with 500 student schools. Locke has 2800 students and they want to expand to 5000.
Mr. Barr tells me they ARE going to operate it as a bunch (ten I think) smaller schools on the one campus. With a separate principal at each "school". But they WILL benefit by the large numbers for sports and band and other programs.
Of course this will require construction around the campus area, and maybe that's where the "front-end loaded management" speech gets to be dusted off. But the construction is one issue. As far as the challenge: Putting aside UTLA's AJ Duffy's statements that this isn't over yet and will pursue further action to start the approval process all over, I think what we have here, is a guy surrounded by a bunch of motivated, smart and enthusiastic people, who are now stuck with the challenge of pulling off their biggest magic trick, without the benefit of all your powers.
FOR THE RECORD: Green Dot people assure me, assure me, assure me that although they agree there is concern that some/many Charters skim cream of the crop higher achievers off the LAUSD system -- THIS IS NOT THE CASE AT GREEN DOT!!! And in fact, they bend over backwards to keep it open to all. (I'm not saying this, they are. But DAMN, they sure are congruent in their defense of this. If they WERE skimming, that would really throw 100% of their credibility out the window since they made it really, really clear to ZD that this was not the case at Green Dot.
One thing that kinda came out of my "hanging" with Green Dot: Although both sides (LAUSD and Green Dot) are calling it a "partnership", it's NOT a partnership, really. LAUSD is giving Steve and Co. the ball to see what they can do. I think they have five years. And the "partnership" means if LAUSD isn't happy with the results, the school will revert back and they can start all over again. Green Dot WILL be opertating out of the LAUSD facilities, so that's the partnership.
SO MUCH MORE TO COME ON THIS HISTORIC PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN ZUMA DOGG AND STEVE BARR'S GREEN DOT FOR THIS MOST IMPORTANT OCCASION. (Green Dot party for staff and supporters who helped get the project approved.) Whether you feel it deserved to be celebrated or mourned is another issue. But these people did come off as "outside the box", "non-conforming" types that may be better at getting through to kids. (I liked the math teacher who had a really cool mohawk!)
You know why Steve Barr and Green Dot's crew may be THE best, highly organized, political-operative spinners that people say they are: I walked out of there feeling like they really WANT to succeed and are passionate and innovative (and a little pissed off at all the beuracracy, themselves). They come off as a bunch of people on a mission. Now they actually have to try and figure out how the heck to do it and actually do it.
AND thanks to David Tokofsky and Steve Barr who not only carpooled, but dropped ZD off at the bus stop afterwards. (Helping to save gas and reduce traffic congestion!!!) COMMUNITY OUTREACH, Y'ALL!!!
NOTE: Party's over phone hackers! ZD had to get a new cell phone number. If you called me on my old number and are trying to reach me, call (310) 928-7544.
Zuma Dogg got to kick the tires a little bit (a lot, actually) at the Green Dot party in (their) celebration of the Locke Charter approval in Watts. ZD has raised a lot of concerns over Charters and potential conflicts of interest and "fraud, waste and abuse" and I have no idea from the party whether that will happen, or not, with Green Dot; but I did get a lot out of the opportunity to meet the truly diverse and non-conforming types who make up the Green Dot staff and supporters.
Reggie, the music director wrote the mega-classic "Let It Whip". (So I hit it off with him, of course, being a music ledgend myself.) I met the guy in charge of "gangs" and I got a real earful as to how complex the situation is with 14 different gangs surrounding the school and the challenge to keep all that "squashed" on the school campus for the future of their brothers and sisters. (However "caught up" these gang members may be, they don't want THEIR kids involved. No thug wants someone dating HIS sister, even though HE wants to date the other guy's sister is how it was explained to me. So you can appeal to them at THAT level. (But that doesn't mean it's easy.) The recent flair up at Locke IS a problem, because they know the school is in transition now and no one is really in charge. (Green Dot doesn't take over until 2008.)
I met Green Dot's "consultant" who is the "political operative strategy" guy. So it was kind of a "Spy vs Spy" off-duty moment. He's doesn't appear to be a bitter, fear-based, loser like the Mayor's City Hall people doing the same thing.
And a bunch of parents, teachers, principals and executive staff who make up Green Dot. Whether all that stuff ZD is concerned about with Charters will be happening at Green Dot is yet to be deterimined. But there was no way they could have been faking their sense of "team" and desire to succeed and "do this damn thing" and rise to the challenge as being demanded by the community in Watts.
ZD always talks about "perception" vs "reality" in the strategy warfare game. This time it works against Julie Korenstein, AJ Duffy ("Duffy" was on Doug McIntyre today), Zuma Dogg and all his anti-AB 1381 compadres who are now also concerned about Charter abuse. We can bring up all the watchdogg angles and warn the people all day and night: But my consultants have taught me that people make decisions like these based on emotions, not logic.
The people in Watts look around...see Green Dot Charters doing well in other areas...AND THEY WANT ONE OF THOSE IN THEIR AREA, TOO! It's a matter of community dignity and respect at some level, too. Then they meet Steve Barr and his team of community outreachers (they spin as good as I've heard) -- and all the parents know is THEY WANT ONE!
So ZD has been having some fun jabbing the Green Dot staff with comments like, "Wow! You guys are like Evil Knivel. You said you're gonna jump Snake River Canyon, and now you have to do it." And the challenge here (besides the tough area from a gang standpoint) is the size of the school. Green Dot's "Secret Formula" is small classroom sizes with 500 student schools. Locke has 2800 students and they want to expand to 5000.
Mr. Barr tells me they ARE going to operate it as a bunch (ten I think) smaller schools on the one campus. With a separate principal at each "school". But they WILL benefit by the large numbers for sports and band and other programs.
Of course this will require construction around the campus area, and maybe that's where the "front-end loaded management" speech gets to be dusted off. But the construction is one issue. As far as the challenge: Putting aside UTLA's AJ Duffy's statements that this isn't over yet and will pursue further action to start the approval process all over, I think what we have here, is a guy surrounded by a bunch of motivated, smart and enthusiastic people, who are now stuck with the challenge of pulling off their biggest magic trick, without the benefit of all your powers.
FOR THE RECORD: Green Dot people assure me, assure me, assure me that although they agree there is concern that some/many Charters skim cream of the crop higher achievers off the LAUSD system -- THIS IS NOT THE CASE AT GREEN DOT!!! And in fact, they bend over backwards to keep it open to all. (I'm not saying this, they are. But DAMN, they sure are congruent in their defense of this. If they WERE skimming, that would really throw 100% of their credibility out the window since they made it really, really clear to ZD that this was not the case at Green Dot.
One thing that kinda came out of my "hanging" with Green Dot: Although both sides (LAUSD and Green Dot) are calling it a "partnership", it's NOT a partnership, really. LAUSD is giving Steve and Co. the ball to see what they can do. I think they have five years. And the "partnership" means if LAUSD isn't happy with the results, the school will revert back and they can start all over again. Green Dot WILL be opertating out of the LAUSD facilities, so that's the partnership.
SO MUCH MORE TO COME ON THIS HISTORIC PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN ZUMA DOGG AND STEVE BARR'S GREEN DOT FOR THIS MOST IMPORTANT OCCASION. (Green Dot party for staff and supporters who helped get the project approved.) Whether you feel it deserved to be celebrated or mourned is another issue. But these people did come off as "outside the box", "non-conforming" types that may be better at getting through to kids. (I liked the math teacher who had a really cool mohawk!)
You know why Steve Barr and Green Dot's crew may be THE best, highly organized, political-operative spinners that people say they are: I walked out of there feeling like they really WANT to succeed and are passionate and innovative (and a little pissed off at all the beuracracy, themselves). They come off as a bunch of people on a mission. Now they actually have to try and figure out how the heck to do it and actually do it.
AND thanks to David Tokofsky and Steve Barr who not only carpooled, but dropped ZD off at the bus stop afterwards. (Helping to save gas and reduce traffic congestion!!!) COMMUNITY OUTREACH, Y'ALL!!!
NOTE: Party's over phone hackers! ZD had to get a new cell phone number. If you called me on my old number and are trying to reach me, call (310) 928-7544.
BTW, Zuma, what DID they serve at the party?
Cocktail wieners and orangeade or Moet and crab claws?
Just wondering.
Excellent question in all seriousness. I watch for stuff like that. too. It was nice, good finger food. Mushroom caps with spinach and little quiche squares (that were awesome tasting, but not too fancy/expensive.) Steve bought some pizza and calamari for people later in the evening at his own expense. So it wasn't overly lavish. But the place was real nice and he got a good deal cause of a wed nite on the high holidays.
Did they have any of that Hawaiian Chicken?
Funny comment about getting a good deal because of Roshoshana. But that means there were no practicing Jewish teachers there -- isn't that odd timing? On the LAUSD Board, Kanter and Korenstein must be Jewish -- were they there? Anyone else?
Don't be a kook. Don't miss the point. There were no board members there. I don't know who was invited, or not. From what I could see, it was all Green Dot staff and teachers and some parental supporters. You don't know what religous backgrounds were represented at the party. I don't know if the place was cheaper "because" of the holiday, but it was "available" on an off night (wed) during a Holiday. Is that the kind of stuff that interests you about the Green Dot/Locke/LAUSD school issue. ZD has been accused of being Mr. Conspiracy Theory, but there is nothing odd about a the timing of a party the day after the victory. It's not an F-ing public hearing on a school matter. The point of the story is that ZD had a chance to spend some quality time with the people of Green Dot in a fun atmosphere (as opposed to a public meeting in a board room) and I learned a lot, and it was cool of Steve to allow me to experience things from his side. Critics will say he is only embracing me to spin me, and keep your enemies closet. Oh well! I guess I better take my ZD Bat Anti-spin pills. (Like sea sickness pills.) Meanwhile, stop crying about dumb stuff. It's about an experiment with a troubled school system. Not about whether Korenstein could attend the party over religous issues. I guarantee you, Julie wasn't going to the party no matter what day it was planned.
Please don't whore yourself out over a couple of mushroom caps with spinach and a ride to the bus stop.
These guys are sharks.
Keep your guard up, Dogg...
Don't be a dumbass.
I have certainly spent my share of TV, radio and blog time being a watch dogg on the issue. How else are they sharks besides all the ways you have already told me? I am glad to hear it again. I think I mentioned I am aware of the challenge to spin ZD (especially with spincah filled mushroom caps and whatnot). And of course, you should feel free to show up for public comment and weigh in, too. Maybe I'll hear something you say and I won't be a dumb-ass. (Thanks for the no credit! I know, I'm a big dummy. I'm so easy to spin. I've really held back , too as a result of being spun. I'm scared to ask questions in person.
The only reason people ask you about "dumb stuff" like whether they had mushroom caps and soft drinks or champagne, and whether the room was cheaper and why (you brought it up) is because if anyone wants to know what really happened on the issues, there are real reporters for that. Those details are ALL over the media and the blogs.
If you enjoy yourself, it's about you getting some good, free food and being made to feel important. That's all.
I have it on good authority that there were tequila shooters and cigars, too. And that the Green Dot people LOVE Monica Garcia.
The first comment about the food was relevant and I even mentioned that I notice stuff like that...(hope the food isn't TOO fancy, it's about a school.) But Steve may have paid for the whole thing out of his own pocket for all we know. But to continue to dwell on it beyond that is non-sense. And don't say, "people who want to know...real reporters." Real reporters don't tell you anything you don't see on the TV broadcast. (A clinical account of history.) I spent about six hours immersed with Steve Barr and his staff. And I was speaking with people the entire time. We weren't watching a movie or a concert. Haven't seen a newspaper in the city report the shiznit I have been covering regarding LAUSD. And they aren't about to start now.
What reporter has mentioned any of the concerns over conflict of interest, the $20 billion construction budget concern, semilla business plan, the fact that Green Dot's success is 500 student schools and Locke is 2800...cream of the crop concerns, what makes this a partnership (spin vs reality), etc. Yeah, keep looking to reporters for your coverage of what's going on in the city. You'll know what time the meeting started and ended and how the vote went down.
Green Dot people believe Locke will be different because it's a terrific facility, easily split up, unlike the prison fortresses many big schools are. And when the district spends $11,000 per child now, but much of it is wasted before it gets to the kids, the lead (English) teacher behind the drive believes Monica Garcia and the new board, when they promise to get more of the money to the kids. Just like at the Green Dot schools. But yes, they have the difference that they can't kick out the bad apples -- they hope these variables combined with private counseling from concerned teachers will make a difference.
Liberal wishing, or doable reality?
About time we found out. Even YOU people have to admit, it's the Mayor who kicked butt and made this happen NOW.
8:41p, as the guy who asked Zuma about the "dumb stuff," my question was pointed and Zuma answered it.
I'm not going to burden you with a Zuma defense (and yes, yikes, some of his stuff has been indefensible), but I am certain that it is not in his character to let down 700,000 kids in LAUSD over mushroom caps with spinach and little quiche squares.
'Nuff said for now. But if you're patient, there is a legend in the making here with Zuma, LAUSD, Charters and all the rest.
Anybody who has read "Iron John" (Bly) will know what I'm talking about.
Jack, zuma would sell his soul for a McD's fish sandwich. Have to confess I like those things, too. Glad Jan hasn't banned them all over the city.
(a shock of real concern suddenly crosses his face)
Uh oh, ya got me there, 12:05...
Q: What is it about McD's Filet-O-Fish sandwiches?
A deep-fried square of whitefish from indiscernible origins, (Proud To Be An) American Cheese, tartar sauce, McD buns...and more fat and calories than a fried Snickers bar at the fair... oops, just remembered something I was supposed to do. Gotta go!
(leaves the keyboard, grabs his keys and sings)
"Duh duh duh duh duhhhhh, I'm LOVIN' it!"
Do you think Dave Zahniser or Steve Hymon ever posted an article to thank someone for not kicking them out of the room while freeloading mushroom caps?
No, but possibly Hunter S. Thompson or Lester Bangs would have.
But, you know, for mushrooms of a different kind...
Stop talking about McD's Fish Sandwiches, y'all...I'm hungry as heck and can't afford one! (I love to pour the RedHot Sauce they have on it!)
11:11pm, now i have to read Iron John. Huh! Thanks!
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