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Monday, September 17, 2007

Monday Outtakes from the "RED SPOT INSTITUTE"

Good Monday morning to all in the "POLITICAL BLOGGERSPHERE". Here are some quick outtakes from the local fishwraps and blogs. Consider this your "OPEN THREAD" for today. ****Special shout out to Mayor Sam at his family reunion in the "land of corn". Safe Journeys.****

Los Angeles Times: Scribe Hymon Weekly Missive on City Hall:
"MR. GRIFFITH PARK" aka. Councilman Tom LaBonge travels the world on the cities dime pursuing new ideas that will better our lives. Now some will opine that LaBonge and intellect is a oxymoron. But what a gig when as the head of the sister city committee, you can travel the world chasing the best idea for a master plan at Griffith Park.

Also in the same column, The return of "COUNCILMAN DENISE ZINE". Our macho, leather wearing, ex. cop tapped in to his gentler side, or is it transgender side ? Put on the white dress of attachment for charity. Please send any pictures to redspotincd14@yahoo.com.

The "JUICE" will be spending some time in the "LAS VEGAS POOKIE" He faces six felony counts in the robbery of sport memorabilia from a Las Vegas hotel room. Each count can fetch 30 years in the slammer. Also there is a recording of what went on in the hotel room. Props to KFI's 640 John Ziegler for the exclusive.

DAILY NEWS, Rick Orlov's weekly missive on city politics:
What councilman wants to spend $5,000,000 dollars for a ballot measure on the Iraq War ?? You have fifteen "freewheeling spenders" to choose from, answer below.

LOS ANGELES TIMES, "Monitor to oversee school payroll repair":
If you see someone looking for cans and plastic, it may be one of our esteemed educators who needs some quick income. That being because the "CENTER FOR PUBLIC CHILDHOOD INDOCTRINATION ON BEAUDRY" cannot get their defective payroll system to work. This has prompted School Board President, Monica Garcia to hire a "outside" monitor to rectify the problem. Maybe if we had smaller districts, Hmm.............

BLOG THREADS, "Dogg haters run rampant:
Some of you in the bloggersphere are afficted with bouts of "DOGG HATING". All weekend, some out in cyberspace have been relentless in their rants on citizen watchdog, Zuma Dogg. Say what you will about his appearance, his takes on retire fishwrap scribes, or ex neighborhood council czars.

But no one can question the heart of Zuma, period. He takes daily barrages of smear from the willing agents of the city elites. Smearing of Zuma has become an "cottage industry" with satires the likes of "DOCKWEILER MUTT", being one example. But the level of obsession, leaves one to wonder the impact of Zuma's work on some of your patron saints.

****Great Monday to all!!!**** Answer to above question, Bill Rosendahl


Anonymous Anonymous said:

Here is a big WOOF WOOF RUFF RUFF to D-O double G.

The meance of Los Angeles politics and Mayor Sam's blog.

Hey Dogg, next time don't get so excited when someone calls you a goof-ball or clown. Just call them a cry-baby loser and move on.

September 17, 2007 10:56 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

WE all love a great perp walk!!

Thanks, O.J. we all loved it!

September 17, 2007 11:00 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

illegal vendors now are getting violent and not one city council member or idiot Ed Reyes says a word. Get rid of those illegals and problem is gone.

I thought all the illegals were afraid to go to that park and what the hell is a mother doing out that late at night with a little baby?

....23-day-old baby in a stroller was killed when his mother walked unsuspectingly into gunfire in the MacArthur Park area of Los Angeles.
The infant was hit by a stray bullet about 9:30 p.m. Sunday, when three Latino men fired at an outdoor vendor near the corner of 6th and Burlington streets, police said. The vendor, who police did not identify, was hit in the chest by a bullet. He was taken to a hospital, where he was listed in stable condition. Authorities said they were investigating the shooting and were unsure of the shooters' motives.

September 17, 2007 1:57 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Heard the new animal shelter in Van Nuys is a really nice place for doggs. Much nicer than leaving them in a hot old van.

September 17, 2007 5:40 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Did anyone see all the news vans parked outside of City Hall this afternoon? I overheard someone say that he heard our mayor was busted for tagging.

September 17, 2007 9:49 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

As "Dockweiler" well pointed out some weeks back (before becoming your generic whipping mutt), you can be a skeptic or even a hater of all aspects of the current city powers and still understand that the brain-dead dogg is worse for the critics of local government than for the elected officials themselves.

In fact, for those of us that want major change in City government, Dogg is a nagging head cold of misguided innuendo and conspiracy theories that prevents diagnosis of what's really wrong downtown.

He helps the city "fathers" paint all opponents as "that sort of wacko" and is always - without exception - crying wolff about things he couldn't understand with a "City Hall for Dummies" remedial reader, and a paid four-year term downtown in which to come to understand it.

ZD is not sincere. He's a hyperbolic windbag in need of attention. His darts thrown at the City are dull, always aimed in the wrong direction, and 1000 percent contrarian, as opposed to being constructive and defensible.

Don't applaud the runt of the mental litter, but don't waste a lot of time trying to correct his "thought" processes (I'm being generous) either. Just pray to Buddha and all that's holey that he goes away . . . soon, so the incompetent city workers can stop pretending he's typical of the voices of change, and realize they may soon have to listen to the masses, again, instead if his "misses" and malaprops.

September 18, 2007 10:40 AM  

Blogger Red Spot in CD 14 said:

Your observations are always appreciated.

September 18, 2007 11:06 AM  

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