HOLY SH*T...Have You Read About The New LA Gang Czar on The Net? (Conservative Republican ALERT, at the very least)
PUBLIC NOTICE: ZUMA DOGG on YOUR Time Warner Public Access Channel Thurs. June 21 @ 8pm! If you have cable anywhere in Los Angeles tune in, now...same bat time, same bat channel for ALL of LA! Thurs 8pm. [ZD was extra cranky that day and covers all the CD 14/City enchillda including NC Citywide shadiness.]
Oh no:..PLEASE do not check the "Shady Searchers" (Zuma Custom Search Engines) on ZumaTimes.com. Holy Sh*t, is this Reverend Jeff Carr going to end up being the most controversial City player in a long time. MAN, I'm shocked at what I am reading about him on the net. NO AGENDA ON ZD's PART. I never heard of the guy until two minutes ago, when they announced him as new Gang Czar. All I can say, is I am shocked and stunned by what I have already read with a simple internet search. Y-to-the-mutherphughing-IKES!!! Antonio, aren't you at all concerned how this appointment is going to reflect on you? Maybe I'm over-reacting. Hit the Zuma "Shady Searchers" at ZumaTimes.com and see for yourself.
Oh no:..PLEASE do not check the "Shady Searchers" (Zuma Custom Search Engines) on ZumaTimes.com. Holy Sh*t, is this Reverend Jeff Carr going to end up being the most controversial City player in a long time. MAN, I'm shocked at what I am reading about him on the net. NO AGENDA ON ZD's PART. I never heard of the guy until two minutes ago, when they announced him as new Gang Czar. All I can say, is I am shocked and stunned by what I have already read with a simple internet search. Y-to-the-mutherphughing-IKES!!! Antonio, aren't you at all concerned how this appointment is going to reflect on you? Maybe I'm over-reacting. Hit the Zuma "Shady Searchers" at ZumaTimes.com and see for yourself.
L.A. Times calls this guy a "liberal" evengelical. Maybe so, but if he is, it's not because of his upbringing.
Church of the Nazarene is far closer to the Moral Majority of the dead Jerry Falwell than anything most people would identify with the "religious left." They have a long tradition of involvement with social causes - but always from a more conservative perspective.
Maybe calling someone a "liberal" evangelical is like saying a politician is a "moderate" Republican. Still pretty far right of center, but not necessarily bombing abortion clinics -- lately anyway.
Villarigosa for Mayor
05/24/01 Carr, Jeff
Los Angeles , CA 90018 Individual Executive Director
Bresee Foundation $250.00
(G) $250.00 $0.00
You say this church is far closer to the Moral Majority of the dead Jerry Falwell...
Did Jerry Falwell fund guerillas in El Salvador?
Go to bed with Iran?
Promote Anti-American propaganda?
Jeff is Marxist Minister
Holy Sh*t, another huge scoop by our boy ZD.
How can we ever repay him?
Hillary & Villarigosa and their Marxist Agenda.
"WCVI & Hugo Chavez"
No matter who the Mayor picks for Gang Czar. this pontificating will amount to naught without a "FULL DISCLOSURE", ie. "AUDIT" of the past monetary outlays for the "L.A. Bridges Program". At this point Controller Luara Chick's refusal to initiate a Audit amounts to "OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE". there are plenty of stories of "CEA" jacket wearing workers who worked for the Mayor "BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY" (remember Lincoln Heights AB 1381 meeting Big Joe ?). It is amazing that a Program that cost John Chavez his job at CDD is not fully vetted. "WONDER WHY ?".
Jeff Carr served as Chief Operating Officer and Chief of Staff for Sojourners. Sojourners are known to support communist regimes and trains liberal politicians to incorporate God in their mantra.
Sojourners is a "front" organization to do business with communist countries in the name of Religion. The religion's core is a Marxist Agenda.
Here is a sample of the Bresee Foundation, another organization he served for. Are Sojourners are intertwined with HIllary Clinton?
Is this her vehicle to win the White House and take away conservatives who are tired of the war?
Learn to read better, 2:45
I said the church he was RAISED in was . . . (etc.). I also said if he has gone leftie, it's against his upbringing. BUT, "Bresee" is the name of the denomination's founder, and his organization continues to have strong ties to, and joint efforts with the C of N.
Here's just a couple of the Nazarene church's main teachings, from their own books of doctrine:
-- Total abstinence from alcohol and any other intoxicant, including cigarettes.
-- The homosexual lifestyle is sinful and is contrary to the Scriptures.
-- We oppose induced abortion (surgically or chemically), when used for either personal convenience or population control.
-- We oppose laws that allow abortion.
-- We view all forms of sexual intimacy that occur outside the covenant of heterosexual marriage as sinful distortions of the holiness and beauty God intended for it.
-- We believe in the biblical account of creation . . . (and) oppose a godless interpretation of the evolutionary hypothesis.
(from Doctrinal and Ethical Positions Church of the Nazarene, 2001-2005.)
(SO, you tell ME how left-wing they are . . .)
Pfahhhh! Sojourners are Marxists.
Phahhh! It's a front for Liberal DC Politicians who want Le Conservative Vote.
......and Bill Jefferson Clinton is a Southern Baptist.
Go figure
Mayor Antonio-ACLU-Labor-Organizer-Villaraigosa is consorting with LEFTISTs and SOCIALISTS??
(Has no on here been paying attention for the last three years on this blog?)
Come back when you've got a real "scoop" will ya?
Part of Corina's tell-all book (now being shopped around to publishers) will be revelations that HER most shocking discovery in their bedroom wasn't finding him with another woman - that was pro forma. It was discovering he'd tucked himself into bed with a furry Che Guevara stuffed doll.
And when Clinton starts an social service organization named "John the Baptist Foundation" we'll talk.
I heard the doll was taller than he is, though.
Sojourners Betray Christian Principles of Social Justice and Peace by Allowing Individuals That Support Partial-Birth Abortion and Abortion on Demand to Speak at Their Presidential Forum on 'Faith, Values, and Poverty'
Contact: Christian Defense Coalition, 202-547-1735, 540-538-4741 cell
WASHINGTON, June 3 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Sojourners betray Christian principles of social justice and peace by allowing individuals that support Partial-birth abortion and abortion on demand to speak at their Presidential Forum on "Faith, Values, and Poverty."
Senators Clinton, Obama and Edwards are the featured speakers at the Presidential Forum on Monday, June 4, which will be telecast live by CNN.
All of these Presidential candidates support late-term abortions and abortion on demand which is violence against women and innocent children.
As the late Mother Teresa taught, "It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish."
Simply stated, abortion is the greatest poverty of all and one cannot profess to be a Christian supporting human rights and social justice while supporting the killing of innocent children through abortion.
Having Senators Clinton, Obama and Edwards speak on "Faith, Values and Poverty," at a Sojourners event would be like having Bull Conner or David Duke speak on civil rights and racial equality and a NAACP conference.
The Christian Defense Coalition will be leading a demonstration and witness in support of human rights and against abortion outside of Lisner Auditorium on Monday, June 4, beginning at 6:00 P.M.
The location of Lisner Auditorium is 730 21st Street NW, Washington, D.C.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, comments, "Shame on Jim Wallis and Sojourners for sponsoring an event on 'Faith, Values and Poverty,' with participants that support public policies which betray human rights, social justice and historic Christian teaching. By supporting partial-birth abortion and abortion on demand, Senators Clinton, Obama and Edwards have forfeited the right to speak with authority on Christian values and against poverty. The reason is clear. As Mother Teresa taught, abortion is poverty and a crushing of equality and justice.
"Jim Wallis and Sojourners would never sponsor an event with speakers that were racist, anti-Semitic or misogynist. Yet, they feature three speakers that support violence against women and the killing of innocent children through abortion. What's next for Sojourners, an emerging generation rally on reconciliation featuring skinheads?
"Rev. Wallis and Sojourners would be better served by helping Senator Edwards open his new 26,000 foot home to struggling homeless veterans than having him speak at a Christian event on values and poverty."
Rev. Rob Schenck, President of the National Clergy Council, adds, "Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards have no authority to speak as Christians on religious or moral issues as long as they endorse reprehensible practices like partial birth abortion, same-sex unions and militantly anti-religious groups like the ACLU. Just as the Pope has rebuked Catholic politicians for violating church teaching, so Evangelical leaders are obligated to rebuke politicians who violate Biblical teaching."
Okay, so the rabid right wingers don't think they're "right" enough to really be Christian.
When George Bush ran (either one), the hard right bitched and moaned that he/they were too liberal, too - especially daddy.
There were people in Germany in 1945 thought Hitler was too soft on the Jews, too.
Who IS this New GANG CZAR?
Writing in the November 1983 issue of Sojourners, ministry leaders Jim Wallis and Jim Rice drafted what would become the charter of leftist activists committed to the proliferation of Communist revolutions in Central America. Titled "Promise of Resistance," this document called on activists to carry out various acts of civil disobedience in order to obstruct any attempt by the United States to invade Nicaragua. CISPES, the propaganda arm of El Salvador's Marxist guerrilla movement, was invited by Sojourners to participate in acts of resistance in the event of American military intervention. Nearly 70,000 activists signed the document, which was sent to Congress, President Reagan, the Defense Department, and the CIA.
The ministry also reviled welfare reform as a "mean-spirited Republican agenda" characterized by "hatred toward the poor" and mounted a defense of affirmative action.
In addition to publishing Sojourners, the ministry now sends out a weekly email newsletter, called Sojomail. Another recent addition is a blog authored by Jim Wallis, who penned the 2005 book God's Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It.
Sojourners is a member organization of the Win Without War and United for Peace and Justice anti-war coalitions. It is supported by the Cawley Family Foundation, Crystal Trust, the Delaware Community Foundation, the Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, the Gannett Foundation, the Gill Foundation, the Laffey-McHugh Foundation, the Longwood Foundation, the MBNA Foundation, the Open Society Institute, the Peninsula Community Foundation, and the Philadelphia Foundation.
Who is Sojourners?
• Evangelical Christian ministry that preaches radical leftwing politics
• Championed Communist revolution in Central America
Founded by Jim Wallis, Sojourners is a Washington, D.C.-based Christian evangelical ministry professing a devotion to the pursuit of "social justice." Formed in Chicago in 1971 by religious students enrolled at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois, Sojourners was originally known as the People's Christian Coalition (PCC). The PCC community relocated to Washington, D.C. in 1975, at which time it adopted its new name.
An allusion to Biblical pilgrims, the name "Sojourners" signifies, to the organization's members, commitment to a radical social order. "For us," Sojourners declares, "the word 'radical' has always meant 'rooted.' The explosive mix of biblical faith and radical social renewal that ignited Sojourners in the beginning will continue to fuel our pilgrimage … in the years to come."
Sojourners' statement of faith spelled out the organization's key tenets: "Violence and war will not resolve the inevitable conflicts between people and nations"; "We refuse to accept structures and assumptions that normalize poverty and segregate the world by class"; and "We believe that gospel faith transforms our economics, gives us the power to share our bread and resources, welcomes all to the table of God's provision, and provides a vision for social revolution."
As one of its first acts, Sojourners formed a commune in the Washington, D.C. neighborhood of Southern Columbia Heights. Members shared their finances, participated in various activist campaigns, and organized events at both the neighborhood and national levels. The themes of these campaigns, echoed monthly in the pages of the group's in-house publication Sojourners, centered on attacking U.S. foreign policy, denouncing American "imperialism," and extolling Marxist revolutionary movements in the Third World.
Giving voice to Sojourners' intense anti-Americanism, Jim Wallis called the U.S. "… the great power, the great seducer, the great captor and destroyer of human life, the great master of humanity and history in its totalitarian claims and designs."
In the 1980s the Sojourners community actively embraced "liberation theology," rallying to the cause of communist regimes that had seized power especially in Latin America, with the promise of bringing about the revolutionary restructuring of society. Particularly attractive for the ministry's religious activists was the Communist Sandinista regime that took power in Nicaragua in 1979. Clark Pinnock, a disaffected former member of Sojourners, revealed in 1985 that the community's members had been "100 percent in favor of the Nicaraguan revolution."
Opposing the policies of the Reagan administration that aimed to undercut the Sandinista regime, Sojourners initiated a program called " Witness For Peace," under whose auspices Americans traveled to Nicaragua and returned with reports of humanitarian disasters wrought by the Reagan-backed anti-Communist guerrilla forces. The Sojourners delegates insisted that any efforts to undermine Sandinista power violated the Nicaraguan people's "right to self-determination."
Writing in the November 1983 issue of Sojourners, ministry leaders Jim Wallis and Jim Rice drafted what would become the charter of leftist activists committed to the proliferation of Communist revolutions in Central America. Titled "Promise of Resistance," this document called on activists to carry out various acts of civil disobedience in order to obstruct any attempt by the United States to invade Nicaragua. CISPES, the propaganda arm of El Salvador's Marxist guerrilla movement, was invited by Sojourners to participate in acts of resistance in the event of American military intervention. Nearly 70,000 activists signed the document, which was sent to Congress, President Reagan, the Defense Department, and the CIA.
Steadfast advocates of the nuclear freeze movement, Sojourners members maintained that a U.S. nuclear buildup was "an intolerable evil" irreconcilably at odds with Christian teaching, and that "[t]he Reagan Administration remains the chief obstacle to the first step in stopping the arms race." While assailing the Reagan administration's defense buildup, Sojourners activists downplayed the threat posed by the Soviet Union, chastising U.S. policy-makers for their tendency "to assume the very worst about their Soviet counterparts."
With the end of the Cold War, Sojourners turned its attention to causes such as environmentalism. In one 1990 Sojourners article, for example, writer Bob Hulteen mounted the argument that environmental activism was a logical outlet for the notions of justice long championed by the ministry. "Justice-seeking work without concern for the earth is naïve and narrow minded," Hulteen explained.
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The Godfather
we should of just hired the "BERRIGAN BROTHERS". How long before Hugo Chavez funnels money into Los Angeles ?
In the aftermath of the November 2004 elections, a consensus among Democratic Party leaders was that their defeat could be attributed to their party’s disconnect from religious voters.
I hope the DIM party never figures out that it's not about "Religion", it's about what is Right and Wrong!
They will never understand, they're too selfish.
Interesting. Shows the deep contradictions, that their "faith" is more faith in communism than in Christianity.
They are anti-war only if America is waging the war. If communists are waging war, then everything is fine.
The Sojourners community uniformly welcomed the Communists’ victory in the revolution
Oxymoron? Christians who don't see their sinful natures, believing in an idology of Marxism? Wow! This Marxist philosophy goes against everything the Bible teaches....... believing that through man/ social policies/ governement, we can create a utopia on earth. Hasn't this philosophy failed miserably?
Yeah, Marxism is going to play well in Southern Baptist Surburbia ;)
Good job, Democrats! Good job, Hillary!
“For us,” Wallis wrote, “the modern state is the great power, the great seducer, the great captor and destroyer of human life, the great master of humanity and history in its totalitarian claims and designs.”
So Wallis & co embrace various forms of Leninism as an alternative. A classic example of leftist inability to see the plain truth that Marxist-leninist forms of the modern state produced the most deadly version of the totalitarian order and the most vicious form of state organization in human history.
The term "liberation theology" has got to be a product (the lefty term would be construct) of Gramscian Marxist corruption of the language. When using honest language, a true "liberation theology" would be referring to the liberation from sin and death by Christ's work on the cross. Then again, the lefty "liberation theology" has nothing to do with Jesus Christ.
THE "RELIGION OF THE COLLECTIVE" is doing well on Huntington Drive with "PASTER MARCOS AND MINNIE"
In 1984 I spent 10 minutes talking with this bird. I finally had to remind him that the 60s were over and Che was dead. Glad to see he hasn't "aged" in the last 20 years. Pityful.
You are absolutely correct about "liberation theology." It was the product of 1970s experimental theology. It is still out there, of course, and still just as erroneous.
I'm gratified that the dems are consulting with these heretical, experimental Christians. They still don't get it, and they are still on course to the junk heap of history
3:44 lol
Was the "PRIEST TO THE GANGSTA NATION", Father Boyle a practioner of "LIBERATION THEOLOGY ??" I see the road to gangsta collectivism becoming clear.
These people would have a problem with the apostles' doctrine. Peter said that the communal living practiced by some in the early church was optional. Paul said that if a person refuses to work he should also not eat. Of course we should not forget the elementary rule against stealing (which is an essential component of communism).
Scripture does not align at all with the politics of communism.
Let's recap the week in City Hall.
Who made Corina cry?
What about Rocktard?
Is Telemundo having a baby?
Did Villaraigosa hire a marxist?
Will Numero Uno grocery owner sing in jail?
I recently read "Divine Conspiracy" by Dallas Willard and he points out early in the book that these "social justice" liberal theologians miss the point about what Jesus said about the Kingdom of Heaven. The KoH will never be brought about by our works. It doesn't matter how "good" you are, or how "good" your intentions are. The KoH that is available to us NOW is attained only by a personal submission to His Will. These "liberal theologians" are nothing but Marxists with a thin veneer of Christianity (and it is VERY thin). Every time Falwell appears with this guy he blows him out by asking him to denounce abortion. Mallis refuses to do it. Imagine that...and he calls himself "Reverend". Peter, Paul, you name your author, they all warn against false teachers. Social Justice theology is just the latest iteration for the same false doctrine that Paul, Peter, John and the rest wrote about.
THANK YOU -- allways knew Wallis was a false prophet. Your posted thread has well documented the fact.
Radical means rooted--Yes and the radical Muslims are the ones who fly airplanes with hostages into the World Trade Center.Radical Democrats obstruct th ePResident Only because he is not a Democrat. Radical Christians ,in name only -- defend and promote the homosexual lifestyle as acceptable to God.One can be rooted -do recall reading Peter Gomes-the Good book-- and that man is rooted-problem is where his roots are is NOT an acceptable hermeneutic.
So Wallis & co embrace various forms of Leninism as an alternative. A classic example of leftist inability to see the plain truth that Marxist-leninist forms of the modern state produced the most deadly version of the totalitarian order and the most vicious form of state organization in human history Marxists are typically full of themselves and they tend not to be introspective. They might grudgingly admit that Lenin and Stalin made a few "mistakes," but each Marxist imagines him or herself as the supreme ruler with absolute power. Each Marxist thinks, "If only I had absolute power, I could create a perfect utopia, no problem." Their next thought is, "Of course, there are a few -- just a few -- people in my way who will have to be liquidated."
To be a sociallist or a marxist requires a considerable amount of intellignece and principles of which Antonio is sorely lacking. He is only out for himself, just ask his son. I'm sure Tony Jr. has some fond memories of being abandoned in those South Pasadena Little League fields.
You are correct that many 'believing' Marxists believe they are possessed of godlike powers. it is what makes Marxist liberalism able to survive and flourish in spite of massive amounts of evidence that every attempt to implement its tenets produces unparalleled institutionalized misery and brutal tyranny.
I suppose the basis for this continuing attractiveness of Marxism is that it offers, or pretends to offer, a unified explanation for all historical and social phenomenon across all time and places. Thus those who think of themselves as Marxists frequently think they possess profound wisdom via their supposed insight derived from 'Marx thought'. Marxism is a magnet for power hungry types who want to engage in megalomaniac behavior but have to feel bullying and terrorizing others is for a higher 'good', in this case the 'radiant future' of the Marxist utopia.
Just posted that Michelle Delgadillo just received 12 months probation for her outstanding bench warant.
When's Villar having his sixtuplet?
I just left our Evangelical Covenant church (actually got kicked out) for objection to Purpose Driven philosophy in our church... But upon further research I find that the E Covenant is closely CLOSELY tied with Sojourners and Jim Wallis. They are adopting more and more of this Marxist language in their 'affirmations' (have to call them 'affirmations' rather than 'statement of faith' because that's more 'positive' I suppose...)
Sounds like a certain marcos well known to this Blog
huh...huh...huh...I went to the co-op for one hour, come back...and now look...oh no, the scary thing is: The Mayor would have to be crazy to hire this guy based on everything that just popped up, if they are credible posts. (And it looks like pretty basic info/credible.)
So the point is...i think the mayor and his nucklehead nunez crew are in so deep with these guys, they have to "go with the flow" and make these appointments. I'm sure Antonio rationalizes it in his mind, and reluctantly goes along and hopes the spin sticks.
But, I read the Daily News story and felt, "cool...a spiritual based, community approach...all that warm and fuzzy stuff...
But as usual...the naive ZD is schooled on Mayor Sam, and by cell phone -- and it's nothing but another big, f-ing disappointment, and far worse.
And something else that just hit me...if the mayor feels safe to make these appointments, I think that's because antonio isn't the ONLY puppet to these people in washington.
so antonio is the golden boy sent out to the mean streets of la to do the international dirty work, to advance the whole agenda.
let it roll, baby roll...
at least this way, it can all be managed and controlled, to some extent, if the new gang czar can keep everyone in check. (Jeff "Vic Mackey" Carr, y'all!!!)
Why don't we just legalize it, and let those in charge run it like a corporation. that would keep the streets safe, at least...
Notice how the term ‘Evangelical’ is prominent in this group and other leftist efforts to co-opt religious faith. At the same time, notice that the term ‘liberation theology’ is nowhere to be seen anymore. After the popular failure of integrating explicit socialist agendas into Christian doctrine and the defection of Christians from churches and denominations that espoused the same, the left has had no valid religious voice in the public mind.
After the leftist conclave in 2004 where they identified their failure to reach Americans because of their spinelessness and antipathy toward God, guns and guts, they have decided to shift gears and try to co-opt Evangelicalism. This apostate Wallis and others like him are simply practicing the Marxian dialectic and shifting shape and color. Their goal has nothing to do with God - other than to remake Him in their own image.
Old story - same ending.
oh no...did you just say marcos? that just reminded me...doesn't he roll with the carr/wcvi/villar/a. gonzalez/nunez/deleon crew, too?
oh no, look for semilla charters to pop up all over the state, then region. Meanwhile, everyone else is at home watching "Wheel of Fortune" Mon-Fri, and Baseball and Basketball on the weekends. YOU KNOW WHO ISN'T DOING THAT...THE PEOPLE ORGANIZING AND ACTIVATING THIS MOVEMENT.
Beware of Jeff Carr
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? (Matthew 7:15-16)”
These serpents are the worst threat to believers anywhere. Corruption rarely comes from without... but from within.
"carr/wcvi/villar/a. gonzalez/nunez/deleon"
“Founded by Jim Wallis, Sojourners is a Washington, D.C.-based Christian evangelical ministry professing a devotion to the pursuit of “social justice.” Formed in Chicago in 1971 by religious students enrolled at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois, Sojourners was originally known as the People’s Christian Coalition (PCC). The PCC community relocated to Washington, D.C. in 1975, at which time it adopted its new name.
Sounds suspiciously like that commie Jim Jones and his Peoples Church.
Hey Bloggathoners
Is MAV baptizing his new breed?
What the lazy reporters should be investigating is WHY would Antonio HIRE AN OUTSIDER? He only does things that serve his purpose. Now we have to look at the big picture. Does he expect to get lots of money for this appointment? Maybe a slot if Hillary wins (no way after AV screwed up, women will drop her like a hot potatoe). Does anyone know if this Gang Czar has to be cleared in council and how much is he going to get paid $$$$????? Thank you Big Zuma Dogg once again informing the people.
Okay, let's try this a different way, kiddies. Current city leadership and leftist religion.
When AV and the other city leaders go to church functions and nod their heads and stand next to Friar Mahoney, and talk about the importance of "faith based" involvement.
How is ANY of that different from any of this?
Nothing to see. Break it up gawkers!
Just because this one's a protestant, doesn't mean AV's changed any of his positions (except maybe now he's not so keen on the rhythm method for birth control??)
AV has named any number of "religious" leaders to city commissions and positions.
They are ALL hard left. That's who he "travels" with. That's ALL he travels with.
Know what "evangelical" really means?
It means "please come join our cause" (whatever that cause may be). It means "seeking new recruits." It don't necessarily mean "come to Jesus," for Christ's sake, any more than clapping along with Black ministers when their choirs sing "Gospel" does, for the left. That's just a "cultural" expression.
Anyone who's surprised, hasn't been paying attention.
Dear Congress,
Please get the nafta highway built with the new kansas check point.
We'll distribute it up to there. but if you look the other way, we'll continue our deliveries all the way up to canada.
What's that? does your neck hurt, or are you looking the other way? what? you're looking the other way. o.k., we better stop for gasolina.
Hey, we all thought it was pretty stupid of Antonio to appoint a Muslim to head of Homeland Security and so does the FBI. A counter-terrorism expert told a community group when asked what he thought of Villaraigosa hiring a Muslim for that position and the FBI expert said "really dumb move." Thank you Antonio for bringing in all the outsiders to screw up our city. You would think with all the clergy right here in LA he would have appointed one of them, but I guess they don't have the Washington ties he needs.
Zuma went to a "co-op". Hmmmmmmmm,
that sounds marxist to me!
co-op don't compare to Jeff Carr funding guerillas in South America.
Where can I find Juan y Kenny's station?
640 am 3-7pm
At a candidates forum, part of the Sojourners Pentecost 2007 conference in Washington, D.C., Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.), Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) and ...
Hillary's Give and Take
Latest Clinton Comment Reveals Liberal Vision For America
Last Night, Hillary Announced "Something Has To Be Taken Away From Some People":
Asked During The Sojourners Presidential Forum What She Would Do To Achieve "Common Good," Clinton Responded "Something Has To Be Taken Away From Some People." Monsignor Kevin Sullivan, Catholic Charities USA: "Senator Clinton, just a very simple question. You have spoken a lot about our need to work for the common good. In an age in which there is, oftentimes, narrow and excessive individualism, how will you speak to our country about the need for sacrifice, restraint, when it comes to the critical issues of taxes, gun control, health care, and energy consumption?" (Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Remarks At Sojourners Presidential Forum, George Washington University, Washington, DC, 6/4/07)
Clinton: "We have to build a political consensus. And that requires people giving up a little bit of their own turf, in order to create this common ground. ... And that means something has to be taken away from some people." (Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Remarks At Sojourners Presidential Forum, George Washington University, Washington, DC, 6/4/07)
Hillary's Liberal Economic Vision Supported By Recent Votes And Comments On Tax Cuts And Company Profits:
Clinton: "I don't think there's any Democrat that is not going to let the Bush tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans expire. We're all going to do that." (Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, CNN/WMUR/Union Leader Democrat Presidential Candidates Debate, Manchester, NH, 6/3/07)
Just Last Month Clinton Voted In Favor A Budget That Included The Largest Tax Increase In U.S. History. (S.Con.Res.21, CQ Vote #172: Adopted 52-40: R 2-40; D 48-0; I 2-0, 5/17/07, Clinton Voted Yea)
At The 2007 DNC Winter Meeting Hillary Told Democrats "I Want To Take" Oil Company Profits. "The other day the oil companies reported the highest profits in the history of the world. I want to take those profits and I want to put them into a strategic energy fund that will begin to fund alternative, smart energy." (Sen. Hillary Clinton, Remarks At Democrat National Committee Winter Meeting, Washington, DC, 2/2/07)
CNBC's Larry Kudlow: "Wow! May I just say, with all due respect, that is the most anti-capitalist confiscation of private property." (CNBC's "Kudlow & Company," 2/2/07)
Fox News' Carl Cameron: "Clinton laid out a host of specifics on various issues, including a pledge to take oil company profits and put them into an energy fund, an idea not likely to go over well with capitalists." (Fox News' "Special Report," 2/2/07)
Villaraiosa Timeline
70's Lied
80's Lied
90's Lied
2000's Consistent Liar
Oh no...guess it's no coincidence Hillary is teaming up with Villaraigosa and Nunez' posse...she's hoppin on the bandwagon. the focus groups have shown she only polls well with the latinos, not the whites who go elsewhere. so mainstream bill clinton's wife is only a niche player in the presidential arena. but that niche may be able to out organize and out shady the other side. Because you also have to consider, besides the latino vote, these people mentioned recently also control the political steamroll machine gates, as well. So unless you jump on the bandwagon, you can't come along for the ride, anyway. I just hope these gangsters do things better than the other gangsters. I think with Clinton/Villar/WCVI/Nunez/Cedillo/and company, you get a more compassionate bang for your buck.
Oh Hell No! My tax dollars will not go to Hugo Chavez.
Bresee Foundaton (Jeff Carr)
KCCD Partners with Freddie Mac for a Korean Homeownership Initiative
speaker, Jim Wallis of Sojourners Magazine and the ..... Jose Huizar, President of the Los. Angeles Unified School District and Councilwoman Jan Perry
The WCVI-the policy arm of the Southwestern Voter Registration Project, ..... Sojourners/Call to Renewal is joining with clergy and lay leaders from PICO
"We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. The explosion is in our population . . I love it. They are shitting in their pants with fear. I love it."
yes, the fear is that the movement is in violation of the law using drug cartel money to fuel the effort.
Oh no...Garcetti did a shady park with Carr: Carr's non-profit gets to run it. I didn't know Eric rolled with this crew? YIKES!
Councilmember Eric Garcetti Thirteenth District
Contact: Josh Kamshmensky
Bresee Foundation and Friends Celebrate Opening of Bimini Slough Ecology Park on Former City Street in Park Poor Area.
Councilmember Eric Garcetti welcomed the newest green addition to East Hollywood today: The park brings much needed green space to one of the city’s park-poorest neighborhoods, and will be run by the Bresee Foundation. [Anything in the name of "green space. Now Bresee gets to "run" the park? Wonder what's running through the park?]
“This new park has been the dream of many, and today it becomes a reality that will offer respite to the children, families and community members of our neighborhood,” said Reverend Jeff Carr, Executive Director of the Bresee Foundation.“But it is more than a park. It is a shining example of the great things that are possible when community members and city and state leaders work together to build and strengthen our communities.
The park is owned and operated by the Bresee Foundation. Its ethnically diverse working-class urban neighborhood has one thousand residents perone-third of an acre of green space.
2004-2005 (30th Year) Action Plan HUMAN SERVICES DELIVERY SYSTEM
Agency offers literacy, academic enrichment, health services and. recreational activities for youth and their families. Rev. Jeff Carr, Executive. Director ...
Zuma, This non-profit comes up under "Bresee Foundation". Description fits, even though Jeff Carr's name doesn't appear. Here's the mission...
The HeArt Project creatively links overlooked teenagers in alternative high schools with professional artists, cultural centers and communities to imagine, produce and present new work. The HeArt Project believes that overlooked young people are extraordinarily creative, that artists are a significant civic resource, and that their ideas, collaborations and work benefit the entire culture.
Q: And how much did HeArt get to "produce workshops for approx 300 LA teenagers?
A: $376,347! (Must have been some workshop for approx $1,000 each. (And by their standards, 251 could be approx 300.)
Cynthia Campy Brophy ($60,000 salary in '06)
also on board:
Jean Boylan
Susan Anderson
Creative Kids Association.
$4 million dollars in '06: The mission of the Creative Kids Education Foundation is to support innovative programs in classical music education for children.
Came up under a Breese Search, for some reason? Jana Laurent runs it, along with a bunch of people from Pacific Palasaides area.
That's the skill kids need these days, how to play classical music.
Wanna teach that, FINE...not on taxpayers dollars.
Breese Foundation:
Expense: $38,739 (Dinner Auction)
Hope all the kids got to eat.
Graft and Chavez's stance ease the flow of cocaine from Colombia.
Chris Kraul and Sebastian Rotella, Times Staff Writers
March 21, 2007
CARACAS, VENEZUELA -- The airliner leaving Caracas for Mexico City carried a seemingly conspicuous cargo: one ton of Colombian cocaine stuffed into 25 bulky, nearly identical suitcases.
But the smugglers' baggage went untouched by the Venezuelan National Guard and airport police that day in early February. And it may not have been an oversight. Drug traffickers routinely pay a "tax" of nearly $1,400 a pound to security forces to move cocaine through the terminals at the busy Maiquetia airport and on to global markets, foreign and Venezuelan investigators and experts say.
"Maiquetia is to narcos what Memphis is for Federal Express: the hub," one foreign counter-narcotics official said.
Thanks to a tip from U.S. agents, Mexican customs officials seized the load when it arrived that night aboard Mexicana Flight 374. Officials found bricks of cocaine beneath false bottoms of suitcases weighing more than 100 pounds each, in one of the biggest busts at Mexico City's Benito Juarez International Airport.
U.S. and Latin American investigators allege that Venezuela has become a sieve through which a soaring amount of Colombian cocaine moves annually by air and sea. They cite widespread corruption and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's decision to sever anti-drug ties with Washington. In the State Department's annual report on global drug trafficking, Venezuela was singled out as a growing threat.
"Venezuela's permissive and corrupt environment led to more trafficking, fewer seizures and an increase in suspected drug flights over the past 12 months," Anne W. Patterson, assistant secretary of State for international narcotics and law enforcement affairs, said in a briefing after the report's release this month.
"There is systematic corruption. Maiquetia is wide open," said one foreign counter-narcotics official. Close behind are smaller airports and airstrips in Venezuela's Apure, Portuguesa and Sucre states, and sea ports such as La Guaira and Puerto Cabello, where tons of cocaine leave in containers or amid bulk cargo.
The U.S. Embassy in Caracas estimates that the amount of Colombian cocaine passing through Venezuela en route to the United States, Europe and elsewhere has quintupled to 250 tons a year since 2001. Depending on whose total cocaine production figures one accepts, a quarter to half of all Colombian drug exports use this country as a "trampoline."
Venezuela has always been a conduit for Colombian drugs because it shares a porous 1,300-mile border with the country where most of the world's cocaine is manufactured. But a U.S.-funded crackdown in Colombia has forced traffickers to seek new routes and international alliances.
U.S. and Colombian officials also cite escalating corruption in the Venezuelan security forces and Washington's deteriorating relations with Chavez, a vocal foe of the United States.
In August 2005, Chavez announced an end to a 17-year anti-drug agreement with the United States. He forbade Venezuelan officials from sharing any information or mounting joint operations with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, whose agents he describes as spies. In 2006, the amount of cocaine seized in Venezuela dropped by about 40% after having increased every year since 1999, according to the State Department.
Critics stop short of implicating the leftist leader directly in the emergence of the Latin nation as a corrupt haven for smugglers, and the Venezuelan president has described corruption as a "thousand-headed monster."
At a Caribbean drug summit Friday in the Dominican Republic, Venezuelan officials acknowledged the drug problem and said they would use Chinese satellite technology and newly purchased Russian aircraft to combat traffickers.
"The increased flight traffic does not have Hugo Chavez's signature on it. It's not about him," said Joseph Ruddy, a U.S. attorney in Tampa, Fla., who heads an investigative task force that has prosecuted dozens of drug traffickers in recent years. "It's about changing traffic patterns.... Narcos go where we aren't."
The most painful result of Chavez's decree, U.S. officials say, was the cutoff of relations with a trusted corps of 40 "vetted" Venezuelan counter-narcotics agents who had been trained in Quantico, Va.
The agents, who had worked in the Venezuelan National Guard and the intelligence police as liaisons to U.S. officials in the drug fight, have been transferred to other units.
Today, bribes are openly paid to police and armed forces, U.S. and Colombian officials say.
A high-level Colombian official told The Times that the Venezuelan National Guard protects one of his country's most powerful cartels, the Norte del Valle gang based in Cali, and one of its reputed top leaders, Wilmer Varela.
"Venezuela has become a sanctuary for Colombian traffickers, and the National Guard facilitates it all," said the official, who asked not to be named because of political sensitivities.
Last month, Chavez removed Luis Correa as head of the National Anti-Narcotics Office, replacing him with a trusted military aide, Luis Reverol Torres. In July, National Guard Brig. Gen. Frank Morgado was sentenced to prison by a military tribunal for links to drug traffickers.
Morgado and Correa came under criticism in April after a DC-7 airliner that had left Maiquetia landed in Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico, with mechanical problems. Police found 5 1/2 tons of cocaine aboard.
Cocaine seizures by Venezuelan authorities in the last two months totaled 4.8 tons, about what was seized in the Ciudad del Carmen raid. Critics find that number suspiciously low, given the size of single shipments seized elsewhere.
"Twenty-two percent of announced cocaine seizures last year, which totaled 55 tons, came as a result of luck -- drugs discovered at the border or checkpoints," said one former high-level Venezuelan counter-narcotics official who asked not to be named. "As much movement as there is, the percentage should be much smaller. It shows the lack of investigation."
There has been no lack of investigation or results in neighboring Colombia, where authorities have gone after the leftist guerrillas and right-wing paramilitary groups involved in the drug trade.
Plan Colombia, on which the U.S. has spent $4 billion fighting drug trafficking since its launch in 2000, has denied traffickers the "air bridge" facilitating the direct flow of drugs from Colombia to Central America and Mexico that they once enjoyed.
The new air bridge appears to link airports and strips in Venezuela and neighboring Suriname and Guyana to the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, comprising the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The aircraft of choice seem to be twin-engine Beechcraft King Air business planes. With the passenger seats removed, the planes can ferry three-quarters of a ton of cocaine per flight.
Haitian and Dominican leaders have issued pleas for help in recent months to stem the flow of drugs from Venezuela, to little avail.
The State Department, meanwhile, worries its successes in Colombia are coming undone.
"We want to work with the Venezuelans," said Patterson, the assistant secretary of State. "But we haven't gotten very far in recent years, and their problem is increasing. That's the worrisome thing about this. Success in Colombia has basically led to a migration of some of this into Venezuela."
What do they have in common?
Villaraigosa+Paris Hilton+Corina Raigosa+Delgadillo+Baca+Cooley+4th Floor?
Where are they going to open the training camp for MS13, Zetas, 18th St, etc???
When is Hugo Chavez coming to inspect the troops?
900,000 gangbangers in the US...what a great army the Villaristas and Clintonistas will have!!!
Did anyone notice the smug, shitty look on Villar's face during the press conference? That was BEFORE Zuma Dogg googled the commie Carr czar.
Who do We The People contact to report this atrocity? Hmmm...can't call the governor or the mayor; can't call the Pres; can't call Homeland Security; can't call the Attorney General; can't call Rocky....
I know....we can call Osama! Maybe he will help us take out a few politicians!
Get these fu*ckers out of the country!
Did anyone notice the smug, shitty look on Villar's face during the press conference? That was BEFORE Zuma Dogg googled the commie Carr czar.
Read then judge
Read, then judge.
5:12 Good pick. I give two thumbs up.
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