Some Interesting Stats
Thanks to Mayor Sam and Rocky Delgadillo for driving up traffic here at Mayor Sam! In the last two days, absolute unique visitors has DOUBLED over the same period last week.
Also 37% of our visitors are new visitors, visitors using City of LA computers represent 11% of our total users and 25% of new users. Windows XP is the most popular operating system of our users, Internet Explorer is the browser of choice for 70% of our readers (though a good 20% use the official Mayor Sam approved FIREFOX browser. We have two readers in Saudi Arabia. And Walter Moore will be glad to know that French is the number two language after English used by our readers. (Source: Google Analytics).
We welcome our new readers and returning friends and hope you visit often.
Also 37% of our visitors are new visitors, visitors using City of LA computers represent 11% of our total users and 25% of new users. Windows XP is the most popular operating system of our users, Internet Explorer is the browser of choice for 70% of our readers (though a good 20% use the official Mayor Sam approved FIREFOX browser. We have two readers in Saudi Arabia. And Walter Moore will be glad to know that French is the number two language after English used by our readers. (Source: Google Analytics).
We welcome our new readers and returning friends and hope you visit often.
Labels: mayor sam, rocky delgadillo
You make Le Patriot Act sound harmless.
Mayor Sam,
I'm surprised you didn't have more posts re the Rocky Horror another NIFONG! The Rocky news conference and LA Times coverage were one on the most important stories in local politics...all Angelenos should be saddened when top local law enforcement officials cannot be trusted...a violation of the public trust is just not acceptable...somehow "Do the Right Thing" is just too much to ask...will there be a recall of Rocky? will further revelations prompt Rocky to resign? and, surely, Rocky will not run for DA against Cooley?
Anon. 6:30 AM
Give the guy a break. Rocky's wife can't drive and doesn't read her mail. That doesn't make Rocky a crook. Get to work and find some real news.
Is Trujillo spinning for Rocky now?
Judging by the comments it not Rocky that's driving up the traffic here on Mayor Sam, it's Mayor Villar. You can thank his cheating ways for that.
Unique visits go up and the BlogNetNews rating goes down.
Now ain't that a bitch!
Unique visitors increase in number when the professional "lookie-loos" hit the Open House circuit close to lunchtime (searching for free food), but it doesn't mean the home has increased in property value.
(I figure all of Mayor V's other girlfriends on the city payroll just want to see if they've been named yet).
MS on BNN was one of the most active blogs today - ahead of THE WESTSIDE WHITE GUY!
I thought it wasn't about ratings or numbers?
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