Mayor Will Share Illegal Alien Info With El Salvador, But Not With U.S.
By Walter Moore, Candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles,
Mayor Villaraigosa, as is all too often the case, is out of town, and, indeed, out of the country. He flew to El Salvador on May 1, 2007, presumably to distance himself from the illegal aliens whom he publicly embraced this time last year. (Remember, “We clean your toilets?”)
Apparently imagining himself as a new Henry Kissinger, he announced he’s reached an agreement with El Salvador law enforcement officials to share information on Salvadoran gang members who commute between that country and L.A. to commit crimes.
Rather than traveling to Latin America and pretending to enter into treaties with foreign countries, the Mayor could and should simply repeal Special Order 40, so our police can share information about gang members with our nation’s federal immigration authorities.
Many L.A. gang members, as Senator Diane Feinstein has reported, are in the country illegally. Instead of waiting for them to commit and get convicted of additional crimes, we should help ICE agents arrest and imprison them for violating our federal immigration laws. That’s what I’ll do if you help me get elected.
Mayor Villaraigosa, as is all too often the case, is out of town, and, indeed, out of the country. He flew to El Salvador on May 1, 2007, presumably to distance himself from the illegal aliens whom he publicly embraced this time last year. (Remember, “We clean your toilets?”)
Apparently imagining himself as a new Henry Kissinger, he announced he’s reached an agreement with El Salvador law enforcement officials to share information on Salvadoran gang members who commute between that country and L.A. to commit crimes.
Rather than traveling to Latin America and pretending to enter into treaties with foreign countries, the Mayor could and should simply repeal Special Order 40, so our police can share information about gang members with our nation’s federal immigration authorities.
Many L.A. gang members, as Senator Diane Feinstein has reported, are in the country illegally. Instead of waiting for them to commit and get convicted of additional crimes, we should help ICE agents arrest and imprison them for violating our federal immigration laws. That’s what I’ll do if you help me get elected.
Poor Melrose Larry Green.
looks like he's the lone LAPD supporter after this latest disgraceful episode.
Not one council member took his side, and it shows him up to be a blatant cop loving tunnel vision Bratton's lil bitch.
you have to wait to the end of the video to hear his ridiculous comments. I'd like to know how he considers Fox 11 news crews, and women and children to be hooligans and thugs.
LAPD lacks discretion, and I said it before, let's get the right training into the police we have now, rather than a trash fees' worth of new bullies and armed thugs taking to the streets like we saw Tuesday nite.
I'm sorry Walter, but that display of force is exactly why I'm against a police state. The police exacerbated that problem big time.
Only one head should roll, the one that was planning on leaving town with the mayor. Funny thing is that the Mayor was holding the liferaft (trip out of town), and he pushed Bratton off the raft, to face the sharks, while he fled in the boat. So typical. Politics is indeed ugly in this town.
Ok Matt Dowd who has a penis the size of a pencil eraser. You know nothing moron. You are an illegal from what everyone says and if you read all the postings from yesterday there are plenty of people who side with the cops cause they're sick and tired of illegals ruining this city. You're a total loser, have no respect for yourself as a man cause you won't get a job, you look like a hippie from the 60's and you're an uneducated idiot. I've heard people are calling the police commission in support of the Chief and officers saying too many people are jumping to conclusions before ALL the facts are out. Why don't you go stick that guitar pick up your ass.
A real leader would have got his butt back here to deal with the situation. Why isn't Antonio back in LA? Reyes the womanizer, Sleazy Huizar, Weiss Ass, Petty Perry , are the do nothing council clowns who have been outspoken. Constituents complain about them at council and community meetings.
Walter, your posting says, "Mayor Villaraigosa, as is all too often the case, is out of town, and, indeed, out of the country."
We add to your sentence "He is indeed out of his mind also, if one assumes he has a mind!"
As for Matt Dowd, we wonder why this nut job *thinks* Larry Green is the lone LAPD supporter. Matt, you'd be astonished at the sheer number of taxpayers who SUPPORT the LAPD's actions! We are of the opinion that the LAPD's actions were too conservative - they should have used copper-jacketed projectiles against the anarchists.
We ask for a declaration of open season on these radical illegals that caused the trouble by throwing bottles at the officers!
600 peopele have made comments on LA Times lets hear some more here...I say LAPD action was justifiable....
I heard nobody but Melrose Larry support the police action, in council chambers.
any cop who can't distinguish a mainstream news crew from a hooligan thug ought to be dumped off the force.
but, ur all guilty of 'labelling' everyone in that park as illegal, when you have no proof, no rational basis except your redneck suspicion, and to generate hate.
there was no mexico/US 'border' when the white man stole this country from the native indians.
Logic says keep the Americas together, and fight off the far more treacherous threats of Iran, Iraq, Nth Korea, and China.
China is f#cking this country over with their foreign exchange and rampant exports.
Amazes me how the Latinos are good enough to nanny your kids, clean your laundry, mow your lawn, keep your gardens, convert your condos, but not good enough to have equal rights under the law, according to the haters.
and no matter how much crap you guys spin on this blog, it ain't gonna move one illegal alien from the country. don't you get that? this blog is just electronic fishwrap.
If Bratton is so good, how come LAPD has failed to comply with the FEDERAL CONSENT DECREE?
wouldn't that be the first yardstick to measure him by?
crime is historically down all over the country, mainly because technology has made it much more difficult to get away with, not because this chief waved some kind of magic wand.
and the broken windows theory may have reduced some petty crime, it hasn't exactly done any favors to recruitment.
LAPD tactics downtown in skid row were ruled illegal by a federal judge.
and I agree, use force on anarchists. use force on violent offenders. use force on threatening individuals.
I agree, and who doesn't.
the point is not the anarchists, fools. its the indiscriminate use of force on all citizens including those who were obviously NO THREAT.
like the press.
show me an anarchist who carries a great big TV camera.
show me an anarchist who obtains media credentials to cover a major news story.
show me an anarchist who takes his/her young children to create anarchy.
If you don't like the way this country is heading, then write to the federal govt. don't talk shit on this blog. that won't go anywhere.
and especially don;t attack me, cause my penis size is legendary, and that's an argument you will forever lose. lol
ps. if I'm 'illegal' like 'everyone says' then i guess I should get in line to be beaten by LAPD. another juicy lawsuit. like all the ones generated yesterday, esp. Fox 11.
then deport me to New Zealand, how horrible. what a punishment. I couldn't stand it.
this country needs me here, I already proved that in federal court, otherwise the rampant oppression of the minorities would be continuing unchallenged.
just like you try to do on this blog. but I only become more empowered every time you mention my name.
^ legendary size = microscopic.
Walter (Mitty) are such a dreamer. Getting rid of VillaGROSSa is only part of the problem. If you were elected, you would have to get rid of the ENTIRE Mexican mafia in Sacramento and LACC! We have a shadow government with Mexico and it's worse than any drug cartel in Columbia.
It's Fellini-esque that we have a Mexican mayor who is plotting against us in San Salvador on the very same day that the Salvadorian Che Guevara revolutionaries are attacking our police in MacArthur Park!
What we need to do is overthrow the communist revolutionary regime that is controlling Los Angeles and Sacramento! The illegals are just the witting/and or unwitting foot soldiers of the Latin American army. Bratton could rescind SP 40 in a heartbeat, but he is just like George Tenet...he knows what's going on, but he wants to be part of the inner circle for the prestige and money! Bratton knows that the gangs and drug cartels are colluding with city and state government, but he isn't going to rock the boat.
We need a wrecking cres to come in and take back this city! Chop off the heads of the snake and restore law and order. The illegals will disappear if their leaders are gone!
Poor Matt is in desperate need of Dr. Phil. A reporter even said on the news that there were many protesters , anarchists carrying video camereras and taking pictures. I watch the news every night and I wouldn't be able to tell which ones were credible. This city needs you? Dream on loser. You obviously need attention whether negative or not because you're a disappointment to mommy. Let's see if these illegals come out again and demand they have rights while at the same type acting like criminals. They didn't have a permit to march in the street so they took matters into their own hands. They are criminals just look at MS13, 18th gangs, and others. You should stop posting here and do some research on that small penis and about gangs in LA.
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