The Party's Over -- The Republican Party, That Is
Results of a new national poll, according to the L.A. Times: In 2002, "Republicans and Democrats were at rough parity. Now, 50% of those surveyed identified with or leaned toward Democrats, whereas 35% aligned with Republicans."
Did you catch that? The Republicans dropped from 50% to 35%. Talk about shrinkage, George Costanza!
Shall we independents form a third party? Start electing independents on an election-by-election basis? Vote for the best / least bad Democratic candidate? Stop voting altogether? Flee to France?
Did you catch that? The Republicans dropped from 50% to 35%. Talk about shrinkage, George Costanza!
Shall we independents form a third party? Start electing independents on an election-by-election basis? Vote for the best / least bad Democratic candidate? Stop voting altogether? Flee to France?
Flee to France. Not bad.
the "OLD GREY HAG ON SPRING STREET" is well known for commisioning polls that create the desired news angle. Leave it to them to find all the "KENNEDY REPUBLICAN" loving RINOS. Give the "DUMMYCRATS" two years to screw things up in DC. Then you will see the Republicans back in power.
That's SIGNIFICANT shrinkage! I left the GOP a couple of years ago when I could no longer justify and give excuses for GWB's total incompetence in foreign policy, huge domestic spending, and his continuing and audacious commitment to open borders -- even in a post 9/11 world.
Until the Wall Street Journal and Karl Rove Republicans etc. go, it's "Decline to state" and votes for good individual candidates (e.g., Tancredo - nationally, Moore - locally).
Thanks, Anonymous!
Not so fast, chief. Just because moderate Republicans don't go waving their R around in people's faces whether they like it or not like some Democrats in town, doesn't mean the party's over. There are more of us moderate Republicans than you think...we just fly low and avoid the radar AND Linda Boyd (who is more trouble than she is worth). We're not RINOS. We're just a lighter shade of red, that's all.
The thing that is really interesting is the number of Democrats who have become "Decline To State". Now there's a trend worth noting.
The Republican Party in LA is a joke. Nationally, the GOP apparatus is a joke as well now that the Bushies have regained control and hijacked the party. There is NO reason to support the braindead Republican Party at all; but there are good individual conservative candidates such as Bilbray, Royce, and Rohrabacher that deserve support.
Wacko, you've had your bages packed and your beret in your back pocket all along.
How can anyone who considers fleeing to "France" have ever thought they were a U.S. Republican? France is the Anti-GOP homeland. It's a socialist purgatory.
"military intelligence"
"jumbo shrimp"
"genuine imitation"
"independent (third) party"
Taxpayers' Party. I like it! The emphasis is on those of us PAYING the taxes rather than RECEIVING them.
As for France being a socialist country, the taxes are actually LOWER than for someone trying to run a business here in L.A. I kid you not.
Those of us right minded individuals who vote need to join the R's NOW so that we can swing the vote for PAUL and TANCREDO. Then dump the RINO party and go "Decline to state"
Hey A, are you sure you mean Taxpayer and not Tax-payer. there is a difference. Most of Title 26 usc is excellent code. Thats right I said excellent code. The fact that it never has applied to most American workers since the corporation tax act of I think 1894 is another question.
16th amendment did not change a thing in that regard.
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