Villaraigosa's 9 Point Education Plan -- I Like Deming's 14 Point Plan Better
ZD says...I see some stuff I like, but overall it appears the Mayor is marching down the wrong path if he thinks more "definitions and goals" and "inspections" and "disciplinary action" to achieve quality at LAUSD will accomplish anything other than more beuracracy and increased drop-out rate.
Mayor's key proposals
Nine key steps to address the dropout problem in LAUSD:
* Definitions and goals: LAUSD must standardize how it defines a "dropout," publish information on graduation rates annually and make data available to parents and community members.
[Zuma Dogg says...This doesn't do anything to improve student acheivement or system accountability. It's like watching a fire burn a house to the ground; and you're standing there with the fire hose saying, "Hmmm, first we need to know, what classification would you catagorize this fire? Hmmm, what do you think caused the fire? Who did it?"
ZD says, "Just start putting out the fire. It doesn't matter, yet, how you define a drop-out. Just start fixing the system. Defining a drop-out, doesn't prevent people from dropping out.]
* Improved tracking system: Consistent processes and systems are needed for tracking and reporting student achievement, attendance and disciplinary actions.
[ZD says...Tracking is important because you need the statistical information to track improvement. But again, this does nothing to improve student achievement or school system accountability. Stamp out the fire first...FIX THE SYSTEM, then start measuring the results. Funny how everything is focused on measuring drop-out rates, and disciplinary action. Disciplinary action does not raise student achievement. Usually it lowers achievement and adds to the drop-out rate. So far, NOTHING addressing achievement or fixing the system in this plan.]
* End social promotion.
From a 14 point checklist standpoint, here are the problems:
a) It will force teachers to give kids passing grades when they haven't learned to prevent having to hold them back...because;
b) the system is already overtaxed and overcrowded. You wanna clog it up with the biggest dummies who are the ones dragging it down in the first place? Then, they therefore drag down the classroom for a second year?
That's a problem. THIS ISN'T AN EASY FIX. Because the system is jammed up and so inefficient, it's almost broken. However, the policy of ending social promotion won't improve the child's quality of education. It may force the teacher to fudge the test scores to move the kid ahead, or cause the system to get bogged down in kids who don't move ahead. Then how many years do you hold them back?]
* Smaller schools: Schools should be smaller to offer closer teacher-student interactions, more personalized attention and a greater likelihood that students will not fall through the cracks.
[ZD says...we don't need to violate the state constitution, and hand over control of the schools to the mayor to find that out. We already know that. Making that "exhortation" is not a PLAN, it is an observation, and an obvious one, at that. The Mayor CAN do something about reducing classroom size: Call Gov. Schwarzenegger and ask him for money money for school construction, teacher salaries, more police for safer streets and after school programs.
Plus, we're building new schools, anyway, with or without the mayor hi-jacking the school board. The only difference, is if the Mayor takes over the school board, he will take control of the construction budget and hand it over to his short list of preferred contractors -- and drive up cost (through fraud, waste and abuse) of these projects. Leave it in Brewer's hands. Vote for Jon Lauretzen, NOT Tamar Galatzan (who is the Mayor's completley in-experienced candidate, who only wants this position so she can eventually run for Council.]
* Intervention programs: School days and weeks should be extended to allow more literacy, vocabulary and basic skills programs beginning in elementary school. "Summer Bridge" programs needed to help students transition to middle and high schools. Mentoring, counseling and after-school programs for low-performers and others are needed. Career-oriented courses, technical training and vocational education should be expanded.
[ZD says...Sure. That's being done already, I think. But I'm glad the mayor will continue with this element. It won't really make a huge impact, until the mayor, or whoever is in charge can INSPIRE the kids and cause them to WANT to learn. Making a student who doesn't want to learn, go to more school, and summer school -- will only force a quicker drop-out under too much pressure. Again, these programs are fine for many of the students, but don't be fooled into thinking this will change a non-student into a student. Institue leadership. Parents, take on more leadership and resposibility for your kids, too. It is not the school's job to teach your kids HOW to be a good student, how to have dignity, respect, responsibility and the discipline to be a student and productive member of society.]
Parents and community: Contact parents early and often when their children are struggling academically or facing disciplinary actions. Develop individualized plans for at-risk students. Get community-based organizations involved.
[ZD says...Check!}
Dropouts and juvenile offenders: Provide options to re-enter traditional public school, take vocational training or adult classes. Develop specialized recovery-focused schools, GED test preparation courses and transition courses for community colleges or vocational education.
[ZD says...Check!]
* Professional development: Assist administrators and teachers with improved tracking techniques and training to identify at-risk students.
[ZD says...Check! Even though the teachers can already identify at-risk students; but sure implement tracking and training. Again, this plan looks to be more about discipline than raising education achivement. Identifying at risk problems doesn't address basic reading and writing and math skills.]
* Accountability: Evaluations of principals and school administrators should include schoolwide performance on student retention and dropouts.
[ZD says...HEEEEEELLLL NOOOOOOOO! Wanna screw up the whole system, worse than it is, and increase the turnover rate of staff and increase expense of the system...Go ahead an tie schoolwide performance to the principals and administrators.
That does nothing to address accountability, believe it or not, only cause principals and administratiors to do things to manipulate the system to achieve these quotas and numeric targets. This does nothing to help educate kids. Evaluations that tie performance to the employee (principal/administator) might make the Mayor feel good, because it makes them feel like it will increase accountability. (Ha, your numbers are lower than the other schools. Do a better job, or we'll fire you with one of my OWN principals! (A common managment pitfal. This is a management by fear motivating tactic, that never works.
This one is too big to get into here, and is the worst point on the list. For more on this point, go to and see "Applying Deming's 14 points to LAUSD" and "Interpreting Deming's 14 Points".
So Mayor Villagrosa, all I can say about your education plan, is it's pretty generic, nothing new, and at worse has some things that end up doing more harm than good in the process from a Dr. Deming 14 point (quality and productivity) standpoint.
I see nothing inspiring or worthy of violating the state constitution over this. I've said it before, and I'll continue to say it. Mayor Antonio, you wanna fix the schools. NO ONE IN THE CITY CAN DO MORE FOR THE SCHOOLS AND THE PARENTS AND THE KIDS THAN YOU. Didn't you see "The Wizard of Oz?" The Scarecrow, Tin Man, Lion and Dorthy felt so empty because they didn't think they had what they needed, only to find, they had it within them, all along. Mayor, you already have what it takes to transform the schools. You're mayor. Call Tony Robbins. Maybe he can help. Or call Zuma Dogg. I'll be glad to provide you with the actual 14 point plan that MUST be implemented at LAUSD in order to bring the system out of the crisis. And help give you the confidence to transform the system and help take our city out of the crisis and put us back on track.
I invite everyone to read my 14 point plan, based on Dr. W. Edwards Deming at More on ZD's 14 Point Plan (based on Deming . (See "Interpreting Deming's 14 points.) As mayor of Los Angeles, the first thing I will do, is implement these 14 points in all departments, Citywide. For it is the only complete solution, not a band-aid.
Zuma Dogg
U.S. Consultant, Methods for Management of Quality and Productivity
Mayor's key proposals
Nine key steps to address the dropout problem in LAUSD:
* Definitions and goals: LAUSD must standardize how it defines a "dropout," publish information on graduation rates annually and make data available to parents and community members.
[Zuma Dogg says...This doesn't do anything to improve student acheivement or system accountability. It's like watching a fire burn a house to the ground; and you're standing there with the fire hose saying, "Hmmm, first we need to know, what classification would you catagorize this fire? Hmmm, what do you think caused the fire? Who did it?"
ZD says, "Just start putting out the fire. It doesn't matter, yet, how you define a drop-out. Just start fixing the system. Defining a drop-out, doesn't prevent people from dropping out.]
* Improved tracking system: Consistent processes and systems are needed for tracking and reporting student achievement, attendance and disciplinary actions.
[ZD says...Tracking is important because you need the statistical information to track improvement. But again, this does nothing to improve student achievement or school system accountability. Stamp out the fire first...FIX THE SYSTEM, then start measuring the results. Funny how everything is focused on measuring drop-out rates, and disciplinary action. Disciplinary action does not raise student achievement. Usually it lowers achievement and adds to the drop-out rate. So far, NOTHING addressing achievement or fixing the system in this plan.]
* End social promotion.
From a 14 point checklist standpoint, here are the problems:
a) It will force teachers to give kids passing grades when they haven't learned to prevent having to hold them back...because;
b) the system is already overtaxed and overcrowded. You wanna clog it up with the biggest dummies who are the ones dragging it down in the first place? Then, they therefore drag down the classroom for a second year?
That's a problem. THIS ISN'T AN EASY FIX. Because the system is jammed up and so inefficient, it's almost broken. However, the policy of ending social promotion won't improve the child's quality of education. It may force the teacher to fudge the test scores to move the kid ahead, or cause the system to get bogged down in kids who don't move ahead. Then how many years do you hold them back?]
* Smaller schools: Schools should be smaller to offer closer teacher-student interactions, more personalized attention and a greater likelihood that students will not fall through the cracks.
[ZD says...we don't need to violate the state constitution, and hand over control of the schools to the mayor to find that out. We already know that. Making that "exhortation" is not a PLAN, it is an observation, and an obvious one, at that. The Mayor CAN do something about reducing classroom size: Call Gov. Schwarzenegger and ask him for money money for school construction, teacher salaries, more police for safer streets and after school programs.
Plus, we're building new schools, anyway, with or without the mayor hi-jacking the school board. The only difference, is if the Mayor takes over the school board, he will take control of the construction budget and hand it over to his short list of preferred contractors -- and drive up cost (through fraud, waste and abuse) of these projects. Leave it in Brewer's hands. Vote for Jon Lauretzen, NOT Tamar Galatzan (who is the Mayor's completley in-experienced candidate, who only wants this position so she can eventually run for Council.]
* Intervention programs: School days and weeks should be extended to allow more literacy, vocabulary and basic skills programs beginning in elementary school. "Summer Bridge" programs needed to help students transition to middle and high schools. Mentoring, counseling and after-school programs for low-performers and others are needed. Career-oriented courses, technical training and vocational education should be expanded.
[ZD says...Sure. That's being done already, I think. But I'm glad the mayor will continue with this element. It won't really make a huge impact, until the mayor, or whoever is in charge can INSPIRE the kids and cause them to WANT to learn. Making a student who doesn't want to learn, go to more school, and summer school -- will only force a quicker drop-out under too much pressure. Again, these programs are fine for many of the students, but don't be fooled into thinking this will change a non-student into a student. Institue leadership. Parents, take on more leadership and resposibility for your kids, too. It is not the school's job to teach your kids HOW to be a good student, how to have dignity, respect, responsibility and the discipline to be a student and productive member of society.]
Parents and community: Contact parents early and often when their children are struggling academically or facing disciplinary actions. Develop individualized plans for at-risk students. Get community-based organizations involved.
[ZD says...Check!}
Dropouts and juvenile offenders: Provide options to re-enter traditional public school, take vocational training or adult classes. Develop specialized recovery-focused schools, GED test preparation courses and transition courses for community colleges or vocational education.
[ZD says...Check!]
* Professional development: Assist administrators and teachers with improved tracking techniques and training to identify at-risk students.
[ZD says...Check! Even though the teachers can already identify at-risk students; but sure implement tracking and training. Again, this plan looks to be more about discipline than raising education achivement. Identifying at risk problems doesn't address basic reading and writing and math skills.]
* Accountability: Evaluations of principals and school administrators should include schoolwide performance on student retention and dropouts.
[ZD says...HEEEEEELLLL NOOOOOOOO! Wanna screw up the whole system, worse than it is, and increase the turnover rate of staff and increase expense of the system...Go ahead an tie schoolwide performance to the principals and administrators.
That does nothing to address accountability, believe it or not, only cause principals and administratiors to do things to manipulate the system to achieve these quotas and numeric targets. This does nothing to help educate kids. Evaluations that tie performance to the employee (principal/administator) might make the Mayor feel good, because it makes them feel like it will increase accountability. (Ha, your numbers are lower than the other schools. Do a better job, or we'll fire you with one of my OWN principals! (A common managment pitfal. This is a management by fear motivating tactic, that never works.
This one is too big to get into here, and is the worst point on the list. For more on this point, go to and see "Applying Deming's 14 points to LAUSD" and "Interpreting Deming's 14 Points".
So Mayor Villagrosa, all I can say about your education plan, is it's pretty generic, nothing new, and at worse has some things that end up doing more harm than good in the process from a Dr. Deming 14 point (quality and productivity) standpoint.
I see nothing inspiring or worthy of violating the state constitution over this. I've said it before, and I'll continue to say it. Mayor Antonio, you wanna fix the schools. NO ONE IN THE CITY CAN DO MORE FOR THE SCHOOLS AND THE PARENTS AND THE KIDS THAN YOU. Didn't you see "The Wizard of Oz?" The Scarecrow, Tin Man, Lion and Dorthy felt so empty because they didn't think they had what they needed, only to find, they had it within them, all along. Mayor, you already have what it takes to transform the schools. You're mayor. Call Tony Robbins. Maybe he can help. Or call Zuma Dogg. I'll be glad to provide you with the actual 14 point plan that MUST be implemented at LAUSD in order to bring the system out of the crisis. And help give you the confidence to transform the system and help take our city out of the crisis and put us back on track.
I invite everyone to read my 14 point plan, based on Dr. W. Edwards Deming at More on ZD's 14 Point Plan (based on Deming . (See "Interpreting Deming's 14 points.) As mayor of Los Angeles, the first thing I will do, is implement these 14 points in all departments, Citywide. For it is the only complete solution, not a band-aid.
Zuma Dogg
U.S. Consultant, Methods for Management of Quality and Productivity
ZD, if you don't know what "social promotion" is, then perhaps you shouldn't be posting your last 2 cents about it.
Social promotion: The policy of graduating a child to the next grade even though that child has not yet achieved the standards of the current grade level.
Boy are you an idiot.
Definitions and goals: LAUSD must standardize how it defines a "dropout," publish information on graduation rates annually and make data available to parents and community members.
[Zuma Dogg says...This doesn't do anything to improve student acheivement or system accountability."
actually that is EXACTLY what it does. Create clear goals, define the goals then publish the results of the attempt to achieve those goals.
This is exactly why you can't be taken seriously. You know NOTHING!
This is hysterical. ZD, the homeless out of towner with no kids commenting on the LAUSD problem. Not one of your "argumen ts" display even a modicum of knowledge on the subject.
When are we going to realize that MAV is done with us already? In about three months he'll be trotting all over the country trying to get a VP job on a full time basis.
Is it really worth commenting on a plan no one has any intention of carrying out? The real question is whether we should all nod in agreement and tell everyone how wonderful he is just so he can get the hell out of here a year or two sooner than he already plans.
At least he'll still be planning news conferences around here until February.
I used to laugh when CD14 complained about the "absentee landlord", now I just laugh at the poor souls who still expect something good out of him (except good press, that is.) My prediction...he'll take over the schools, grab the contractor money, flow it into the national campaign, and be gone. We were never meant to be anything more than a stepping stone in the first place.
Even with the best intentions, he's incapable of managing anything othe than an elections campaign. VP is perfect for him. He's the dan Quayle of the Democratic Party!
How about this, for all of your plans for LAUSD. Look at the performance over the last few years, check out the plan to put all schools on a regular schedule, the hiring of Brewer, and the recent raise negotiated by UTLA.
Then recognize that they teach primarily kids who are disadvantaged by language, poverty, and crime. That they have been dealing with overcrowded schools and low budgets. I think things are already turning the corner without MAV's or Riordan's involvement.
Could it be that the people who brought you increased trash "fees" without voter approval and never increased the amount of police, who are trying to force AB1381 on us without voter approval, who shoved Proposition R down our throats without judicial or Neighborhood Council review, who collected funds from developers and lobbyists for "school reform" and then only reluctantly notified the public of the names and amounts collected, who spent nearly $100 per vote in a school board election and still was unable to avoid a runoff....could it be that those guys are possibly trying to take credit for something they never worked for in the first place? These guys that were elected to root out corruption in politics?
The plan as I see it is to get these knuckleheads out of our pockets and out of our town as soon as possible and let the people who are already turning things around for LAUSD get their job done.
Zuma, you already have enough to digest in City Hall. Don't flash your ignorance any brighter by talking about something you have no knowledge of right now.
At March 22, 2007 4:44 PM, Anonymous said...
ZD, if you don't know what "social promotion" is, then perhaps you shouldn't be posting your last 2 cents about it. Boy are you an idiot.
First of all, that doesn't make me an idot? I didn't post my 2 cents, because I wanted to be clear. So you are saying I shouldn't be adding my 2 cents if i don't know what it is, and I didn't (Did your anger cloud your ability to focus?)
Sorry, it just doesn't do what you claim, and you are 100% misguided. I know you won't believe me, but I know it's important to you, so hire an outside consultant to explain to you why, cause this is the classic mistake made by organizations. thinking it will help you to "achieve a goal."
Call me on the phone if you would like further explaination. I really want you to understand this point. But you might need to hear it from someone else. Remember, don't be too disrespectful on this one. there is a record of this, and you will be saying, "Damn ZD, sorry, I didn't see the bigger picture or understand systems thinking or behavioral psychology. You were right. Thanks for trying so hard to get me to understand the concept.
Now regarding your definintion of social promotion, the problem with it, as I can tell from a 14 point checklist standpoint, is:
a) It will force teachers to give kids passing grades when they haven't learned to prevent having to hold them back...because;
b) the system is already overtaxed and overcrowded. You wanna clog it up with the biggest dummies who are the ones dragging it down in the first place? Then, they therefore drag down the classroom for a second year?
That's a problem. THIS ISN'T AN EASY FIX. Because the system is jammed up and so inefficient,it's almost broken. However, the policy of ending social promotion won't improve the child's quality of education. It may force the teacher to fudge the test scores to move the kid ahead, or cause the system to get bogged down in kids who don't move ahead. Then how many years do you hold them back?
Thanks! I could have done without the last sentence, but thanks anyway. I hope you run for City Council.
6:23 and numerous other anal rants.
Your "MANIC-OBSESSION" with the DOGG must be taking quality time away from your "INFLATIBLE SONCHAS". If you don't like the relevant posts. Then listen closely, YOU DON"T HAVE TO READ AND POST!! Got that? Zuma's post at times compete with "GONE WITH THE WIND" for length. His "SELF-PROMOTION AND RAP" remind me of that "BLUE BLOCKER GUY". But for dedication, you couldn't hold Zuma's smelly chones. The one thing that is obious with your mental affliction. Is the desire of you to shut up the DOGG. Give it up. "YOUR SONCHA'S BATTERIES ARE RUNNING LOW".
Just so you know, 7:31pm is the quality of post I have been deleting today. It's obvious someone is in crisis. So I'll leave this one up so you can see what you have been missing, but he has posted about ten of these, this evening.
Can I ask a simple question? Folks opposed to Tamar say so because she claims she just became aware of issues involving her children. If you aren't IN the schools and you don't have kids IN the schools, how do you claim to know what's wrong or how to fix it?
And it's Jon Lauritzen.
Who is the freak posting these insane comments? For the love of God, get some help or get a life!
Graduation rates are quite different than Dropout rates.
Kids can go all the way through H.S. then if they don't pass algebra 1+2, they can't graduate, even if they pass everything else.
that is why the education model a-e, the college prep. mode. for admmission to university of calif. colleges is wrong. Why does everyone have to learn algebra to succeed in life, and graduate from High School.
Lauritzen wrote an excellent paper in Education Week on what the socrates called: ARETE' which applied to education finds the strengths in each student and nutures those strengths. He wrote:
"it's better to be a excellent plummer than a mediocre philosopher". And we need more plummers.
LO SIENTO WALTER, I FORGOT I WAS YELLING. i know you are a princeton guy, let me guess macanudo?
Hey unabomber- (in appearal only)
Don't let the bastards get you down, you're doing great.
I could do without the demming and the jive b.s., though. but I am considering sending you $20.
SEND IT AND I WONT MENTION DEMING ALL WEEKEND! And thanks for the comment. Sorry to pull the Andy Kaufman routine with the Deming.
Although I am comfortable mentioning him all the time, because I feel he is that important, and he is the most influential person (non-family member) of my life -- I'm rub it in to piss people off, but if you don't know I'm doing it the way andy kaufman taunted wrestling fans, it could be annoying. I was just about to chill on him..but now since all the previous deming posts have been deleted, i feel like i have to start all over again, LOL! (Just kidding)
Does Deming have a 14 Point Plan?
Why didn't you say so?
How about explaining it for us stupidos?
We'd really like to know all about it, and Deming. Can he really walk on water?
Don't be so bitter just because I'm trying to bring this material to some folks who may not have hear of it -- many have not, or just know who the guy is, but nothing about his plan. And, especially to the people who already know about him, and need to be reminded, cause people get busy, and they, let's be honest, they never start.
So my question is to you, before you criticize me for calling attention to Deming, since it's so obvious, how have YOU implemented the 14 points on the job? And Deming does not walk on water, but I beleive his system is the holsitic solution to any systematic process. And that includes running a City. (Anytime you have two or more people trying to achieve a goal, you need to apply Deming's holistic approach.) Are you doing it, mate?
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