Last Days of Academia?
Interesting item on today's school board agenda:
Doug McIntyre on KABC covered it this morning including a dumbass soundbite from Villaraigosista school board member Monica Garcia. At least Garcia was honest enough (though not sure she meant to be) in saying that education, the school board, etc. was about ethnic politics. Gosh, when I was in school it was about learning enough to make you a productive, contributing member of the community!
Obviously some experts at the LAUSD were smart enough to figure out what a train wreck and perhaps as some have alleged - crooked enterprise - Academia is. Perhaps this gives the Board the cover necessary to do the right thing and shut this place down.
When the Academia controversy first blew up, a young Latina I work with made some interesting comments. The woman has three children in public school. She was bewildered by the school's curriculum which features instruction in ancient Aztec languages and customs. "What the hell is that about? I'm Mexican and I am proud of it but my kids are learning English."
Enough said.
Board of Education Report No. 273 – 06/07
Charter Schools
(Academia Semillas del Pueblo Charter School Renewal) Denies renewal of a charter petition for a K-8 school located at 4736 Huntington Drive South in Los Angeles.
Doug McIntyre on KABC covered it this morning including a dumbass soundbite from Villaraigosista school board member Monica Garcia. At least Garcia was honest enough (though not sure she meant to be) in saying that education, the school board, etc. was about ethnic politics. Gosh, when I was in school it was about learning enough to make you a productive, contributing member of the community!
Obviously some experts at the LAUSD were smart enough to figure out what a train wreck and perhaps as some have alleged - crooked enterprise - Academia is. Perhaps this gives the Board the cover necessary to do the right thing and shut this place down.
When the Academia controversy first blew up, a young Latina I work with made some interesting comments. The woman has three children in public school. She was bewildered by the school's curriculum which features instruction in ancient Aztec languages and customs. "What the hell is that about? I'm Mexican and I am proud of it but my kids are learning English."
Enough said.
Query whether the incumbents' votes on this will have any impact on the run-off. My guess is "no," on the theory that only a small number of people -- you know, informed voters -- follow this story.
Good Morning Walter and Mayor Sam,
Mayor Sam, you beat me to the computer on this. I was also listening to Doug this morning. "MONTEMONICA" and others will be out in force tonight. Tune in to Channel 58 for the sacrifice.
Walter, I imagine that the phones will be ringing with calls from the "MECHITA CAUCUS" (Cedillo, Nunez, Romero, and "HIS POLLONESS").
"MONTEMONICA" and others will be out in force tonight."
And of course the "young Latina" who works with you (your maid, or nanny?) speaks for all Hispanics.
"Some of my best friends are 'colored', too!"
It was interesting during the many, many hours of public hearing on this a week or so ago, there were hundreds and hundreds of people speaking in favor of renewing the school's charter, from all over the Eastside, and beyond.
There was only one member of the public who spoke against the school (from her rambling incoherence, the only way you could really tell was she used the term "assimilation" in a positive manner). Just FYI, this same wack-tivist -- from Lincoln Heights -- not even El Sereno, is Zuma Dogg's BIGGEST fan in the Northeast.
(When she's out of the home, on furlough, that is).
She's just sure the "injuns" only want a school here so they can start up another casino.
Anon-Rumor is
Marcos Aguilar plans to open a casino in the northeast. Are there any open spaces to protect from MA?
Here comes the "BLOGGERTHON FOR CHARTER RENEWAL" live from Antigua's Coffee Shop.
Prediction: the school board will cave to ethnic politics and Academia will survive. Accountability, logic etc. are irrelevant.
Never been to Antigua, but here's a question none of the critics of this school on this blog can answer with any intellectual honesty (not that you get any bonus points here for that "virtue").
Why isn't the overwhelming support of the local community a factor you're willing to acknowledge? When hundreds speak in favor, and one out-of-towner protests (sort of), why is it all just painted as "Wackos Gone Wild" on Beaudry?
What ever happened to the "conservative" hue and cry for "local control" of public schools?
The neighborhood council for this area, and every other community group on record in El Sereno supports the school's continued existence.
The popularly elected school board member for that district support the school's existence. The City Councilmember for the district supports the school's continued existence (as have the last 3 counilmembers there).
Here's another one you pundits have avoided. If many (or most?) of the students there are undocumented immigrants -- required by the city to be in school, regardless -- why is it so important they be raised to "speak English" and learn to "become good American citizens"??
Isn't the plan to send them back when they're no longer useful, if not sooner? Build a bigger fence to keep them out.
What good's all that English/Amerian education going to do them in Sonora, or D.F., or Lima?
Won't it just make it that much easier for them to "sneak" back over the border and fade in again?
Is your "assimilate at all costs" philosophy just creating more-adept illegals?
Okay, that was more than one question . . .
Conservatives only want local control of the school, when they already control the "local" -- they want something else, when they don't.
What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine, too.
Just a thought.
Can anyone name me a "PUBLIC SCHOOL", besides Academia, where Husband and wife are allowed to be "Co-Principals" ???
These are the "Last Days" of LA...not Academia del Pueblo!
The last time I looked, this is Mexico! How else can you explain the corrupt politicians and politics???
Did everyone see the Attorney General, Senor Gonzales, when he stood next to Villagrossa and said: "Gang members are individuals who have run into a little bit of bad luck"???????????????
If Americans don't take up arms, we deserve what's happening to this city and country!
Wake fools!
Incompetent fool. Do you have a problem with Anitgua?
Never been to Antigua?
Yea right. Antigua is a known hangout for Academia revolutionaries. Ask Owners.
"The neighborhood council for this area, and every other community group on record in El Sereno supports the school's continued existence."
So ALL the supporters mentioned by 10:27 can be summed up easily and dismissed as "Academia Revolutionaries"?
That's an easy way out of answering an uncomfotable question.
10:39 had the more rational response. He just hates Mexicans, especially now that they're turning this nice white country into Mexico.
That kind of blind hatred is easier to understand. It beats telling people you have to assimilate them "for their own good."
Finally someone agrees with me that Councilman Yawn is a stooge and a patsy.
Or do they just not "count" when you disagree with them?
LA32 has had 2 regular elections and one "recall" (orchestrated by Homer Simpson-Parra), since they first supported Academia, and each subsequent board has voiced the same support.
Which "takeover" would that be, and why were there no challenges to the elections from the community?
That's as good an answer as anyone could expect from this blog.
Thanks for proving the point.
STOP, STOP, don't confuse me with facts, I just want to HATE somebody. I just want to force them to be more like me.
Don't you understand? Have a little compassion.
Why does Marcos Aguilar hate white people?
Why does he hate America?
Do the Academia students say the Pledge of Allegiance?
Why do you hate those that disagree with you on this blog?
Why is Academia antiamerican?
No one saying that the school should be closed. But when a school institution expouses its own beliefs (ie. blessings by school staff). Then they should become a "Private" school.
No one saying that the school should be closed. But when a school institution expouses its own beliefs (ie. blessings by school staff). Then they should become a "Private" school.
Academia supporters can't handle knowing some community groups disagree with their curriculum.
Name the groups "in the community" who support Academia.
List the LONG list of supporters!
That's an interesting take, "cave to ethnic politics."
We should assume if the school board, all elected officials, goes against staff recommendations (made by all non-electeds) that they're "caving" to one special interest or another?
Elected officials shouldn't "cave" to the wishes of their constituents even when the consensus seems overwhelming in public comment.
Now, if it's a case of City Council giving Tennie Pearce too much money in a settlement, that's "caving" we like. Cave away.
The other guy was right, not an ounce of intellectual consistency or principal anywhere in sight.
You agree with me, personally, you're "listening" to the voters.
You diagree with me (and agree with the mass of supporters who appeared), you're
"caving" to "ethnic" politics.
On Brown vs. Board of Education, Topeka
"If Brown was just about letting Black people into a White school, well we don’t care about that anymore. We don’t necessarily want to go to White schools. What we want to do is teach ourselves, teach our children the way we have of teaching. We don’t want to drink from a White water fountain, we have our own wells and our natural reservoirs and our way of collecting rain in our aqueducts. We don’t need a White water fountain. So the whole issue of segregation and the whole issue of the Civil Rights Movement is all within the box of White culture and White supremacy. We should not still be fighting for what they have. We are not interested in what they have because we have so much more and because the world is so much larger. And ultimately the White way, the American way, the neo liberal, capitalist way of life will eventually lead to our own destruction. And so it isn’t about an argument of joining neo liberalism, it’s about us being able, as human beings, to surpass the barrier." - Marcos Aguilar, founder and principal of La Academia del Pueblo
The list of supporters took hourse to go through at the public hearing at LAUSD. Its public record.
One non-El Sereno person protested.
Also public record.
Oh, and also that great Eastside, "Borg" Mc Intyre.
The list of supporters took hourse to go through at the public hearing at LAUSD. Its public record.
One non-El Sereno person protested.
Also public record.
Oh, and also that great Eastside, "Borg" Mc Intyre.
You can't answer the other guys questions, so you just offer your own as smokescreen?
OH DAMN, the KABC cut-and-pasters have arrived.
(I hear Marcos Aguilar once drew a naked picture of his 3rd grade teacher in a school book).
How can we allow that kind of person to teach children, Haruumph.
Who the hell pulled the Minutemen off the border? We need then to stay there and "protect" us from EE-LEGALS!
11:06 List community groups, not individual supporters.
How many? one,two, hundred groups?
People are afraid to be around these idiots, just look what happened to radio reporter who was just doing his job. These parents and teachers are off the deep end. They demand to have rights yet they fail to get with the program like the rest of us.
This has to be the most uneducated comment. ..."why is it so important they be raised to "speak English" and learn to "become good American citizens"??
You moron English is our language and I'm sick and tired of these
Illiterate fools who haven't earned a damn thing in this city yet make tax free money without going through the process like law abiding citizens. Monica Garcia is showing her ignornance and is a lapdog to Antonio. She should be heading out with Ruby the elephant.
11:07 Who are you responding to?
"..."why is it so important they be raised to "speak English" and learn to "become good American citizens"??
La Academia del Pueblo is a L.A. charter school. It is funded by tax dollars along with LAUSD funds. The School does not fly the American flag, it flies a communist flag. They are overtly racist and teach their brand of racism to children, grades K- 8.
Okay, so FIRST they had NO community support, NOW they're scary and "we stay away," because we're AFRAID of them?
Who are you afraid of if the have NO SUPPORT?
At LAUSD headquarters? People didn't protest the charter renewal in the BOARD room, because they were afraid?
J. H. Christ, are you for real?
Disturbing comment,
"What we want to do is teach ourselves, teach our children the way we have of teaching. We don’t want to drink from a White water fountain, we have our own wells and our natural reservoirs and our way of collecting rain in our aqueducts.
"The School does not fly the American flag, it flies a communist flag.They are overtly racist and teach their brand of racism to children, grades K- 8.'
This is a matter of national security. Ahhnold should sign an executive order ordering this friggin' madrassa to be shut down, and if he doesn't do it, GW should. I don't care how many 'rights' of the scumbags that run it get trampled -- it should immediately be shut down, and all its administrators and 'teachers' arrested and charged with treason and insurrection.
Watya gonna do when k-8 student becomes an adult who hates America?
Watya gonna do when kid might become an extremist terrorist against our own country?
Watya gonna do when we have Twin Tower scenario orchestrated by our homegrown Anti-Americans?
Watya gonna do now?
They don't want to drink from the "White water fountain"? But, they will take his money? Isn't that swallowing from the same fountain?
I say again, the problem with racism and seperatism is money. Remove the financial benefit, we remove the problem.
You took that out of context - nice trick.
Let me make the point in one sentence, since you lost your way.
Why is it important to teach undocumenteds/illegals to speak English and be good Americans, when the goal of many of the same people protesting the school's existence is to SEND THEM BACK to Mexico and elsewhere?
What possible good does that do them?
"Hey kiddies, hurry up and finish learning your AMERICAN civics lessons, so we can get you on the next bus to MEXICO!"
FORGET your Spanish and other native languages, and learn ENGLISH so you can PINE for MTV when you get back home.
Are you planning on colonizing MEXICO with half-trained "good Americans" who are actually Mexican citizens?
I ask again, is this good USE of taxpayer money (as it's now being spent in EVERY other public school on the Eastside?
No, it's hypocrisy.
If you think illegals SHOULD NOT be in LAUSD school address that.
If you think they should ALL be sent back, tomorrow, then address that.
If you think that they should all get amnisty to become Americans, Okay.
But DON'T be so ass-backwards under the current law (they must be in school, learning English and BECOMING "Americans"), to assume that TURNING THEM ALL INTO something you ACTUALLY don't want them to ever BE, serves ANY purpose other than to confuse everyone involved with the issue.
Huh. Seems to me that to be consistent with a policy of divorcing their reality from the white man's, they ought to follow through in education as well.
Base-20 math is a start, I suppose. They might eschew the use of wheels as well. And I wonder what marvellous forms of air conditioning, communications, and electricity they use that are in accordance with traditional ways?
Again with the damn "water fountain" analogy . . . get a clue, yahoo.
It's a "figure of speech" - look it up.
DWP isn't planning on started new purification plants for ACADEMIA students.
Wahtya gonna do when your brain arrives at the autopsy table unused?
Serious question:
All of this is of issue for one reason,as far as I can see...It's a public school with a (private) agenda.
Why isn't it a "private" school. Then you can drink the water out of whatever fountains or wells you want, and talk about whatever history or learn whatever languages you want. (Personally, I don't know why someone would have to know Azteck if you are living in America (or even a global economy), but maybe that IS the secret of success and I just don't know it, yet.)
Would all of this discussion be squashed if it was a private school?
If your goal is to deport them, why mess with their heads?
Is pledging allegiance to the U.S, flag, REALLY a good idea for Mexican citizens?
Are American citizens in Mexico required to become "good Mexicans" while they're there?
11:25 You are the only one here who is confused.
Your philosophy is not everyone's philisophy. Stop preaching and show us some facts.
Are the kids academic scores surpassing LAUSD & private school scores?
Are the kids learning English?
BTW, what community groups support Academia,oh yea, I only want to know about El Sereno Groups.
still waiting....
one, two, hundred groups?
Damn, the assimilationists have sent for reinforcements.
Good news for the rest of you, though, it's come in the form of dope-addled, ethnically confused rapper-wigger Zuma Dogg.
11:25 How in the world does a K-8 student know what they want?
You are forcing students in a curriculum of no choice. An anti-American Curriculum!
How many community groups are there in El Sereno.
I only know of two - the NC and the chamber?
The NC supports. The other, is businesses -- not really a community group.
"TURNING THEM ALL INTO something you ACTUALLY don't want them to ever BE,"
"Wahtya gonna do when your brain arrives at the autopsy table unused?"
And you wonder why the general El Sereno population is scared of you weirdos at Academia?
Shit, was this a threat? Should I contact authorities?
THANKS for asking (but it won't matter -- you'll SWEAR it's a lie:
Are the kids academic scores surpassing LAUSD & private school scores?
The older kids who have been in the school for several years have much better performance numbers than those in the other public schools in the area.
No one judges private schools against public - anywhere at LAUSD.
Are the kids learning English?
6-8 graders who didn't know English when they started at the school now have better English proficiency scores than the same non-English speakers at the other public schools in the area. They also rated well above the average for all LAUSD students learning English throughout the district, regardless of where in the district they live.
Thanks for asking - bet you wish you hadn't.
At young ages, learning multiple languages at once makes it easier for you to learn any new one.
How many other Charter or Private schools teach Anti American rhetoric?
Can ANYONE name a SINGLE El Sereno communty group that's openly opposed to Academis Semillas?
No fair making them up. There are ways to check.
Considering the backlash from people outside the community, it would seem like there would be at least one?
NO visible opposition from INSIDE the community?
You have access to this "anti-American" rhetoric in Acadmeia?
Is it the damn "drinking fountain" bullshit again?
(And PLEASE don't go quoting Aguilar's press interviews again. If doubt seriously whether the kids are studying his clippings in class).
OK you made me LAUGH!!!!
What a joke, you mention the chamer and NC in El Sereno as supporters. Do you know who who their members consist of?
What a joke! Is that all? Why don't you list credible and ethical groups. These two are literally not in these categories.
Umm, I think they're parents decide to send them there (another "conservative" stance -- parental control???)
And no one is force to go to any charter school.
Parent decide.
Now attack the parents, too.
That will be nice.
Maybe they're too damn dumb to decide where their kids should go to school (too many of them attended "regular" LAUSD schools).
No one judges private schools against public - anywhere at LAUSD.
Back at you.
Name those "credible and ethical" groups not on the list supporting Academia (some probably are, there were dozens of community leaders who testified at LAUSD, including reps of every elected official that serves the area).
And tell me how many of those credible and "ethical" groups have taken stands AGAINST Academia?
I'll wait.
You got nothing! But hatred and anger, that is.
OH, and this is the best...
Better dead than red (Oh wait, they're injuns, they are "red" already what the hell do with do with the pre-printed protst signs now).
HEY 11:34
I just get a nice chuckle: I learned a new word, today. Assimilationist. I guess Pueblos Del Semenella IS a cult with terminology like that. I saw Marco A. give his presentation before LAUSD school board a couple weeks ago. I gotta tell you, he presented a kick-ass presentation. He was a very compelling and passionate speaker who came off EXTREMELY credible. So I was saying to myself, "Sounds good to me, what's the problem here?" But when you start calling Americans who want to live by the values that this country was founded on and represents "assimilationists" that's when I stand up and say, "Take you water wells that are better than drinking fountains (yeah, that's the big problem with white people...the drinking fountains) and all your political and historical beliefs and get the fuck out of the country and go somewhere where you can be happy. You obviously hate it here in the UNITED states. You call Americans assimilationists? Excuse us. After reading the comments here today, am I sad to say, I think this school does a tremendous disservice to the kids and their future.
No charter school anywhere in the city is judged against private schools. No public school in the city is judged against private schools.
If the use of taxes is what's upsetting you, stick to the subject. You weaken your argument otherwise - not that you have one.
Thanks for asking - bet you wish you hadn't.
They obviously didn't have an answer ready for the "they're doing better than the other nearby schools." That just kills the "performance" argument. The fallback appears to be "communists" and "training terrorists." (getting weaker and weaker).
Neither did the single wacko who protested at the public hearing. She keep looking at her notes of ignorance and you could see her brain smoking.
"No, can't talk about test scores, turns out everything Douggie M. broadcast is wrong and outdated."
NO visible opposition from INSIDE the community?
Show some stats that prove otherwise (no fair picking up KABC's selectively posted 3-year old figures).
And there's no one named Marcus here, doofus. Just someone who bothered to WATCH the public hearings LAUSD televised, and saw the reports.
The results Aguilar presented were confirmed by LAUSD staff, on several occasions.
Now, call them liars too. The same district staff recommended no renewal of the charter, presented results that back up the previous statements.
MORE improvement in English skills than other LAUSD schools in the area.
Students at the school for more than 2 years were outperforming the schools that came from in the community.
You should have watched.
"Arrogance" is assuming you know the truth, instead of trying to learn it.
Your hatred toward anything that isn't your view of America is disturbing. Have you realized how much hatred you spew in your rants and posts.
Is this what we should expect from future Academia students?
A representative AFFILIATED to a community group doesn't qualify. Name me that LONG LIST of community groups you mentioned earlier. What community groups in El Sereno,(in whole, not just affiliation) publicly support Academia school?
11:59, it's still me:
I'm happy to answer (I have no connection to the school).
Since the day I was born to two "anglo" parents. . .
I did when I was in school, but none of the schools in my area do with any regularity now. What's your point.
Do you want Mexican citizens swearing allegiance to "our" flag.
How insane is that?
N/A Since I'm a white dude, I guess I already do.
My oh my! Let me first thank you all for the many hits on my blog today.
To 1115 - The person to whom I referred is not a maid or nanny (how racist of you to suggest such) but a senior accounting analyst (to which I will assume your liberally challenged cerebrum will now make the accusation that if she is a Latina holding a senior position she must be "acting white").
Now a few other points...
We know that public commenteers, just the same as voters, are not necessarily representative of the community as a whole. These are people who made the effort to show up while most people are working and living their lives. Also, most of the pro-Marcos speakers had something to lose if Academia went down - i.e. their jobs, their kids school, a place to further their ideology, etc. - a strong and prime motivation to show up.
Folks concerned about the school don't have the same personal investment and are as motivated to show up. Maybe they should but they can't/don't.
And its of no consequence to say that a majority of residents of El Sereno support the school, or at least it should not be surprising. The very idelogical environment that led to the creation of the school exists and lives in that community, hence the community created the school. Now that's all well and good but the school doesn't just belong to El Sereno, we are all stakeholders in LAUSD so we all have a right to speak against it, whether we can get to a board meeting or not.
And quite frankly its a disservice for the school board to allow "Hurricane" Jackie Goldberg to speak in excess of the public comment time limit (as well as the rest of the Academia supporters) but the sole opponent who was able to make it is cut off. Brown Act violation y'all.
This is not about a school with Mexican students. There are plenty of those in LA and some do very well and some don't. The problem with Academia is their poor track record and a curriculum that is based on a political ideology, not education. It would be the same for a KKK or JDL or any other kind of racist school.
Obviously the staff found good reason to deny the charter. The board needs to seriously consider their findings and not bow to pressure one way or the other.
And there's no one named Marcus here, doofus. Just someone who bothered to WATCH the public hearings LAUSD televised, and saw the reports.
Did you take notes and retype them here on this blog? I watched it, too. You nailed it word for word. For someone who isn't Marcus who just watched the report on tv, you remembered it perfectly. Congratulations.
About the rumor of opening a casino in the Northeast, ask Kevin DeLeon. He accepted boatloads of money from the Indian gaming tribes and now he owes them. As to where, that's easy. The Southwest Museum.
"This school is virtually all hispanic. The statistics of test scores are so low that they barely even meet the basic standards of a CA school. I do not recommend this school to be in existence!"
Here's the only answer that matters.
All of the "groups" that have taken a side, any side, in this issue have supported the school.
NONE have opposed it.
ALL - that's the "winning" number in any discussion.
You're just dodging the issue that there is NO opposition except a fe angry neanderthals, mostly from outside the community.
You still go nothing . . .
Less than nothing. . .
Can that be any clearer?
ONE crazy lady from OUTSIDE El Sereno, speak in oppostion to the school at PUBLIC hearings.
You got negative numbers. . .
Goldberg served on the school board representing just such communities for many years.
What part of that isn't relevant?
MS, if folks "concerned" about the school didn't have the same investment, how important is their point of view? Because 35 cents from their property taxes might go to this school, they get to attempt to overrule local support.
Don't think so. It there was a school where you lived that had had the mascot "redskins" for 50 years, and people from thge Eastside protested, you think ANYone there would care?
Not hardly.
It's bullshit paranoia and meddling.
Get a life. You people have underperforming schools in your own are, with non-English speaker not even doing as well as Academia 6th graders.
Go home, and fix your own problems, first
None if this would have happened if we'd have let Custer handle things without tying his hands.
12:07 If indeed you are anglo, you are one of the white little college chicks who "think they know it all" and lead the pack of Mechicans at Academia.
I don't believe for you to be a male. The truth floats around your head waiting to enter your brain cells, but you don't let those ions in. Why?
You feel guilty for the white man crushing the indiams out of El Sereno. Have you noticed soemthing? Indians have not gone anywhere, we are still here and thriving. We live, work, and get educated. What is the problem with that? Stop feeling so guilty and let the mechicans be who ever they want to be.
I'm sorry you don't have a culture, you anglo people want to adopt any other culture, run it and pimp yourselves as saviours. Get out of El Sereno you white chic and stay in Pasadena.
Just checking back.
Still no answers to the 10:27, "intellectual honesty" queries.
I suppose you learned that at LAUSD, too.
How'd the test scores come out with that tactic? At my "private" school, they would have hit me with a ruler for that response.
Mayor Sam, did you really say this?
"And its of no consequence to say that a majority of residents of El Sereno support the school, or at least it should not be surprising."
Damn, don't let the other GOP blogs know you're opposed to local control of schools.
They'll have you shipped out on the first boat to France.
"Go home, and fix your own problems, first'
Wow! You clearly are divisive.
My own problems, I guess you meant my OWN PEOPLE?
I'm American, regardless of ethnicity. I AM AN AMERICAN!
WHY TEACH ILLEGALS YOU INTEND TO "SHIP BACK" TO SPEAK ENGLISH - and to forget their native tongues?
(more crickets)
There's enough hypocrisy on this blog to run Washington D.C, for a decade.
This is the essence of the conservative conundrum re: immigration and education.
You have no answer that isn't so obvioulsy laced with hatred and xenophobia, that you're tongue-tied.
Because we've always done it that way??
Because my "grandma" came from Europe 100 years ago and that's what they made her do?
12:24 Instead of checking back, why don't you check back with your doctor?
You have a guilty complex about America's history. Stop living in the past and look at the future. We are one country under God, not separatists in our community. WE ARE ONE COUNTRY, ONE PEOPLE. Why do you hate democracy so much?
It would be kind of interesting to see, if Academia didn't get its charter renewed, but was able to fund itself privately, if all the rancor would actually cease.
I think that's where the real colors would show.
They may get their chance, if the board succumbs to "ethnic-cleansing" pressures.
Then what will McIntyre talk about if there was no public money involved?
It would be kind of interesting to see, if Academia didn't get its charter renewed, but was able to fund itself privately, if all the rancor would actually cease.
I think that's where the real colors would show.
They may get their chance, if the board succumbs to "ethnic-cleansing" pressures.
Then what will McIntyre talk about if there was no public money involved?
Hey Cricket Master:
Your perception of Academia and what YOU THINK it TRULY represents is WEAK!
No guilt, none whatsoever? Never have had any, never will.
If any of my ancestors were guilty of anything, let THEM rot in hell I'm a free agent.
Fell better?
Now are you willing to answer the questions, or would you like to try some other demonic characterization of the person asking them -- as a way of avoiding them?
Just admit you can't support both ends of the equation -- but you probably do, "intellectually" of course.
WHY TEACH ILLEGALS YOU INTEND TO "SHIP BACK" TO SPEAK ENGLISH - and to forget their native tongues?
(more crickets)
Nearly 100 posts, and still no attempts to reconcile any of the hatred with reason.
12:37 PM Academia a private school? Go for it. Tell Academia to stop using taxpayers money. Oh Yea,and when Academia goes private we'll let the FEDS handle that problem.
Thanks, I knew it wasn't really about "TAXPAYER" money.
All xenophobia hides somewhere, until discovered.
Here's another interesting question.
Is everything that's not PRO-American, actually ANTI-American?
That's what you would have to believe to ingest all the bile being posted here.
Dear Anglo-Pocahontas,
"Just admit you can't support both ends of the equation -- but you probably do, "intellectually" of course."
Is that all you have? Geez. Pleeeze. Go to Antigua, get a drink and reflect on your nonsense rants. They make no sense to general population in America. By the way, grab your pony tails and do yoga, you need common sense to get back in your life. It's not my fault you were born anglo. Leave chicanos alone and let them be.
That wasn't an answer to the questions, 12:46, that was a personal attack!
Badly made, poorly aimed, and completely evasive.
(. . .making chicken clucking sounds with his white male mouth, bwuck, bwuck, bwuck).
Dear Anglo-Pocahontas,
I will not sign your Academia Semillas Charter Renewal Petition.
But, I send you this:
The Pledge of Allegiance
I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands,
one Nation under God,
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
But no one was really planning on shipping "grandma" back, although it was always used as a threat by the angry "natives."
Funny comment Anglo-Pocahontas. Are you God?
Are you my Boss?
Oh no I forgot, you are Blog Academia Moderator. How much do they pay you to pimp Academia petitions?
Do you feel better hanging out with Mechicans? You feel bad for us? You want to save us? What is it, do you want to hold our hands and take us to the light? Pathetic white chic.
I'll bet he had to look up the words . . .
NOW DO the Star Spangled Banner.
Better yet, recite the words at the base of the Statue of Liberty . . .
You know, the part that says "your huddle masses yearning to breathe free" (OH, never mind that one).
100+ posts, and still no one even trying to undo the "deport all illegals/but FIRST teach them to be GOOD Americans" Rubik's Cube of the right wing:
WHY TEACH ILLEGALS YOU INTEND TO "SHIP BACK" TO SPEAK ENGLISH - and to forget their native tongues?
(more crickets)
lol :)
Anglo Pocahontas, I feel so sorry for your loss.
You know, the charter renewal loss
Yours Truly,
12:55 Anglo-Pocahontas,
No one is shipping anyone out!
The only one who even mentioned this horrible act has been YOU!
You are a right wing spy in the midst of Mechicans at Academia. Now, that is worse than the accuser who says Academia is AntiAmerican.
"I'll bet he had to look up the words . . .'
Whew!!!! Anglo-Pocahontas assumes Mechicans are illiterate.
Hey AP (Anglo-Pocahontas), how does it feel to judge others so quickly? You judge all those who disagree with Academia.
Why so angry? Did daddy leave your mommy when you were 5 and now you have an identity crisis? AP, you are not Mechican. You are who you are but not Mechican.
The fake "mechican" is talking to himself.
Must be too much "fire water"
Academia is a sham in place to build support for future casino.
Southwest Casino
Villaraigosa, Nunez, Deleon, Huizar know about this HIDDEN AGENDA. Ask them publicly and make them swear to tell the truth.
What do Mt. Washingto residents think about Casino in their own backyard? heck, why not? We deserve our land back.
Just spoke with some folks who aksed me what SDP's API score is? So I checked, and it's 550. So I aksed, "Well what would be an average score for your average suck-ass LAUSD school.
I was told a "leave no kid behind" school would be about a 700 API (and that's a bottom-of-the-barrel scraper. So 550 API, YIKES!
You can talk about all the political, and artsy-fartsy crap and hate whitey all you want -- IF you have the API scores up high enough.
But point is, they ARE NOT up to even the lowest standards, because the ciriculum is too low on math, reading and writing and too high on the social stuff. So you kids graduating the school who I'm sure are very knowlegable and talented in their own right. But they don't graduate with the reading, writing and math skills they will need to make it in the socitey in which they are living. (U.S.) It's sad. It's not the kids fault. It's the parents fault who move to the U.S. then want to live on an island within the U.S. Again, ALL OF THAT IS FINE WITH ME, BUT:
a) Clearly, this should be a private school. NOT publicly funded. Some kids go to schools for child actors, performing arts based schools, religious-based schools...ALL PRIVATE.
b) What's up with the API, y'all? Or what ISN'T up with that.
Fix a) and b) and Pueblos Del S and feel free to perpetuate whatever national agenda you want. I think your tanking the future of your kids, but that's why we LIVE in America.
And finally, if it is true that the owners of the school are going to open up a casino says tons.
One day you care about kids, then the next day you care about casinos. (Do you think a casino in that area will enrich the community, or steal the soul out of it?
That's like saying, "Well gee, I know I was just saying how much I want to help drug and alcohol dependant people, but there's more money in being a bartender, so see you later.
what does 'indivisible' mean? judging by the posts this school is divisive in the community.
how about when a community becomes saturated with gang members, who infiltrate the NC, get their own school going, and because they are the community we just let them be? hell no. it kind of is America here first, I gotta say.
radical philosophies have no part in secular education. kids need the education to survive in THIS world, not any other.
Zuma you deserve kudos for your observation:
" It's the parents fault who move to the U.S. then want to live on an island within the U.S. Again, ALL OF THAT IS FINE WITH ME, BUT"
You are correct! An island within the U.S.
------This school is counterproductive, divisive, and plain stupid.
Leave Academia Semillas del Pueblo Alone!
F'k you all!
ZD, you are on par, as always. Taking a very complex situation that you could never understand in a million years and boiling it down to two-year-old stats versus on non-representative average across a diverse district.
I can't even begin to explain the "550" vs. "700" API situation to a "150" API bonehead like you, so I won't try.
But for anyone out there who isn't locked into the years 2005, Academia and LAUSD both showed the current and correctly compared stats in public meetings last week, and the school has improved the educational opportunities of its students over any other school they might have attended in their area. They did it subject by subject, and paid particular attention to the progress of English-learners who had been at the school for several years, which was far better than any LAUSD school they should be compared to (considering that's where these same students came from).
This isn't bowling for schools.
Ignorant at 1:44, yea you!
It is clear you didn't watch this clip
Oh yes, the great conspiracy theorists have escaped from the Art Bell Home for the Recently Abducted.
Mayor V. is in cahoots with the Indians to build a casino on a hill within city limits.
Right after they empty the ground below it of the space alien corpses hidden there after Area 51 was discovered.
HEY, why not, our schools have gotten SO much better since the state lottery started paying for them, right?
Come-on BABY, hit me with a natural, Daddy needs a NEW science lab and two dozen cheerleader uniforms
DAMN, a 7, okay, make it 19, and we'll skip the science lab for another year . . .
Daddy needs a drink.
if the school was any good, they wouldn't be rejecting it.
Exactly, because we all know LAUSD only has "good" schools.
ha, ha, hee, hee, OOOOOO, ha!!
YEAH, that's the ticket, let LAUSD staff determine what's a GOOD school.
What were you THINKING Mayor Villaraigosa. Just turn LAUSD over to the school ADMINISTRATORS.
All 40,000 of them.
The "rejection" couldn't possibly be related to a talk show host spending 500 hours lambasting the school in the last year, and accusing it of creating terrorists and "bad" Americans, and comparing it's performance to charter schools in the Valley, versus the public school across the street
LAUSD staff would never be that "political" would they?
Why are the Brown Berets around the school on a daily basis?
I thought BB were radical and racist.
If Aguilar rejects Brown vs. Board of Education, then ironically he rejects the right to education and social justice. He rejects the achievements of blacks, and the ability of blacks and whites to live in harmony. Brown vs. Board of Education was not only about education, but also about equal access to public transportation, restaurants, hotels, and yes--water fountains. Brown vs. Board of Education is an example of the evolving pursuit and practice of liberty and equality for all American citizens. It cannot be dismissed as insignificant simply because it originated from the pain of a minority and because it involves a relationship with the majority. It is this relationship that makes us better people. Again, this is ironic, because Aguilar talks about Natuatl as a way for children to understand their relationship with nature and their ancestral culture, and to realize that they are a part of something larger than the individual. Brown vs. Board of Education accomplished something similar for blacks. To dismiss this is to take America backward.
Also, A basic fallacy in the Chicano movement, and which dismantles the vision of a physical Aztlan, is the claim to sovereignty and to the territory of the southwestern United States. There are indeed sovereign Indian nations within America. They have their own government and culture, and some continue to speak their own language. If they do not want to have social contact with other Americans, that is their prerogative because they are sovereign. Most Indian nations struggle with internal problems. Those nations which now have casinos have been able to improve the financial status of their members, and to begin developing programs to restore their spiritual and emotional wellbeing. Aztlan, however, has no such sovereignty in terms of lands, treaties, or a truly definable culture and people.
Although Aguilar and others may reject assimilation into American society, the fact is that immigration changes people. Even if Aztlan became a geographic reality, the people effecting that reality would be different for having immigrated to America. Aztlan would bear both the success and frailty of modern America. Aztlan could only be built upon and within American democracy, which negates the very concept of autonomy and underscores American largesse. If this were not true, then the process of Aztlan would have begun in Mexico and by the indigenous Mexican citizens. At present, Aztlan is a mentality. Hispanics or indigenous peoples who do not possess tangible sovereignty can keep and empower their identity by controlling and directing their own assimilation, rather than by emphasizing victim status and partitioning or balkanizing their experience of America.
On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest, the school's Academic Performance Index (A.P.I.) ranking was 1. Aguilar states that an independent audit found that "79% of the total number of Components across all Building Blocks were rated as meeting or exceeding expectations."
2) WHY TEACH ILLEGALS YOU INTEND TO "SHIP BACK" TO SPEAK ENGLISH - and to forget their native tongues?
NO answers, not even any attempts? Lots of diversions, false claims, insults, links, questions back (unrelated to these), but not even one attempt to answer the most critical aspect of who teaches what to whom in urban, immigrant communities.
You all lose this round -- now go back to listening to John and Ken and sharpening your pitchforks.
You may even win this round, having scared the LAUSD board, but the questions will remain unanswered. We'll just continue deporting "partial" good Americans back across the border, as part of a failed, knee-jerk reaction to anything "foreign."
I live in Alhambra, not more than a couple of miles or so from this school, which is in El Sereno. El Sereno is a festering cess-pool infested with gangs and illegal aliens. It should come as no surprise that such a racist school springs up here.
I see the sort of riff-raff that spills over from El Sereno into Alhambra. A lot of leftist weasels who support the racial hatred taught by La Acadamia live in this area so the support base in the area is strong.
The cut and past haters have arrived.
Nothing left to do but empty the head and join them.
SORRY, you live in ALHAMBRA.
You don't get a say in what happens in LAUSD schools.
Bummer. Don't like it? Drive around.
I live in L.A., next to Alhambra, and every damn year they sell TONS of fireworks just across the city line to Angelenos.
Who are these IDIOTS in Alhambra that allow this every year, knowing that MOST of the crap goes into other neighboring communities, starts hillside fires every year, burns people hands, and encourages L.A. residents to break their own laws.
What is the MATTER with you people? Is this some kind of self-destructive cultural bullshit. Its not YOUR taxes being used to put of the damn fires and patch up kids with 3rd degress burns.
Alhambra sucks.
Big time.
Who's Pocahontas, and what does that have to do with how to educate illegal aliens?
can someone here tell me if Academia receives Any federal money or tax credits?
Hey does anyone know if there has been any decision made?
I agree with those of you blogging about not giving this school any more public tax money- This school does not score high enough to warrant public funds.
Scoring the lowest test scores does not warrant a dime of my tax dollars
Plus, the Principle and his wife are simply teaching their own racist agenda.
Your right - they are idiots when they think its not important to speak or read English, yet they themselves who claim to hate America, still LIVE Here!!!!
This is California, part of the United States, period. For those who don't like it, go back where you broke in from.
OH, that's the other big conservative bullshit hypocrisy that no one ever calls them on.
School vouchers.
Give MY tax money to private and RELIGIOUS schools, just because I don't want to attend public schools, and directly fund religion and any other private educational philosophy.
Well, if the GOP masterminds win, Academia can go private and get the same voucher students as them.
I live in ALHAMBRA next to EL SERENO, and every damn year they sell TONS of ILLEGAL fireworks just across the city line to ALHAMBRA, PASADENA, ELA, HECK ANYONE.
Who are these IDIOTS in EL SERENO that allow this every year, knowing that MOST of the crap goes into other neighboring communities, starts hillside fires every year, burns people hands, and encourages DIFFERENT PERSONS to break their CITY laws?
I'm still trying to figure out what part of my postings made some guy think I was a little white girl?
Is it the curly-cues on the end of the letter "e"s, or the smiley face dots over the "i"s?
Don't you people know any rational, intelligent, well-spoken males?
All knuckle draggers where you come from, huh? Figures.
ALL CAPS is a sign of an inferiority complex, you know that, right?
It used to be shouting, now it just means mommy didn't love you enough.
Nice to get a geography lesson in the middle of a discussion from some blogging Einstein.
Yes, I know what state and country this is. It says so on my driver's license, and on your expired learner's permit.
I also know it's Tuesday. Thanks!
What's your point?
Youre still that little 5 year girl saw daddy leave mommy.
you are not male.
2:35 were you referring to my comment?
I said NOTHING about school vouchers!
I said if a school is scoring too low, and teaching racism, plus the lies that this is Atlzan, I sure don't want my tax dollars going to it... I said nothing about any other Public School.
My kid went to a Public High School in Long Beach and is now at MIT-
Stop putting your own agenda into other peoples comments.
Lame defense agruments of El Sereno charter school poor performance
Lame Lie #1 Overwhelming Support by neighborhood council - election to these positions requires only 100 votes of residents including illegal aliens.
Lame Lie #2 - Standardized tests don't reflect school performance - typical excuse of teachers who can't teach.
Lame Lie #3 - Multilingual education is superior over English - The truth is that full English immersion as opposed to slow transition to English has proven more successful.
Lame Lie #4 Nahuatl is the language common to Mexican Indians - maybe if your from the north but not from southern Mexico. Google supports Klingon as search language but not the mystical dialect of the village idiot Marcos Aguilar
Can you give me an example of a community group in El Sereno where the board members get more votes that the LA32 Neighborhood Council?
Can you give me an example of another community group certified to speak before the City of L.A. as an official representative of the community?
You may not like the numbers, but it's the only game in town.
Plus, you're breaking Councilman John's heart, to boot.
"Full-immersion" may indeed be preferable, in most cases.
That's assuming the people you're "immersing" are going to be English speakers, only, for the rest of their education, or maybe even the rest of their lives.
Which brings us back to the question no one cares to try and answer:
2) "WHY TEACH ILLEGALS YOU INTEND TO "SHIP BACK" to their native country to SPEAK ONLY ENGLISH - and to forget their native tongues?
I can only assume from your reply that you believe that all illegals, once they enter L.A. schools and begin their education, should stay here for the rest of their lives, regardless of their legal status. Otherwise it's a waste of their time and our money, right?
Okay -- why not just say so? NOW it makes sense to teach them ONLY in English. School-base amnesty -- "anchor" students.
(You, however, have just been kicked out of the KABC/KFI radio fan cabal as a traitor to the cause of "protecting our borders").
And their parents, too? Can't split up the families, that would be cruel. I think we've solved the whole immigration problem. Just get your kid enrolled in school, have them be "totally immersion" in English, and you're just as good as a legal family, here.
And to think, brillant minds all over the country have been wrestling with this dilemma for decades.
Amazing that "Red Spot from Cd14" would chime in on this.
You do know this school is in Council District 9, right?
AHHH, just kidding, knowing how little you know about the actual 14th district, I just thought I'd pull your leg.
It really is in CD14, right at the base of the Southwest Museum, in HIGHLAND PARK.
(that was fun).
"Yes, I know what state and country this is. It says so on my driver's license"
so tell me, exactly where on the licence does it say the country????
Good afternoon sots (tips hat):
God's boots, you Yanks are ab-so-lute-ly bonkers! (Shakes head) But then again, there's nothing that gets you Yanks fired up more than the debate about immigration, education and polarization. Now if only you would be this enthusiastic about something a little more substantial like World Cup Soccer. You might even get more people to turn out for the match than you would to turn out to vote in a CQ election, savvy?
That's the first time Capt. Jackoff has ever made reference to us as "yanks" I think (a term than post-dates his fake pirate character, me-thinks).
Has he invented yet another persona -- this one a Brit?
Does that make 1/8th of his split personality illegal? Can we deport one leg? Or, do we have to send him to school to learn proper American English?
The principal mentioned in this article, Minnie Ferguson, is Marcos Aguilar's wife, according to a Title Search I did on the school property. This is the first time I have heard her name mentioned...I thought Marcos Aguilar was the principal.
"The district is also looking into business and financial records", according to this article. This is exactly why I did a Title Search on the property. I posted the results a few days ago, and I truly believe there is a Cause for Action here. Something smells really fishy. Minnie and Marcos have suddenly become the proud owners of not one...but two expensive homes. And it looks like there was fraudulent reconveyance between the original owner of the school property, William Vasquez, and the current owner, TZICATL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP, which turns out to be Marcos Aguilar. BTW TZICATL was Aguilar's Mecha code name when he was at UCLA in 1993. LA RAZA DEVELOPMENT CORP has a $185,000 loan against the property.
These are just the highlights from the Title Search.
I have sent all the info to Doug MacIntye because IMO, this school is just a shell for LA RAZA and the Mechistas, and we taxpayers are helping to fund it. We can bring them down if we can prove fraud. THis is not a PRIVATE school. I am hoping to find Villaraigosa's fingerprints all over this thing. It's very, very strange that he has not weighed in on this problem! And how come it only took one day to determine that everything was kosher at this school? It's a huge cover-up! No wonder Villaraigosa wants to take over LAUSD.
I need to make a correction here: I am not certain that Minnie Ferguson and Marcos Aguilar are married. BUT they are both listed as primary owners of the two owner-occupied residences in Alhambra and LA 90065.
"Making art and growing corn." That ought to get them far! They are shooting themselves
in the foot. Sounds like they are raising good little welfare recipients.
Poor Kids! Their parents and teachers should be ashamed.
Do LAUSD Board Members know this?
"fraudulent reconveyance between the original owner of the school property, William Vasquez, and the current owner"
Who is William Vasquez?
So, "TZICATL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP" is owned by Marcos Aguilar.
Hmmmmmmmm. Hey Zuma, can you get one of your powerful friends to look at the fraud mentioned?
How much money does this dev. company get? Look at their records:
Tzicatl Community Development Corp. CA 2004 $1,646,191 990 14 04-3669252
Tzicatl Community Development Corp. CA 2003 $1,439,720 990 15 04-3669252
Tzicatl Community Development Corp. CA 2002 $832,807 990 22 04-3669252
How much did Academia report:
Academia Semillas Del Pueblo CA 2005 $460,940 990 17 95-4795129
Academia Semillas Del Pueblo CA 2004 $343,411 990 14 95-4795129
Academia Semillas Del Pueblo CA 2003 $450,801 990 14 95-4795129
Academia Semillas Del Pueblo CA 2002 $226,560 990 34 95-4795129
More money?
(c/o MARCOS AGUILAR) 4736 HUNTINGTON DR S Charitable Organization
( Community, Neighborhood Development, Improvement (General)) * $199,427 06/2004
Walter and Zuma Dogg,
Wouldn't it be funny if the public found out Marcos and Minne laundered money to private bank accounts in Mexico?
Darn. Marcos chose elementary charter school and brainwash 5-10 year olds. Best time to teach propaganda. Pobre Ninos.
Any idea how much it takes to operate a school?
$1 - 2 million plus for every 100 students.
Irene Vasquez, Academia Board member, any relation to William Vasquez. William sold Marcos Aguilar Academia Building?
Good afternoon 4:15 (glares at sot): For your information, I have always referred to you Yanks as Yanks. As for me, we are 2 Brits, 2 Irish, 1 Kiwi, 1 Aussie and 1 who hails from the island nation of Bermuda. No, you may not deport us for we are just as legal as you are. Holders of two passports are we each, with one of them being blue and gold. No, I don't think you'll be deporting me but you are all a bunch of looney Yanks who are almost as amusing as old Lord Hatfield and Farmer McCoy, savvy?
(Laughs) Oooh, lookee! The sot wants to deport Captain Jack! In the words of another Yank....go ahead. Make my day.
When did Antigua House become social justice zapatista territory?
My NC will not cohort into immigration agendas like your NC. For the poster who pasted LA32 agenda:Why would you allow Marcos Aguilar to take over LA32?
Do any of you have a BRAIN left in that head? Unless you are supporters of this maggot socialist.
Send your comments to:
Attention Marcos Aguilar
2311 El Paseo St
Alhambra , CA 91803
Is William Vasquez the same guy who works for US Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in Los Angeles?
Or is it William Vasquez from
OH yes, this was the other tactic that Borg McIntyre and KABC all- assimilation radio tried after the "worst school" and the "racist curriculum" shit all turned out to be his fake smoke and mirrors.
The founders must be "thieves and crooks" stealing public money -- remember, BORG was going to research this and report back with ALL kinds of scandal on financial misdealings and skulldouggery because he was getting leaks from people who "knew."
He promised lots of juicy dirt, and a BIG expose. Then, nothing . . .
squat, diddlie, bupkiss, ZERO.
Hmmm, I know Academia's complaint to his Mickey Mouse bosses got him slapped around by management and shut him up for awhile about the other stuff, but I don't think it had anything to do with him pulling off the "money trail."
NOPE, that one was more simple. THERE'S NOTHING WRONG with the books. No one's getting rich off a charter school in a rented building in El Sereno.
Keep playing the same game your boy Borg failed at. Have fun jerking yourselves around, but please clean up the blog afterwards.
BORG ended up looking REAL stupid to people who were keeping track of his "promos" and teases on this scandal.
Please do sic the "dogg" on it, too. No one does a better job of wild-goose chasing his own tail, and biting himself in the process.
Keep checking, there can't be more than 15,000 Vasquez's in greater L.A.
I think you meant Zuma's "pitiful" friends, not "powerful."
Aye, thou hath spoken well, Captain Sparrow! Mayhap 4:15 hath lately discovered this blog? If 4:15 hath been inhabiting this blog longer, he hath not paid his attention to thy messages as I hath done!
4:15, thou must learn to stow thy gab, an' invent thine own persona, IF thou art not a criticaster!
Why don't you two get a room at the Johnny Depp fan club convention.
STILL waiting for something ANYTHING Capt. Jackoff "predicts" in L.A. to actually happen, specifically (not this "someone's going to be fired today" mumbo jumbo.
NOPE, that one was more simple. THERE'S NOTHING WRONG with the books. No one's getting rich off a charter school in a rented building in El Sereno
-Marcos development company owns the building. Do you imply he then pays rent to himself?
Mexica Uprising - In Support of World Wide Indigenous Revolution
ACT NOW! 2/27/07: Academia Semillas del Pueblo’s Charter Renewal Hearing
Academia Semillas del Pueblo has been under right wing attack by xenophobic organizations and individuals for providing a culturally enriched and multi-lingual education to urban children of the greater Los Angeles area.
The time has come for Academia to renew their charter for another 5 years and for the community to support our parents' and students' rights to educational equity.
IF you support:
1) Educational Equity
2) Multicultural education
3) Multilingual education (Semillas children learn: English, Spanish, Mandarin, Nahuatl)
4) The right for parent and community school governance
THEN: Join the students, parents, teachers and community of Academia Semillas del Pueblo at the Charter Renewal hearing on Tuesday, February 27th so the LAUSD Board Members vote for the renewal of Semillas charter with no conditions.
WHO: Academia Semillas del Pueblo's Charter Renewal Hearing (It is the Hearing. A vote will NOT be made)
WHEN: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 2-5pm
WHERE: 333 South Beaudry Ave, LA, CA 90017 (Cross street is 3rd St.)
HOW: Wear your "I Support Academia Semillas del Pueblo" green shirt or wear a green shirt.
IF you CAN'T go but WANT to SUPPORT:
Please call the LAUSD Board Members, tell them you support Academia Semillas del Pueblo and you urge them to vote in favor of the Charter Renewal in March 2007. AND send a letter of support to all board members and please make sure to send one to us as well. For a sample letter or phone script, send an email to
For more information:
Call Mixpe Ley at (323) 342-0615/(323) 803-6379 or write to and make sure to watch ACADEMIA VIDEO
Academia Semillas del Pueblo
Oh, that must be why the yahoos think its a socialist organization, because of the Mandarin language.
A "socialist" organization run by wealthy thieving "capitalist" slumlords, right 5:54?
Making up your f-ing minds.
Or, just attack, attack, attack without facts, and end up in the slapped down for being too stupid to matter ranks with "Borg" and his buddies.
More diversions, more distractions, more accusations, with no evidence, but NO answers:
No answers from the hypocrites, just fear and pointed fingers.
Some yahoo playing fast and loose with terms, and no one bothered to call him on it.
A "community development" corp. - i.e., a charity, is NOT the same thing as a DEVELOPMENT company, (i.e. builder developer, etc). and just because the mailing address where they receive donations and grant money is at the school doesn't mean Aguilar OWNS the damn building the mail comes to.
I got a P.O. box at the U.S. post office -- that don't make me Uncle Sam.
You're going to have to do something better than that to fan the flames.
GEEZ, what maroons.
I don't know if Academia is bad or good for students.
I'm curious to know if they say the Flag Salute in the mornings.
If any of this trash was legitimate criticism of the financial dealing of the school's founders, then these "concerned" citizens would have raised the issue month or even years ago, but certainly at the public hearings about the charter renewal.
This is just gangbang gutter-sniping from some know-nothing morons who wouldn't dare address them in person, knowing they'd be laughed off the block.
The kids at my LAUSD school say it once a week, if that. Sometimes less.
The FLAG SALUTE is also known ad the "pledge of allegiance" -- and many of the students there are not U.S. citizens.
What would you have them pledge allegiance to? A foreign country?
Children of Jehovah's Witnesses are not required to make the pledge either.
What's your point?
Time warp.
For some people out there, it still seems to be 1953!?
You sound territorial, like a gang.
The Academia Gang
Hey Hugo
1953? That was Pete's original comment. Stop the press.
What a production of Spin from Hugo and the other Semillias apologists.
3:26 aka "BLUE SLUDGE", I went by a certain railroad crossing in Glendale that one of Marco's former students made famous.
1953, it's a year from the past. A lot of us lived through it, whipper- snapper.
Don't make too much of it. The Korean "conflict" ended, Joe Stalin died, Playboy started up (Marilyn Monroe on the cover - that's what stuck in my mind), and postage stamps cost 3 cents.
Ain't no thang!
Red Snot -- Glendale's not in CD14, either.
Try to keep up, okay?
And I dare you to find a teacher anywhere in LAUSD that's been at it for more than a few years, that doesn't have an ex-student who's involuntarily been a "guest" of the county or state.
Maybe if we just stopped producing teachers the jails would empty out?
I got laid in 1953.
If it's only "spin" it should be easy to stop, and deflate, right?
So pick up the challenge that everyone else, red and not-so-red, keeps avoiding. Answer the questions:
Isn't this what the "Academia" assault isall about, what's the GOAL of public schools?
To create good "American" citizens?
Then what about school's where non-citizens are a large minority, if not a majority -- and where any can be deported overnight.
Who is that "goal" helping?
So did my mother, or else I wouldn't be here!
Philip asked, "Do you need this book?"
"Who is that 'goal' helping?"
Wow, Anglo-Pocahontas (10:51 PM) is at it again.
I find it hard to believe YOU CAN'T OR WON'T answer your own questions.
Oh yea, order another coffee. I saw you typing away at Mecha coffee shop.
I was one of those "permanent residents" who was drafted during the Vietnam war. I was assigned to Fort Bliss Texas for basic training. About half of my training company was composed of "green carders". Several did not even speak English. We used the buddy system to translate the Drill Instructor's orders.
As part of the enrollment process, we all swore alegiance to the US. Even though I was against the war, I chose to serve because I felt I owed this country for the great opportunity afforded my family.
"My Country Right or Wrong". I have never regreted serving.
Citizenship is more than a piece of paper. It comes at a price, and that's blood.
I wish that it's required that every citizen must vote. I wish that every citizen is required to serve in some capacity to aide this country -- be it in the military, or a civil service job (like pushing paper). Until folks serve they get complacent, and they take things for granted. Service teaches them that there is a higher calling than themselves, and that we're all in this boat together.
Dual citizenship is wrong. If a person holds loyalities to two different countries it'll be difficult to trust them (not impossible, but very difficult). It's also a perfect breeding ground for spies, and I feel spies should be drawn and quartered in the public square as an object lesson.
I'm very strict on Law and Order, and even more so with protecting this country. I swore to protect this country from enemies both foreign and domestic and that oath I take very seriously.
Marco Aguilar – Principal
Academia Semillas del Pueblo
4736 Huntington Dr. So.
Los Angeles, CA 90032
Fax No.: (323) 987-1240
Re: Your Appalling Racism
Mr. Aguilar:
After having read the text of a recent interview you gave to a UCLA affiliated educational magazine, I am almost dumbfounded by your bigotry and the disservice you are clearly performing to children whom you have been entrusted to educate.
Whatever gave you the idea that your racial discrimination against persons unlike yourself was acceptable? The education you have clearly received at American institutions of higher learning was either abysmal or completely wasted on you.
I cannot convey to you in strong enough terms my sense of outrage about the tax dollars that come out of my pocket being used to finance your poorly disguised indoctrination camp. Please rest assured that thousands of persons who are now just learning of your racist orientation and educational goals will be at least as angry as I. I imagine that considerable legal efforts and law abiding methods of protest will be used to close Academia Semillas del Pueblo down or place it in the hands of a responsible group of administrators … and I look forward to assisting persons engaging in such endeavors.
On a final note, be advised that as someone who has spent time teaching young persons, I find your actions and philosophy disgusting. Mr. Aguilar, do the children of Mexico and the U.S. a favor and please find another line of work.
S**** Z*********
c.c. Los Angeles Unified School District
Good evening Lord Chapman (makes elegant leg to the gentlemen):
Have you ever made the acquaintance of a young gallant by the name of Jesus Reynaldo Gatica (known to the rest of the world as JR)? JR often comes down to the marina to putter about in his little sailboat. Brings 'is wifey and two wee squid. Nice bloke, JR is. A history buff who is up on his local pirate lore. He and I like to discuss mundane topics such as the lost sword of Cortes and whether or not it was used to gore Al-Vin in this last election, savvy? JR works for an agency that by day assists funds to worthy non-profit groups like the one that is currently driving all the Yanks bonkers. But by night this same agency becomes an open till for certain folks on the public payroll that get elected to do the work they do as opposed to applying for the job the old fashioned way, savvy?
So JR and his wifey and squid come down to putter about in their little boat. And JR says to me one day quite out of the blue that he received extra monies in his paycheck. When he inquired, he was told that it was "bonus" money that needed to be taken off the books so that there would not be so much money to be declared come tax time.
Now I pay the crew a little extra bonus every now and then because they work hard and deserve it. I would wager that you probably put a little extra quid in their envelopes during shore leave, do you not?
But back to JR, the wifey and the squids. What is your take on this, Lord Chapman, man of the world that you are? I would call it hush money, I would. The bard calls it severance pay and the rudderman calls it being set up to take the fall. What would you call it, Lord Chapman?
(whispers confidentially) JR really is a nice bloke but I have a bad feeling about this hush money; makes for loud screams it does. Filthy lucre me mum calls it. Nasty business I call it. Especially when you're on the wrong end of a lost sword, savvy?
Why would Alvin accept Hush Money? Is he on vacation?
Contact email address for Board Members of Los Angeles Unified School District. Email them and ask them NOT to renew the contract for this charter school. Make sure you point out that the childrens test scores are low, you believe this school encourages separatism, and the cirriculum isn't even beneficial to preparing these students to be contributing citizens of THIS country. Also, refusing to have the students recite the pledge of allegiance goes against California Education Code.
(from above article) Quote:
You see, it's charter school renewal season in Los Angeles and Semillas del Pueblo ("Seeds of the People"), a 318-student, K-7 charter in El Sereno, is one of 18 schools whose contracts will soon get a thumbs up or thumbs down from the Los Angeles Unified School District.
Mónica García
The law is the law:
In every public elementary school each day during the school
year at the beginning of the first regularly scheduled class or
activity period at which the majority of the pupils of the school normally begin the schoolday, there shall be conducted appropriate patriotic exercises. The giving of the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Flag of the United States of America shall satisfy the requirements of this section.
In every public secondary school there shall be conducted daily
appropriate patriotic exercises. The giving of the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America shall satisfy such requirement. Such patriotic exercises for secondary schools shall be conducted in accordance with the regulations which shall be adopted by the governing board of the district maintaining the secondary school.
Good evening 11:14 (smiles gently at 11:14): Al-Vin is only referenced in reference to a reference about the lost sword of Cortes. That is all. Whether or not Al-Vin has gone off in search of the lost sword of Cortes is not known to me. If he has in fact gone off in search of the lost sword of Cortes then I predict, if you will, that he will not find it for it appears to be still lost, savvy?
The receiver of what purports to be hush money is JR Gatica. For all I know it may be a true bona fide bonus. But it sounds a little fishy to me and believe me, I know fish!
Good evening 11:17pm (takes off hat and places it over chest):
God Save The Queen!
The William Vasquez who sold property to Racista asshole works for Office of Community Planning and Development.
Los Angeles
JR Gatica? Codes, puzzles, might as well use sign language.
JR Gatica?
Captain Crunch (I meant Sparrow)
Have ye seen th' video?
I saw kids in th' video. Be this NC made up o' kids?
I now attempt to dissect Academia Semillas del Pueblo
In the wake of the controversy surrounding the school,
Academia Semillas del Pueblo’s original website had been taken down.
With the assistence of web archiving, I have taken screenshots of various web pages of the former site.
Academia Semillas del Pueblo
Our mission is to provide urban children of immigrant native families an excellent education founded upon their own language, cultural values, and global realities through a k-8 California public charter school to fulfill our commitment to justice, freedom and dignity in education.
Ancestral Mexican schooling ethos embodied social ideals and appreciations intended to develop the child as a complete person. The indigenous heart of our vision is a repossession of an identity denied from our children in standard schools.
I wonder whose history will be taught. Ours or thiers??
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