Huizar Quietly Crafts "Son of Measure R"
With Prop R and its “two issue” unconstitutional provisions ready to go back in front of the judge, the backroom politicians are going for broke.
Measure L which will appear on the March ballot has three issues as if two weren't enough!
Sorry folks, if you want term limits for school board members then let it run solo. But if you think we are going to take this sitting down without a fight, then you have been inhaling too much of that backroom smoke.
Now let’s take a look to see who on paper is behind this effort.
Committee for LAUSD Ethics and Finance Reform #1293533 with Jose Huizar and David Gould as treasurer. No money has been reported yet. The next reporting will be Feb 22 for Jan1-Feb17.
No direct connection as yet but the Ethics Committee said there should not be any money given to Huizar's committee from the Mayor's take over committee.
The other committee is the Mayor's committee Partnership for Schools #1293224 (specifically to support his reform candidates) and it has raised $150,000 from two major developers JH Snyder Co and Marc Nathanson of Mapleton Development.
They do business all around Los Angeles. These guys claim to be funding the Mayor's reforms because they believe in his mission. Maybe, I don't know. I doubt they are doing it without some kind of tit for tat deal.
When the ethics commission reports the contributions on Feb 22 we will know how much more money is spent and from whom.
Tuesday February 13, 2007 at 10:00 AM David Hernandez and Ted Hayes will be at the LAUSD Headquarters 333 So Beaudry, Los Angeles, CA. They will address the board and voice their opposition to this unconstitutional power grab. If you would like to address the board on Measure L, call Sandy at 213 241-7002. If you would like to just attend and be supportive, just show up!
Measure L which will appear on the March ballot has three issues as if two weren't enough!
Sorry folks, if you want term limits for school board members then let it run solo. But if you think we are going to take this sitting down without a fight, then you have been inhaling too much of that backroom smoke.
Now let’s take a look to see who on paper is behind this effort.
Committee for LAUSD Ethics and Finance Reform #1293533 with Jose Huizar and David Gould as treasurer. No money has been reported yet. The next reporting will be Feb 22 for Jan1-Feb17.
No direct connection as yet but the Ethics Committee said there should not be any money given to Huizar's committee from the Mayor's take over committee.
The other committee is the Mayor's committee Partnership for Schools #1293224 (specifically to support his reform candidates) and it has raised $150,000 from two major developers JH Snyder Co and Marc Nathanson of Mapleton Development.
They do business all around Los Angeles. These guys claim to be funding the Mayor's reforms because they believe in his mission. Maybe, I don't know. I doubt they are doing it without some kind of tit for tat deal.
When the ethics commission reports the contributions on Feb 22 we will know how much more money is spent and from whom.
Tuesday February 13, 2007 at 10:00 AM David Hernandez and Ted Hayes will be at the LAUSD Headquarters 333 So Beaudry, Los Angeles, CA. They will address the board and voice their opposition to this unconstitutional power grab. If you would like to address the board on Measure L, call Sandy at 213 241-7002. If you would like to just attend and be supportive, just show up!
Labels: proposition r
Yes, cause we know the opposition to the original Prop R was SO powerful, this one stands absoluetly no chance, right?
And people who give diddly about school board elections and issues are even more vigilant, right?
I can see it now, Monica Garcia gets three terms and pay raise. that is a lot of Bom Boms for her.
I wonder if Home Depot will support
Son of Prop R like they did the original Prop R?
I can see it now, Julie Korenstein gets three terms and pay raise. that is a lot of 1980's hairstyles for her.
I can see it now, Marlene Canter gets three terms and pay raise. that is a hair curler for her.
I can see it now, David Tokofsky gets three terms and pay raise. that is a lot of...wait he decided not to run for reelection.
He's an idiot.
Joe B.
Is there is "School Depot"?
Someone knows all the school board members names.
I'm impressed.
Most taxpayers can't even tell you the name of the elementary school in their community, or whether school board members are elected, paid, or PT/FT.
If you think the original Prop R involved a tough learning curve for them, think what this one will involve.
And since they didn't have trouble giving three terms to 15 people making nearly $200K, how enraged are they going to get about 5 (or is it 7?) people making 1/8th of that much.
It is 7 positions, anon at 2:27. So here's the breakdown.
15 x 175,000 = $2.6 million
7 x 25,000 = 175,000.
You get 7 part time school board members for the price of one city councilmember.
No wonder Huizar jumped out.
The summary of M-L has some old ideas that smack of AB`1381, also still in court for being unconstitutional.
The Review Committee will be appointed by a council of mayors!
MAV gets to appoint two. Now get this one must be a corporate executive. Can you say Venture Capitalist? Tricky Dick R?
The second must be a labor representative! Duffy?
The Mayors of Bell, Cudhay, Huntington Park, Maywood and South Gate shall appoint a small business owner. The Mayors of Gardena, Carson,Lomita, SAn Fernando and West Hollywood shall jointly appoint one compensation expert. Jointly?? The President of the City Council shall appoint a parent or guardian and a labor representative. Eric appoints?
Talk about a cluster....
So if this passes and the mayor's three LAUSD candidates are defeated, he can have the venture capitalist and the sub contractors and also the union do his bidding and keep the board in line.
What a country!
Term limits, sherm limits. Doesn't matter; LAUSD is terrible and will remain that way no matter what.
You bunch of fools , don't you get it! Measure L stands for Losers, and most politicain who cannot hold a real are looking to expand their opition. They hate LAUSD, but when they're termed out they wil for a sit on the board of ed.
Michael Trujillo.
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