We Already Got Over 500 City Attorneys, Why Do We Gotta Pay For MORE Outside Attorneys For City Council's "Dogg Food" Mess
Motion (Smith-Zine-Reyes) relative to utilizing outside counsel in matter of Tennie Pierce vs City of Los Angeles. Recommendation for Council action: REQUEST the City Attorney utilize outside counsel to negotiate a settlement, and if needed, to litigate Tennie Pierce v. City of Los Angeles on behalf of the City.
[This item was continuted until Dec. 19th. One day before Council's holiday reccess from shadiness, waste, abuse and corruption.]
In an exclusive interview with Councilmember Dennis Zine (the main man who wanted to seek outside counsel, instead of going with Rocky), Matt Dowd and Zuma Dogg (via cell phone), aksed, "Why did you continue this vote until December 19th, 2006?", Councilmember Zine, not one to avoid a tough question (usually), replied, "Because I wanted to." Hmmm?
ZD says it could be because Zine knew he didn't have enough votes and needed more time to lobby his fellow opposing Councilmembers (and we all know who THEY are).
[Zuma Dogg Holiday Karaoke Party. This Sunday, 8:30pm, Lava Lounge/Hollywood (on La Brea). ZD performs live, spins music, and YOU can sing karaoke, too. Consider it to be the City's "Official Holiday Office Party." www.ZumaDogg.com]
Motion (Smith-Zine-Reyes) relative to utilizing outside counsel in matter of Tennie Pierce vs City of Los Angeles. Recommendation for Council action: REQUEST the City Attorney utilize outside counsel to negotiate a settlement, and if needed, to litigate Tennie Pierce v. City of Los Angeles on behalf of the City.
[This item was continuted until Dec. 19th. One day before Council's holiday reccess from shadiness, waste, abuse and corruption.]
In an exclusive interview with Councilmember Dennis Zine (the main man who wanted to seek outside counsel, instead of going with Rocky), Matt Dowd and Zuma Dogg (via cell phone), aksed, "Why did you continue this vote until December 19th, 2006?", Councilmember Zine, not one to avoid a tough question (usually), replied, "Because I wanted to." Hmmm?
ZD says it could be because Zine knew he didn't have enough votes and needed more time to lobby his fellow opposing Councilmembers (and we all know who THEY are).
[Zuma Dogg Holiday Karaoke Party. This Sunday, 8:30pm, Lava Lounge/Hollywood (on La Brea). ZD performs live, spins music, and YOU can sing karaoke, too. Consider it to be the City's "Official Holiday Office Party." www.ZumaDogg.com]
Look for more lawsuits against the LAFD and management to continue to stream in.
Please leave January 9th, 2007 open on your calendar. That is the day that Zuma Dogg will be back on Venice Beach, performing and selling my t shirts; and Matt Dowd will be playing guitar, selling his own blend of incense that he makes himself. (A true Venice boardwalk original, handmade item.)
Because on January 8th, Zuma Dogg predicts the judge who will be ruling on Michael Hunt and Matt Dowd's injunction against 42.15, the shady ban affecting the income of ZD, MD, MH and thousands of other workers who were sold a "lifetime permit" to vend on the west/beach side of Venice, will be ruled upon. (And ZD says it WILL be overturned, because it IS so shady, just about any judge who looks at it will overturn it again, as it already has been previously.
So when this shady, unconstitutional, first amendment violating, piece of sh*t ordinance gets thrown out on it's ass, you better give out extra pairs of handcuffs to Landry, cause it's gonna be a triumphant, boisterous, dancing and singing, hooting and hollering "special event", right there in the City Hall rotunda. (Mayor V., can you have some resheshments on-hand for the triumphant constituents?)
Then it'll be ZD selling his legendary Tees, back on the beach and wiping his ass with your shady legislation. (Take it to Vegas, y'all!!!)
How many lawsuits are filed against the LAFD?
When were they all filed?
Who is named in them?
Chief Bamattre?
Chief Fox?
Chief Rueda?
What are the complaints about?
Most of the lawsuits were filed before the Tennie Pierce fiasco and have merit.
And SPEAKING of hundreds of lawyers, on Friday the City Council may decide whether it should cost FIVE TIMES AS MUCH for people to have their OWN attorneys:
Recommendations for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:
1. PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE amending the Los Angeles Municipal
Code Section 53.12(a) by increasing the adoption fee for “pocket” pets (rats, mice, squirrels, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs or similar small rodents) from $1.00 to $5.00.
2. RECEIVE and FILE the City Attorney report dated June 21, 2006, relative to increasing the fees for pocket pets . . .
Lawsuit filed by Captain II Frank Lima - coming up soon. In depositions/discovery now. The facts will expose much about Bamattre's administration and the inner workings of the LAFD.
Let all the lawsuits go to trial and clear the air about whats goin on in the fire department. The employees deserve a break. Get to the bottom of what's goin on. Even the new fire chief won't want the details to be made public if he can help it.
Laura Chick-N-Shit was on Channel 4 over the weekend saying this has been going on for a decade. Yet, where the hell was anyone on clowncil questioning the behavior? they just kept paying out the settelements. Why didn't Chick N Shit do something about since she's taking credit for the audit in 2004? Where's the accountability with her office? Pass the buck is what Laura likes to do.
Yes, Laura Chick and all the councilmembers and previous mayors hold some blame.
But Laura Chick is right when she says the buck stops with the boss of the LAFD, and that's Bamattre.
Bill is the WORST administrator the department has seen in decades as the rising costs to defend his bunglings prove.
His legacy is a disgrace. No one has supported him publicly for good reason. Have you heard anyone support him? Firefighters and city officials are aghast as the consequences of his mismanagement of the department become more apparent.
More front page LA Times news soon.
One wonders why constituents would be stupid enough to believe that the City Attorney is here to protect them. No way. The City Attorney is here to protect the City and its' employees.
Just because constituents pay his salary means nothing.
If a group of constituents decide to sue the City, guess who's side the City Attorney will defend?
It is the ultimate irony.
Damn, didn't I just say Zine was a baboon?
Although.. come to think of it, I've seen all of the Council Members do the same thing to wait for votes. What a shock that they are that corrupt. Too bad those neighborhood councils don't get in there and force them to behave.
Exactly 12:26. It is a shame there are so many stupid constituents. Some of them post here.
There was an investigation completed by Cardenas, Hahn, and Miscikowski in the old Commerce, Energy, and Natural Resources Committee. It revealed millions in settlements. Strange that the committee was renamed and the findings hidden.
Next time you run into "HIS POLLONESS", ask him why he never crack down on all those illegal, err, side walk venders in CD 14. I do seem to remember a Steve "SKID ROW" Lopez article during the mayoral election where Boyle Heights Chamber members were taking "HIS POLLONESS" to task for the explosion of these street merchants. After all you be mad too if you paid for a business permit, yet these "PALETAS, TACOS, TAMALES, FLOWERS" salespeople were not paying taxes and permit fees.
Great work DOGG, hope to see you Sunday.
It is amazing how many posts there are about Frankie Limas lawsuit. Hmmm, wonder if it is Frankie or his Attorney trying to generate interest. I hope Frankie takes his case to court as it will show the truth.
An LAFD insider
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