Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Monday

Los Angeles Unified School District Superintendent David Brewer III will meet with U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings Monday morning at a San Fernando Valley elementary school. A tour of the school will be followed by a roundtable discussion on the No Child Left Behind Act.
Monday afternoon in Santa Monica, hippy dippy Jerry Rubin will take the money he saved this year by riding city buses with a senior discount pass and donate it to various transit related causes.
Zach Behrens, writing at LAist, has a preview of what we might expect of newly minted 38th District Assemblyman Cameron Smyth. The freshman legislator - who previously served as a City Council member in Santa Clarita Valley and whose district covers both that burg as well as a number of San Fernando Valley communities - was being tagged around town as a "pussy whipped freshman legislator who would follow marching orders in Sacramento," according to Behrens. However Smyth has proposed his first bill that is surely to not only curry favor with the folks in SCV but enviromentalists as well. Smyth's legislation will help to fight a very unpopular sand and gravel mine in Canyon Country.
LA City Nerd is still taking nominations for his"City Nerd Awards." Of course feel free to nominate this blog. And the CN has a lot of other really interesting categories that could be a fun way to remember the wackiness of this year.
Labels: proposition r
Where are the screamers and the whiners? You begged David to take this on, and not so much as one comment. Does that mean none of you are donating either? Well, I have. So I can scream and whine all I want to on this blogspot. Where are the rest of you?
Message of Rubin's gesture: you have to be an altruistic hippie to ride a bus in LA.
But the truth is, you don't. LA has a great transit system. More people need to take it more often. Not just altruistic hippies, the carless, and Ed Begley Jr.
Antonio puts together a "team" to run 3 schools. Great! Who's paying and don't tell me its out of the slush fund he created.
Ok here's one for the local reporters, Why didn't Antonio show up for his big photo op on Saturday with Arnold, Mahony and all the media at the Hollenbeck Youth Center toy give away? Rumors were flying that 1. he wasn't invited this year. 2. Arnold is mad at him. Its not like Antonio to miss a big photo op. I noticed he's jumping in on LAPD's huge toy give aways all over the city for his photo ops. Why didn't he organize one with all the money he has?
attention blog. Venice outlaws have the date for hearing the preliminary injunction against the boardwalk ordinance which prohibits vending of incense jewellery and Zuma Dogg T-shirts.
Judge has advanced us up the calendar to Jan. 8th. 10 am.
yet another Rocky f*** up but this time its dummies like us that have him on the ropes.
merry xmas los angeles. we love you's all.
School Me
Friends face off in legal fight over L.A. Unified...The high-stakes head-butting that that will rock Superior Court Judge Dzintra Janavs' courtroom Friday promises plenty of entertainment for fans of arcane constitutional argumentation...The rest of us can amuse ourselves with a side story featuring two of Los Angeles' most aggressive education-oriented attorneys — longtime allies who swear they're still friends even though they've been eye-gouging on opposing sides of the ugly legal battle over Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's plan to gain a measure of control over California's largest school district.
David Cobb & Hose Huizar?
I thought Gail Goldberg was the good person for the people. However, according to all the newspapers she for the big developers. How in the hell can she say people want another Home Depot in Glassell Park when they already have 3 in a 8 mile radius. Community is outraged. Who is this woman, who hired her and is she with the city?
Absolutely correct: where is everyone who was screaming and whining about Prop. R!? Certainly hope those checks are in the mail, that folks will now put their money where their mouth is. This is IMPORTANT!!!
Mahony was at the Hollenbeck Youth Center toy give away?? Mahony has no credibility and should be shunned.
Good morning ladies and gentlemen (tips barrista and folds paper):
One of the crew left his auto out on Saturday night, and during the evening the wind and rain caused the leaves to fall upon his car. Since the auto had not been cleaned in a rather long time, the dirt ran round the leaves and left imprints of the leaves all over the auto. (Grins) Leave it to the pirate crew to be artistic in their messes.
One of us was at the photo op on Saturday, and yes Villabarbosa was not there. Truth be told, there were more important things to do, such as try to control some of the damage that just might crack open the chamber pot in CD14 (those of you who think there are those who are pot crackers in CD14, now you have some proof). Or perhaps he was invited to a rather nice holiday party where one of us tended bar. There were some rather nice dishes at that party, savvy?
It is hard to be everywhere at once unless you are a pirate and then you are everywhere at once. Unless of course you are a member of the Clowncil, and then you are nowhere fast.
But then again, only a pirate really knows which way the wind blows, savvy?
You are right, it seems like many participants of this blog prefer gossip to action. I'm sending my check today to assist David Hernandez in his fight against Prop R because I'm really PISSED OFF about this one.
Education is the theme today at the Red Spot Institute In CD 14. First, David Tokofosky drops his bid for re-election to school board. David should be given credit for his stance against "HIS POLLONESS" hostile attempt to gain control over LAUSD. David also took the lead in cracking down on waste in the bloated administration, and set up the office of inspector general to oversee the construction of new schools. But most important, David showed that a person can benefit the constituants of his district eventhough he was a different ethnicity. Second, the looming court battle over AB 1381 will pit different "BLUE FACTIONS" against each other,("HIS POLLONESS" vs. LAUSD). Seeing that the "LA ANTONIA TIMES" has a article on the diversity taking place in the private schools of L.A. Maybe it is time to revisit the issues of Vouchers for attending these schools. After all, who would love the chance to send your high school age student to Loyola with AV's kid?
10:21 a.m.: Amen to that!
Folks complain but, when given the opportunity to do something about the problem, they seem to disappear. Yeh, gossip seems to be of greater interest than any real action.
10:29 and 10:21
WOW, that's two checks David has now sent himself.
That's called "kiting" Mr. Legal Beagle, and it's against the law -- pretty much everywhere.
This is 10:21 and I can assure you I am NOT David Hernandez you asshole! Since you are obviously council staff, go back to work.
I will turn over to a full year of what the Mayor's office is paying me to blog here, AND my "council staff" salary for the next TWO terms if you can ACTUALLY show me where THIS is true from your upchucked post that started this:
" . . .even their own attorney told them was illegal. . ."
Post WHERE and WHEN Delgadillo TOLD city council Prop R WAS ILLEGAL?
Or is this just a small matter of what your definition of "was" is (and "told" and "illegal" and, etc., etc.)
But then, what the hell . . . no sense being ACCURATE when you're just a damn GOSSIP blog, right??
This is EXACTLY the kind of scam vitriol that sent a couple dozen out-of-touch, daft NC boards off on a children's crusade, ANTI campaign that left them looking like some of the city's BIGGEST morons, and most overpaid volunteers . . . Backass spin, with no reality behind it.
Thanks, Lyons! Thanks, Jacobberger, Thanks, Alger. And NO thanks, Hernandez.
Perfect your litigation lying on someone else's reputation.
They should owe the CITY money now.
I never heard Rocky say it was "illegal", all he said was, (the Prop. R ballot language) was "confusing to voters, and opens up the City to possible legal challenges. All we are saying is be honest with the voters."
However, not actually illegal. Just un-ethical (it wasn't run through the ethics committee, where it would have been vetted, publiciy and reviewed by the ethics committee (Rocky says this). Delgadillo also commented that something this important should have been run through neighborhood council, and it wasn't run through all the neighborhood councils. So, although Rocky DIDN'T actually say it was illegal, he did say it should have been run through NC, should have been run through Ethics Committee and the ballot language was confusing to voters. And oh yeah, he also said it was wrong (possibly illegal) to have two separate items on on one ballot measure. (Term LENGTHENING and Ethics reform.) And he also said, "this may actually WEAKEN ethics reform." And a judge and the Ethics Committee (after the fact) agrees, that Prop. R makes it easier for lobbiests to infiltrate the shady, unethics people (allegedly) representing the constituents of the fifteen districts of Los Angeles (aka: Lost Angeles City Council.) And that's a gang that should be feared...very feared.
-It is Official-
MEDIA ADVISORY Contact: David Hernandez
Telephone: 818 448-3403
December 11, 2006
for Immediate Release
David Hernandez San Fernando Valley Community Advocate and Ted Hayes City of Los Angeles Homeless Advocate begin legal action to overturn Proposition R.
WHO: David Hernandez SFV Community Advocate-Ted Hayes City of Los Angeles Homeless Advocate.
WHAT: Attorney representing David Hernandez and Ted Hayes file legal documents to challenge Proposition R.
WHEN: December 11, 2006
WHERE: Los Angeles, CA
David Hernandez a San Fernando Valley Advocate and Ted Hayes a Homeless Advocate in Los Angles have formally begun the legal challenge to Proposition R.
Hernandez who resides in Valley Village is represented by Councilman Jack Weiss who stands to gain an additional four years on the council should Prop. R remain in force.
Hayes who resides in Los Angeles is represented by Councilman Ed Reyes, who is also in a position to gain an extra term should Prop. R go unchallenged.
Attorney Candice E. Jackson of San Marino has filed the “Verified Petition For Writ of Mandate” in Los Angeles Superior court. The challenge is to the constitutionally of the proposition which combined two separate issues in one initiative.
City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo had previously advised the Council against combining the two issues on one initiative measure. Later the Superior court found the combining of two separate issues on one measure violated the state constitution, but the prior Petitioner withdrew his action following the November 7th election.
The named Respondents are the County of Los Angeles, and DOES 1 through 10, inclusive and the Los Angeles City Council and Does 11 through 30. will be served by close of business December 12th.
The case will be assigned to a Judge and the hearing should take place sixteen court days following the service of the parties. The parties will have to respond nine days prior to the hearing.
The measure takes on a twist local to the San Fernando Valley as the passage of the measure has made it possible for former L A City Councilman, and termed-out State Senator Richard Alacron , recently elected to the State Assembly, to file papers for a third term on the City Council.
The Legal challenge is being funded by grassroots contributions. A dinner- fundraiser is scheduled for December 13, 2006 at 7:PM at the Sea Food King Chinese Restaurant 20425 Sherman Way, Canoga Park, CA 91303.
The guests will include David Hernandez, Ted Hayes and Attorney Candice E. Jackson.
Non tax deductible contributions can be sent to David Hernandez PO Box 3245, North Hollywood, Ca 91609 or can be made at
Weekly updates will be issued and a press conference will be held the day of the hearing.
10:21 Again, amen to that! And seems like Council staff are now extra sensitive about protecting the gravy train driven by their bosses...
Walking down the street opens you up to "possible legal challenges" -- so f-ing what??
4:21 - "gravy train"... Isn't that the brand name of a dog food? Are Council staffers planning to sue the city for $2.7 million?
5:31 -- Do you have a particular expertise about dog food, especially with spaghetti?
Gee, we have some very touchy clowncil staffers posting and using foul language. That means David Hernandez fight is getting to them. No on Prop R had over 200,000 people VOTE NO. That in itself is a powerful message and they didn't have special interest money like the clowncil. AT least they didn't just whine and complain and went into action. They got great publicity on the issue. Now, go update your resume so you can get a "real" job.
10:08 pm - Unlike you, I don't have any expertise or experience with that combination.
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