Tokofsky Quits

This leaves Yolie Flores Aguilar as the only candidate currently in the race however Tokofsky's move will trigger an extended period for other potential candidates to file.
No doubt that the Mayor is smiling that a strong foe of his district takeover plans will be gone soon. Question is will anyone be able to pick up Tokofsky's independent mantle and succesfully oppose whomever the Mayor's chosen candidate will be?
Terrible. I feel that this is bullshit and there is no way he would do this now. He is too much of a fighter for the good fight.
I refuse to believe he gave in to the Mayor so I think something good must be cooking. I hope they've come up with some great plan!
Tokofsky has not decided to run because the Mayor has given him a sweetheart deal at Green Dot and agreed not to release that nasty opposition research (i.e., that Mr. T voted on Green Dot contracts while being employed by same).
This is good news for all children in LAUSD.
What's even better is now the Mayor has more money to go after the remaining slugs on the Board. Once that's done, all the trolls in the various departments (including the numbskull General Counsel and the Board President) will be gone.
Start polishing your resume Marlene.
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>> This is good news for all children in LAUSD.
You don't know what your talking about and you probably like most others in that your only recently participating in this discussion.
The school district has been on a downward slide since the seventies and in the last ten years its been in a freefall.
I had hopes that mayoral control would be the political solution since there would be renewed debate over the direction and performance of our schools each time mayoral elections came around. Unfortunately, we didn't get mayoral control. We have a confused mess.
What the mayor has is essentially his own charter school district. We still have the LAUSD floundering along. Worse, we turned a 7 member largely unrepresentative board into a 30 something largely unrepresentative board where few people know who's in charge.
It not good news for all children of the LAUSD. It pretty much guarantees that we are on our way to wrecking another generation of LA Kids and their futures.
Scott Folsom is rumored to be back in the race. The filing deadline has been extended, and Scott really needs signatures to get on the ballot. Help this guy out, you'll be glad you did!
So hope is not yet lost!
Tokofsky has been planning this for some time -- that's wht he arranged a $97,000 6 month school district contract for his long time aide, Sarah Bradshaw.
Previous commenter: I've heard the same thing. I think the Z man should look into it.
Pollonistas showed their lack of class by calling Tokofsky's withdrawl from the school board race "A VICTORY FOR THE MAYOR". David may have been a liberal, but he had the integrity to cut waste, and create a office of inspector general to oversee the distric construction program. Lets remember that the Elites in the latino community always look at David as the "WHITE BOY" they could'nt beat. FLASHBACK; when ask about Tokofsky's run for school board. Councilman "SNORTOTORRE", stated that we needed somebody who "looks like us" in office. Sounds like RACISM to me.
Well, previous poster, they beat him or bought him. Either way he is out. Good riddance.
David was a great critic, but not a leader or consensus builder. It's easy to critcize the District, but hard to make it better. David could not do the latter.
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