A New Year's Message From Zuma Dogg
A New Year's message from Zuma Dogg brought to you by www.ganjagrocer.com for all your Prop. 215 and Senate Bill 420 needs.
(Not actually a paid sponsor, y'all...just thought I would help out with this listing of dispensaries and doctors since there are so many medical marijuana dispensaries throughout the City of Los Angeles. And, after all, Sherrif Lee Baca PUBLICLY SUPPORTS medical marijuana dispensaries and will chastize those who criticize. But this YouTube moment ain't about dispensaries, y'all...It's about much more fraudulant and shady things...Check it out.)
Get a f--king Life and a job moron. Mayor Sam why are you allowing this loser to post so many ignorant threads? The immaturity these guys have is astounding. Noticed all the people that have left this site? Notice the small amount of posts when these losers come on? The fact that Zuma has his own site and yet posts here says no one gives a shit what he has to say.
I do miss Walter Moore's threads. Whether you agree or disagree with him, he can write and construct coherent arguments.
How many backroom deals were given by Mayor in 2006?
Where's Dockweiler Mutttttt? Last I heard...he was drunk.
Hypnotiq anyone?
Hey Mutt,
Dude, go to Vegas. Wait,uncle Antonio didnt' let you go?
FrontPage Stories
A Growing Rift Exposed During Shadow Convention Within Democratic Party During "Prosperity and Progress" Day
Los Angeles, Aug. 14 /U.S. Newswire/ —
Former Speaker of the California Assembly and L.A. mayoral candidate Antonio Villaraigosa sharply criticized America's growing economic inequality and the impact of the war on drugs on minority communities.
"We heard an awful lot about morality over the past few days, Villa-raigosa told an energetic crowd of activists and reporters. "But morality is not just about what goes on in the bedroom, it is about who we leave behind. When a young person goes without health care, when we incarcerate more people than anywhere else in the world, when our schools are like prisons, when we engage in a systematic process of deforestation and environmental abuse, it is immoral and it is wrong."
"Saddam to be executed in hours"
He deserves to live in jail and suffer.
Have you been a good role model to Gustavo? Do your past dirty deeds disallow you this title. An ethical uncle secedes the circle of intimidation provided by AV.
Tio Cheches,
How many illegal "TROLL & TECHIE" jobs did you do? How many did Mayor throw your way?
The X floor
Damn this is scary, with this kind of notoriety, seen by the 300 that watch channel 35 and the 3 dozen that scrawl things here, the Z-Beotch could actually finish in the top 5 for his city council race, and go on to give people like Wacko Walter a run for the bottom 5 for mayor next time around.
You can always count on at least a few thousand walking wounded and pre-certifiables to throw their votes away on "protest" and "jes fer kicks".
Yuk Uli,
"Slept all night in a bed with a person of the same sex? Yes"
Ulisses you ahole. Karma's a bitch. Your past negative deeds will come back and bite you. You're neck deep in illegal errands. AV trained you well.
wait till shit hits the fan. it will be your fault mayor gets screwed.
4pm i guess you're in the know ulisses. TV35 sends you the numbers. Crunch'em dude, you'll need a second hand of books when the bigger hand raids your office.
MIAMI (Reuters) - On a piece of prime bayfront property near downtown Miami, weeds climb the steps of the sales office for Onyx 2, a planned waterview condo where apartments were to sell for $500,000 to $2,000,000.
A sign reads "For Sale. Land, plans and permits for Onyx 2. Includes fully equipped sales center."
Three blocks north, the land on which a glassy loft-condo called "Ice" was to rise lies idle. A realtor's Web site says: "This project has been canceled and will not be built."
Developers have pulled the plug on some of Miami's most anticipated condominium developments, a sign the city's sizzling, speculator-driven condo market -- where prices of many apartments doubled or tripled in a few brief years -- has finally chilled.
"This market was too good to be true," said Lewis Goodkin, a Miami economist and real estate analyst. "But it was a market fueled by speculators, so it wasn't a true market."
City officials say 15 condo projects, representing nearly 1,900 units, have been officially pulled from the waning market. But analysts say the numbers are much higher when you consider the rest of Florida's overbuilt condo market.
Cholo's income
Income: $100,000 to $150,000
How much of this was illegal work
Holy Shit Uli,cholo,MAV errand boy
Occupation: Political Mercenary For Hire
Income: $100,000 to $150,000
"If you really want to piss me off, do shit before thinking about it, especially talk shit to me without knowing what the fuck is coming out of your mouth. That's the easiest way to get on my shit list."
That last post sounds like Antonio when he's around his homeboys and forgets he's a mayor.
Last week of 2006 Mayor doings:
recycled xmas trees photo op
took advantage of South LA family 4 who were burned. Antonio shows up 2 days later for photo op
New Year Gun Fire press conf.
Antonio made no comment on Prop R and is not making a comment on the Living Wage. I wonder why?
....Smith and Zine said they plan to ask the City Council to rescind its decision imposing the living wage on the 12 hotels.
Walter, isn't this discriminatory and can't the city be sued because clowncil wants this implemented in only a small section of LA? If they wanted this living wage ordinance shouldn't it have been across the board in all of LA? Politicans should not be telling the private sector how to run their business. If an owner wants to pay an employee a certain amount and the employee doesn't like it then they should go find another job. This is only because clowncil supports illegals and guess who works at those hotels by LAX? ILLEGALS
Ulisses works for DONE. Wow! Dockweiler was him all this time. HMMMM. Heard he was MEAT.
I'm going to have to disagree with the first comment. The reason people left this blog was because it got monitored. When people realize that it's over, they will come slowly back.
Then when the copy and paste Hahn supporters put all of that ancient, rambling writing about Antonio, they will leave again.
To 6:27 AM,
I think that 8:09's post sounds like most of us when we are away from City Hall or other political people.
Truck Driver Mouth
Elidet's from Zacatecas too. Damn, all you peeps From Zacatecas. Huizar, Uli, Elidet.........who else?
Uli,hola primo!!! que bueno que la pasaron muy bien en guadalajara creo que si se divirtieron.. bueno nosotros estamos bien un poco cansados todavia de las desveladas de las fiestas pero se nos pasara...
mi papa me dice que te pregunte como se llama el colegio donde voy a estudiar para vr su pagina en internet le interesa saber los precios.. mi credencial la voy a tener dentro de un mes, un poco tarde... bueno espero que esten bien, saludos a todos, cuidate.. bye
(to paraphrase Susan Sontag):
I envy paranoids (like you folks); you actually feel like (important) people are paying attention to you.
D.M. is as equally inconsequential as the Z. Bee-otch and his cheering, lonely dysfunctional blatherers here -- only I'm content with my low, unnoticed station.
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