Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Wednesday

What is up with the Orange Line's pavement? Its crumbling like the ruins of ancient Rome. MTA blames the contractor that built it; the contractor is blaming the MTA. In the meantime work continues on a section between the North Hollywood Metro Station and Valley College in Van Nuys. For the last few weeks, the express buses have had to run on city streets instead of its dedicated roadway. Coincidentally, Wednesday Mayor Villaraigosa will take part in a ceremony kicking off an extension of the busway from Warner Center to Canoga Park. In related news, LAist has the latest update to the Metro map from MTA.
For the first part of 2007, the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County stays open late for its monthly First Fridays series of evening events featuring engaging original discussion, film, live performance and curator-led tours. For more information, please click here.
Don't forget to vote in our poll for the Sister City Citizen of the Year. This is our award for the person who had the most impact in Los Angeles in 2006 (regardless of whether it was positive or negative). You have until Saturday to vote.
And finally following our previous inquiry, Sherman Oaks has come to life. Unfortuanately it took a robbery at Maria's Italian Kitchen to get the quiet burb on the radar. The other big news is that a take-out version of California Pizza Kitchen is coming to the Sherman Oaks Fashion Square. Hat tip to Zach Behrens at In The Oaks for the news.
Here's a perfect example of Antonio supporting illegals.
Two years after a federal investigation shut down expansion of Los Angeles' housing-voucher program city officials announced Tuesday they have resumed issuing new rental-subsidy vouchers for needy families. "This is about helping people get ahead in life," Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said...Expansion of the program comes after the federal Housing and Urban Development agency refused in 2004 to allow the housing authority of L.A. to issue new vouchers because an audit found officials had inappropriately used $30 million in a reserve fund to cover the costs of 1,500 vouchers. At the time, the agency had a $25 million deficit.
Tutor Saliba Corp
15901 Olden Street
Sylmar Ca 91342
Ronald N. Tutor, President & CEO
Every major project they've been involved in has had major difficulties...but who cares since the cost over runs pay for political contributions, right?
And the budget for the LA Housing Authority is about $875 million.
Another tragic LA story this am:
A reputed Latino gang member was charged Tuesday with the hate-crime murder of a 14-year-old black girl, a slaying that highlighted racial tensions in Harbor Gateway.
Police say Alcarez is affiliated with the 204th Street gang, which is known for its assaults on blacks.
His family emigrated from Mexico several years ago.
The girl was shot while standing with six friends on the corner of 206th Street and Harvard Avenue. The street is a known border between black and Latino gangs... Residents try to avoid the border area, which is known to be particularly violent.
how about ask Bratton why crime is UP in all the neighboring cities? and counties.
possibly because crime isn't actually down, maybe it just moved.
the robbers took the 101 to the valley, the gangbangers headed south on the 5, and the druggies went east on the 10.
and all the criminally homeless are heading to the beach.
and more importantly, where's the stats on justice? are they catching and convicting robbers and rapists and gunmen? or is crime down but those crims still getting away with it?
its important. driving down crime stats is one thing. getting violent offenders off the streets and into jail is another stat. thats my question: Is unsolved crime UP or DOWN? as a percentage will be fine. like, robberies may be up, but are any victims getting their stuff back? murder might be down, but theres a constant stream of loved ones coming to City Hall pleading for information from the public to find offenders. so I wanna know, what's the number on unsolved?
Bratton always just reels off how assault is down 4%, homicide 3.3, blah blah blah. thats nice, Willy, but are you catching any crooks? or is the LAPD just collecting statistics and homeless' property?
oh, and a $500m debt for a new cop station. and just watch that number blow out down the line....
I hear the DNA database is 18 months behind in data entry, which suggests that we're DNA sampling way too many people (homeless!), Baca says the jails are beyond capacity, so crims are released early. Jail has lost its fear factor, because these hardened crims know they can do the crime, but only quarter of the time now.
thats IF they're caught at all.
and say what you like in a personal attack on me, but I think its a valid question. let's also get a breakdown on exactly what type of crims are filling the jails. I suspect they're full of easy catch crims (homeless and drug possession/use), while the real police work criminals are running free (the restaurant bandits, burglars, robbers, meth producers and murderers).
my apologies, I posted this first on the PROP R thread, 'inadvertently' (i love that excuse) lol
No wonder a lot of people in the city say Matt Dowd is a complete MORON. First of all Matt read the damn newspaper. For once the LA Slimes does a good job laying out what FBI is saying and LAPD crime stats. Yes, you moron LAPD does arrest felony suspects but leave it up to Baca who owns his own $10 million plane to keep letting them out. Also, blame clowncil members for the $500 mil tag on the new police headquarters. Its shameful the original budget was onlu $200 million. Where's Laura Chick N Shit on that one. As far as you continuing to say LAPD are arresting poor homeless people you don't know anything. Did you know Mr. Dowd last year alone there were over 6,000 drug arrests in Skid Row? Yes, and recently with the Safer City Initiative LAPD is arresting felony drug dealers preying on women, children and men. Say want you want and whine and complain like a woman but I've never seen skid row as cleaned up in about 15 years. Steve Lopez had a great story on SLO Joseph LAPD who patrols skid row and he and brother bought toys for the kids homeless there, helped families get heath insurance, and goes above and beyond his job. So Matt Dowd screw you for continuing to whine like a little girl about LAPD and the homeless. Read that article.
yeah, feel real good about skid row while ur waiting to be robbed while you eat dinner tonite
yeah, feel real good about skid row while ur waiting to be robbed while you eat dinner tonite
Zuma is at 51 right now in the mayorsam vote, Rocky is at 60. if Rocky beats Zuma in the end, then I'll say I'm wrong about everything, and I'll retract it.
thats a fair head start right?
cause if Zuma Dogg turns out to have had more impact than our city attorney, then I can rest my case on that......
5:27 AM
It is about 30 vouchers given out from a waiting list of 15,000+. Average wait of recipients was 15 years. by that time, they may be dead and homeless.
Tutor Saliba is Huizar contributor.
Matt Dowd, when you pass by Bratton's office, why don't you ask Mayor what happened to the DWP tax increase money supposed to go to 1,000 cops. DWP & Mayor took our money immediately, yet, we don't have 1,000 new cops.
Matt go shave and get a haircut. You look like a homeless person and you don't know how to speak intelligently at public comment. At least Zuma acts up but has good statements on the motions. What have you done to help the homeless issue idiot? Have you assisted anyone? All you do is whine like someone said like a little girlie. Grow up, act like a man and get a job.
These are the crooks UFW that are using Cesar Chavez name and profiting. These are the crooks that city council and mayor always praise. Athough AG didn't find any violations we all know they use the Chavez name to get money for the family salaries. No violations but sure looks bad is what AG stated.
The attorney general also found no violations of the law in the sale of a house by the UFW to Dolores Huerta's daughter. Gong called another transaction — a $1.8-million sale of land from a UFW charity to a company in which Huerta's son Emilio was a partner — "suspicious." After buying the property, Emilio Huerta's company quickly sold it for $2.9 million.
But Gong wrote that the attorney general would not prosecute because Huerta's company met the same price as another bidder for the land and because the charity used the money for legal purposes. order to avoid the appearance of impropriety, it is our recommendation that property either be sold on the open market or that independent real estate brokers be consulted in arriving at fair market value."
Dolores Huerta using illegal money for illegal purchases.
Se lavan las manos muy bien.
The AG didn't go after the UFW because it was too politically hot. You don't think Fabian cut some deals here.
What is the difference between the Chavez/Huerta family and the Marroquin family? Two politcally connected families getting away with murder - literally in the Marroquin case.
I see Dolores Huerta all the time with Antonio in his photo ops and especially when the hotel workers protested. With all the damn money the UFW has what the hell have they done for the poor people? Nothing because all the money they get goes to the family of Chavez, the brothers, sisters all get paid from money that is donated. How crapy is that? The Times story was a good one but maybe AG was silenced.
What is the difference between the Chavez/Huerta family and the Marroquin family?
It should read: What is the connection between the Chavez/Huerta family and the Marroquin Family?
Answer: Antonio Villaraigosa
Fabian Nunez
Do you know Christine Chavez and husband?
as usual with the personal attacks. 11.47 . meet me at Venice 8.30 tuesday and I'll introduce the homeless people to you, the ones whom I have helped. you know so little about me.
and I whine about the issues, you just whine about Matt Dowd. geeze.....
watch the votes on Rocky...
Christine Chavez's second husband is Miguel Contreras' right hand man before Fabian - a guy named Oscar. Miguel and Oscar even shared former Alhambra Unifed School Board member Ruth Castro for a while, before Miguel beat on her. Like her auntie Dolores Huerta, Christine left her first husband on a whim - eventhough he was along time UFW organizer. Dolores has nine children - all from different fathers - that is why she likes Antonio so much, they share the same morals and values.
Somebody has got to write a book about this - dirty, dirty, dirty!
Dolores Huerta has nueve offsprings from different men.
Que mujer tan cochina.
En mi tierra se llaman PIRUJAS
You haven't even heard the half of it. Unfortunately, most of her behaviour can be attributed to a disease all too common in our community - alcoholism. And this woman was a one time - brief as it was - a UC Regent thanks to Gloria Romero and Nunez.
2:45 Why did we allow such people to govern? What can we do?
The question should be Antonio obviously knows all of this yet WHy does he chooses to pretend that we're stupid and don't know and parades her in front of city council and photo ops as if she's some damn queen who did anything for our city? Chavez would be turning in his grave if he knew what a mess the UFW is and they don't give a shit about the people Chavez fought for.
I saw this posted on a blog and so many of us agree. The Tom Brokaw story was right on target.
NBC will be running "Tom Brokaw Reports: In the Shadow of the American Dream" a special about illegal immigration on December 26.
Color me skeptical, but every single time they've run one of these "specials" it has turned out to be full blown "blame America" pieces that show a bunch of poor, "do gooder" illegal aliens and some evil "racist" Americans who want them deported. They'll have Tom Tancredo on, as all of these specials do, yet he'll be edited down to a few sentences. They never show the working class Americans whose wages have been destroyed or the devastation illegal immigration has had on the health care and education systems. They never show the families that have been destroyed by illegal alien criminals, drunk drivers and vicious gangs like MS-13.
No, you'll see none of that, all you'll see is the poor illegal alien who is being held back by immigration warriors who want our laws followed. You may hear the word "illegal", but more than likely you'll hear the word "undocumented" once and then after that just "immigrant", lumping the illegals in with immigrants as a whole. You'll see plenty of crying illegal aliens and no crying Americans, as we all know the illegal aliens are the victims. Right?
You'll hear those opposing illegal immigration being referred to as the negative sounding "anti-illegal immigration activist", a moniker which has 3 negative connotations in one phrase; Anti, illegal and activist. Activist is generally construed by most as a small group, some radical fringe element. They probably won't point out that the majority of Americans in every respectable poll fit within this "fringe". Those wanting immigration laws enforced are not a fringe, but a large majority of the country.
You'll also hear the sad story of illegal aliens, who knowingly came here and broke our laws and now face deportation, crying about how their family will be ripped apart
Before you wrap yourself in the American flag first find out who made it. Probably some undocumented immigrant working in the back rooms of L.A. for 20 cents a flag. What they should have is all those farmers and ranchers crying about how they don't have enough labor to do all the work. The you'll be crying when you buy you 30 dollar steak and 12 dollar head of lettuce. Every American has benefitted becuae of undocumented immigration. You're probably one of those shareholders from those corporate farm giants scrambling to fill there quotas. Capitalist America cannot survive without cheap labor - it goes all the way back to when 6 year olds were spooling machines at textile mills.
Immigrants I know own businesses, take clerk jobs, sales jobs, and civil servant jobs.
No lettuce pickers
5:33 is Marcos Aguilar or Hugo Martin
Dear Captain,
Nam et ipsa
scientia potestas est
Emma luv
CANOGA PARK - Racial tension that percolated in Los Angeles County jails this year has boiled over to San Fernando Valley streets, where Latino gang members are targeting African-Americans in random attacks.
Blacks have been the targets in nine of 12 attempted-murder cases reported since July in the Canoga Park area, according to the Los Angeles Police Department.
Good evening Emma (smiles and points to place on divan next to him):
Aye, tis true, Emma luv. But when you find yourself a fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi, all the smarts in the world won't help, savvy?
(Sighs) But then again, you must surely have witnessed many a situation where asinus asinum fricat was the order of the day.
I rather like that phrase. I have "Victory In Sacramento" photo of Shrew Romero, Smee Nunez and Villabarbosa up on my wall with that exact phrase underneath it.
Caveat emptor in next election. Advice: cave quid dicis, quando, et cui.
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