Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Thursday

Andrew at Here in Van Nuys recalls a 1999 encounter with recently passed former President Gerald R. Ford. Andrew was working on a television interview program that featured Ford.
LA County officials are recommending people should stay away from the ocean through the weekend because rainfall may have increased bacteria levels in the water.
A recent UCLA graduate by the name of Gina Elise has started an interesting project to help hospitalized veterans. "Pin Ups for Vets" is a calendar featuring poses of Elise in what she calls "cheesecake" photos reminiscient of World War II era pin up queens such as Betty Grable. The funds raised by the project will benefit veteran hospital programs; as well calendars will be given to the men as gifts. For more information please click here.
The Automobile Club of Southern California will offer its free Tipsy Tow service to drivers during the New Year's weekend. Drivers can call the Auto Club for a free tow home beginning at 6 p.m. on Friday through the end of the day on Monday.
Commuters in Canoga Park can now catch the Metro Orange Line thanks to a station and parking lot unveiled Wednesday by transit officials. The Metro Orange Line Canoga station at Victory Boulevard and Canoga Avenue is part of a one-third-mile extension of the busway. The station includes 611 free parking spaces and pedestrian and bicycle paths.
This is not an event I plan to attend as an old, Republican mayor, but for the rest of you commies out there the San Fernando Valley Young Democrats are hosting their annual Robert F. Kennedy Awards program on Thursday, January 25th. Winners announced Wednesday include newly elected State Controller John Chiang, incoming State Assemblyman Mike Feuer and the daughter of failed Democratic gubenatorial candidate Phil Angelides, Megan Garcia (you might remember the Angelides campaign commercials she appeared in with her sisters that set many a young man's hear aflutter here on the Sister City.)
Resentment is rising at the replacement of longtime KTLA Rose Parade co-host Stephanie Edwards with the younger Michaela Pereira. If the sentiments of readers at Martini Republic are any indication some folks will not be tuning into the CW. Hey at least they're not sticking us with Sam Rubin and Mark Kriski! By the way if you want to boycott KTLA, you have other choices to watch the show. Also airing the parade is ABC, NBC, HGTV, Univision, Telemundo, Travel Channel, Discovery HD Theater and Sky Link TV.
And finally, we see that the Westside White Guy has set up a blog to publish reader emails. How cute. No need for the middleman here at the Sister City. You can blog away dum dums on your own.
First of all, Mayor Sam, who are they?
Chief Parker
Chief of Staff
Mayor Frank
The Insider
Mayor Sam
1) Settle $$$ with Skid Row victim. He/She deserves a better life.
2) Andrew, get a life and interview someone Hot!
3)Do heightened bacteria levels scare you? If crack pipe don't scare the common folk...
4)Hurrah for Gina Elise. Good Women in USA.
5) Will tipsy tow go on some FBI record?
6) Canoga park sucks. M13 infested rat neighborhood.
7)Keep your ass fluttered. She ain't in your league. Rose Parade Sucks. Martini Republic Sucks. Westside White Guy Sucks too. Oh. Mayor Mighty Midget sucks a little.
wow , problems in downtown. would never have guessed that. and it's lovely to get the first post. hello Thursday :)
First post? Matt dowd, your late compadre.
damn. missed by that much.
Matt, You have a Superrific Video on YouTube. :)
What a witch! How dare Wendy Greuel throw her weight around. She should be looking for money for more officers instead of insulting them. I think the comunity should be OUTRAGED. They should call Chief Bratton's office and DEMAND...
You're wrong. I live in CD14 and it is absolutely a grassroot effort. In fact, Ted Hayes name is not even mentioned in the circles we travel with people who want Tony gone. However, Ted Hayes is very political and would not compromise his position unless he truly believed in the cause. He is well respected in the community. This has nothing to do with Hahn and everything to do with people wanting Tony OUT. People who actually live in his district.
"Maybe whoever is behind this recall will attempt to smuggle thousands of dollars through individuals using the $99 bar (that's if it's real). So I hope that people donate some $, but have it in them to make a real statement and not try to hide behind $99"
same method used in Antonio Villaraiogosa's florida scandal. Hey Parke, How do you sleep at night while AG observes your motives and moves.
If you know the 14th CD, you know that it shares significant parts of downtown, especially around Skid Row and the homeless. The homeless in these areas are Ted Hayes' stakeholders.
Villaraigosa left Ted Hayes hanging when he told the Muslim community "he didn't read" Ted's motion when he introduced it to the council.
Yeah right, he didn't read it. He's either lying or incompetent.
Mayor Sam let me clue you in.
MEAT=Antonio Gonzalez.
Oh no - He dissed Ted Hayes over a motion -- recall the SOB!!
Oh no --He "promised" he would stay on not represent us at City Hall and be the first mayor from our community (geographically speaking of course, i can't go around upsetting all the racist) -- recall the SOB!!!
Oh no -- He hasn't done anything in a year in a half (nevermind...ending the strike, reviving the Gold Line, LARX, new constituent ctr in El Sereno, Days of service...) -- recall the SOB.
Oh no - his staff is incompetent -- more lawyers on staff than any city councilmember (maybe thats what the LA Times meant when it said he could attract a good staff) former dodger executive, small business operators/owners, Microsoft/Nickelodeon IT recruits, USC, Stanford, Cal and yes even Garfield and Roosevelt graduates -- recall the SOB!!!
Oh no he supports gangbangers -- now this one is the MOST idiotic statement of all, doesn't deserve a response -- recall the SOB.
Oh no he takes money from neighborhood councils -- He's never ever ever taken money from a neighborhood council and placed it in any of his accounts, no neighborhood council has given money to Antonio or any of his staff -- but nonetheless -- recall the SOB!!!
Oh no he said he had no money, which is true, but of course the community wanted money from his PAC -- no one on this blog has produced any documentation to support this claim, just a whole bunch of chatter. Antonio spent his money on...neighbor to neighbor, ACORN...etc -- groups that operate and do GOOD things in CD14 - oh and he gave money to try to get more cops in the city -- but nevermind the facts -- recall the SOB!!!
I feel like all this typing goes to waste on you weird recall supporters -- "but MEAT, i hope you'd go to a community mtg and see....blah blah blah. -- recall the SOB!!!
Meat reveal your name - so we can google you and find out who's upstaging every argument we make before anyone would listen -- recall the SOB!!!
I know who MEAT is....and let me just say this -- do not i repeat do not get on his bad side.
I worked on a campaign against him -- assembly primary 2000 in San Diego -- only person i know who knows how to make your candidate cry. - of course MEAT's operation crushed us.
Recall supporters, do not trust any, and i mean any of your volunteers -- Hahn and Hertzberg operatives -- do not tell MEAT anything at all -- he is not on any payroll of any of the candidates, but he is the most well connected operative in LA history.
Quite frankly the scariest "SOB" god ever created in politics.
from -- mr peepers.
Meat you're such a drama queen. To end the argument quickly I invite you to the next Boyle Heights Neighborhood Council on Dec. 2 at the Boyle Heights Senior Center. Ask any board member if they gave Antonio $1,000 and you will have your answer. THEY DID. Next, go to the LA 32 Neighborhood Council and ask the same. THEY DID. Antonio DID NOT end the MTA strike. Hahn and Ludlow did but like everything else ANtonio jumps in front of the cameras and takes credit. You may have been campaign person but sure sounds like you are SO out of touch on this one. You need to research more and realize your mayor is a fake.
Challenge: If it turns out to be true that Antonio's council office went around the district asking Neighborhood Councils to "chip in" on projects in the district because "we (the council office) have no money", would you support him returning those funds? FACT: He had PAC money available to him for these projects and chose not to use it.
You go and put a turkey in the oven and all of a sudden an argument breaks out.
whew!! its not just hot in my kitchen, its hot in here as well.
Someone is on the MEAT trail, claiming i am under 30 is a shrewd move to uncover me -- but alas no clues from me.
Umm as for Antonio only having 2 staffer living in the district -- 100% not true, he has many more than 1.
Wait a second MEAT, you must be on his payroll to know this -- no dum-dum -- i just know his staff, wait oh my god, i even know hahn's staff -- uh-oh could it be that i know hertzberg's staff as well. Hold your horses, are you saying MEAT that you know Alarcon's folks as well. The answer is YES -- and for good measure i know a couple of peeps with Parks.
SOooooo everyone needs to calm down a bit, i've known these people long before a mayor's race ever came to be -- this is how i know my stuff.
As for those that claim Antonio is out of touch -- here's a simple truth. EVERY CANDIDATE IS OUT OF TOUCH, INCLUDING THIS MAYOR - ANYONE THATS SAYS ANYTHING OTHERWISE IS LYING!!!!
Ok, now that we can agree on that - let me push further -- the only barometer is the election to see who is "perceived" to be in touch the best. Outide of the election we have polls -- every poll i've seen has Antonio in the lead -- hence he is perceived to be the most in touch with Angelino's.
Others may get the lead later - but until then -- Antonio has the midas touch right now.
Happy Thanksgiving.
First of all Laura Chick has her own problems and is the last person that should be accusing anyone. Didn't the Ethics Commission get her on violation of receiving campaign money? Secondly, wasn't she the one who is suppose to question bills before paying them? Didn't she receive campaign money from Fleishman? Parks and Villaraigosa both received campaign money from Fleishman as well so again who are they to be talking? And lastly wasn't Hertzberg a consultant for Fleishman as early as March of this year? As far as I'm concerned ALL these people have thrown their crediability out the window.
It used to be that our politicians needed to be above reproach. Now-a-days we consider ourselves lucky if one of them is much above a roach. Scurrying about for a place to hide. DWP Board, management, and agents secured the contract. Chick paid the bills. They all turned a blind eye. Did the controller's office just learn how to read? The justifications have not been rewritten. Why is it that after five years they are not acceptable now. Oh yeah, they got caught.
Chick has done her best to keep things under wraps. Didn't she fire investigator Dan Carvin for getting too close to the trail of fraud, waste, and abuse leading to the City Attorney's Office? I'll bet there is a mountain of skeletons in that closet. (
Doesn't anybody have a problem with Chick approving half a million dollar attorney services fees for Jackson and Lewis? Jackson and Lewis were hired to defend Chick against her decision to fire the investigator she hired for doing what he was hired to do. Guess he got too close to the perps.
Dan Carvin ought to run for City Controller. Now that would put a chink in somebody's armor, wouldn't it?
Write in Dan Carvin for City Controller!
Didn't Hertzberg almost bankrupt California when he was in the state assembly? I wonder how much money of the Fleishman pr that Chick is now reporting did Hertzberg get? Didn't he just leave the firm as a consultant as of recently as this year? Seems his hands are a little dirty as well.
What I want to know is how much money did Fleishman pay Hertzberg to be a consultant? And wasn't that our tax dollars? Antonio and Parks (two of the biggest losers who have their own scandals) are asking the Mayor to pay back. Antonio should pay back the money he TOOK FROM NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCILS. Parks all of a sudden is saying we need more officers. Idiots!
Hey Meat-didn't the energy crisis do Gray in? Didn't the budget crisis have a part in his recall? Hmmmmmmm....
And yes, I think the public has a right to know how much Bobby boy made from FH as a consultant. I wonder if these people have ever heard of the word HYPOCRITE.
Valley to lose in cutback
Lean projects to suffer as Democrats attack pork
BY LISA FRIEDMAN, Washington Bureau
Article Last Updated: 12/26/2006 11:08:59 PM PST
WASHINGTON - The Southland stands to lose more than $111 million for everything from hospitals to road improvements next year as Democrats vow to strip legislators' pet projects out of the federal budget.
The looming cuts are certain to squeeze hundreds of projects from the San Fernando Valley to San Bernardino, drawing the ire of local officials who say important programs are being unfairly punished for years of reckless spending in Washington, dramatized in debate over $320 million earmarked earlier this year for a bridge to connect two sparsely populated communities in rural Alaska.
entire article:
first poster ha ha funny messages
matt dowd go to bed you old fart
you guys are kind of late
meat is mikel trujillo
everyone know that
is he gay? who is zuman dog?
Mike aka Michael Trujillo gay? Dunno. Asky Boi from Troi or Mayor Frank or Mayor Sam.
who is mr kabc
why was jim alger on that show
como que va
buzz off mat dowd
did mike trujilo bang boy from troi?
what happened to chimichanga?
That's right what in the hell can Tony say he's accomplished in the last 1 1/2yr in CD 14. Oh I know, having residents sweep the streets, uummmmm! taking money from neighborhood councils, taking credit for other people's work, I think that's it.
City Council better show some balls and STOP waiving the $370,000 special event fee for the LA Marathon. The marathon is making thousands off this city and how dare they not pay the fee.
Funny dude. Welcome Back Trujillo.
We missed you.
Poor Bitter Bernie never has had the knack of knowing how to talk to the regular folks in his district. He dresses nicely however, he forgets his skin is the same color. His wife Bobbi is another story. She is hurting him big time. Who can relate to a couple who act as if they are the "white Ozzie and Harriet"? Not CD 8. What has he done to help his own community? When that video taping with LAPD was all over the news he antagonized the situation instead of calming it down. He always forgets he was Chief of LAPD and promoted his best buddies knowing they were all crooks.
I live in Bitter Bernie's district & participate in our local block club & neighborhood council. Many politically savvy residents are none-too-thrilled with Bernie's performance, trust me. He is viewed through the same lens as others from City Hall - a politician who is looking out for his own interest 1st and foremost. If you think everyone in the African-American community follows him blindly, you (and your boss?) are sorely mistaken.
Chick should be ashamed of herself.
She is the only person I know who can get away with pointing her finger at other people and not looking at her own department's approval of all those Fleishman payments.
Only after she played the press did she FINALLY use her authority to reject requests for payments that lacked proper paperwork. What took so long??? And how did the other $4.2 million get past HER desk???
What a scam. What responsibility should the CONTROLLER take in the fiasco? She does sign ALL the checks in the City.
Laura Chick absolutely should take part of the blame for this. Her staff signed off on the $4.2 million of supposed overbilling. what doe sthat say about her oversight and her staff?My question back to Chick is why didn't she questioned the bills when SHE PAID THEM? No one is to blame as much as she is for signing all that money to the pr firm.
Who's taken money from Fleischman-Hillard (according to the city's ethics site)?
Cardenas: $2,000
Chick: $3,000
Delgadillo: $2,250
Garcetti: $1,000
Gruel: $2,000
James Hahn: $4,725
Janice Hahn: $1,500
LaBonge: $2,750
Ludlow: $500
Padilla: $3,000
Parks: $500
Perry: $1,000
Reyes: $500
Smith: $1,000
Villaraigosa: $3,150
Weiss: $500
Zine: $500
Add to that more than $70,000 contributed by individuals who list FH as their employer.
Something tells me that FH is gonna come out of this juuuuuuust fine.
Laura Chick was on KABC radio this morning and they discussed how the DWP sponsors the Dodgers. Maybe a scan of the Ethics Commission database for the Dodgers and their past and current owners would be in order.
The DWP - a city agency with a total monopoly - spends $24 million per year on PR. Think of how many cops that could buy! (Probably at least 1500-2000).
Much of the DWP largese is showered on community groups and events. While a good cause in theory, it would be interesting to connect this money to the Mayor, Council, et al.
Any Federal agents in da house?
Michael Trujillo is in Cindy's district, and far from a fan of her's, but he give her props for staying off the FH money. Thanks for your constituent, Cin!
Fleishman-Hillard is in business to make money. That's what businesses do, right? City officials are supposed to use the lowest cost responsible bidder. City officials can cancel a contract or award away from the lowest cost responsible bidder.
City officials wrote the contract. City officials administered the contract. City officials used the services for years. City officials approved the purchases. The Controller's Office paid for the services rendered for years.
After six years of abuse, Laura Chick and City officials (contract users) get the idea to blame Fleishman-Hillard for not managing the City's money...
Why aren't the city officials held responsible? Aren't they responsible for prudent use of city resources in the best interests of the citizens?
Do we need a contractor to monitor our City officials? Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?
Should we question the use of the City Attorney's office attempt to transfer blame to Fleishman-Hillard?
Are these bankrobbers blaming the government for minting the stolen money?
Quote from Michael Trujillo
"Remember - you're speaking of the spineless organism known as the Los Angeles City Council. Don't ask for too much here."
This city council without a doubt are the biggest group of losers nation wide. There is absolutely NO LEADERSHIP, they waste valuable tax payer time screwing around throughout the meetings, disrespect one another, at our expense. WE have a big homeless problem, not enough police officers, no afforable housing, and all they do is waste time in council worried about issues that aren't as important like silly string, lap dancing etc. etc. Someone needs to light a firecracker under all their seats and remind them why they were elected.
From Antonio's own lips, he's not interested in the 14th District. This is what he said to Rick Orlov: "I'm running for mayor and that's all my focus." He's just proved the recall people 100% right. He didn't say, "I'm running for mayor, and besides looking after CD14, I'm focusing all my efforts on the mayor's race" Antonio's statement should be printed on every recall petition.
My question to Meat is if you're not on Antonio's payroll, then how in the world would you know whether he endorsed anyone or not? People around the city are saying you are one of his field people. You busted yourself by giving way too much information that regular people or even insiders on 4th floor wouldn't know about Antonio.
I am who i am -- which is more than i can say for the mr/mrs anonymous's out there.
My expertise isn't just Antonio -- ask me about Hahn, ask me about the Red Sox, or even the Los Angeles Clippers. I can also talk about Schwarzeneggar as well pretty in depth -- not sure anyone of Antonio's staffers can or even Antonio himself - who i am not.
Typical of Antonio I heard that today he gave 1,000 Turkeys to Eagle Rock. People are pissed.....As if Eagle Rock neds those turkeys as much as other poor communities....typical of him just to get votes
It doesn't surprise anyone that Antonio AGAIN WAS ON TV saying he was giving out turkeys but not in the poor communities in CD14 but to the rich people in Eagle Rock. Talk about sleazy character.
That person who wrote if anyone is looking for Huizar, all you need to do is find a camera and boy was he right. Huizar is courting Eagle Rock & Mt. Washington any lame brain knows that. He consistently insults our intelligence yet we know him well. He's the one who should look in the mirror.
Mayor Sam= M. Higby
Chief of Staff=Villaraigosa
Mayor Frank=Brian Hay
Chief Parker=Trujillo, Parke, Ace
Meat=Antonio Gonzalez
The Insider=Nathan James
this thread is hot! a pleathera of public comment content. can't wait till the next quorum.
You are the "little round short" field staffer from Antonio's office and that's why they call you Meat. Who do you think you're kidding? There's no other person on this blog that knows all the info you do about one particular candidate. It's obvious. Antonio has big troubles ahead.
trujillo is meat
he likes meat
It's Plethora honey...
You're such a babe at midnight.
Hey Zuma tell Matt Dowd to take a shower!
To Meat: You say to others who blog that we're hiding under a blanket and you're not. Then don't be a hypocrite and use your first name. You can't cause you're an Antonio field staffer and many of us know it. Interesting Antonio and Parks came out in press to ask that Mayor pay back Fleishman money. HOwever, THEY TOOK CAMPAIGN money as well so why don't they PAY IT BACK. WE all know ANtonio has all that left over state campaign money.
zuna dog are you gay too?
how's my next door neighbor al?
More than happy to reveal my first name -- i'll do it on the same day that Mayor Sam, Chief Parker, Chief of Staff, CITYWATCHER, 4NIC8...and others do.
Hey Mayor Sam that Gina girl is HOT! So is Megan Angelides! Can you hook a brother up?
That is not the real MEAT
Winning Lottery Numbers
1 12 25 44 53 Mega #3
Mayor Sam do you remember when Arsenio said that he was going to kick Jay Leno's ass+
Cindi Miscikowski, Not only did she take over a district where most people never voted for her, but she's done a horrible job on the airport and is trampling the First Amendment along the Venice Boardwalk, not to mention her ill-conceived ban on lap dancing. It's time for new blood for this district and a leader who comprehends the big picture. CLA beware!
12:03 AM Trujillo, muchacho vendido. Don't threaten Mayor Sam. Freedom of Speech and Post. Trujillo, vete comer tamales de tu abuela.
Parks and Antonio have their own scandals seems like according to this website. Parks with Rampart and all the corruption in LAPD when he was Chief. Antonio for deceiving his community and basically lying using the community to get to become a mayoral candidate, Floridagate Scandal, Sacramentonight scandal. Alaracon has the vendor issue and the illegal driver's licenses to contend with and poor Huggie Bob, well I can't think of anything.
HEEEELLLLLLOOOOOO. I am amazed at this weirdo Meat guy. He just doesn't get it. Tony has brought down entire communities with his failure to perform his sworn duties. Whenever anyone wants to know where Tony is just find a camera. Mayor Sam you should put a site instead of "Where's Waldo" Let's see who can find Antonio.
Armando Martinez, Hollenbeck Recreation Center another Tony groupie..
Do you know Michael Trujillo?
Tony's Letter for Drug Dealer will still Haunt Him
Because every time someone accuses Jimmy of abusing his office by raising money for anti-secession/campaign and favoring those individuals with city contracts or permits, someone from Jimmy's campaign team** will remind voters how Tony used the Speaker's office to declare a drug dealer innocent and released from prison.
Favors to contributors or drug dealer back in your neighborhood, which is worse?
IMHO, voters already think EVERY politician does favors for their contributors, but do they think a politician will use their office to declare drug dealers innocent?? We'll see.
** You should notice that Tony and Jimmy have their "people" attack their opponents. Tony didn't attack the recall, his consultants Smith and Skelton did. Kuwata is Jimmy's sharp tongue, especially in the print press.
It is admirable that you are posting on here with your real name and addresss.
Many people post anonymously because they feel they need to protect themselves. Some to stir up shit.
Most are primarily too lazy to sign up for a free blogger account (which they can do using either their real name or pseudonym).
Meat, is Tony behind you telling you what to type? Bottom line is that drug letter really bothered Angelenos. That cost Tony the election and people don't forget. He's already proven he has a big integrity problem. Parks is the last person to be saying anything about public safety and corruption. He promoted one of his closest Deputy Chief's knowing full well he was under investigation for money laundering by the FBI and IRS. Richard Alaracon wanted to legalize vendors and illegal immigrant status. Say what you want about Hahn but HE WAS THE ONLY ONE who wanted to give us more officers last year. Now everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. Compared to these candidates baggage or not he's still looking pretty GOOD
Of all the people who wrote letters to support Vignali, ONLY Tony went so far as to declare the drug dealer innocent in his letter.
Baca asked that he get moved to a closer prison, for the families sake.
BTW, racist don't need television ads to remind them they are racist. A name like Villaraigosa may be just the right tickler for their memory.
Meat was not Trujillo. Meat was really Antonio Villaraigosa.
The answer as to why they thought they could get away with fleecing us isn't that difficult at all.
Check out this link: Los Angeles MarathonOr this one: William BurkeOr this one: Marie PatrickTo Devine Racing's credit, they didn't invest in the lemons at city hall. At least not yet...
For those of you without a calculator handy, they donated a combined $22,500 to local officials over the years.
This crap has got to stop or city council members should lose their seats. We're desperately looking for money and corporations like this get a handout thanks to our tax dollars. No more.....LAPD and DOT have to work these events. Why should a company from outside the city come in and make $$$$ at our expense then leave with the profits. HELLL NOOOOOO
He donated the most to Bernie. Would love to see the motions pertaining to this and how they were voted. When did they decide to sell our CITY LOGO to these idiots? Don't we the taxpayers hae anything to say about it?
It's hard to believe that the city isn't making $$$$$ from all the millions they stand to gain.
Chief Parker you are the best. Thanks for bringing this to the attention to those of us who would not get this information.
I hope the media jumps all over these numbers.
OH NO....Please not William Morris! All I can say is "thank goodness" after decades of LAPD being ignored all the politicans are now saying "WE NEED MORE COPS."
Alaracon came out saying he has a plan without raising taxes to get us 1,000. Would love to hear that one...I bet he won't say unless he's elected.
Mayor Sam and Chief Parker do a story on how LA Marathon was sold to Chicago based firm for $15 MILLION>....we allow $370,000 to be waived for traffic and police......these idiot council people
Tony Villar??? Who's that??? I'm sorry, I only know Antonio Villaraigosa.
Hate him or love him, at least show some respect by addressing him by his real name. I don't like the guy that much and I can barely pronounce his name, but I'm not going to butcher his name up just to jab at him behind the protection of an anonymous blog posting.
Also of note is Hugsberg's $99 a plate dinner which can fly just below the radar of the $100 contribution reporting requirement. Despite what you think of that, I think its a good thing for candidates to hold some cut rate fundraisers and let some of the smaller cats have a crack at you. In an election as tight as this one will be, every bit helps.
Gee, I wonder where Bob got the idea for $99? Could it have been the site? Still no answer on how much money Bob was paid by Fleishman-Hillard.
Where in the World Is Antonio Villaraigosa? That's exactly what the people in his district have been asking since 2003. He spent more time in the district during the 5-6 month campaign for council than he has in the 18 months since. And he's got the frequent flyer miles to prove it.
I don't know who's faster in commenting on these things: MEAT and the paid hacks spinning for Tony Villar or the bar owners who oppose him.
This was supposedly the title of a long-running joke among Pacheco's campaign staff in 2002, when ADV first carpetbagged into the district in order to run against him. He moved into the very last house on the very last street in a little hidden, east-edge L.A. community called Hermon -- you know where the dog parke name riled people up recently. (No kidding, his backyard was technically in South Pasadena).
But that wasn't the joke -- when he first started running (after the move), his staff told one newspaper he had moved to Highland Park (across the river from Hermon), he told another paper he was on the edge of Eagle Rock (3-5 miles from the actual rental), and a third paper printed he had moved to Monterey Hills. So everyone was asking then, "Where in the WORLD. . .?"
Based on the phone conversation I just had, I would like to place a bet in Vegas:
Odds that there will be a "Special Election" in '07 because one or more Councilmembers will be forced to vacate their seats.
How about the mayor gives me a Section 8 housing voucher if I'm right?
What the hell happened to this blog???? Many of these posts are from two years ago. C'mon people get with the times and stop cutting and pasting.
What a weirdo!!!!! If you look at the times of these posts it seems its the SAME PERSON. This person needs Dr. Phil desperately. Each post is almost a minute after the next post. Feeling lonely and depressed these holidays?? Get a life!
I need Dr Phil. my ego is crushed. i'm an old unwashed unshaved long haired fart that needs to go to bed.....ur too funny LA.
keep up the informative posts.
plz someone start a new thread.
we need to talk about Bratton, its important. someone's suing now over skid row harassment. Billy's got his mind on what his next book deal will be. he wanted to build a national terrorism training center here. I mean me the compelling need to be training the rest of the country here. that center should be in Cleveland or Washington DC or anywhere else but here. can anyone else see that his mind is really NOT on the immediate problems in Los Angeles City? Bitter Bernie is one who is on to him, I gotta give him that. regardless of Bernie's motives.
Bratton's paid to be Los Angeles police chief, not a novelist, or criminologist, or terrorism consultant...there's people for that. his job is to run LAPD. I wouldn't think there'd be time for anything else. we pay an annual salary, and its a lot. start demanding his concentration to his job.
from LA Times:
"...Bratton, whose 1998 autobiography "Turnaround" was a critical success, said he is in the formative stages on the new book after publishers turned down his pitch for a book on terrorism, saying the market on that subject is glutted.The chief said that if he writes a book, it would not take away from his job as head of the LAPD."
I say let him go after one term, his media career is calling.
it'll be deja vu for him...New York saw fit to dispatch him... eventually.
why do we need a book on federal diversion of funds to anti-terrorism? just write a letter to Bush, explain your concerns, then get back to running LAPD.
I don't understand why everything has to be a book deal.
and it smacks of hypocrisy that one minute he's calling for the federal govt to spend tons of money on anti terrorism training center, then turn around and complain that federal money is going to anti terrorism instead of local crime fighting.
click my name to get the full article
here's the link
ok, the link won't work. copy and paste this:,1,1048616.story?coll=la-headlines-california
These post sure just how much of a dumbass you are. These are ancient posts and you don't even have a clue. Who's posting all this obsolete stuff?
Is ALL of this stuff two years old? So does that mean Laura Chick WASN'T on KABC this week speaking about DWP? Damn, I got excited for nothing.
But, actual dumb-ass (you), remember: Based on the conversation I had last night, based on things that happened in '06, ZD wants to know where he can bet in Vegas that there will be a "Special Election" in '07 because one or more Councilmembers will be forced to vacate their seats?
No wonder Council is trying to keep me out of City Hall for two years. As if that would prevent me from bringing my information to the people. Maybe they can also ban me from this blog, KABC/KFI, public access TV and news articles in '07.
You're right Zuma, it's all about you. And yet you criticize Antonio for being self centered.
You're so nice to me on the phone, then you hammer me here. Dude, hate to break it to you, but the way they arrested me, Garcetti's Election & Rules meeting that is paving the way for some seriously scary stuff that NO American should be happy about, regardless of what you think about ZD vs CC.
Call me on my cell and I'll tell you more. So, sorry if something involving me is newsworthy. I'm sure you'll be reading more in LA Daily News in early '07. But I'll try and have them leave my name out of the story so some crybabies don't get jealous.
It IS about ZD, when there is selective enforcement of the "law" (and I have to use the term loosley, cause it wasn't really enforcement of law...just one guy's loss of his temper and judgement.
p.s.: Where did I criticize Tony for being self-centered? I don't re-call? Ooops, sorry for using the word "re-call." I mean I don't remember criticizing him for that, although I have criticized him for actual issue oriented things. So please, post the criticism, cause seriously, I don't re-call, i mean remember.
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen (bows low and removes hat):
Having a field day are we, sots? Especially Himself that you have named Meat. The pirate crew knows the skeleton that flies upon Himself's S&C. Ah yes, indeed Himself is a purveyor of meat. Ask Madame Wu, she'll tell you that this jackanape knows the difference between a bone-in and a butterfly cut, which perhaps is the deepest cut of all, savvy?
One of the crew has had dealings with Himself, and while dead men tell no tales, pirates hold the treasure chest as knowledge is power. Isn't that so, Emma, luv?
I would ask Himself this one simple question, and let's see how Himself answers, shall we? Which scares you more; the pen or the sword? Methinks he'll say neither, and if he does then it is proof that Himself wields neither pen or sword, but instead sits behind the King plying the fan, savvy?
Out of the frying pan and onto the spit, eh Meat? Of course, launched attacks against moi only serve as gravy.
Will someone please kick Zuma and Matt's asses and make them behave like MEN. Damn, I'm sick of them constantly being so damn negative. Go the hell back where you both came from and leave LA. People are sick of you two. Matt is a fucking loser who can't shave or shower and is a complete idiot. Now you're going after Bratton you stupid fuck. Ask Bernie how many millions Rampart cost the city because of him. I'll tell you $70 mil and counting. Ask Bernie why he was more racist against his own black cops. Bratton wants law enforcement to come here moron because LAPD is the best trained in the world and every damn newspaper has given him credit for his police philosophies. But Matt you're a complete idiot and pretend to be educated. Again you idiot the book is more then what you state. Damn can't you fucking READ? You are in a minority if you want to blast Bratton. Because cops hated Bitter Bernie 1,000 left and we needed them. Ask Bernie about his coke head daughter.
Matt after reading that story it sure sounds like Bratton is doing a lousy job. Every city outside LA crime has risen but not LA which has declined for the past years Bratton's been chief.
Read this: "But on Tuesday, even some skeptics were tipping their hats to the chief, saying five straight years of decline clearly shows the LAPD is doing something right.
Bratton shot back, co-writing a National Review article taking to task ivory tower academics," who have "never sat in a patrol car, walked or bicycled a beat, lived in or visited regularly troubled violent neighborhoods."
On Tuesday, Bratton credited his police officers with reducing crime in Los Angeles but said the city needs more of them.
Great story on Bratton and other stories always saying he's the best chief in the nation. Antonio even said it.
"Eric Robles was a big time campaign consultant for Huizar during his campaign. Why did he leave and where did he go?"
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