U.S. Population Boom Goes Unregulated by Federal Government Because We Need Cheap Labor
First of all, thanks to Bill O'Reilly, who put my call through on his national radio show today, so ZD could break down the real reason Washington, D.C. doesn't really want to do too much about immigration density issues hitting Los Angeles and the Country:
Cheap labor is needed for the next decade's worth of economic globalization. You see, China is gearing up to be the world's number one manufacturer of produced goods in this world. And all the manufacturing and labor jobs will be going over there/overseas. So, the U.S. is gonna be in big trouble when our labor force has to compete with their twenty-cent an hour working wage.
AND: One of the biggest companies in China, just got the rights to build shiny-new ports in Mexico, including the nearby Baja; so look for all of those jobs to go to these new Mexican ports that will be operating under cheaper and un-regulated standards (including safety standards).
So maybe the Federal government has a reason they are turning a blind eye to what is happening regarding the population boom this country is experiencing: Cheap Labor is needed to compete with Mexico, China and everywhere else in the world; like Canada, who is also enhancing their port system. (So China will be manufacturing the goods, then shipping them into their own ports that they will operate in Mexico. Sweet!)
And Bill O' would like to add that if we allow this to happen, he would like to see a "worker registration" program initiated, to help keep track of the situation.
Cheap labor is needed for the next decade's worth of economic globalization. You see, China is gearing up to be the world's number one manufacturer of produced goods in this world. And all the manufacturing and labor jobs will be going over there/overseas. So, the U.S. is gonna be in big trouble when our labor force has to compete with their twenty-cent an hour working wage.
AND: One of the biggest companies in China, just got the rights to build shiny-new ports in Mexico, including the nearby Baja; so look for all of those jobs to go to these new Mexican ports that will be operating under cheaper and un-regulated standards (including safety standards).
So maybe the Federal government has a reason they are turning a blind eye to what is happening regarding the population boom this country is experiencing: Cheap Labor is needed to compete with Mexico, China and everywhere else in the world; like Canada, who is also enhancing their port system. (So China will be manufacturing the goods, then shipping them into their own ports that they will operate in Mexico. Sweet!)
And Bill O' would like to add that if we allow this to happen, he would like to see a "worker registration" program initiated, to help keep track of the situation.
I have a very hard time believing this. Importing uneducated people to do menial labor can’t improve global competitiveness. Buggy whip industries that need mules to do this kind of work can certainly benefit from it, but those aren't the industries that make the U.S. a world-beating country. The kind of industries and companies that make the U.S. kick ass are those that use technology and innovation to improve efficiency and quality of the stuff we produce and the things we do.
Some examples: 3M, DuPont, Cisco, Intel, Raytheon, Microsoft, Apple, Pfizer, Disney, Boeing, GE, HP, Amgen, Genentech, Motorola, Merck, J&J, UPS, Google, United Technologies, Oracle, Dow Chemical. And then there are the “intangible” goods-producing and service sectors: financial, consulting, accounting, education, insurance, etc. Illegal aliens (at least the poor, uneducated ones we mostly have) do not benefit these kinds of businesses. The reason that we need to be worried about China is that companies like these will be replicated over there and will take our business, and not because China may start selling lettuce at 20 cents a head versus our 40 cents a head.
Importing cheap, illegal labor is simply a way for certain sectors of the economy (especially restaurant, hotel, agricultural and food-processing) and individuals (those who use illegals for gardening, housekeeping, etc) to get cheap labor subsidized by other people. Those other people are the taxpaying population at large, and they’re the ones that bear the burden of the education, health care, crime, and general infrastructure-related costs that illegals create. (High tech companies also DO benefit from illegal aliens, but those are illegals of a very different sort, i.e., engineering and science PhDs from India and China or wherever. But that’s a topic for another day.)
These businesses, and racial advocacy groups like NCLR and MALDEF and politicians like Villaraigosa and Nunez would like everyone, to believe that it’s a question of global competetiveness. It makes their weak argument seem stronger. They want you to believe that you, and the country, benefit from illegals. But it’s they and they alone who benefit, politically and financially. The rest of us pay for it.
I’m glad to see you at least broaching the topic here.
We (Americans) don't need cheap labor. The people who "need" cheap labor are employers who prefer workers who are willing to work for as little as possible. Why employ an American who expects a decent standard of living when you can get an illegal immigrant who is willing to work for half the price, won't ask for benefits, doesn't have to pay income tax, and is content to live in Maywood in a decrepit studio apartment with seven other illegal immigrants? As long as the employer can afford to live 40 miles away in a nice gated community away from all the illegal immigrant areas, he thinks the situation is swell.
7:07 and 9:24 you're right on.
9:24 as you surely know, that's why many elites from both parties (e.g., Kennedy, Pelosi, McCain and especially Bush) think open borders and guest worker amnesty programs are such a great idea. After all, THEY don't have to worry about or deal with first hand the negative impacts of illegal immigration (broken public schools, bankrupt hospitals, overcrowded prisons, gang warfare etc.) from behind the walls of their gated estates. As long as their corporate benefactors get cheap labor and they can curry favor with or pander to ethnic lobby groups, everything is "fine." Fortunately, there are about 100 Congressional members of the Immigration Reform Caucus (mostly Republican) who are fighting this insanity.
You can tell something fishy is going on when you've got Bush, Nancy Pelosi, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, MoveOn.org, the Wall Street Journal and MALDEF all on the same side of an issue, like they do with immigration. You just know that normal-thinking, moderate, middle-class Americans are going to somehow be taking it up the rear, and hard. The right gets cheap labor for their benefactors and the left gets millions of new voters.
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