Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Wednesday

The LA County Board of Supervisors approved a $4 million plan to establish a county television station. The station will be a "video on demand" type service offered on local cable systems. No word yet on content, nor if the channel will air the "Full Disclosure Network."
The gay Republican group, The Log Cabin Club has announced their endorsement of Peter Hankwitz for Congress. Running against Brad Sherman in the San Fernando Valley’s 27th Congressional District, Hankwitz is the only out gay Republican running for Congress in the United States.
The San Fernando Valley - which got traffic control officers as one way to counter secessionist feelings - is going to get two more. Dickens Street and Sepulveda Boulevard in Sherman Oaks and Topanga Canyon Boulevard and State Route 118 in the northwest corner of the Valley will receive the new officers who will be posted during morning and evening rush hour. An additional 13 intersections citywide will receive the officers.
Mayor Villaraigosa will receive the "Creating Hope Through Education'' award at the Soledad Enrichment Action Charter School gala Wednesday evening. No word if Marcos Aguilar will be there.
Former mayoral candidate and Sister City blogger Walter Moore is featured in an interview at Martini Republic. Walter lays out the reasons why he wants to be Mayor of Los Angeles in 2009.
Los Angeles City Nerd has an interesting feature on Lake Balboa, in the Sepulveda Dam Recreation Area in Van Nuys. The man-made lake is part of the unique system that helps reclaim millions of gallons of San Fernando Valley wastewater every day.
City of LA Meetings for Tuesday
8:30AM - CAO: Payroll System Replacement Steering Committee
8:45AM - COUNCIL: Trade, Commerce and Tourism Committee Meeting
9:05AM - COUNCIL: Trade, Commerce and Tourism Committee, Special Metting
9:30AM - BPW: Board of Public Works
10:00AM - COUNCIL: Los Angeles City Council
10:00AM - COUNCIL: Los Angeles City Council, Continuation
12:30PM - LACC: LA Convention and Exhibition Ctr Authority Mtg Cancel/Reschedule Notice 080906
12:30PM - NCRC: Neighborhood Council Review Commission, Search Committee, Special Meeting
1:00PM - COUNCIL: Intergovernmental Relations Spcial Joint meeting with Education and Neighborhoods Committee
2:00PM - CAO: Proposition O Citizens Oversight Advisory Committee
2:00PM - COUNCIL: Transportation Committee Meeting
2:30PM - COUNCIL: Transportation Committee - SPECIAL MEETING
3:00PM - COUNCIL: Arts, Parks, Health & Aging Committee - Special Meeting
3:00PM - COUNCIL: Rules & Elections Committee Meeting
3:10PM - COUNCIL: Rules & Elections Committee Meeting, SPECIAL MEETING
4:30PM - PLN: East Los Angeles Area Planning Commission Meeting Agenda - Ramona Hall
5:30PM - RAP: August 09, 2006
Four million dollars for a county government TV station?!!!! Will someone PLEASE replace the clowns who voted for that?!
I can hardly wait to see the programming. Will we get the county version of "Dinner with Janice and Eric?"
Where do they think this money comes from?! Carumba!
P.S. Don't EVEN get me started on Rosendahl's proposal to prevent the owners of apartment buildings from converting them to condominiums! Hey, why not just add a provision requiring that the owners of the buildings let people stay there rent-free, and that they provide free transportation and food for the residents?
Hey - the NC "Non community impact staement" council files is at Rules & Elections. let's hear it for neighborhood empowerment.
what's the special meeting?
rosendahl is in 11, mo-ron.
Does Svea do work still with Soledad Enrichment?
OK. Rodendahl wants to stop anything and everything, even if it has a public benefit. Condo Conversion, GOOD redevelopment, housing, or no matter what it is.... why would anyone be listening to him? Im not even saying I am for condo-conversions, but everything ends up resulting from his bitterness towards the world. Its time toget someone into office who wants to do stuff instead of stop anything
11:01 pm, you are too much!
Have you ever been to CD11? There is development poppping up everywhere, in some neighborhoods literally on every block. Rosendahl has stood up against a few bad big projects, but he has hardly stopped growth and development in his district.
And bitter? The only one in the building who is more positive and optimitic is LaBonge.
You have to hand it to the 26 cities that have been able to garner attention based on the claim that they will be disenfranchised by the Council of Mayors. Unfortunately, this smoke and mirrors argument belies the underlying truth: none of the cities had any clout or representation at the District….ever.
I have had conversations with staffers with 5 current and former board staffers and all of them have said that their bosses’ focus was on responding to constituent concerns from LA residents. Why? It’s simple. All Board members have an interest in seeking political careers in the City of Los Angeles; a City that has councilmembers that get paid a hefty (and unwarranted) salary. No one seeks to be mayors or councilmembers in these smaller cities because there are no salaries and very little perks.
The bottom line is that these 26 cities will always get ignored as long as they are part of the LAUSD. To think otherwise, is foolish.
This is the news that hitting citywide. E-mails are flying about the Garcetti's. Whoever posted last week this was coming deserves a martini.
City Ethics Commission head Gil Garcetti and his son, City Council President Eric Garcetti, have come under criticism for how they have handled the controversial term-limits/ethics-reform ballot measure. Amid efforts to fast-track a scheme to give City Council members a third term, an Ethics Commission special meeting was canceled after Gil Garcetti said he had a scheduling conflict. At least one commissioner was prepared to sharply criticize the measure's ethics provisions as ineffective.
At about the same time, Eric Garcetti, as chairman of the Rules Committee, assigned someone to write a pro-measure argument for the November ballot - but not an opposition one....Both Eric and Gil Garcetti did not return calls for comment.
Jason Lyon, past co-chairman of the Silver Lake Neighborhood Council, said he called the council president's office Tuesday to ask to write the opposition argument but was told it was too late...."What I was told was the process was closed," said Lyon, who said that while he supports extending term limits he objects to including the issue with ethics reform.
Speaking of oppositions to ballot initiatives, I applied -- weeks ago? -- to Garcetti's office to write the formal opposition re the $2 billion bond measure, and have yet to hear their decision.
Also, having read that NO ONE applied to oppose the term limit measure -- I'm kicking myself for that one -- I e-mailed them today to apply to do that.
Stay tuned.
Anonymous said...
Mayor Sam, while we are on the topic of ethics, how much is your site worth? the reason is ask is that you have turned it over to Wacko Walter Moore so he can run his campaign from it. Which I would think would be considered a political contribution. has this been reported? I noticed that you did not do the same for other candidates you were supporting in other races. Jim Alger is one that comes to mind. he answered some of the postings occasionally but never really blogged here. so why the preferential treatment of Wacko? why have you given your blog over to him entirely so he can use it to campaign from? has this been reported? what is the city contribution limit-- $500 I think? does anyone know someone who can tell us what the law says about this?
$4,000,000 for these retards to plaster their faces all over our television sets????? What did we do to deservce this type of punishment????
You can be sure Villagrossa is going to ram this through!
Put them on Univision,please!!!!!!
And do not allow them to speak English!
That's the way to solve the housing shortage. What a great way to jack up the price of existing homes by limiting the supply. Good move, Bill.
What hyperbolic, knee-jerk reactionary drivel from you, MS. Your statement suggests that 1) apartments (targeted for conversion to condos), are not "homes" only HOUSES and CONDOS can be homes, right 2) by that same logic, this means that the million or more (2 million?) people living in apartments in L.A. are effectively "home-less". Let's alert the Feds, maybe we can get some more money.
They reason owners rip out the more-affordable apartments is to rake in the bucks from cramming more upscale units into the city, and to be rid of the problems of having to replace, market to, and evict renters.
Condos are "more affordable" only in contrast to standalone HOUSES, and then only in some cases.
Convert all those (REALLY) more affordable apartments into slightly more affordable HOUSES (i.e., condos), and you get TWO immediate results, both of which the bloggers here are always bitching about anyway... MORE street people who can't pony up to own the refurbed 4-walls they used to (apparently in error?) call HOME, and MORE cars on the street creating gridlock. Apartment renters are MUCH, much more likely to be using public transportation that the condo and McMansion people looking to buy into L.A. at $1 million-plus per unit.
Say what you mean... more expensive HOUSES, means less places for the poor riff raff to congregate and take up space. What elitist BS.
P.S. (Notice how on Wacko's new vanity photo his eyes follow you around the office when you leave the comment-posting screen up... gives me the GD creeps, I could barely type this).
Why does it recently appear that this blog, the media, and the general public are surprised that the Garcetti's dodge any opposition on their own political initiatives. All one has to do is go on Garcetti's website and notice his one-sided, glad-handing, pro-Garcetti-only crap on his webpage. The site has been up for a few years now and he parades himself as the most e-technological innovator on council. Another one of his so-called accomplishments. In addition, he is the only councilmember to have staff bios on his webpage with their asanine self-important pictures. The only staff bio missing on his webpage is Daddy Garcetti and his monetary contributions to boy garcetti throughout his privleged life.
What a shame the way Eric Garcetti treated people who spoke at public comment today. He rudely interrupted them if they were speaking on the agenda item then just turned off the mike. What is he afraid they'll say?? If Zuma Dogg would stop acting so idiotic he would get more serious attention. He really is intelligent when he speaks on the issue seriously and makes great points. I wish we could turn off the mike on the clowns in council.
Read your interview on Martini Republic... Guiness Stout Ale??? Brrrr!!! No wonder you're fighting the battle of the bulge! Have you ever thought of counting how many calories you're intaking with that stuff?
I agree with previous poster.
Where can we find out how MS is reporting his political contribution by turning profit-making website over to Walter Moore?
Interesting that the MS blog still has Wacko's blog listed under "gadfly" with the likes of Hal Netkin.
Walter Moore and Hal Netkin are two peas in a poor-people-and-immigrant-hating pod
10:08 AM:
Walter's presence on Ms is not a MS campaign contribution. Nor is Dick Cheney getting campaign funds when he goes on Meet the Press. The network news is a "for-profit" business too. Are you suggesting that any candidate who spoke in a public news forum should declare it as a campaign contribution? Do you realize how obsessed you sound? Stick to the issues and stop trying to scare Walter away. It won't work and you sound like a nut.
If every politician was this easy to talk to this would be a better country. Keep going Walter. Even when I don't agree with you it's good that you're here.
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