As Long As It's "Comprehensive"
A comprehensive solution is one that can be interpreted in any direction. It is so complex that no one will understand it sufficiently to be critical. It is vague enough that every lawmaker can vote for it and claim victory for his/her point of view.
The fatal mistake for the handlers of the Senate immigration proposal was refusing to let their fellow Jurassic Park inmates offer any amendments. After all, they were just trying to make the bill “more comprehensive.”
The best quote of the week came from Cardinal Mahoney: “This isn’t a debate whether or not we should allow people to come, or not to come – they’re here.”
His Eminence was asked at his press conference whether he was crossing the line from preaching religion to preaching politics. He replied, “Every piece of legislation that affects people also bears with it a moral and ethical dimension, and you can’t discount that.”
I’m wondering if the good Cardinal would have the same attitude if the vast majority of immigrants were Muslims, as is the case in France.
The fatal mistake for the handlers of the Senate immigration proposal was refusing to let their fellow Jurassic Park inmates offer any amendments. After all, they were just trying to make the bill “more comprehensive.”
The best quote of the week came from Cardinal Mahoney: “This isn’t a debate whether or not we should allow people to come, or not to come – they’re here.”
His Eminence was asked at his press conference whether he was crossing the line from preaching religion to preaching politics. He replied, “Every piece of legislation that affects people also bears with it a moral and ethical dimension, and you can’t discount that.”
I’m wondering if the good Cardinal would have the same attitude if the vast majority of immigrants were Muslims, as is the case in France.
I don't want to get into a big debate about the priest coverup, but I appreciate that the church heavies are asserting that there's an inherent dignity that everyone deserves regardless of the details of any specific law. Everyone has an opinion of Mahoney, but I think it's off base to call this an unprincipled position on his part.
The amendments issue is never so simple: the Senators adding amendments didn't want it to pass, and the Dems kept the Frist version intact so if you wanted to treat immigrants like criminals, you had to go with the full-on right-wing version (ensuring its failure).
Why isn't the archdiosese going after Mahony like they did the church in Pasadena for the priest talking about the IRS during his sermon? This is b.s. What happened to the separation of church and state? Where are the victims of all the pedophiles Mahony covered up for and protected. This is their chance to get all the publicity they need right in front of this so called "cardinal."
But a Muslim Cleric in France is saying the same thing Mahoney is... So your point in mentioning our French bretheren was?
The Muslim Cleric is Muslim, not Catholic, dum dum. Mahoney wants more Mexican Catholics in the US, legal or not, not Muslims.
Wait, aren't the Republicans saying that Muslims are coming up through Mexico? Sigh, it's so hard to tell all these brown people apart.
Can someone tell me why these fools get credibility on the national stage?
Re: "Mahony calls for support of Senate immigration bill" (April 6):
Excuse me, but I thought that tax-exempt churches were supposed to stay out of politics, or lose the exemption. So when will someone stand up and tell Cardinal Mahony to shut his mouth? Better yet, maybe I'll look up the number for the IRS.
John Lynch
Studio City
Jennifer Solis--and I don't say this lightly--that is a fucking racist thing to say about Muslims. Are you implying that they are somehow more dangerous? You're a sucky new writer.
being a 501(c)(3) doesn't mean being silent on issues of the day..what it does mean is they can't advocate for the election or defeat of a candidate or get too involved in lobbying activiites in the overall scheme of their operations.
it doesn't prohibit churches or cardinals from weighing in on political issues....
now, if they started saying, don't elect senator so and so, then that's where they get into trouble...
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