Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Thursday

We reported rumors Wednesday that LA County Federation of Labor Secretary-Treasurer Martin Ludlow was going to resign admist Federal and District Attorney investigations into campaign fundraising during his campaign for the City Council. Our tipster told us that Ludlow was going to resign Wednesday, but we were told by a County Fed spokesperson that Ludlow was "absolutely not" going to resign. However our tipster, as well as a second, regular Sister City source (who insists the rumors are true) both are of the mind that even though nothing went down today, its not the end of the story when it comes to Ludlow. Stay tuned.
Capitol Weekly is reporting that Scott Wildman is all but about ready to drop out of the Democratic 43rd Assembly race to suceed Dario Frommer. That leaves Frank Quintero and Paul Krekorian in the race. Expect things to get nasty.
Students at El Sereno Middle School will be holding a debate this morning for candidates for the race in the LAUSD's 2nd district school board race. Candidates Christopher Arellano, Enrique Gasca, Monica Garcia, and Ana Teresa Fernandez are all confirmed to attend. Later this afternoon, Garcia will announce endorsements from elected officials, a campaign official says.
Mayor Sam's favorite Council Member, Wendy Greuel of the 2nd District, has announced a plan to install more left turn lights across the city. Reminds me of another, rather giant sized local pol's plan, but nonetheless it is welcome. Read the rest of Wendy's latest e-newsletter at Mayor Sam 2.
Later today, Mayor Villaraigosa will join Senator John Edwards and actor Danny Glover in addressing issues of the "working poor'' during a hotel workers campaign event at the downtown Sheraton hotel.
Former attorney, former mayoral candidate and former Republican Walter Moore is trying a new line of work, real estate. Walter is now a real estate broker and hopes you'll call his "Castles Without Hassles" if you're looking to buy and/or sell a home. But not to worry, Walter hasn't totally given up politics, he is a blogger now too.
Public Meetings for Thursday
10:30 a.m.: The Metropolitan Transportation Authority's Executive Management and Audit Committee will meet. Agenda includes a contract to permit uniformed officers to ride Metro rail and bus systems on a fare-exempt basis; receipt of a report on audit services; receipt of a report on the Metro Red Line Westside Extension; consideration of increasing the Regional Transit Access Pass Life project budget from $16 million to $20 million; and receipt of a report on state and federal affairs. MTA Headquarters, One Gateway Plaza, Third floor boardroom.
6:00 p.m.: The Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners will hold the second of two meetings to discuss the Port of Los Angeles' Strategic Plan -- which contact says establishes the port's objectives for the next five years -- and seek input from its stakeholders, including harbor community members, port employees, customers and local businesses. Banning's Landing Community Center, 100 E. Water St.
I hope there is pan dulce and chilaquiles at the debate for Monica and Enrique. When they don't eat, they get very mad.
So who are these mysterious "elected officials" that are endorsing Monica?
Villraigosa is supporting her today.
AV = pendejo
Monica has no FAT chance in hell of winning.
Big guns for Garcia
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Speaker Fabian Núñez plan to campaign on the East Side tomorrow for Mónica García, their anointed candidate for the open school board seat to replace José Huizar. They wil be at the Dena New Primary Center in Boyle Heights.
Monica needs some big guns. Did anyone see the ass-kicking she and Huizar got at the Democratic Party endorsment meeting?
Chris Arellano got the endorsement with 60-something votes. Monica only got 10, even with Huizar hovering over the ballot box.
Pretty embarassing.
Monica G. with endorsements doesn't amount to the total make over she desperately needs.
Tony, the camera hogging hypocrite. He wants to be seen as labor's darling so he snuggles up with his close friend Maria Durazo's union in front of the camera while at the same time denying his OWN employees COLA increases that would keep their wages steady. Did I mention, he's so concerned about these low income wage earners that he's waiving taxes for his business friends in the city so that there's less money for the city to help the poor with. I would say he was speaking out of both sides of his head, but apparently his head is three sided.
Mayor's office worker bee.
Where's Waldo" Jose Huizar?? No one has seen him in the district since he got elected. To add insult to injury word is Antonio made Greg Nelson appoint the biggest staff loser Ulysses "aka USELESS" Sanchez to now head the Eastside area neigborhood councils. Word always has it if USELESS goes to a meeting they will yell and slam his fat little butt for being a lazy retard. He did nothing as an Antonio field staffer now Antonio thinks he can work??
“Mayor Villaraigosa has been a champion for our public schools for more than a decade, and I’m proud to have the endorsement of a leader who is so deeply committed to ensuring every child has access to a first-class public education,” said Mónica García. “I’m honored to have the support of innovative leaders such as Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuñez and Councilwoman Wendy Greuel.”
I'm telling you, people will not vote for you because you were ineffective while at the District. C'mon, you know that Jose's staff had the worst reputation and that Jose was often in the dark on major policy issues. You should not be rewarded. Go away.
LAUSD Employee
What's up with you Mayor Sam guys? Tony Villar been blowing up your dresses too? How come your are not putting up stuff like this article from the NRO - National Review Online? Really makes us Angelenos proud of our short little Mayor...
February 16, 2006, 8:33 a.m.
Target: Los Angeles
The mayor is miffed at being stiffed.
Los Angeles has been much in the news lately, and not for reasons likely to make the city fathers proud.
First, President Bush gave a speech in which he referred to 2002 al Qaeda plot to fly a hijacked airliner into a downtown L.A. office building. This was news, apparently, to Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who used the occasion to have a very public snit. Perhaps emboldened by the low-rent treatment shown the president during the Coretta Scott King funeral, Villaraigosa held a press conference and lectured the president and his staff for their egregious breach of protocol.
“I would have expected a direct call from the White House,” Villaraigosa told reporters. In an interview with the Associated Press, Villaraigosa went even further in displaying his pique. “I’m amazed that the president would make this [announcement] on national TV,” he said, “and not inform us of these details through the appropriate channels. I don’t expect a call from the president — but somebody.”
Here’s how the mayor’s knickers came to be in such a bunch: On February 9, President Bush gave a speech that detailed an aborted al Qaeda plot to fly a hijacked jetliner into the west coast’s tallest building, a skyscraper in downtown Los Angeles known at the time as the Library Tower. (The president misspoke when he referred to the 73-story building as the “Liberty Tower.” It has since been renamed as the U.S. Bank Tower.) The alleged plot involved southeast Asian men who were to crash into the building after using shoe bombs to breach the cockpit door. The plot was foiled, President Bush said, through the use of electronic intercepts and the aid of an unnamed Southeast Asian government.
Villaraigosa’s feathers hadn’t been smoothed by the following day, either. “We did not get a direct call from the White House or the Department of Homeland Security in the way I was accustomed,” the mayor said at a joint appearance with Matt Bettenhausen, California’s top homeland-security official.
Unfortunately for the mayor, Bettenhausen contradicted his assertions, saying the information was indeed provided to officials at City Hall and the Los Angeles Police Department before the president’s speech. “ I think the terrorist information was handled appropriately,” Bettenhausen said.
Though the president did provide some previously undisclosed details about the aborted attack in his speech, the existence of such a plot should hardly have come as a shock to Mayor Villaraigosa. Shortly after taking office last year, he was personally briefed on the matter by John Miller, who at the time was head of the LAPD’s counterterrorism division. And the 9/11 Commission report went into some detail about the interrogation of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, among whose disclosures was a plan to attack Los Angeles. On page 154 of the report there appears the following passage:
[Khalid Sheikh Mohammed] has insisted to his interrogators that he always contemplated hijacking and crashing large commercial aircraft. Indeed KSM describes a grandiose original plan: a total of ten aircraft to be hijacked, nine of which would crash into targets on both coasts — they included those eventually hit on September 11 plus CIA and FBI headquarters, nuclear power plants, and the tallest buildings in California and the state of Washington.
I don’t expect Antonio Villaraigosa to have read the whole report — but somebody.
Tony V making the school system more efficient? He can;'t get a message from his chief of staff when the White House calls. He should have known aboyt the attempted attack on LA's Library Tower long time ago if he bothered to read the 9/11 committees report even if only the part regarding Los Angeles. Maybe he wants to take over the school district so that he can quietly get some young second grade teacher to teach him how to read. p.s. regarding Ulysses...when Tony flushes the stuff is rerouted to the neighborhood councils or to the LAUSD.
Now that AV has endorsed Monica; the Riordan and Broad money can't be far behind.
As a teacher represented by UTLA, let's hope that our new president, AJ Duffy, can demonstrate why we elected him. I'm counting on AJ to deliver or he's out.
AV wasn't even mayor in 2002. WTF?
Hey, is it just me or does that Christopher Arellano guy look kinda creepy?
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