This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Interesting that you are getting so many comments on recent posts. Arnold/Tookie 51, LCYD 60, LAUSD Board election 87 (!).
You must be doing something right. Keep it up.
At last night's Harbor Commission meeting, the Board made two very interesting statements.
They said that, henceforth, the Port would work with the communities to determine mitigation packages before Environmental Impact Reports are released. If this actually happens, it will be a groundbreaking advance in envornmental processes, and in community relations.
They also said that they will stand up to the State Lands Commission staff on the issue of doing environmental mitigation projects off the Port lands in the impacted communities.
These are critically important initiatives. If the port follows through on them, it will be a real change in business as usual.
Let's hope so!
Ghost Town, Part Deux
Somebody sure better bring up an even nominally CD-14 related topic, soon, or this blog will be deader than Tookie!
CD-14 = zzzzzzz
Cars passing by the scene of an accident, MF... don't mean they're buying the scrap.
Unless they're all DEEF and DUMB!
Dumbest move Jose could have made was hiring Alvin Parra. Word is spreading fast in the community telling people NOT TO DEAL WITH HIM. If every one ignores him when he goes to meetings then maybe if we're lucky he'll disappear. Corrupt little asshole is what Alvin is and a slap in the face to Eastside constituents if Jose thinks they will deal with his sleazy ass. HELL NO
4:34 Get over it already!
Yeah, get over it 4:34. Alvin's being played, too. AV made Huizar take him on, but he doesn't have to keep him for long. Just until Parra screws up the first time (should be this Friday, if he's true to form), then Huizar can say, "Sorry BOSS, I tried, but he just didn't work out!"
Good Point, Tony!
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