This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Why is MTA on track to have the Gold Line extended to Azusa--a line which which will be ridden by no one and serves no purpose other than the stroking of Rick Cole's ego--by 2009, when the "downtown connector" for the Blue and Expo Lines is on permanent hold?
Also, how many people are going to be killed by the Orange Line before we all spontaneously rise up and throw Zev under it?
It's going through because you're too chicken-shit to come out against it publicly. Instead, you hide in anonymity and shoot jabs.
Maybe if you could present a better idea people would listen. But since you can't, shut up!
People are killed all the time in all sorts of transportation accidents. Will people be killed by the Orange Line? Yes. Will pedestrians get killed crossing streets? Yes. Should people stop walking across streets? You figure it out.
I have a feeling any accidents related to the orange line aren't going to be pedestrians they are probably going to be motorists that drive onto the busway. I don't know if it's the MTA's fault that a motorist can't read the 'stay off the transitway' sign. Over time I think as people get used to it we will see less of this.
Dump Zev in 2006.
Why was Antonio in Simi Valley with President Bush yesterday? He just can't stay away from the cameras. He's an embarrassment to LA.
Arnold won't meet Bush, but AV will?
Sheesh, the world's upside down.
What part of L.A. City is Simi Valley in, by the way? I know that's where all the L.A. cops live, but did we annex it, too?
zev is a nerd ..
Seriously, Zev is so useless. When he said that he wasn't planning to sponsor a reversal of Prop A and allow MTA to use county sales tax money for the Wilshire Boulevard subway--on the dubious grounds that city, state, and federal money would be sufficient--I started collecting dog poop in a Tupperware in the freezer to leave in a flaming paper bag on his doorstep.
I have a headache. Mayor sam, what can i take for a migraine? Any suggestions?
Villaraigosa with Bush, you have to be kidding.
Valley Village Shenanigans
Did you know that Hatfield, Simen, et. al - the "old timers" in Valley Village put an anonymous mailer in the mailboxes of houses without mezuzahs urging a vote against an all jewish slate?
I did not think so. Pay attention, I have all the goods. Also, the election supervisor turned away holocaust survivors on the basis of their lack of connection to valley village, even though they have served on synagogue and school boards for 30 years. I guess mr. kvasnick just does not like some people.
2:16 - the only thing that's an embarrassment is your stupid ass posting. The last mayor hid during his term. This Mayor is just out there. You're pathetic butt supports Pacheco and can't get over the loss for City Council. Hope you'll get over this next loss easier.
10:18 - you're still pathetic because no one cares what you had to say the first time.
I'm a transplant from a thoroughly corrupt but extremely well-run city (Chicago), and I've got a question about the political culture out here. Why do so many people here, even those who clearly aren't rich, spend thousands of dollars a year on Bel Air Patrol because LAPD is stretched too thin to cover their neighborhoods--and then loudly oppose tax increases to bring LAPD up to an adequate funding level? Isn't it self-defeating to withhold funds from an agency whose problems are either caused, or at least exacerbated, by a lack of resources? Why haven't people made these connections?
And don't give me that "government inefficiency" garbage, either. San Diego has been "cutting out the deadwood" for a decade, and look at what they've got: a fire department that can't do its job, horribly damaged roads in a city that has neither winters nor heavy truck traffic, and a city government that's on the verge of bankruptcy.
Hey, what side is the Mayor on? I thought he was suppose to be for the city of LA??
With a good lawyer, you can beat City Hall
LA Daily News
Some Sunland residents are miffed that the city of Los Angeles has approved the Canyon Hills housing development in the Verdugo Hills. But what can they do about it?
Well, consider some recent events:
For years, Ramona Ripston, head of the local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, filed lawsuits against the city of Los Angeles, including some over how the city deals with the homeless on Skid Row. On Wednesday, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa named her to his Homeless Services Authority.
Bonaventure Hotel owner Peter Zen had threatened to sue to block the city's subsidy of a competing facility near the downtown Convention Center. To get Zen to back down and let the project go forward, Villaraigosa agreed to let him convert one-third of his units into lucrative condos.
Then there's Valeria Velasco, former member of a group that's gone to court to try block the city's planned expansion of LAX. Villaraigosa named her to his airport commission.
The pattern - attention Sunland residents - seems clear. Call your lawyer, then prepare to wheel and deal.
File suit, and Villaraigosa might just nix the Canyon Hills deal or throw millions into community improvements. Heck, he might even make the top plaintiff deputy mayor for the San Fernando Valley.
In the old days of city government, you had to pay to be heard. But under Villaraigosa's new management, it seems, you need to sue.
Little Tony supports those who sue the city.
to 11:52
I'm not the original poster, but I know and can guarantee this.
From 2003 to 2005, I saw JIM HAHN more in CD14, doing the job of MAYOR, than I saw it's CM, Villaraigosa, doing the job of councilmember.
We KNOW who "hid" here, because he was too incompetent to actually DO the job. Now, AV is simply HIDING in plain sight in front of the TV cameras, like the worker who spends all his time every day hanging around the water cooler talking to colleagues about how "busy" he is, in order to avoid his REAL work.
As soon as the media coverage dies down, it will become apparent to ALL, that AV doesn't know what he's doing downtown, as he didn't the past two years, and we're all in deep shit due to his incompetence.
We thought we hired a CEO, but what he really have got was a "spokesperson" ill equiped to tackle anything more complicated that a meet and greet.
The campaign is always "on" and the priorities of the city are "off" the agenda.
Central City East Residents begin to rally behind Juan Johnny Jay Jimenez.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Contact Person: Tony (213) 276-9387 and O.G (213)
On Tuesday, October 25, 2005 there is a candidate forum for the Council
District 14 at 6:30 PM. at Casa Mexicano 2900 Pedro Infante at Euclid
Street. Los Angeles, CA (Boyle Heights). We the Skid-row CD14
Brigade/homeless Coalition will be attending to carry the voice of the people
of Skid-row. Ten candidates are competing for the seat as our CD14
Councilman which none of them have no clue but only one candidate who
has come to Skid-row at dangerous hours and we see no other candidate
taking that risk! The Skid-row problems are greater than the eye can see
that not even our local Missions are not able to come together and address
the homeless problems as it should be but rather are more worried about
generating the mighty dollar for their own selfish reasons without asking us
what we are in need of to better our own lives! There does not even exist a
collaborativeness among themselves not even with local merchant support.
We will be going to this forum to educate the voters including the other nine
candidates because one candidate has taken the lead in trying to help out our
community. We are in need for our MAN to win this Election before it is to
late for everyone living in CD14 because those neighborhoods the residents
will face us camping in front of their yards and vacant land with our
humble belongings placing our cold bodies there at night! Our humble
Mayor Villaraigosa brought more homeless to our neighborhood without
taking care of the existing problem plus spending the funds our city is short
of in helping the homeless issue! Reporters are not telling you all the truth
because they say it as they see it not like we see it.
dgarzila better read before rallying behind Juan.
11:52 anon you sound like the typical Antonio supporter. Most of them are emotional, uneducated and in denial. They hate when others have their own opinion and especially when its negative on Antonio.
10:51 TOUCHE!!!!
3:19 anon Tell Antonio we need more cops. He just doesn't GET IT. LAPD lags 5th behind the other big cities having less officers per capita. This city won't do anything until there is a CRISIS. 9,000 rank and file is always the quoted LAPD number. Reality is LESS THAN 1,000 patrol a city of 3.8 million nightly. Is Antonio so caught up in his own publicity he doesn't give a shit???
This is the funniest story on Antonio I have ever read. If you want a "great laugh" you have to log onto
My First 116 Days
The Text to an Imaginary Mayoral Speech
by Jon Regardie
Good morning fellow Angelenos, esteemed city leaders and Jim Hahn, and trolls. Sorry, members of the press. This is the state of the city of Los Angeles on Oct. 24, 2005, 116 days into my term, a shining new dreams-do-come-true era.
This is a joyous time in the city of the 21st century. This is a time of promises, or rather, a time to wiggle out of election promises, such as my pledge to take over the Los Angeles Unified School District. But know this: Any, I repeat any, wiggling will be done aboveboard and ethically.
In fact Los Angeles, this is not wiggling, and this is not a promise that will go unfulfilled: My proclamation to take over the LAUSD was a joke. I said it for giggles and the trolls, sorry, the media, overheard it and reported it as fact. Same thing about getting a subway from Wilshire to the Westside. Come on Los Angeles, that's just nutty.
I am just posting what I was sent in the mail.
Juan Jimenez's people better check the ranks of his "coterie" now digging in deep on the homeless issue, and make sure it hasn't been infiltrated by a "infamous" but hopelessly incompetent grifter that's becomes somewhat known to this blog in recent months.
Careful, careful, careful, "Johnny Jay" -- if so, this will be the third campaign that's been "touched" in this manner this year, and each time it's become an embarrassment and setback.
Is Johnny Jay the "community volunteer" who gets paid?
Just got home from a trip to San Jose. Looks like some really good posts here on open thread. Hope you guys had a nice weekend.
As far as headaches, what I do is take Advil and drink a lot of water I make sure I have had some liquids before I go to bed cause I have some pollen allergies and get sinus headaches sometimes.
But of course check with your doctor and don't go on my advice.
I also have some misgivings especially of one of the people who are on JOhhny Jays skid row committee. He seems not to be a friend of the people on the street at all. After meetingn him I got a bad vibe.
who is this "grifter" ? Enquiring minds want to know.
October 23, 2005 4:42 PM,
I was sort of dissapointed reading Juan Jimenez made the statement that we are all christians. That wasn't cool at all. SO, yeah, as we get closer to the election candidates beliefs will begin to be exposed.
Bald head, little round glasses maybe?
well , we shall see if he is exposed. if he is the grifter.
we in central city east need to know
JJJJ was in a pinch, when he used the "C" word. I think he was the last one to speak on that question, and he lost track of the discussion.
Not so bad as Paul G., however, who went first on a subsequent question and couldn't remember what the topic was.
You think you're put off by Jimiez's "we're all Christians" crack, how do you think I feel. I organized the debate.
-- Imam Musa al Kazim ali Taqi
Senior Cleric, Northeast Mosque #4
"Grifter" may be passing himself off as native American now, vs. Latino.
Word to the wise.
thanks for coming out to central city east. Didn't make it slept until 2 pm . After the give away ended.
An anon posted this on another thread and I have no clue on what it means, do you?
re: council dist. 14 race
"True, I 've talked to council and city staff who are volunteering for the other. They have to keep it on the sly, their bosses know, but if the mayor or his thugs find out they will lose their jobs. Some are calling from their own homes, others drive around making sure no one is following them, parking blocks away. The warning went out awhile ago. That's more telling..."
11:45 pm Right on the money. Council members had no choice to endorse Jose because of Antonio. Behind closed doors and away from city hall they want Pacheco to get in. They don't want a puppet to Antonio and they say they won't be able to trust Jose. They know Jose has absolutely no experience and can't jump in like Nick can. This will get more interesting.
Animal Activists Take Their Protest to Mayor
One day after meeting with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, about two dozen activists with the Animal Defense League protested at a Los Angeles Police Department event he attended Saturday at Paramount Studios.
The activists want the mayor to fire the chief of the city's Animal Services Department because of what they say is the city's high rate of euthanizing dogs. They called off a protest at Villaraigosa's home after he agreed to meet with them Friday.
These are the same people, who in a couple of years, we'll be seeing on the news arrested for housing dozens of malnourished animals in a two bedroom apartment.
Follow-up to meeting with AV says "nothing accmplished"
Pretty well sums up his last three years on city payroll.
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