This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Leading by photo op
Re "City charges MTA with release of toxic substances" (Oct. 19):
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa promised new leadership and he's delivering - but not in a good way. The city is suing the Metropolitan Transportation Authority for dumping waste into city storm drains, and the mayor heads both; therefore he is suing himself. Perhaps this mayor, who failed the bar exam four times, believes the best way to win a lawsuit is to be both plaintiff and defendant.
For taxpayers, it means footing the legal bills for both sides of the litigation. Perhaps he could interrupt his busy photo op schedule long enough to spend a few hours actually running these two entities, rather than turning Los Angeles into a "lawsuit-ocracy."
Sandy Sand
West Hills
Our River, Our Future: Design the River of your Dreams, Saturday, October 22, 2005
Please invite your family and friends in attending the Los Angeles River
Planning Open House kicking off the Los Angeles River's Revitalization
Master Plan. This event marks the beginning of an 18-month
planning process where the community will be invited to help craft the
future of the Los Angeles
River-"Our River, Our Future." Refreshments provided. First 200
participants receive a river goodie bag sponsored by the City's Bureau of
Sanitation and Environmental Affairs Department.
The Open House format allows you to drop in at any time during the
meeting and to spend as much time as you like. 10 minutes or an hour. Meet
the River Team, ask questions, jot your ideas on our larger than life map,
and check out what other cities have done. Every participant gets river
bucks- you decide how to spend them!
Make sure to bring your kids as children's
activities will be provided!
For more information, please call 323.669.9100 or look us up online at
Para informacíon en español, llame a Maribel De La Torre 626.969.5599
Saturday, October 22, 2005
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Goodwill Work Source Center
342 San Fernando Road
LA Times endorses Huizar. Momentum builds.
Late momentum, half the absentees are already in.
Bad timing.
All 9 other candidates now aim at Huizar and LAUSD, and have LOTS of ammo there.
nobody cares about the Times, their readership took a dump. Plus, their credibility is not...they can't even keep an editor and the layoffs are heavy.
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