This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
I don't ever remember the old council members not keeping their oath to serve their community and bailing on them for their own selfish agenda. As voters we need to make these electeds held accountable and start making them sign a legal document stating they will serve their full term.
Cindy: you can beat this guy no problem.
I think the record shows that Alex and James A aren't winning races like they used to. So, I think Cindy and Richard are the front runners here. Do it Cindy.
Lameboy Padilla as prez of council is a joke. He fails in leadership, council members don't respect him cause if they did they would be in their seats on time and not have to be called to chambers many times to start meeting. He has no record of accomplishments to speak of. I hear many valley people don't like him at all.
Has anyone heard who Antonio might endorse?
Go Cindy!
I'm sure he'll endorse Lameboy Padilla for his endorsement in mayoral race. Little Jose has told people Antonio will come out to endorse him as well for his endorsement in the mayoral race.
All of a sudden the men in this city have all lost their manhood and can't even stand on their own merits probably cause they have any. They desperately seek Antonio's approval on every move.
Be pissed off at A-pad if you like, but the real problem here is term limits. The "old council" members knew that if they stayed put and wern't complete idiots they could probably keep their jobs.
All these council members leaving before their term is up shows a total lack of integrity, responsibility to the oath they took, disrespect for their constituents. Voters need to hold them accountable. What a waste of taxpayer dollars to hold elections when these idiots are just going to leave anyway. There is no trusthworthiness in these council members like the old days.
AV is supporting Cindy as is Nunez.
I wonder if Alex Padilla is married?
No he is not. I hear he is dating the new head of MALDEF (Ms. Tallman).
July 29, 2005 8:58 AM:
do your homework.
AV is supporting Padilla. Why else do you think Padilla agreed to screw Smith and give Weiss Public Safety? Because he likes Weiss? I think not!
Cindy is going to be a lot harder to beat with her recent Car Buyer's Bill of Rights and upcoming Paparazzi bill. Her Name ID is going way up and she's genuinuely well-liked. I still wouldn't underestimate Alex though. He still has a lot of resources at his disposal and has the will to win.
I believe that it will be a challenging race but at the end of the day Cindy will win. She is more connected to the community, she creates legislation that protects everyone especially underrepresented communities and she believes in working as a team. Alex on the other hand has communities upset at him for land use issues, he has really not created policy himself on council (piggbanking on other policy does not count as his own) and he is not a team player other than with Tony Cardenas and James Acevedo.
By the way I feel AV will endorse Cindy. She has been with him all the way. Alex endorsed him almost two weeks before the election. Plus people don't forget what Alex did the first time Antonio ran for mayor. He didn't necessarily make his life easy.
AV barely touched the surface of the Acevedo dealings with the City as tied to Hahn. There is plenty more there up n' down Lake View Terrace, Sylmar, North Hills, tied to Padilla.
Padilla supports Anti-Semites by the way.
Valley people who have attended city council meetings on issues and were disrespected don't like Lameboy Padilla. They say council is like a circus (Barnun & Bailey) with Padilla as head. Remember they got sued last year by a man because they weren't paying attention? I don't think the valley wants this type of Senator.
I see AV sitting this one out. He would have gone with Cindy except that Alex has been delivering for AV of late. Just ask Jack Weiss.
I think Padilla is going to be a tough guy to beat. Padilla had some strengths about him and some liabilities. For example he can not be trusted. Recently he courting the new Mayor and trying to ride on his bandwagon. Sometimes it looks as he is trying desperately to staff Villaraigosa when four years ago he, Cardenas and Acevedo screwed him and cost him a victory. Even once they endorsed one of these two clowns still had his staffer on the other side working against Villaraigosa.
Padilla can not be trusted and will have a hard time in this race. Everyone he screwed will take their revenge.
The reason why Padilla is seeking another political seat elsewhere is because his ex-lover Nick Pacheco is coming back to council.
The word in City Hall is that Padilla's presidency is now at stake because of the BFI vote. His leadership skills have come under scrutiny because of the actions of his chief of staff Felipe Fuentes. While Padilla votes "NO", Felipe is garnering up the votes for BFI.
"Just ask Jack Weiss" July 29, 2005 3:18 PM
...AV is milking Padilla. AV didn't need the endorsement of Padilla nor his clone Cardenas. AP and TC would have paid AV for permission to endorse, they needed it more.
Montanez was the only Valley leader who threw serious weight--staff and resources for AV.
Remember, Blackman was Cindy's campaign manager at one point & Skelton is her consultant.
Lameboy Padilla has a credability problem. He's no leader. Like Little Jose he hasn't matured enough and doesn't have the experience. What has in done in council the whole time he's been prez? Remember the LA Weekly article on all these young clowns?
In return for Padilla's last minute endorsement of Antonio, AV committed to not oppose Padilla for re-election as Council President. He made it clear to Padilla that he was going to be supporting Cindy for State Senate.
Cindy wins this one.
We demand Alex serve out his last four years. He isn't that bright and has staff that bends over backwards to serve any lobbyist, special interest or developer.
As for bad planning, Alex and staff are the Kings of Neighborhood Destruction.
Alex wants the dump to pollute the Sylmar Valley for the next twenty years. Isn't it bad enough that this part of the Valley has the highest amount of Childhood Asthma and Respiratory Disease. But who cares?
This part of the Valley is almost all poor people and doing the right thing would hurt Alex's campaign and special interest fund warchest.
The residents of Sylmar are starting the "Got Asthma?" campaign to help Alex. He is so clueless, he will think it's some type of foreign currency or a custom printed check from Harvey Englander.
Let's not forget that the dump community mitigation funds from Lopez Canyon were reallocated to pay the excessive salary for Mark Dierking, who is now the Executive Director of the Children's Museum. That money was supposed to benefit the community, not a payoff to a former staffer.
This is going to be a "Take No Prisoner" type campaign. The community is fed up with years of bad zoning and land use decisions.
Being stupid is going to be hard to fool that many voters.
But then again, James Hahn did it once. We will see.
Oh, and one more thing. Alex Padilla DID NOT get the endorsement of the Sierra Club even though he was a guaranteed winner. He is a major brownfield supporter and the Sierra Club figured that out.
Someone said that Lameboy Padilla got paid off for helping to get some permits for some liquor stores in his district. Does anyone know if this is true?
Some of you folks have obviously never been to the NE SFV. Padilla has built his base off of being there for the community. If you ask most folks, they don't know Cindy's accomplishments or staff, becuase with the exception of her recent car bill she has done nothing. Its easy to have a good name when you've never gotten into the thick of things and fought for the right thing. Padilla has spent his years cleaning up the messes wrought by Alarcon and crew. How else do you explain coming into office and having large numbers of neighborhoods with no street lights, no sidewalks and fewer services. The development madness started before Padilla but is getting cleaned up by him. Cindy is as unimaginative as Richard in finding new ways to help people, and if people allow her to Fail Forward again well...stop the damage now. Padilla for senate, and then we need to get someone good for Assembly that will actually get involved in the community and bring back state money and remember that the district is larger than the little burg of San Fernando.
Alex Padilla wins! Padilla is sitting on $191,000 in his City account, after raising $358,000 for basically an uncontested race.
Cindy raised $396,000 in 2004. Not bad, if you are the Chair of Higher Ed, but Rules? $78,000 cash on hand?
Someone said that Lameboy Padilla got paid off for helping to get some permits for some liquor stores in his district. Does anyone know if this is true?
July 29, 2005 6:28 PM
James Acevedo was the consultant for the market getting the liquor license, yet he was also the politica advisor (i.e. puppet master) for the Padilla. Conflict of interest?
July 29, 2005 9:31 PM
July 29, 2005 9:32 PM
Sounds like a disgruntled ex-employee from both offices.
You posters are the most homophobic people I've ever listened to. Everybody who gets a thread, eventually gets accused of being gay. What a boring read. It's 2005. Most people don't care. We just elected a gay councilman. Why the fuck do you care?
July 29, 2005 10:31 PM
Why, are you gay?
Prev. Anon,
You must be a new blogger, here we have FREEDOM OF SPEECH. I do not care for Sierra Club or anything related to it, but your threats will fall on deaf ears.
In response to 6:28 and adding to 9:48:
The business was "Superior," a big ass 'big box' type market. As a result, El Tigre market which was directly across the street, closed a couple of yrs after. El Tigre, which had been around for decades, is now just an abandoned building. CD 7 has sufficient blight as it is...way to go Alex!
He was also flirting with Wal-Mart for a while.
Alex will win the state senate race. Montanez can't raise the funds necessary but I don't think Padilla will benefit the people who live in the west valley. Does he even know where Canoga Park is or Reseda? Look for a rough and tumble race behind the scenes between the two and their staffs.
Mr. MIT (aka Alex "I am going to renew the BFI contract and build storage units in Sylmar" Padilla) will win the state senate race. I don't doubt his fundraising ability and name recognition even in the areas not served by his council district. I suppose we'll be seeing Cindy run for Alex's seat then since Alarcon will be running for her seat. It's musical chairs in the northeast valley. I hope we are in for some surprises too.
"We need to get someone good for Assembly that will actually get involved in the community.."
how about richard's staffer, the one with the big ass?
No, I'm not gay. But since I discovered the Mayor Sam blog, it seems every time I log on and pick a thread to read, somebody is accusing someone of being gay.
I just don't get why it's an issue.
Antonio decides what happens in the east valley. He will afford Alex the opportunity to help move his agenda in a big way. If Alex delivers (sometimes by saying no to his traditional allies like empty-suit "LA is not ready for a Latino Mayor" Cardenas), then he stands to secure Antonio's endorsement. The mayor can peruade Montanez to back out the senate race and instead run for Padilla’s council seat.
You people are SO talking out of your ASSES!
Alex is going to get his ass kicked by a girl. AV will support Cindy, period. Alarcon will win 39 and old Alex gets sent back to keep fucking us over from downtown.
Now that we'e done playing musical chairs with all the seats, lets talk about hhow much of a stellar success term limits has been.
Alex only cares about SD 20, Cindy as well, Alarcon ignores everything outside of AD 39 all because they are trying to run for their next office.
If your going to have term limits, we should force these people to have a 1 year gap between offices. They just keep swinging from one vine to the next.
You must be "so" from the Valley with commentary like that. And what's up with being beat "by a girl?" I sense some insecurity and latent misogny.
AV doesn't need Alex to move his agenda. He won't be president very long, the BFI shenanigans by his office is an indicator of this forthcoming transfer.
AV won by a mandate, so with or w/o Alex, shit will happen for AV. AP's spiel to other councilmembers in June when he was asking for votes on his presidency was along the lines of.. "Antonio will be too strong, we need to be strong." AP is operating within a panopticon. He has plenty of ass kissing to do...4 yrs worth of it.
9:37 PM
I'm not from your area, but the previous poster you mentioned seems to be the most honest on this thread.
Both Cardenas and Padilla need to go. Even worse, their chiefs are no it all do nothing control freaks. They are yes men to their bosses who have no spines. Cardenas and Padilla are examples of what Latino poitics have come to in the East Valley.
I agree, Cindy is not very bright but she has more balls than the two combined. She has my vote.
Alex is yesterdays news. Cardenas is becoming last weeks news. Does he make anymore public appearances?
I would vote for Padilla. Becuase he's a handsome 6'3" Latino.
Yeah, but a young Henry Cisneros is still holds the record for best looking/tall/young Latino ... back when he was running San Antonio. It's too bad he fooled around with one too many ladies or it would be POTUS Cisneros.
August 01, 2005 9:01 AM
ok Tony get off the blog and do something for CD6 for a change.
As long as Felipe Fuentes doesn't end up on the Council, I'm happy. Alex would do well to get a "real" COS.
"I would vote for Padilla. Becuase he's a handsome 6'3" Latino."
Too bad he weighs 280lb. Shaq like #'s
"ok Tony get off the blog and do something for CD6 for a change."
I will, but first let me get off my knees and wipe the j*** off of my mouth
"Too bad he weighs 280lb. Shaq like #'s
Fantastic, there's more to love and more of a reason to elect him.
Hey, August 01, 2005 11:06 AM
Atleast Shaq has good footwork and is agile. AP is a frankenstein stiff. technocrat for sure.
hey if its true that Alex is dating Ms. Tallman, I would say, you go girl!! thats the best way... YOUNG
August 01, 2005 9:33 PM
if he treats his women like he does his district (i.e. doesnt finish the job)...Ms Tallman aint gonna be pleased.
...I dont want no one minute man..
"if he treats his women like he does his district (i.e. doesnt finish the job)...Ms Tallman aint gonna be pleased.
...I dont want no one minute man..
Well AP can pop my cherry without sticking his tiny uncirc'd c*** inside.
If you really want to know if AP is more thrilling in bed and can get the job done right in bed, ask a certain former CD 14 staffer or a former commissioner. Maybe they will kiss and tell.
^Hmmmmm. This talk is getting me soooo Hot.
August 02, 2005 10:50 AM
I thought Yolanda Fuentes was still a commissioner.
^ I hope she does kiss, lick, suck and tell. (Blushes)
"No integrity what so ever."?
In-teg-ri-ty: herence to a strict moral or ethical code.
Eth-i-cal: Being in accordance with the accepted principles that govern the conduct of a group.
As you can see, I am a student doing a research paper about history and by accident found this website. Let me tell you all that it is an embarrasement for all of us (LA residents) that you all (city of state employees paid w/ tax dollars at one point or another) spend your time critizacing one another during work time at one time or another.
People, let me tell you all that out of all the things said here, the fact that you all eat for free w/ our money is the only unethical thing and without integrity. You all ough to be discharge from your jobs.
Dear Student,
You should spend more time working on your grammer and going to a real library and less time trying to play with the big boys.
having read most of your comments, it is easy to see why most of us stay away from are posting nothing buy gossip and personal attacks against good individual(s) who are trying to serve their people. some of you sound like disgruntled ex employees. do you want to make a contribution to this board? give us facts.
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