Kramer to Transition Team - Adios
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 4:36:54 PM
To: Mayor Transition
Subject: A Message from Mayor Villaraigosa
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From: Antonio R. Villaraigosa, Mayor of Los Angeles
To: Transition Team Members
Date: July 1, 2005
Today marks the beginning of a bright era for our beloved city, and I
would like to thank you for making the transition to City Hall
successful. Together, we have made positive change in Los Angeles a
During the past five weeks, we have received over 5000 applications for
staff positions and commission appointments. Many of Los Angeles'
best and brightest have submitted applications, and as the first months
of this administration pass, I expect to call upon many of them to serve
their city. Thank you for encouraging so many qualified candidates to
apply and for thinking creatively about how to create a more diverse and
representative pool of applicants.
As this transition period ends, so does the official role of the
Transition Team. However, your ability to recruit your friends, family,
and colleagues will continue to play a fundamental role in the formation
of the Villaraigosa administration. Thank you again for your enthusiasm
and hard work on behalf of the City of Los Angeles.
Very Truly Yours,
Antonio R. Villaraigosa
Mayor, City of Los Angeles
LA, CA 90012 -
213/978-0600 (ph)
213/978-0656 (fax)
Wait, did I get a job or not? I want a job. I love LA. I love AV. Did I get the job, huh-huh-huh?
Kudos to Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, First Lady Corina Villaraigosa & Family!
We all have faith in you to make Los Angeles the Best City in America! And we all faith in you to bring us together as a people of many nations, religions, and cultures. Today is a colourful day in LA!
Impeccable Speech!
Now that you're no longer our Councilman in CD 14, what are we going to do NOW?
Ayudanos encarselar a Pachueco Criminal!
No Mas Pachueco! (Huizar tambien, un companero de Pachueco)
How about Corina Villaraigosa for CD 14?
Betha Manchu?
Edward James Olmos?
Joe Navarro?
Carlos Santana?
Los Lonely Boys?
Los Lobos?
Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez? (It's ok if you move into CD 14. You're already a strong leader nationally, and we know you'll bring us change. No Querimos mas bobosos!)
Rosa Parks?
Sorry Richard Alatorre...
Frida Kahlo come back to life... Por favor
Mother Teresa?
Sitting Bull?
Chief Sara Winnemucca?
We need strong representation...
Education Note:
Please take into consideration our Civil Rights to vote in this country for our elected leaders and that includes LAUSD Board Members. Democracy is the right to vote, not by appointment...
What are COPS?
Certificate of Participation as it pertains to LAUSD?
Refer to Leslie Dutton's Emmy Award winning cable television program and website for to learn more about LAUSD.
There is a lot of work ahead you to bring LA back to life and a brighter future for the children.
AV got revenge, and he is setting up Huizar to Fall and FAll BIG TIME. Open your eyes Huizar, AV never cared about CD 14, he will not care who governs it. He governs entire city of LA, that is all he cares about. Jack Ass Mayor.
Give me a break. The lowest turnout in the history of LA, voted to get Antonio elected. I'm tired of hearing he can bring people together. He couldn't even do that in CD14. Its all show. Everyone is now saying Antonio has set himself up to fall hard. Too many high expectations. If you don't think he'll go back to his old corrupt tricks think again.
Lowest turnout in history?
Where can I get comparable figures for this?
I"m sure on the internet. A city of 3.8 million only 33% turned out.
Will you stop posting here, Nick. You got your ass kicked in the CD14 race. You and your little followers got their asses kicked in this Mayor's race. You're toast in the coming CD14 race.
Who's gonna give money to the new Mayor's former advesary? C'mon, Nick. Give it up!
Sounds like Huizar's people are posting here and running scared already with their stupid comments. Pacheco has CD14 grass root support all over the district. Jose may have more money and get endorsements thanks to Antonio but he's looking like a total loser with all the problems with LAUSD and he hasn't done a damn thing to fix anything. Pretty sad when Antonio has to mention in his speech yesterday all the problems and how HE intends to fix it.
Here we go again!!! Uneducated people who can't defend their issues start to name call and discredit anyone who doesn't side with them. Interesting how no one has posted any accomplishments of Huizar's on this blog. We've asked them many times. If you want people to know why you're supporting Huizar then tell us why and list the positives.!!!! Word at last night's gala was that Cynthia Ruiz, certified Friend of Antonio, will be announced as soon as today as the new president of the Board of Public Works.
Didn't Antonio say he wasn't going to appoint his friends? Cynthia was on his mayoral campaign.
Any word on 3rd floor and/or mezzanine jobs for CD14 city hall staff?
The lower voter turn-out is due to the high percentage of stupid ass people in the City of Los Angeles. 73%. And 100% (less than 33% over the overall percentage) of Pacheco's followers are just south of the Santa Monica Freeway!
anon 12:36 Hey Parke get some sleep will're going to need some rest if you are going to get Jose elected.
Anybody see Naughty Nathalie drunk and badmouthing AV this week at Pete's? It was pathetic. Someone please tell her the campaign is over and they lost. And if she is going to bitch about other people's fidelity, she should do a better job keeping her own infidelites discreet. Its a good thnig that her boyfriend, One Bill Gill, is away most of the week or he would dump her in a New York minute.
Gee, now the Hahn haters and Antonio lovers are really singing sour notes. Why aren't you celebrating instead of spilling venom? Whenever you post such rude, mean spirited comments it shows your uneducated, immature, jealous and afraid of other people's power. Grow up! Move on!
Yeahhhh, leave the drunk aging hoe alone. She's irrelevant and can stew in her own misery and vindictiveness. Long live Antonio baby!!!
But she also has some unfinished business to attend to so ... please donate to the Naughty Nathalie STD Defense Fund to help defray the costs of her Acyclovir (Zovirax), famciclovir (Famvir), and valacyclovir (Valtrex) prescriptions. She could also use some Preparation H for the head if you get me meaning.
HA! Sounds like Ms. Reyes is still checking the blogs. Go away will you? You're like Gollum, demented and sickly looking. Go back under the mountain and play with your precious.
Unbelievable idiots!! You're acting like teenagers who got scorned. This isn't about Natalie but about your hatred of women who succeeded to Deputy and a Latina at that. You at least have to give her credit for that. Latinos always dogging their own and that's why we'll never get ahead. Antonio will be scrutinized under a microscope from here on. I wouldn't want that for anyone.
Hey Anon 4:57pm:
You seem quite familiar with those STD medications -- both the generic and brand names. Hmmm... is it from personal experience???
You've been editing here again Mayor Sam, 23 comments down to 19. That's okay because I know why you're doing it. Just for the record, she's a lott better looking than the hoebag with the hoarse voice. And she doens't make a drunken fool of herself at least once a week. The NN fund should pay for AA classes too.
Youre the idiot if you think that her gender or background has anything to do with people disliking Naughty Nathalie. I hate her personally for how she behaves and mistreats people ... and the Valley College incident.
She didn't "succeed" anything unless you call fucking and sucking your way to the top of a corrupt administration "succeeding."
Yeah, sure, we keep dogging our own. Whatever. We should just keep our mouths shut when someone with mediorce leadership skills and basic incompetency rises somewhere. And just so you know, she's no Latina ... just another whitewashed wannabe who plays the ethnic card when it suits her.
Let them scrutinze Antonio. He can do no worse than his predecessor.
You are unbelievable Mayor Sam.
If you are going to delete the negative posts about Jennie Carreon Lacey then you should do the same with the malicious ones about Nathalie.
Fair is fair. From your actions on this thread, clearly you play dirty.
HOORAY!!!!!!! for Corina.
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Not for Corina. Shame me twice (that I can prove) good-bye. Hats off to you lady.
As a hispanic woman I wont be voting for your ex, and like hell one of his trollops will living in the governor’s mansion or as senators “shack up/wife” with even more kids.
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