Barn Burner or Snooze? Stay Tuned!
Los Angeles City Controller Laura Chick will hold a press availability
at 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, April 26th, in her office, 200 North Main Street,
Room 300. Chick will be releasing her audit of the contracting
practices of the City of Los Angeles' Information Technology Agency.
at 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, April 26th, in her office, 200 North Main Street,
Room 300. Chick will be releasing her audit of the contracting
practices of the City of Los Angeles' Information Technology Agency.
Surely you jest.
You don't really think that she is doing this for any reason other than to take another jab at Jimmy boy and his administration, do you?
You reap what you sow; Jimmy's absentee mismanagement has run this City into the ground, and we are all paying the price. Pot holes, traffic, inadequate police and fire, the whole system suffers when there is waste and corruption.
Jimmy Hahn's administration has been an unmitigated disaster. These audits are but the tip of the iceberg.
The Valley City Hall overtime fiasco is also illustrative of the arrogance and carelessness of this Mayor's Administration.
July 1 cannot come soon enough for us in Los Angeles.
It is truly time for a change.
Laura Chick showed LA that she is just as sleazy when she had a private meeting at her home with the 4 candidates and gave them a memo that her staff did on city time. She signed off on a $4 million check to FH and then questioned the billings. Jack Weiss had a press conf. on Friday slamming Hahn on the overtime. Yesterday, the media reported that city council in fact APPROVED that overtime back in Nov. with a motion and low and behold ViLLaraigosa voted YES. He should have told Weiss so he wouldn't make an ass out of himself. Chick is doing ADV's dirty work. What goes around comes around.
I keep telling you people -- to 95 percent of the voters is "Laura Who?"
This is the pissed off "CFO" of some company who wants the "CEO's" job someday her self showboating.
It's ignored before it hits the media (snooze), white noise, whatEVER you want to call it.
Then Hahn beats Tony's do-nothing backside, just like 2001 and Chick is a miserable out-of-touch wretch for another four years.
You may not understand, but those of us that live in the valley feel that we waited long engough. We are thrilled with our city hall.The mayor has my vote.
To the previous blogger (9:52), you might find it interesting that most Valley voters don't agree with you. If you read the Daily News you'd realize that.
And to 9:34, you brought up the "do-nothing backside" phrase to which I think the Daily News has something to add:
Desperate mayor attacks Villaraigosa for defending his mother
During the final mayoral debate on Saturday morning, Mayor James Hahn said he is "an agent of change" and his rival a supporter of the status quo.
He must be joking.
Then Hahn reached 28 years into the past to come up with an accusation that Councilman Antonio Villaraigosa was charged with a crime and benefited from the constitutional guarantee of due process after getting into a restaurant tiff to protect his mother.
Hahn must be desperate, too.
It would appear that, with three weeks to go before the runoff election, the mayor has lost all sense of proportion - or maybe just all sense.
Hahn actually had the gall to compare the current local and federal investigations of possible corruption in his administration with a 1977 misdemeanor assault case in which Villaraigosa got into a fight with a man annoying his mother and sister - a charge that was dropped after a jury deadlocked 11-1 for acquittal.
Bringing it up in the context of Hahn's unrelenting claims that the councilman is soft on crime only serves to underscore the panic that appears to have gripped the Hahn re-election campaign.
Imagine the glee that Hahn's political strategists must have felt when they unearthed this ancient tidbit about Villaraigosa - an item that already was in the public record, much like the letter Villaraigosa wrote for a convicted drug dealer and other worn-out charges.
You can almost see the Hahn team scrambling to find a way to fling this mud in the final mayoral debate, which was broadcast on Spanish-language television, and make it seem like a logical and reasonable deflection of any remarks about the ongoing public-corruption investigation of Hahn's administration.
On the scales of justice, a 28-year-old assault charge that was dismissed is not the moral equivalent of an 18-months-long public-corruption probe. It is simply a tool in Hahn's continuing suppress-the-vote strategy that narrowly got him into the runoff in the March 8 primary. We can only hope that the full due process of law applies to everyone in the Hahn administration, including the mayor himself, and that the investigation is thorough.
The other Hahn strategy - to claim he is the agent of change - is laughable. Hahn's predecessor, Richard Riordan, got the City Charter reformed, created neighborhood councils and won public support for bond issues for libraries and to rebuild the city's infrastructure. Riordan's achievements are about 90 percent of the changes Hahn claims credit for.
Hahn, an agent of change for Los Angeles?
Sure, chump change.
These are all good posts, whether I agree or not. No cutting and pasting, no unfounded allegations, no BS. Well thought out and well written.
Keep up the good work and Mayor Sam will be less pissed off.
Laura Chick, will be disapionted like every one else has been with 14th Dist.councilman.She too will learn the hard way. This election more than any recent one is hurting Los Angeles, mostly because we in the city trusted Antonio.The city must suffer that pain too,like the 14th. Laura Chick is lossing respect she had banked the due to her AV like media anger.
FUNNY, Mayor Sam, I though cutting and pasting and linking was what BLOGGING was all about?
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