The Christine Essel interview !

Christine Essel! Welcome to Mayor Sam's blog! We are happy to have you here. It is an unexpected pleasure.
Thanks for having me Mr. Jennerjahn!
1) Congratulations on your results in the special election on September 22nd. You came from what were, originally, small numbers in the polls and surged past the other candidates, almost overtaking Burbank Assemblyman Paul Krekorian. Tell us what you are feeling about this election and the path that you will take to December 8th.
Thank you. I'm honored to have the support of so many community members from every part of CD2. The next two months are all about meeting with voters, knocking on doors or reaching out to them by phone. It's an energizing process and I am really enjoying the opportunity campaigning allows me to meet so many people who care about the future of the city.
2) At some of the candidate forums in this special election, you were attacked pretty aggressively (verbally) by some of the other candidates. At all the forums I attended, I never saw you fight back or attack the other candidates as they had just done to you. Was that strategy by you? And if so, why?
Well, I'm not a politician. Political attacks are not my style. I think that the candidate forums were very important because the voters got to hear from a wide range of very bright and thoughtful candidates. When I had the chance to ask a question of another candidate at SOHA, I chose to ask Pete Sanchez a constructive question about how community members can be effective advocates and stop bad development. I think the attendees of the forums would rather hear about that, rather than watch more political posturing.
3) As I understand it, after the election, you reached out and contacted the other defeated candidates and asked them to support you now. I am hearing from some of these candidates that they were surprised by your behavior. They didn't expect it. Some of them are openly supporting you now. One big endorsement would be that of third place finisher Tamar Galatzan. Who do you think she will support? And why?
Well I don't think it's my place to make predictions about who others will support. I think all the endorsements from all of the other candidates are important. Tamar Galatzan is extremely important to the East Valley as our LAUSD board member.
4) You seem to have struck up an unusual friendship with a rival in this election -- fellow CD 2 candidate Frank Sheftel. The two of you even went so far as to campaign together at the Farmers Market in Studio City! What created this friendship and spirit of cooperation with a political rival?
Frank Sheftel is a terrific advocate for this community. He really distinguished himself as a critical thinker and as a strong debater in the primary. He has a lot of great ideas about what we need to do to shake up City Hall and I am proud to call him my friend.
5) I am quite certain that both you and Paul Krekorian realize that the total number of voters who voted for the other 8 candidates is a higher number than you or Paul achieved on Sept. 22nd. This means that the election will hinge on the decisions of unsettled voters who must now decide between you or Paul. Tell us why you are a better choice than Paul Krekorian.
I believe the voters are looking for someone who will take the job seriously. I spent 31 years working at the same company which shows the level of dedication I will bring to the job of Councilwoman. That's a distinction between me and my opponent, who has moved around a lot.
The community also wants someone who will be free to make decisions independently. You know, political job hopping is just an epidemic in California politics. So many elected officials leave powerful positions after only a few years, just to climb the ladder. That's why I've taken a pledge not to run for higher office. Paul won't take that pledge.
That's the clear distinction between me and my opponent. He's a career politician, and that means he'll need to play ball with special interests to sustain his political career. I'm different. I'm not doing this to develop my career. I'm running because I want to do everything I can to help fix our broken city.
OK Krekorian fans. Here it is.
Bring the noise.
I have a whole stack of mailers from Chris attacking both Paul and Tamar.
Phil, you are the biggest ass-licker I have ever seen.
Phil, give up running for anything, and become a political reporter, you're better at it. Chris's interview was worth reading (surprisingly) and my view of Chris is changing. OK, the CD2 is an election where we choose the candidate we dislike the least, and Chris is way ahead of Krekorian.
I also agree that Tamar Galatzan's endorsement would help, but Tamar really needs to distance herself from Jack Weiss who is (again) sniffing around the Mayor's office looking for an appointment to be the DWP's next 'Green' GM.
Weiss claims to hold the keys to Tamar's endorsement, and is waving them around to buy himself back into City politics.
If Essel can remain "Weiss free," she's got my vote.
I think I'm going to throw up.
9:40, too blatant, you blew it.
Phil, ask Chris if she believes it is ethical for an interviewer to endorse a candidate who he is interviewing.
You repeatedly fail to mention that you're endorsing the subject of your own interview. But I know you cry like a pussy every time someone else does anything wrong.
I hate Higby, but I will vote for his candidate only if I can see you cry like a pussy again.
"Political attacks are not my style."
ahhh, is this women serious?
Way to go, posting your dopey interview at Friday night at 10pm.
Good thinking Phil.
Promise that you're not going to recycle it so you don't look like more of a tool than you already are.
Christ, it's gonna be so fucking funny when last-place Phil Genderjane picks the second-place Ess-hole in this runoff!
Isn't she the woman on the Ross commercial?
The candidates who endorsed Essel are Zuma Dogg and Bisani! HA HA HA HA!!
Poor Phil - not only did he bury this "interview" on Friday night, but it's outshone by the NonStopNuch Shenanigans of his threatening Perry and the interim head of Building & Safety if they dare even continue to question his own (faulty) interpretion of the August billboard ICO. After a piece just today in LA CityWatch with video of his bullying verbally and physically a cancer survivor challenging him on his about-face on the Compassionate Use Act, at last Saturday's NC meeting. Phil, Phil, keep your guy on a leash when you have Breaking News!
The best Kevin Lames can do tonight is go on about Nahai's termination contract, trying to turn that into some big scandal, with Dennis Zine hot on his trail, of course. How many stories have they done on THAT already?
Lames and John Thomas did mention the last CD2 debate that drew about 20 people counting their own campaign staffs as a case of bad organization. Where maybe each candidate was afraid to pull out. (Phil, were there refreshments?)
Lets see where do i start.
"That's a distinction between me and my opponent, who has moved around a lot."
And you where not living in the Hollywood Hills until AV recruited you to run in CD2?
"The community also wants someone who will be free to make decisions independently."
Independent of what? more than $400 G's from developers and lobbyists and we are supposed to believe your independent?
"You know, political job hopping is just an epidemic in California politics. So many elected officials leave powerful positions after only a few years"
How do you spell Wendy Gruel?
"That's the clear distinction between me and my opponent. He's a career politician, and that means he'll need to play ball with special interests to sustain his political career."
Honey, where would you be if not bought and paid for by special interests? I assume CCA held two fundraisers for you because your for slow growth.
Is she very stupid or just full of crap?
Chris Essel is nothing but a low voltage version of Wendy Greuel, who herself was no rocket scientist.
Hard to imagine any one falling for this twit.
The good news is that if Phil has endorsed her, she will fail.
Rubbish. Parroting the liar Shallman.
9:40, What kind of drugs are you on? Jack Weiss is not sniffing around anywhere. You totally, completely, absolutely, positively made that up!!!
Essel would be the worst candidate ever in any portion of the San Fernando Valley!
Anti-neighborhood council but pro-making them file 700 forms, pro-SB1818 which they solidly oppose, she helps runaway production, is supported by the CCA. It's the job of the people of CD 2 to get the word out.
Ess-hole supported AB 1818
That's why we don't want a rookie politician. I'll take a CAREER politician who doesn't support 1818.
Let me repeat that.
Ess-hole supported AB 1818
That's why we don't want a rookie politician. I'll take a CAREER politician who doesn't support 1818.
Uh .... Wasn't 1818 born in the assembly. Where Krekorian is currently serving!! He is such a career politician
it's not even funny. Can we really trust him when all he cares about is his next run. And I don't mean around the park. Essel is the clear choice. Krekorian still has another term to serve. He's not termed out yet. Do the job and help fix our state. And go fix 1818. He has the job already to do that.
"Moves around a lot". Very diplomatic choice of words. I would have called Paul Krekorian the shifty career politician he is. I voted for Benson, now warming up Essel. Good work Phil!
9:40 PM = Hacopian.
Noone else keeps a stack of mailers laying around the house.
This interview is superb. The questions and the the language are perfect.
Which leads me to believe that there is no possibility whatsoever that you wrote it.
Clearly a Shallman production, from beginning to end.
Nonetheless, in spite of all that, she's got my support and vote.
8:31 and 7:52 dumbasses ... SB1818 was born in the Senate ... hence SB ... Senate Bill ... in 2004. Krekorian was elected to the Assembly in 2006, so you can thank Dario Frommer for this one. And by the way, Dennis Hollingsworth, a Jennerjahnian Republican, was the author. Do you research dumdums
8:45 Essel Staffer
I live here in Tujunga and was at the forum last week and NO one is warming to Essel.
Don't like the other guy, but not falling for Essel line like Phil has either.
Jennerjahn: Useful Idiot.
A so called Conservative fronting for AV's candidate.
Why are you supporting Chris Essel for City Council?
Call in to Live LA Saturday Night on LA Talk Radio, The David & Frank Show and let us know why.
8:00PM tonight.
Call in number 323 203-0815
Next week it will be why are you supporting Paul Krekorian for City Council.
Frank, as in Sheftel, Zuma Dogg?
Is he your little butt-fuck buddie now? Did he give you candy, grass or did you give him ass?
Zuma if you keep locking down your blog, nobody is going to know you have an internet radio show.
Why aren't you doing a Why Essel or Why Krekorian subject at the same time?
The subjects go together. You'll find this out after the second or third call. Assuming you don't have fake Matt O'Dowd calls coming in.
The radio show of Frank & David, is Sheftel & Hernandez. David Hernandez not David (zuma dogg) Saltsburg. It's a very entertaining hour.
My wish dream; paul and chris together flying away in a hot air balloon to OZ.
I'm david barron
This one's for you, Phil...
Turn it up... BRING THE NOISE!
I'm just curious if Phil or Essel can report this as an in-kind donation....
Gag me with Essel's silver spoon.
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