Pre-dawn missives for Friday

Last night, "Fox News at 10", earned an Emmy for local reporting, but more important, shine the light on the fraud that is Gang Intervention Programs in the City of Los Angeles.
For those in denial about the influence that Street Gangs have on their local populance and in extention their political overseers, one must see tonight's "Fox News at 10" second and last part exclusive on the connection between the Grape Street Crips and Councilwoman Janice Hahn.
And the reward for Officers Garcia and Moreno? A orchestrated campaign of complaints from the parents and supporters of gang members who control the drug trade and sadly, positions of leadership within the community, that led to their transfare and lawsuit.
Lastly, for those who still believe that the cops are the problem? Then engage the fine officers at Hollenbeck and bring up Lupe Andrade. Then you may grasps how gangs are evolving to survive in 21st Century Los Angeles.
Press Release from Councilwoman Janice Hahn on allegations by gang members.
Link to read ex. Daily News Editor Ron Kaye's take on the Fox News report.
Responce to Fox News report on April 30 by Councilwoman Janice Hahn.
Post mortems galore on the "First day in May" or a "Day without a Kobylt".
"LOS VOZ DE AZTLAN" (nut jobs come in all colors)
"MINUTEMAN PROJECT" (for Don Q. and his "internal friends")
The buzz is all about "SAVING THE TACO TRUCK!!"
Has the "EDUCATION TUTOR" to Tony V. Ruben Cortines, "CROSSED THE T" on the Admiral Brewer era at LAUSD?
What candidate for State Office just traded his address on Alexandra in the 90027 for a new mail drop on S. Flower, Downtown? You may recognize the DNA linkage.
This is for Density junkies like Tony V., Ed Reyes, Huizar, the above mention carpetbagger and their "Tree hugging friends", its all about the water. With rationing on the way to becoming reality, maybe it was a good thing that only 8,500 showed up to march downtown.
The "KENNEDY REPUBLICAN" may wish for you to "pay to drive" but thanks to his "brother in law", may lose the choice to fly to work.
......and in closing, what once was happy, heady times after the Recall of Gray Davis now are the blunt reality that we elected a "CALIFORNIA KENNEDY", who has driven the "fiscal vehicle" of the State of California off the bridge of "fiscal responsibility" into the deep waters of crippling deficits that he can't emerge from without damage. That damage will come in the form of new taxes that a "GIRLY MAN" would disapprove of.
Labels: arnold schwarzenegger, fox news, janice hahn, john perez, lausd, may day protest, Pre-dawn missives
When these gangsters harass the rest of "Hahn's" community to the point that the community lives in fear you always hear her at council and elsewhere that it is "her" Watts Gang Task Force.
She, like those gangsters, stake their claim like nobody else has rights to the community.
It time for Hahn to go.
Vote NO on Hahn's KNUCKLEHEAD tax!!
Los Angeles Protective League needs to reevaluate their position and fully support officers Moreno and Garcia position and distance themselves from supporting Hahn’s gang tax.
No parcel tax for Hahn because this story will keep coming out. Its horrible when council people support gang bangers and I'm sure Red Spot knows of another one who does the same thing in his district. Celeste Fremon wrote a huge 5 series piece on an American Family that was one of Father Gang Banger's guys. She trashed a good officer or at least tried to hurt his career but it failed. The gang bangers Celeste tried to portray as nice good people ended up getting arrested for drug possession and another felony. Both mom and dad were friends of Father G and had their kids taken away about 5 times. Thanks Red Spot for sticking up for good copers.
The Fox 11 link you have on this thread is from yesterday. Here's the latest story from Chris on the 2 gang officers who were transferred because of Janice Hahn
A mail drop won't cut it as far as a residence is concerned. And the cat is already out of the bag, pardon the pun. It's time for the tree hugger to GO.
Keep your eyes on the money. The Mayor just got all the gang crap put into his office thanks to Laura Chick's report. That's 18 million dollars taken from other city departments.
Heh, Hahn is willing to show us her budget to "prove" she had nothing to do with the allegations! HAHAHAHAHAHA! The city's books have been cooked and crooked so long that we will never know the full extent of the corruption.
Unless we get rid of the gangbangers in City Hall and Sacramento, we can't clean up this city! FIRE THEM ALL!
The Mayor's cousin John Perez is having council members staff campaigning for him and having him attend organizations to attend and speak. Will someone ask him where are his balls or did he give them to Antonio. We all know Antonio forced the other candidates to drop out so no one is running against Johnny. Sad he's not man enough to be able to do it on his own. Ask him where's his manhood?
There should be an investigation into politicans and why they support violent orgs. like Jan Perry does the Nation of Islam. Tony Mohammed gets millions of dollars using the excuse he does intervention and helps gang violence. Problem is its all a big cover up. Reporters are terrified to touch that story. You can add Antonio and Bitter Bernie to their list of people that kiss their asses.
For more articulate take on the Hahn story, see This guy actually knows these people.
The broad in this photo needs some serious orthodonture!
Seriously, Hahn has a serious case of white guilt, because she sure loves pandering to low lifes gangsters and illegals.
Everyone except LEGAL citizens and non-criminals.
I wish our city council could get as excited and cohesive about fixing the financial mess, the gang problems and the rampant fraud and waste in this city as they do about things like a Cesar Chavez national holiday. I thought they were going to join hands and sing "We are the World" this morning as they slobbered all over each other to support a resolution for a Cesar Chavez holiday. Don't get me wrong, I think he was a great leader and humanitarian and may even deserve a holiday of his own, but does it REALLY matter one bit if the Los Angeles City Council unanimously passes a resolution supporting such a holiday? City Council needs to put the business of the PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES ahead of their own personal agendas. That's what they were elected to do and that's what WE pay them to do.
Thanks for the nod RSCD14, and if Mayor Sam doesn't delete me I was just wondering what you meant by "internal friends"?
I don't know anyone who's a minuteman although outside of Tucson a couple of years ago two women twins who weighed 200 lbs each at maybe 5'tall, with smokey the bear hats on, jodhpur riding breeches and knee high leather boots, both with holstered sidearms and minutemen patches approached my 14 year old grandson and myself at a rest stop.
They gave us real hard Barney Fife looks and were about to say something official when I couldn't hold back any longer and laughed in their faces.
They both put their hands on thier gun belts and backed away slowly.
My grandson and I laughed all the way back to LA thinking they looked like the Walrus in the Alice in Wonderland books.
Hey RSCD 14 did you look at the photo of Gilchrist on his blog?
What's up with the red jeweled ring he is obviously trying to flash in the pic?
Some kind of secret code or signal to maybe a Hitler loving group?
Maybe a red Commie secret agent?
What's your take?
Thanks again
Unbelievably sad. How stupid to think that a thug mentality could be simply bought off. Every one of the gangstas are working harder now to be more notorious so that Hahn will throw money their way to "sway" them from evil. Go figure! It's like a stinkin contest now among them. "Who" will be the next big "threat" that the Councilwoman will feel the need to "buy". Our public dollars are just being thrown away like bird seed. Unreal.
Maybe he was flashing signs to the "GALAVIZ YOUTH" in your backyard.
Anyone that the Moldy Green Sheet/ Daily News article is written by two Latinas, including Mariel Garza who's always been one of the most radically leftist and pro-illegal writers they have, and it's slanted that way?
They have almost 200 comments denouncing their pro-illegal slant.
This is what's happened since Carolina Garcia took over from Ron Kaye, they're trying to go P C like the Times, thinking it will get them the Latino readership, but they're alienating their audience. And the Hispanics won't read them anyway, they only care about La Opinion and Mexican tv.
Today in Van Nuys, the comments were limited to 1 min. each, and there were a lot of people there with legitimate issues, so the timing was a shame. Normally there's plenty of time to talk and comment time is taken up by the same few people who show up all the time, yammering about fee waivers and the Jabba the Hut lady who's obnoxious attacks on the Council weary even those of us who think they could use some reality check.
Huizar and Reyes took up a huge amount of time with some presentation for Cinco de Mayo, which Rambling Reyes used, as usual, to make his MeCHA pro-illegal rants, this time against the ICE enforcement of the law. There's been only one raid, unfortunately, I hope Chertoff ignores these morons and goes ahead with his plans to finally enforce the law -- what does Bush care, he's on his way out, might as well.
They went on about Cinco de Mayo, which Huizar tried to explain, but they sounded like time- wasters.
Then Janice Hahn had one of her long- winded presentations to a black group, apparently trying to cover her ass over the Fox 11 News series on how she's stupidly giving money to active gangbangers who've been maybe murdering people on OUR dime, while she wants to hit middle class homeowners with another property tax for more of the same.
BOTH these presentations could have been cut to a few mins. or done downtown any other time, when they weren't about to lose a quorum. Kudos to the Councilmen who didn't time their presentations for today.
BUT Alarcon was disgusting, the repulsive little Marxist who's always coming up with schemes to give our money to illegals for services they're not entitled to, whether health clinics or bailing out his illegal homeowners who he admits never read the bank loans they signed -- he stood up to grandstand AGAINST his colleagues on the Council who limited comments to 1 min. so people could speak instead of not at all. (If the same babbling fool women and zuma who speak every day had shut up for once, it would have given others more time, but no, they could never think of anyone but themselves.)
Alarcon's slime was just oozing off him as he threw everyone else under the bus -- BUT of course, not Reyes and Huizar, whose Mexican presentations he didn't object to, just to Greuel and the "anglos" who he depicted as anti-public. When they were trying to run the meeting to make up for time-wasting from those two gasbag presentations.
11:55, yes, Hahn always talks about "my task force," "my this and that," even "my cops,' which is patronizing and must make them sick and hate her.
All the more reason that "old hag on Spring Street" (she should get that name, not the Times, find them something else, more leftist and pro-illegal maybe, they're NOT status quo anymore) must NEVER get "her" gang tax on the backs of property owners. The witch is now telling leftists like Celeste Fremon in WitnessLA that "it's just $3.00/ person for month for safety," which is a lie to get it passed. And she's just funnel the money into her areas, like San Pedro and Harbor Gateway, to the same gangbangers, to "buy" their favor -- like she does with her huge, disproportionate use of fee waivers. She at least as bad as the Mexicans and Parks and Perry that way.
She's got the idiot LaBong on her side, and Rosendahl the old leftie who's always willing to raise a tax and of course, the Mexicans and 3 African Americans figure the tax will hit white people hardest, so they support it.
don quixote said...
Thanks for the nod RSCD14, and if Mayor Sam doesn't delete me I was just wondering what you meant by "internal friends"?
he means santiago, drinking with tony and the rest along with you talking to yourself.
To help raise money to get this city out of the worst budget deficit in the history = the worst Mayor in history there should be a reality tv show on the clowncil members. They are so unbelievably stupid, arrogant, naive, braindead, disrespectful, bumbling idiots that people out in the real world wouldn't believe until they see it for real. The city could make money and no more taxes. It would be like "FAMILY GUY with the cast of characters.
Jan Perry decided to name a square after this violent loser Tony Mohammed. When tony assaulted LAPD officers there ran Jan Perry in his defense before knowing the facts. She's an idiot just like Hahn. Here's another story for you Fox 11.
....It has come to the attention of the Nation of Islam, Minister Tony Muhammad and Muhammad’s Mosque #27 a flyer is circulating in and around the Los Angeles area requesting that the Crips and the Bloods join the Nation of Islam in an attack on the Los Angeles Police Department.
The Nation of Islam religiously, historically, and categorically rejects aggression. (BULLLSHIT CAUSE THEY ATTACK COPS ALL THE TIME)
The Nation of Islam, through the efforts of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and his western regional representative, Minister Tony Muhammad, has worked tirelessly to bring peace between the Crips, the Bloods, and the Los Angeles Police Department as a whole.
…Tony Mohammed assaulted LAPD police officers then pretended to be the victim himself……Delgadillo, no doubt in consultation with others in city government, apparently felt that a criminal trial featuring Tony Muhammad in the starring role would be more of a spectacle than he was prepared to endure. Given Mr. Muhammad’s fondness for publicity and his penchant for provocative antics, surely there is a risk that any such trial would devolve into farce
Jan Perry's idolatry of Tony Muhammed and Louis Farrakhan is a window into her anti-Semitism, and how she attacks the westside's anti-billboard activists as greedy white "rich" people "who have nothing better to worry about than telling other people where to put their billboards," and one of her supporters said, "nothing to worry about but aesthetics while our brothers and sisters need a park."
Apart from sheer stupidity making her think that ClearChannel/CBS was giving them a park -- they're suing the City and MTA in a number of suits, over abrogating THEIR own obligations, but Rocky's too stupid to deal with it -- this is class and race hostility against a Jewish area and class/ race envy. (That she shares with Ed Reyes, her ally on this and ANYTHING to do against the westside.)
Ironic because Jews are the biggest allies the blacks and Latinos have had -- like at Passover, they/we're always being told about how we were "the other" in Egypt, etc. etc.
WHEN are these silly P C liberals going to realize what's going on?
Bill Boyarsky sort of touches on it in the Jewish Journal, "Zev Takes on the Developers," where he dares broach the REAL issue, that Latinos with black support want to use AB1818 to move projects into the westside, starting with Pico/ Robesrtson and the Valley. Bending over for Perry, Reyes/Alarcon and those people, will just get them more of the same.
don quixote said...
Thanks for the nod RSCD14..
Oh Yeah we all thank you Spot. Now the old retrobate is going to dazzle us with a miriad of his tasteful recollections.. Smooth move..
Had it not been for this, history would have recorded Hahn as a naive petty politician who got elected based upon her name, and only wanted to be liked by everyone, as she did in college.
Now people will always wonder if this latest scandal is the result of mistakes by a naive elected official or a corrupt one. If the public is forced to choose between a politician and two cops who have been risking their lives fighting gangs, guess who will get the nod.
What Hahn needs to do is to hold a news conference and sit there and answer questions until people run out of questions to ask. Do what an innocent person could do.
Even if it took hours, what could be a more important use of her time?
What a grill this woman has, with all her money and endless self-promotions at taxpayer expense -- from that dumb video featuring herself as Reggie's Alligator Wrangler, to endless time- wasting, LOOONG presentations during City Council like today, to dumb photo ops with Tom LaBong... nails her as stupid as many here have known she is, but worse, as knowingly throwing two good cops under the bus to turn the Gangbanger Mama -- the black twin of Latina Maria Chata Leon of Glassell Park -- into a heroine put down by other white people, who aren't as liberal and "good" as her. YUK.
Monica Harmon and Martha Cisneros.
What two-some.
Heckle and Jeckle.
Get a real life. You guys are wannabes. No one trusts you guys. No one believes either one you.
Jose Aguilar.
Aguilar, Jose.
10:48 very sad unhappy, jealous insecure woman. These two women have spent thousands of dollars of their own money helping at risk youth. They have done more for the community in many areas then you have. Mothers always are thanking them for the community involvement and help they give tons of kids. Maybe if you stop whinning and being jealous and actually do something in your community you would fill the void you are feeling and being a very sad bitter person. You should read your Bible.
Don Quackers quit making stories up. There is never a topic in which you don't come up with a B.S. story.
When are you not on the computer bitching about U.S. citizens who want to enforce immigration laws?
Is the MinuteMan story just like your gangster stories at Wally's blog, more bullshit to motivate the gangsters to talk. lol
Don Quackers bullshit from J.M. blog.....
"please don't forget to say to the naacp that don quixote is a fictious character, probably invented to draw out gang bloggers over at wally's blog who speaks fluent spanish. but you think is some american who has a personal grudge just for you. and that the woman dq's fighting in the sketch is rita from sunland valley a.k.a. wally wharton, an old "sexpot" in glasses according to you who makes calls to late night talk shows
(If the same babbling fool women and zuma who speak every day had shut up for once, it would have given others more time, but no, they could never think of anyone but themselves.)
BULLSHIZNIT...COUNCIL WASTED HOURS! I wasn't cause of my five total minutes.
If they knew they were at risk of losing a quorum, maybe they could have cut the mariachi singing down...or cut back on the rounds of ass kissing...maybe they should assign one CM to say what needs to be said for the entire council. And each CM can rotate the ass kissing.
Or limit it to three CMs. We don't need 10 CMs to repeat the benefits of Ceasar Chavez Day, if you are at risk of losing a quorum, after a mariachi singing performance, and hours of Dog and Pony paid presentations.
So yeah, take those five minutes and shove em up your ass!
If Reyes and alarCON would simply cut out the national extremist socialist pro-Mexican agenda talk we would all have plenty of time.
These two clowns, specifically, do not represent Hispanics. They represent an extreme political agenda.
I've heard too much about Reyes to feel he is anything but someone representing the other side. SHOVE IT REYES AND ALARcon!
Cardenas and Huizar are just greedy, money-grubbing, developer lap-doggers like any politician.
But I feel Reyes and alarCON have a niched, political agenda that does not represent all Los Angelenos, or all Hispanics...just a niched-faction of political extremists toward a single goal.
anonymous, just like you
Latino politicians like Nunez, Cedillo, Villaraigosa, Reyes and Alarcon do not represent the people they claim to represent.
They use the Hispanic community as a prop to hold up in the name of compassionate causes.
These causes all sound good, but the money never makes it all the way through the system and the people who supported these politicians don't get what they were promised.
And these politicians do not represent the true voice of the Hispanic community.
There is no part of town where Villaraigosa, Reyes, Huizar are loathed more than in East Los Angeles among the people who supported these politicians (especially Villaraigosa).
The Latino community was excited to help support and help elect someone from the neighborhood and the first Latino mayor.
Then Councilmember Villaraigosa made promises to everyone and anyone -- then slammed the door on everyone's face and didn't keep promise number one. (Not even the easy stuff.)
So now, not only will these people not be supporting Villaraigosa, they will be campaigning against him.
But you still see people showing up in Tshirts at events in support of the mayor.
And to the untrained eye, it appears as though all the Hispanics love Antonio, Alarcon, Reyes, Nunez...but this is just a small, niched, faction of people.
Not the people that have added so much love and diversity and knowledge of the city's inner workings and shady-lessons from East L.A.
what it is not said is that some of these violent gangs come from the projects, PJ's from imperial Courts, Grape Street from Jordan Downs, etc. LAPD favored the gang injunctions but it was Hahn that opposed them as being unfair. Some thugs would come back and state to her that they were law abiding citizens harassed by LAPD. Hahn neutralized the powers of LAPD. By giving gang members chop change, she thought that she could keep peace, wrong, maybe killings have stopped, but not the brutal crime against REAL law abiding citizens.
Take San Fernando Gardens project, they had a good LAPD captain, a good manager at the project and a community willing to make the change and most important a gang injunction. The result, many families with gang ties were evicted from the project, The "project boys" gang? eliminated, no more new gang members joining, because there was no more gang members left.
Now, you have no manager and the leadership within the Housing Authority is gone, fired, retired, forced out by CEO Montiel. Of course he does not care for the residents, so old hommies are coming back.
You need to have a manager that cares, LAPD will work with the community, leave politics out, ENFORCE the gang injunction, you eliminate the problem. Don't pay the gang members! you are only delaying the inevitable, Hahn are you listening? and by the way, stop your silly Watts task force meetings, have Donny Joubert do so real work and tell Montiel that it is unacceptable to have Nickerson Gardens with over 200 vacancies!!
Well, well the political machine is finally cracking because everyone is on crack.
Maybe the Unions and Special Interest Groups from the West Side will finally take notice and not blindly endorse all these carpet bagging politicians who claim to be working for the best interest of Los Angeles.
It’s interesting to see both Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Councilwoman Janice Hahn standing side by side with known criminal element ties in the Fox News Story.
For all the talk about caring about the police officers in the trenches, the police brass from the East Coast has finally imported their famous well known special relationships with crime families.
Way to go! Thanks to this, Los Angeles is on the way to becoming the new Boston, New York and New Jersey. Under Police Chief Braton we can proudly say we have arrived into the world of Big City Policing with Corrupt Underworld Figures in control of City Government.
Hollywood standby! No need to make up mob stories, wait a few days and you can film a new reality show here in LA involving the destruction of the reputation of Good Officers that care about our community.
Next time we vote we should make sure we vote for independent candidates who have no ties to any of our current corrupt politicians.
And to the crybaby who tries and blame council's loss of quorum on the people, not Council themselves; did you know that they had to reconsider an item after losing a quorum because of LAST FRIDAY'S "Dog and Pony Shows". So this past Friday, they had to replay a ten minute video last week's public hearing for the record, since they didn't have a quorum when they had the public comment/hearing on the item. THEN, they had to open it up for additional comments.
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