Endorsement of City Attorney Carmen Trutanich for Reelection
Scott Johnson strongly endorses Carmen Trutanich for reelection as City Attorney.
Nuch celebrates another bloggin endorsement (** link here to read Ron Kaye's endorsement of Nuch).
It was not long ago that this blogger’s name was being read into the record at City Hall as one of the corps of local bloggin political observers, who’s critical missives on the fallings of City Attorney Trutanich, along with observations regarding the multiple campaign follies (“the pledge”, pay per you tube views) of his quest to become District Attorney, led to Nuch's ballot box thumping in November.
Soon after over lunch with a local political observer, we broached upon if the needed political image repair of Trutanich, could bear fruits in time for the March Elections. Thanks to the work of Political Consultant Rick Taylor and Communications Director John Schwada, the political rehabilitation of Carmen Tritanich is moving forward and upward.
Unlike a couple of very bloggin vocal critics of Nuch, my reservations regarding the past actions of the first-term City Attorney, have been muted in comparison, but no less probing. As Nuch sought to connect more with the political machine (noted via his endorsement by the LA County Federation of Labor in his race for D.A.), it was not hard to wonder, if his outreach to the machine, would cancel out the grass-roots support which elevated him into office.
The infamous “Pledge”, crafted by John Shallman, was a bountiful, bloggin source of scorn and ridicule. Yet we forget that another local politico formerly named Tony Villar, went back on his pledge to complete one full term as the CD 14 City Councilperson and went on to become the poster child for the agenda journalism era known as the “LA ANTONIO TIMES” (plus, he was elected mayor).
The written vitriol aimed at Trutanich, fail to note that his staff was decimated by targeted budget cuts via Mayor Antonio Villar, with support of current challenger Mike Feuer. Under budgetary assault by Mayor Villar (who would never forget that Trutanich beat his friend Jack Weiss), Trutanich, in a masterstroke, create a “Reserve Attorney Corps”, that help bring in young attorneys, who provided free services, in return for the experience in working within the City Attorney Office.
We need to also point out as crime was dropping city-wide, due in part to the combine work of a nearly 10,000 LAPD force and reduce number of City Attorney prosecutors (cut by 50 attorneys by Mayor Villar and supported by Mike Feuer), then Assemblyman Mike Feuer and his fellow Sacramento Democratic friends, were releasing thousands of so-called “Non Revocable Parolees, Low Level, Non-Violent Offenders”, on to the streets as part of the AB 109 Prison Reform Debacle.
One of those ex prisoners that then Assemblyman Feuer supported in releasing, was responsible for the ambush murder of LA County Sheriff Deputy Juan Abel Escalante, outside his Cypress Park home. In addition, Feuer supports AB 2263 , which would allow felons to white-wash their past criminal records, furthering eroding public safety and stressing further the workload, of a reduce group of City Attorney Prosecutors.
The late LA County Sheriff Deputy Juan Abel Escalante.
The choice is clear in the interest of safeguarding the integrity of public safety and the City of Los Angeles, you can support Noel Weiss (friend of Janice), Greig Smith (made his millions off suing the City of LA) and ethically-challenged (Bet Tzedekgate) and soft on crime (AB 109, AB 2263), Mike Feuer.
…… or you can give a second term to a humbled outsider, who has shone that, despite past political fallings, has administrated masterfully a City Attorney Office under political attack by a political machine, that holds contempt for his accomplishments.
Thus, please give your support to Carmen Trutanich for a second term as City Attorney.
Your thoughts ……………
Scott Johnson in CD 14
Labels: 2013 city attorney race, Assemblyman Mike Feuer, City Attorney carmen trutanich, mike feuer
OK hate to say this buddy, but you are on CRACK! Vote Greg Smith!
My friend, let me crack a smile and state that bloggin friends can agree to disagree.
Have you forgotten the way Nuch backed AB109, the prison realignment bill that has dumped 10,000 dangerous felons on LA's streets? Many people believeNuch did that just to get Gov. Brown to endorse him for his DA campaign. What kind of ethics are you looking for in a City Attorney, one who protects public safety, or one who is willing to sacrifice public safety for political advancement?
There's a lot that's wrong with Nuch, and having Rick Taylor and John Schwada speak for him is not going to change that.
Turned out Nuch lied. He said he would be the most approchable person ever. That turned out not to be true. Vote for someone else.
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