A Tale of Two Political Consultants ..................
A Tale of Two Political Consultants and how they handle the issue of Two Clients running for the Same Political Office.
** Blogger's notes: As the "establishment blogger community" (LA Observed, The City Maven, LA Dragnet with help from the LA Weekly) pushes the John Shallman narrative regarding the "Exit Memo" to former client City Attorney Carmen Trutanich. What has gone unreported, under the objective reporting radar, is the growing backlash from Shallman's own fraternity of fellow political consultants, who have shared, off the record, reservations about Shallman's ethical, professional and moral standing withing the consulting community. Highlighting this are recent examples how Progressive Consultant Parke Skelton and Shallman, handled the sensitive issue of having two clients running for the same public office ........ and the results are eye opening---Scott Johnson..
** Afternoon Update: A most interesting comment via "Windscale" .........
** Afternoon Update: A most interesting comment via "Windscale" .........
Windscale said:You make a valid point. Shallman's email is devastating. It puts Shallman in an entirely different light - although it does not make Nuch look any better. What it must surely do is make Feuer's campaign look as dishonest and deceptive as Nuch's was. Rumors are widespread that Feuer promised he would not run against Nuch if the DA race did not go as expected. Now we see Feuer as just as much of a rat as Shallman and NucOctober 10, 2012 1:13 PM
Parke Skelton
Our thoughts on Parke "Parque" Skelton are well known to regular readers of Mayor Sam,but in this instance, you can't argue with Skelton's loyalty to his clients. From City Attorney Carmen Trutanich Media Director John Schwada ..........
Political consultant Parke Skelton represented Assemblywoman Betsy Butler in her 2010 campaign. He had also committed to representing Torie Osborne in 2012 to run for Julia Brownley's 50th AD seat. But when it became clear that Butler and Osborne - by virtue of fate and redistricting - would be squaring off against each other in the Westside Assembly race, Skelton saw the conflict and decided he could not represent either woman comfortably. Skelton did not follow the money, he followed his conscience.
"Private Citizen/Political Consultant" John Shallman.
Then there is the "Shallman Way".
First comes the email with attached "exit memo".
From: "John Shallman" [email address deleted]Date: Tue, Jun 12, 2012 4:20 pmSubject: Confidential Memo and statementTo: Carmen Trutanich and Barry Groveman [email addresses deleted].
I have attached a memo outlining why we [sic] I believe we lost, why Nuch will lose if he runs for CA [City Attorney] and what he needs to do to rehab. I am not writing this [the attached memo] to talk Nuch out of running so I can help Mike Feuer. Iam writing this to help Nuch. I have no intention to be involved in the campaigns at all if Nuch runs. This memo is critical of everyone around Nuch including us. I'm not pulling any punches and I don't mean to offend anyone, but it is what it is. No matter how much staff would like to blame the campaign for this loss, remember, they have jobs because of the incredible campaign we ran in 2009.
......... and the reality? That is coming to a court room in the near future.
Your thoughts ................
Scott Johnson in CD 14
Labels: Carmen Trutanich for District Attorney, john shallman, John Shallman Communications, Parke Skelton
And after all this that idiot Bonin hires Shallman to do his race.
Having haters goes with the territory for successful people. It's called a success tax. The price of being effective and brilliant. Shallman will continue to get clients because he wins most of his campaigns. Shit, the Times gave John Thomas a front page story and he hasn't won a campaign in his life.
You're blog has only succeeded in making him more powerful. He's going to grind and extinguish LIEtanich like a cigarette butt.
You make a valid point. Shallman's email is devastating. It puts Shallman in an entirely different light - although it does not make Nuch look any better. What it must surely do is make Feuer's campaign look as dishonest and deceptive as Nuch's was. Rumors are widespread that Feuer promised he would not run against Nuch if the DA race did not go as expected. Now we see Feuer as just as much of a rat as Shallman and Nuc
The obsession of this blog with a hitherto behind-the-scenes local political consultant is weird and bordering on the creepy. Need to let it go, dude. There used to be interesting stuff on here about people actually in government...like the MAYOR.
Mayor Cheap Shot has struck again. Perhaps Shallman told Nuch he wouldn't run Feuer's campaign...but that was before Nuch and his people PUBLICLY blamed Shallman for the loss in the DA race. Isn't that an important fact worth mentioning? Why would should it be a surprise--or an ethical lapse--for a political consultant to agree to work for a client's opponent AFTER said client publicly threw the consultant under the bus and blamed him for his defeat? Loyalty can't just be a one way street. If one of Skelton's clients had done the same to him, you can be sure he would have gladly run the campaign of the other client.
12:43 Shallman
12:43 pm says
Shallman wins most of his campaigns."
Shallman lost every campaign he ran on June 5th including the Brian Johnson I.E. he did through his wife's company.
That was a dozen losses all in one day. He also lost the Chris Essel race in CD2 even though she was backed by Wendy Greuel.
He lost the Pat McOsker race in CD-15 last year. He lost the Bob Hertzberg for Mayor race.
He lost the Trutanich race which was his biggest client, and the biggest race he ever ran. His batting average is maybe 1 in 10, and he never wins a hotly contested race.
He invested over one million dollars of his family's personal money with Kindee Durkee.
Poor judgment. Very poor judgment.
This is the historic post that was going to set the world on fire?
Wow, someone has an inflated opinion of himself.
Not sure why Mayor Sam is carrying water for Tru, but this one really makes Tru look bad. I so hope he flames out in CA race and we are done with him once and for all.
Thanks for the focus on Rosendahl's timing, notice how you worked Shallman into that post too.
Next story lead. Is it wrong to now believe the Mollie and Jr. Munger were working together the whole time to pass 32 and kill 30?
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