Councilman Jose Huizar's silence on Academia Semillas del Pueblo Controversy and concerns of Community Members
** Blogger's notes: In our on-going coverage on the controversies at the Academia Semillas del Pueblo Charter School, we have focus on issues indigenous to the operations of the school. Now we disclose today a letter from local community members and merchants to CD 14 Councilman Jose Huizar regarding safety and other concerns. We should note that according to sources, Councilman Huizar never responded to this letter. But from ascertaining printed information on top of page one, we can tell that the council office did forwarded this letter to LAUSD School Board President Monica Garcia, who then "FYI" Academia Semillas del Pueblo, again without a response to those listed on the letter---Scott Johnson in CD 14.
From Page 1: "We are requesting that the City of Los Angeles assist Los Angeles Unified School District in preparing an Environmental Impact Analysis on the effect that Charter School Academia Semillas del Pueblo has had on local businesses and residents in the area".
From Page 2: "We are requesting that you look into the matter and provide an explanation as to why the City of Los Angeles has allowed a charter school located within the city to expand on such a small piece of land/property located in a commercial zone and why the City of Los Angeles does not require adequate and sufficient parking for its teachers, support staff, school administrators and student parents. The school private parking lot is not being use for parking, it is currently being use as a playground, recess and lunch area for the school children".
Lastly: Someone needs to question Councilman Huizar and School Board President Monica Garcia on why Academia Semillas del Pueblo was allowed to operate in this location. Councilman Huizar also needs to answer for why a school is allow to operate in an area zoned for "Commercial use". Did someone play political games with Zoning, Building and Safety, Fire and other permits? ** Read rest of letter after the jump.
More students means larger amount of public money to operate the school.
Your thoughts ..............
Scott Johnson in CD 14
Labels: Academia Semillas del Pueblo, COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN AS JOSE HUIZAR, lausd, monica garcia
Huizar and his staff will not respond. That is the MO f this councilman, if it doesn't place me in a good light, ignore it. That is why he will be ignoring Semillas from now on and hope that it goes away. Marcos painted himself into a corner and now it looks as if the true businesses on Huntington Drive have had enough. Being that Huizar has a degree in Pulblic Planning, these are very legitimate questions. How bad does a school have to behave to be shunned by a community that welcomes education?
I notice there are a lot of Huizar supporters on the list - make a choice Jose.
Plan and simple. Inept! Jose Huizar is inept!!!
As a planner who lives in El Sereno I always questioned how the three schools appeared on Huntington Drive without notifying the public and failing to hold the required public hearings. I don't remember getting a notice! If due process was violated seems to me like the community can petition to have all of the clearances reviewed within Building and Safety. A job for Huizar's staff perhaps? I am sure some investigative work will shed light if the schools have the proper Conditional Use Permits/Variances needed to operate the facilities. Up for the job Huizar?
Is it easier to set up a public school in El Sereno than it is to open a medical marijuana dispensary in Eagle Rock? Tells you a little about the priorities of this council office.
So what happens if the schools are unsafe? and the buildings are not up to code? or if a fire breaks out and (GOD forbid) the kids are hurt? Who will take the fall? Huizar should be prevantative rather than reactive. We dont want action to be taken after an accident!!!!!
If you ever had a chance to witness a public school construction you will notice that the schools and buildings are "overbuilt". This is a term used by construction companies and applies to the extreme safety features required by state law for school construction. It is the reason school construction takes a long time and is very expensive - but it is the law, these schools will not collapse during an earthquake. I don't think any of the Semillas school buildings meet these standards.
This would never be allowed in a white neighberhood... Yes the race card... Which obviously has not been raised by Mr. Aguilar and his wife Minnie (SHOCKED) They are blindsighted by the MONEY....Not the safety of the Mexican immigrant kids!
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