The Politics of Subways gets nasty in Beverly Hills
City of Beverly Hills Vice-Mayor John Mirisch and Family.
Mirisch's role in this video is making him big enemies.
Mark May 17, 2012 on you calender if you feel the need to view fireworks during the course of a MTA public meeting (and trust me, it will not involve Mayor Antonio Villar or LA County Supervisor Mike Antonovich).
Instead the combatants will be MTA and the 90210 (aka Beverly Hills) and the stakes or consequences may be profound for the likes of Beverly Hills High School and its supporters. What is at stake is the possible route of a future Westside Subway and and its proposed routing under the historic public education campus.
As LA Weekly's Patrick Range McDonald chronicled in his extensive piece on this controversy, it comes down to whether big City of Los Angeles Mayor and MTA Board Member Antonio Villar's donor JMB Developer, gets the route redirected under its Century City property instead of the prior planned station stop on Santa Monica Boulevard and judging from these documents forward to us at Mayor Sam, this is going to get brutal and dirty.
Restraining Order against Beverly Hills Vice-Mayor John Mirisch (rest of document can be seen after the jump).
Just as Beverly Hills Vice-Mayor John Mirisch takes a lead role on the "BHHS Doomsday Video", along comes this document on a painful past for the IMAX Executive. We here at Mayor Sam post this document in the spirit of providing openness and transparency regarding public officials. But that said, its easy to see what lengths some will go to (or sink to) to "influence" decision makers.
Your thoughts ..............
Scott Johnson in CD 14
Labels: John Mirisch, mayor antonio villaraigosa, mta, Westside Subway
As Mayor Sam’s Sister City blog post suggests, I have been an outspoken and highly critical opponent of Metro's inconsistent methods and decision-making processes in connection with the Westside Subway Extension, which I have written about extensively in The LA Business Journal, Huffington Post and Jewish Journal, not to mention on numerous blogs.
It's also true that I'm going through a very painful divorce, as, unfortunately, is the case with hundreds and thousands of people in this country. As many people who have ever had the misfortune of suffering through a divorce can attest to, sometimes both acrimonious rhetoric and false allegations can make their way into the proceedings for various reasons, including with the intention of giving one side a legal advantage.
None of this, of course, even remotely has any relevance whatsoever to my opposition to Metro's actions and tactics. Clearly, however, this shows that there are evidently no depths to which Metro’s supporters will not stoop in their efforts to brutally crush any opposition. It simply underlines my contention that Metro is a prime example of a governmental agency run amok, without any checks or balances, without any respect for local control, run by an insiders club of politicized special interests who will stop at nothing to get their way. It is clear that Metro, with its Kafkaesque bureaucracy, needs to be reined in, if not dismantled and replaced with a more transparent, democratic and well-run successor agency.
As for those anonymous Metro-zombies who would try to take advantage of the misery of others and use irrelevant and reprehensible smear tactics to support their cause, well, more than anything, their actions speak to their own character or lack thereof. What is clear is that these mafia methods have no place in any civilized political discourse.
As Mayor Sam's Sister City correctly says, my outspoken opposition to Metro's methods has made me some ruthless enemies. I have to think of Winston Churchill (and Eminem), who once said: "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life."
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