46th AD Candidate Brian Johnson Consultant's rapid response to "Cease and Desist Order"
Brian Johnson Campaign Consultant Harvey Englander
46th AD Candidate Brian Johnson.
This is the Brian Johnson for Assembly Campaign's "rapid response" to earlier "Cease and Desist Order".
Statement from Harvey Englander, consultant for Brian Johnson, candidate for State Assembly:
“The Los Angeles County Democratic Party’s “cease and desist” letter to Democrats for Education Reform is absolutely ridiculous. First, Brian has never received any “cease and desist” letter, but was only copied on a letter sent to the national organization, with operations in 11 states, including California. Second, are we really to believe that National Democrats, such as Newark, N.J. Mayor and DFER Board of Advisory Board Member Cory Booker and former California Senate Democratic Majority Leader Gloria Romero,are “fake” democrats and must answer to Los Angeles County Central Committee? If they had done their research, they’d clearly see that many prominent Democrats, nationwide, are affiliated with this organization, whose endorsement we are proud of.It’s not surprising that the press release for this letter was sent by Clark Lee, a named supporter of one of my opponents. We wish our opponents would stop using surrogates to attack Brian’s education reform credentials and would start discussing real issues affecting voters in the 46 th Assembly District.”
Onwards the campaign progresses in the 46th AD.
Your thoughts ..............
Scott Johnson in CD 14
Labels: 46th Assembly District, Brian Johnson, Harvey Englander
Really Harvey, that is the best you can do?
Brian. You fail. Anyone but Johnson for Assembly.
Talk about over reacting, they should have just ignored the letter.
Bj---tool for charter operators-- see campaign contributors-- pro charter-- people who think drill n kill teaching n preference in admissions to people with money!
I agree. ANYONE BUT JOHNSON. He deluges us with literature that claims he's an educator who gave up a lucrative career to selflessly teach poor children. Ugh. What hogwash! He spent a couple of years as a "Teach for America" drone and then, like Michelle Rhee, claims to know more about educating children then professional credentialed seasoned loving creative teachers. Then he parlays this slight experience into a leadership (read high paying) role in a questionable charter school like Larchmont Charter. HOGWASH. HOGWASH HOGWASH. He is a danger to the public, free, for ALL the people, kind of education for which this country is known. This is Jill Holden.
Brian Johnson is an amazing leader with new, visionary ideas. Exactly what is needed in Sacramento; obviously frightening to some.
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