City of Los Angeles Officeholder Accounts for Mayor, City Attorney, Controller and City Council with legal funds included
Fair Political Practice Commission (FPPC) 460 Financial Reporting Form.
Blogger Notes: As a new quarterly feature of Mayor Sam, we will post the links to the various officeholder accounts and legal defense funds when warranted as they are posted by the Ethics Commission. In addition, we will provide salient commentary when needed. But most important, this is a opportunity for you in the political cybersphere to access these documents and engage in a transparent dialog on the donating proclivities of the Special Interests and the political habits of those elected to serve us.---Scott Johnson
Labels: Officeholder Accounts 8/11
Regarding Defense fund #1: Stephen Kaufman was not only the Treasurer of the fund, but was it's main recipient? In fact, it shows that Mr. Kaufman made about $30K, but the actual fine was for $21K? So, does that mean that the fine that was imposed for the Mayor's ethics violations was parlayed into a windfall for cronies?
Is this the "legacy" that the Mayor will leave us with?
Very interesting. I am surprised I didn't hear about this before...
great idea!!!
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