This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
1) No one cares.
2) Your headline is grammatically incorrect
3) LOL
4) Good one!
Thanks! I fixed it.
Donald Trump deserved every bit of ridicule....and more. He's a pompous, arrogant jerk.
Donald Trump and Red Spot are both in the same league.
Both are baffons, oops bofoons, oops befoons, oops bufoons ok Jokes !!!
Trump loved every minute of the ridicule he got, even if he remained stony faced. It was a huge mistake for Obama to even mention him or the birth certificate issue, as all that did was make Trump somehow relevant. Every time Trump or the certificate was mentioned, it just served to remind everyone that it was Trump who basically forced Obama to respond. He will use that mercilessly in the coming months, although he will not actually run.
I hate to say it, but mentioning Trump was as much of a disaster at the Correspondents' Dinner, as mentioning Phil Jennerdoodle here. Damn! I did it, I made an idiot relevant, but now that I've crossed the rubicon, let's just say that Trump and Jennerdoodle have one thing in common. Irrelevancy.
Obama on Trump; Clown on Clown.
Enough already.
I am sick of both of them.
Let's get a legitimate candidate and get rid of this amateur president.
I wouldn't be surprised if the release of the birth certificate with withheld until all the birthers had made complete idiots of themselves. Even before Trump decided to stick both feet in his mouth, other Republicans were backing away from the issue. They may have sensed that they were being set up. But because Trump was such an arrogant clown, he couldn't control himself.
No one with half a brain is going to give Trump credit for forcing release of the birth certificate. Trump's goal wasn't to get the full certificate releaseds, but rather to scare people into believing that Obama wasn't born in the U.S.
Obama is pretty funny in his speech. Can't imagine Bush pulling this off so well.
How come you never share such things when Obama is the butt of the jokes?
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