Los Angeles Politics Hotsheet for Tuesday
Folks in CD14 are out of work and there is little business opportunity in the District. That must be why Councilman Jose Huizar is talking the City into spending a million to study a goofy streetcar idea for Downtown. Follow the money folks, follow the money.
The LA Times recaps their endorsements. The set as a whole will not please either the downtown status quo folks nor the Clean Sweepers, and in a few districts, neither. They are CD2: Krekorian, CD4: O'Grady, CD6: Goodman, CD8: Parks, CD10: Wesson, CD12: Englander, CD14: Martinez. Count that up folks the Times is actually calling for half of the incumbents up for re-election to be tossed out. And in the case of CD4 the other Fishwrap in town, the Daily News, endorsed the other challenger to Tom LaBonge, Stephen Box.
Law enforcement officials report about a phone scam being run out of county jails and state prisons. Prisoners are using jail phones to convince people to forward their phone to another line (the one they want to call) and then use that as a way to charge collect calls to the unsuspecting victim.
The LA Times takes a look at Charter Amendment G on the March ballot, an attempt by the Mayor and others to rein in pension costs. Blogger Paul Hatfield looks at the topic in general.
The LA Times recaps their endorsements. The set as a whole will not please either the downtown status quo folks nor the Clean Sweepers, and in a few districts, neither. They are CD2: Krekorian, CD4: O'Grady, CD6: Goodman, CD8: Parks, CD10: Wesson, CD12: Englander, CD14: Martinez. Count that up folks the Times is actually calling for half of the incumbents up for re-election to be tossed out. And in the case of CD4 the other Fishwrap in town, the Daily News, endorsed the other challenger to Tom LaBonge, Stephen Box.
Law enforcement officials report about a phone scam being run out of county jails and state prisons. Prisoners are using jail phones to convince people to forward their phone to another line (the one they want to call) and then use that as a way to charge collect calls to the unsuspecting victim.
The LA Times takes a look at Charter Amendment G on the March ballot, an attempt by the Mayor and others to rein in pension costs. Blogger Paul Hatfield looks at the topic in general.
Labels: bernard parks, charter amendment g, herb wesson, Jose "Open Space Moron" Huizar, Mitch Englander, paul krekorian, rich goodman, Rudy Martinez, stephen box, streetcar, tom labonge, tomas o'grady
So where are the MS endorsements? Or are you sitting this on out?
12:20, do you REALLY have to ask what the MS endorsements are?
Higby handed the blog over to Red Spot, and he has posted AT LEAST 200 pieces about Rudy Martinez over Huizar.
Other than Bernie Parks, what incumbent do you THINK MS supports?
PERSONALLY, I am torn between wanting Huizar out versus wanting to see Red Spot look like a JACKASS for having wasted so much time.
The LOSERS of CD14 can't come up with better candidates, so they deserve the LOUSY representation they get. And if Red Spot is the only person advocating out there, it serves CD14 right that this is the best they get. A completely ILLITERATE fool who can't find decent work, spends all day, every day, bothering every one of us. That's all CD14 has to offer.
And you can be sure that Red Spot, WHO IS SENSITIVE AS THE DAY IS LONG, wouldn't post this comment if this was his story.
Once again the LA Times once a respected publication comes out and endorses "I have no plan" O'Grady for city council. One has to wonder if they are even listening to the candidates or reality. O'Wacky makes Huizar the picture of responsibility.
What exactly is LaBunghole's* plan for the City?
Ever hear this MORON blabber at City Council? I do, all the time. He is a fucking moron. I would rather take someone, whether or not he has a plan, who can act like a GROWN UP, than a fucking MORON who has been here since Tom Bradley was Mayor.
Ed Reyes is a dumb, dopey fool who can barely speak English. But LaBunghole makes him look like a professor.
* I believe I am coining the phrase "LaBunghole" as a name for Tom LaBonge.
And what kind of newspaper of record has a voter's section on its website that leaves off the election information regarding the Los Angeles Community College District?
The LACCD is one of the largest community colleges in the nation. The LA Times is running this huge expose on the LACCD and its editorial board cannot find time to endorse candidates for the 4 seats open in next week's March 8th election? Whatever happened to the Los Angeles Times?
Why would you re-print or give added breath to LA Times endorsements? Do you feel good about LA Times all of the sudden? "Villaraigosa is a good mayor who can be a great mayor?" You fall into a trap when you promote their agenda. I though someone creates a blog to voice their own opinions, since they don't have a newspaper as a media platform.
With all the controversy in the L.A. Housing Department (investigations) and Wesson is Housing Chair and someone who spends most of the time outside on the city hall patio smoking, not present at the meetings...AND LA TIMES ENDORSED THAT? (I really care what L.A. Times thinks about council elections. (Didn't they endorse Antonio Villaraigosa for mayor this last election? Doesn't L.A. Times do their research? (Check into his commissioner appointments. Many of them are in jail or stepped down to avoid jail time. AND L.A. TIMES ENDORSES IT!
Sorry if I hurt your feeling with the ad hominem attack (comment deleted), earlier... so let me try the same basic info, WITHOUT that...
YOU SAID: "...Huizar is talking the City into spending a million to study a goofy streetcar idea for Downtown."
THEY SAID: "...returning the streetcar to downtown would generate 9,300 new jobs, $1.1 billion in new development, $24.5 million in new annual tourism and consumer spending, and $47 million in new city revenue.
If you told anyone with even a modicum of financial sensibility they could get that kind of 100-fold return on their own personal investment, they'd buy in... YESTERDAY.
(Do you know what one of the TOP 5 tourist attractions is in San Fran? RIDING THE STREETCARS...) Tourists wait sometimes 30 minutes just to board and ride for a mile or so. They WAIT on line longer than it would take them to walk the distance).
Funny, huh!
You'd bitch about a $1 million investment by the City that could return hundreds of millions in non-tax revenues, let alone all the new business taxes that could be collected - even if they're wrong by half?
I can tell you right now why YOU will never be a millionaire.
I'm not sure what the endorsements will do-I live in CD4-many of us here are ready to oust LaBonge. O'Grady is the best alternative, as his platform is the most complete and rational. Now, if we can just get enough voters to the polls!
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