Alarcon Staffers Called to Testify
Six members of Councilman Richard Alarcon's staff have been called to testify before the County Grand Jury this week to answer questions in the investigation into claims that the Councilman may have registered to vote at a home that is not his primary residence. The District Attorney is investigating to determine if Alarcon is actually living at another home, one in Councilman Paul Krekorian's District and not his own.
If Alarcon did indeed falsify his registration he could be charged with a felony.
Among those called to testify sounds like a who's-who of local Democratic party operatives including Chief of Staff Saeed Ali, Communications Director Becca Doten, Ackley Padilla, brother of State Sen. Alex Padilla and Alarcon cousin and district director John de la Rosa.
Labels: residencegate, Richard Alarcon
How about Photoshopping a pair of handcuffs into that picture?
Stupid Alarcon. This is what you get for running an antisemitic campaign against Richart Katz for your Assembly job several years ago. Never forget and never again. Fact check this Higby.
Those are 5 Dems that our party can do without!
Aren't all the rest of the criminals going to testify for him, like Huisar, Reyes, Mayor V? There is the rest of the gang?
Are they now deserting their friend?
Will Saeed embellish or modify his testimony as he did for his former boss, Richard Polanco? If he can keep his former boss's mistress on the payroll for years, address verification should be no problem.
But this is Alex's brother's first time under sworn testimony. Will he give up a political future due to his testimony?
Oh wow. John de la Rosa is a pathological liar. Cooley needs to work on that creep. I'd love to see him up on charges with his cousin.
Golly. This could really taint his squeaky-clean image.
Thugs with suits.
I wonder how Dick Dastardly will get out of this one? I just hope that Muttley does not perjure himself and tells the truth.
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Corrupt politician at it's best. If the guy lived there, how could squatter come into his home. Interviews with neighbors alone from both homes will prove he is not a resident, along with utility bill usage, phone bills, etc. Get ready for the pinstripes.
Cooley only prosecutes the easy cases. That means this is already a very strong case.
Let's hope some of his staff are dumb enough to lie for him. They can get themselves indicted for perjury. Then there will be one happy Alarcon reunion in prison.
Nothing will happen. These folks know how to lie under oath and although they state they have the utmost integrity it's all BS. They are the elitest who think they are immune to the law. Enough is enough! Get the bastards, all of them.
Wow, this is a really bad sign for Bernard Parks, too. As Unpleasant Betty wrote, Cooley is in earlier stages of an investigation of Parks, who was registered to vote at one address, took a homeowners exemption on his house outside the City of L.A. on Onacrest, and lived in a third house, all when he ran for the Board of Supervisors. When he got called on it by Expo-line activists, Parks admitted he was cheating on his taxes and paid them. But the clincher is that he committed perjury by signing on his candidate nomination papers that he lived at the address where he was registered. The evidence against Bernie is much stronger than that against Alarcon.
Richard Alarcon needed a better goal than to become the next Richard Alatorre.
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