Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce Ponies Up $24,000+ for CD 2 Candidate Chris Essel
Will numbers such as these from Downtown business interest equate to victory on December 8 for Council District two candidate Chris Essel?
LA Jobs PAC Sponsored by the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce Los Angeles, CA 90017 (Independent Expenditure) Support Christine Essel City Council Member - District 02Chris Essel for City Council 2009 - General (1321633)[Election: 12/08/09] 11/13/09 11/12/09 Literature FLYER-1 $12,159.30
LA Jobs PAC Sponsored by the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce Los Angeles, CA 90017 (Independent Expenditure) Support Christine Essel City Council Member - District 02Chris Essel for City Council 2009 - General (1321633)[Election: 12/08/09] 11/14/09 11/14/09
Literature MAIL-1 $12,159.30
Literature MAIL-1 $12,159.30
There are more.........................
Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters PAF Los Angeles, CA 90071 (Independent Expenditure) Support Christine Essel City Council Member - District 02Chris Essel for City Council 2009 - General (1321633) [Election: 12/08/09] 11/13/09 11/13/09
Mailer MAIL-9 $6,446.48
Mailer MAIL-9 $6,446.48
Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters PAF Los Angeles, CA 90071 (Independent Expenditure) Support Christine Essel City Council Member - District 02Chris Essel for City Council 2009 - General (1321633) [Election: 12/08/09] 11/13/09 11/13/09 Consulting for mailer MAIL-10 $5,000.00
These number don't lie, as of today Chris Essel has been the recipient of $232,206.08 in Independent Expenditures from the likes of "Boss D"Arcy's" IBEW, the Police Protective League, Southwest Carpenters and now the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce.
........ and for Assemblyman Paul Krekorian, we call for the tote!! Total, $000,000.00, nada, nil, zero.
Then, to the chagrin of those who have grown weary of the 24/7 coverage of CD 2/14 here at Mayor Sam, we found this.
Endorsements for Chris Essel among City Council members.
L.A. City Councilwoman Janice Hahn
L.A. City Councilwoman Jan Perry
L.A. City Councilman HerbWesson
L.A. City Councilman Greig Smith
L.A. City Councilman Bill Rosendahl
L.A. City Councilman Tom LaBonge
** L.A. City Councilman Jose Huizar (we always knew that Huizzy was pro-development, except for those myopic Elephant Hills groupies).
L.A. City Councilwoman Jan Perry
L.A. City Councilman HerbWesson
L.A. City Councilman Greig Smith
L.A. City Councilman Bill Rosendahl
L.A. City Councilman Tom LaBonge
** L.A. City Councilman Jose Huizar (we always knew that Huizzy was pro-development, except for those myopic Elephant Hills groupies).
Maybe Huizar will unleash an certain cybertroll to prowl the dimensions of cyberspace, in the search of voters for Essel.
But more likely, the linkage to the CD 14 Councilman should inspire the grass-roots masses who supported the likes of "No Home Depot" and the "Friends of the Southwest Museum", to rally against the onslaught of Special Interest money and send a "resounding volley of backlash" in the direction of City Hall.
Your thoughts.......................
Labels: "COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN AS JOSE HUIZAR", cd2 special election runoff, Chris Essel, los angeles chamber of commerce
I don't think anyone's reported on the fact that D'Arcy's group, Working Californians, last week sued the City Ethics Commission in federal court to immediately stop enforcement of the limit on contributions to groups making independent expenditures. They're obviously waiting (or hoping) for some big money to roll in that they can shovel into Essel's campaign.
Why does Essel need these IE's given all the money she has?
Where is her own money going?
Is it being Ludlowed by Shallman into Essel's pocket?
Martin Ludlow was the Shallman's client lest we forget.
Had a good laugh over your list.
It seems that the entire downtown LA political world is being led around in circles by Krekorian's gritty team of NC leaders and Armenians.
They must really hate the guy.
Essel's might be the first million dollar IE campaign in City Council history.
What a waste, and all this money to go after a few thousand voters.
Said it before, will say it again.
Every Hacopian dollar is worth three Shallman dollars.
They got a spend a hell of a lot more money to buy this election for Essel.
Red Spot:
What does your fellow "conservative" Jennderesselhole have to say about this?
Is he in bed with muni-unions now?
too little too late.
The LA Chamber just bought and paid for their candidate....you can't stop money like this from winning. There is just no way Essel can loose with nearly a million dollars pouring in to a council race. It's a done deal! Krekorian might as well close it up right now...it's over!
Calling all community members who supported,No Home Depot Campaign, No Las Lomas, No Prop B, No Son of Prop B, No McManshions, Save Studio City Golf Course, Save Verdugo Hills Gold Course, Save the Southwest Museum, No Form 700 for Neighborhoos Councils, No SB 1818, No Super Kohls, etc. to help Krekorian defeat the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, D'Arcy, Greuel and Villaraigosa and other special interest groups who plan to buy this election for Essel so they can run her.
Essel has yet to confirm any project she has completed on her own that has made a difference for community members in District 2. Nor does she have a solid plan for the future. She has presented no proven facts or figures. Our communities want and deserve to have our own voice. You can help by contributing to he campaign.
Remember, every dollar helps.
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