"Boss D'Arcy's" IBEW and Police Protective League Money Up for CD 2 Candidate Chris Essel

A Special Interest "Monetary Avalanche" is rolling into the CD 2 Special Election Runoff, courtesy of IBEW and the Police Protective League.
As reported from the Ethics Website, these numbers speak for themselves.
Local 18 Water and Power Defense League (IBEW) Los Angeles, CA 90004 (Independent Expenditure) Support Christine Essel City Council Member - District 02Chris Essel for City Council 2009 - General (1321633)[Election: 12/08/09] 11/06/09 11/06/09
Printing, production, postage, research FLYER-1 $16,025.00
Printing, production, postage, research FLYER-1 $16,025.00
Local 18 Water and Power Defense League (IBEW) Los Angeles, CA 90004 (Independent Expenditure) Support Christine EsselCity Council Member - District 02Chris Essel for City Council 2009 - General (1321633)[Election: 12/08/09] 11/09/09 11/09/09 Printing, production, postage, and research FLYER-2 $13,469.00
Local 18 Water and Power Defense League (IBEW) Los Angeles, CA 90004 (Independent Expenditure) Support Christine EsselCity Council Member - District 02Chris Essel for City Council 2009 - General (1321633)[Election: 12/08/09] 11/10/09 11/10/09 Printing, production, postage, and research FLYER-3 $14,280.00
Los Angeles Police Protective League PAC Los Angeles, CA 90017 (Independent Expenditure) Support Christine EsselCity Council Member - District 02Chris Essel for City Council 2009 - General (1321633)[Election: 12/08/09] 11/11/09 11/11/09 Radio Advertisement RADSC-4 $65,000.00
Los Angeles Police Protective League PAC Los Angeles, CA 90017 (Independent Expenditure) Support Christine EsselCity Council Member - District 02Chris Essel for City Council 2009 - General (1321633)[Election: 12/08/09] 11/11/09 11/11/09
Mailer MAIL-5 $10,201.00
Mailer MAIL-5 $10,201.00
Los Angeles Police Protective League PAC Los Angeles, CA 90017 (Independent Expenditure)
Support Christine EsselCity Council Member - District 02Chris Essel for City Council 2009 - General (1321633)[Election: 12/08/09] 11/11/09 11/11/09 Electronic opt-out, data list, series of 7 email advertisements OTHER-2 $4,800.00
Support Christine EsselCity Council Member - District 02Chris Essel for City Council 2009 - General (1321633)[Election: 12/08/09] 11/11/09 11/11/09 Electronic opt-out, data list, series of 7 email advertisements OTHER-2 $4,800.00
Simply, Paul Krekorian is not going to win the money battle in this race, but Krekorian can offset the Essel monetary advantage with the efficient use of his "grass roots" resources.
What will be of interest in the days ahead is whether the Los Angeles County Democratic Party and SEIU, both Krekorian supporters, counter the IBEW and PPL expenditures with their own monetary resources.
Your thoughts...............
Labels: cd2 special election runoff, Chris Essel, IBEW, police protective league
hmmnnnn...choice between the PPL, Electrical Workers and Maria Elena Durazo, SEIU and the County Dems. Which side has more open investigations currently before the Feds?
Who cares? The PPL puts cops in the street pounding on doors to get the voters out.
Bet on Essel, the FULL vessel.
Paul, go get some more money from the Armenian Community; they are not helping you the way they help others...what gives?
"Simply, Paul Krekorian is not going to win the money battle in this race, but Krekorian can offset the Essel monetary advantage with the efficient use of his "grass roots" resources."
Freaking brilliant analysis. I hear there's an opening on CNN.
That kind of brilliance has only been displayed by Phil and "he-who-shall-not-be-named".
Thaks the Lord we only have to hear it now and then.
If Hacopian could raise money, he wold be Shallman.
OK, everyone agrees that Shallman is a dick, but he is a smart one.
All Hacopian has is a weak candidate who cannot raise money and is tied to the Sacramento Tax and Spend Gang.
Essel cruises in this election, with less than 5,000 people voting, she should win handily.
Don't feel bad, Paul, another job will come along soon.
Hmmm, who was the last City Council candidate who said he could "offset the . . . monetary advantage with the efficient use of his 'grass roots' resources."?
Answer: Nick Pacheco, who made almost WORD FOR WORD the same claim, versus Jose Huizar, also in a special election back in 2005, also running against someone endorsed by the incumbent, who was also popular enough to have gone on to win a citywide office.
Pacheco lost by about 20 percentage point, right?
Is it all finally starting to dawn on you now?
Grass roots victories in L.A., versus money and the power of the incumbency, rank right up there in the mythology with unicorns and the Easter Bunny.
That's a LOT of PPL money to pour into a local race like this. What do they want? Keeping the force small and keeping compensation high rather than expanding the force as any Chief wants (are Koretz and Smith's positions coincidental?), and what the community wants. Add Parks, Perry, Zine and others who try to micro-manage the Chief and the PPL's influence can be greater.
Staving off the need for transparency when it comes to public access to officer disciplinary procedures. Buying someone they can control. Someone more beholden to them than the Chief with whom they're often in direct conflict, as often with Bratton and Beck will continue his basic policies so -
All over the web now we're seeing the PPL called Police Political League and not as a compliment. Since Weber took over with his little clique less than a year ago. The rank and file is not happy.
What is this, bash Essel Day on Mayor Sam? Your bias is showing.
Why is anyone surprised that the thug is buying Essel, considering he owns her matron, Greuel? Birds of a feather.
What a bunch of assholes those Police Political League bastards are. They can't get their cops a raise because the city council members they bought and paid for told them NO. They collect over $6 million in cop dues and can't do shit for them. They spent a fortune on Nuch. Now they are in bed with developers, special interests and giving Essel all that money. Cops say their union never ask them about shit. How do we get the Police Political League Audited? Cops want to know where their money is going. OMG when everyone else has canceled Xmas party because of economy, PPL is still having one but not for cops but for politicans. BASTARDS
Good news for Christine Essel!!
The news can't possibly be all-Paul all the time....although some would have you think otherwise.
It is still going to be a close fight.
Paul has the Democrats and the labor unions.
Chris has the big money donors and the slick mail campaign.
Who can get people out to vote?
We all know Krekorians camp likes to go to retirement homes and "round up" those ballots.
I predict a disputed outcome.
Hey rank and file Officers, Do you know that your PPL is spending your money to help developers ruin your neighborhoods and the DWP to taking money from your kids college funds. I bet not...you should get together and call for an investigation.
Let's see what happens with with the PPL's outcries to the middle class general public who pays the bills, when they want community support to negotiate your contracts for raises. Don't hold you breath.
Get smart Officers, you are being sold down the river by "by those who are supposed to be one of you."
"Follow the money, take a look at their personal finances, call for an investigation and kick their ass out of Office - NOW They didn't fight for you, your community members did. They have proven to be infective and extremely repulsive future politicians!
Greuel's reputation is on the line in this runoff. That is what really makes it interesting. Her name is all over Essel's campaign. Wendy cannot afford to have her candidate lose in her territory. I would imagine Wendy brokered the IBEW support.
We all know Krekorians camp likes to go to retirement homes and "round up" those ballots.
Geez, Jennerjahn, do you really think this is Chicago in the 1960s, and people are so dead set on filling a partial City Council term they'd risk prison for vote tampering?
Is one of his people going to walk into the polls with a briefcase full of completed ballots they "rounded up"?
Or, are you suggesting senior citizens have no right to vote, especially if they need help getting to the polls.
Other than you can't show well in an election yourself, what exactly is it you've got against people exercising their right and responsibility to vote?
Too bad cops don't know the truth about the corrupt bullshit their Police Political League is doing behind their backs. They never tell officers.Here's a breakdown of this year:
$750,000 for Nuch Trutanich
$240,000 for cushy retreat for PPL in June
$100,000 Xmas party for politicans
$100,000 for Paul Koretz campaign
$100,000 for Chris Essel campaign
The PPL is spending a tons of money on their political hack Paul Vaney and a lot for pr guy Eric Rose who works for Harvey Englander who represents all the lobbyists and city council members. Cops don't have a chance in hell getting what they deserve because of this bullshit. NOTHING FOR THE COPS.
It's over for Paul Kervorkian. He'll have to go back to the job the dumb voters elected him to in the assembly.
Is it too getting too late to recall this schmuck?
I predict that Krekorian is TOAST.
He's done.
Put a fork in him.
Way to go Shallman.
Hacopian, fire Higby. (again)
Sail on! Sail on! Oh great Vessel flowering sails
As you skim across the froth
Leaving detrus behind in your wake.
Once the seas were calm but now they boil
With loud breezes pushing others one way or another
But you, great Vessel sail on
Untouched by the evil Higby
Sail on! Sail on! Sail on!
Real interesting stuff, because if you go to the ethics site Krekorian has out mailed Essel, IBEW and PPL.
It ain't how much money you have, is how smartly you spend it.
Go ask President Romney.
If you have some pull with Krekorian tell him to have his campaign stop calling me.
They have mailed me, called me, knocked on my door multiple times.
I swear I am voting for him, just make them stop.
It will take a half a dozen consultants to beat Hacopian in a race like this.
At the end, it still wont work.
"I predict that Krekorian is TOAST."
Based on what? some crappy radio and Cable the few voters that are likely voters in this election will ever see?
This is just some consultants taking the cops for a ride.
This is all a waste of money.
Only hard core homeowner/activist types and Armenians excited about voting for one of their own are going to vote in a special election in December.
If this was in March, Essel might have been able to pull it off.
The problem for her is that both groups of likely voters are with Paul, so Boss Brian is just pissing against the wind.
Ditto on that one, I worked with Eric in a race in Long Beach earlier this year.
His campaigns are pictures of ruthless discipline and of maximizing dollars.
It is foolish to think some IE TV spots will flip this election.
What happens to Frank Sheftel and Phil Jennerjahn when they're the only ones standing eating cheetos and costco cookies at Essel's defeat party?
In the music business, the guys who make the strings and picks and CD's make the money- It's a crap shoot for the artists.
Same with the campaigns. Bottom Feeders really don't care who wins as long as they get paid.
It's obvious that Essel's peeps are doing just that- And scary that she cannot, and does not, manage their spending or profit.
Not a good attribute for a civic leader these days.
"Business" as usual.
This election is more entertaining than watching re-runs of Titanic. We all know that money talks and Essel getting out now, at the very moment the mailers for the lazy assed postal voters are arriving, is going to decide this election. It's classic Shallman and it's most likely welcome to City Hall for Chris Essel.
I just wish Mary Benson had been in the run-off with Walter Moore and Berger to spice things up a little. If it had been Paul battling it out with Mary, it would have been far more satisfying to see the Sacramento cruise liner hit the iceberg and sink. As things stand, Paul's going down hard.
Shallman's going to do a last-minute radio and tv and mail bombardment, all coming at once. However many of the voters will be absentee so Paul's got the advantage so far.
Pathetic that things have come DOWN to and I mean DOWN to the flashiest campaign, not the person's demonstrated commitment to public service and what they've DONE. Too easy to make stuff up that are lies or which are just plain unrealistic, and candidate can't deliver on in real world..
One of Shallman's lies is on Paul's voting record - "Yes" on every tax and spend proposal, and worse, "Yes" on opening the prison gates on 40,000 felons who mostly come from Los Angeles, and will be home for Christmas.
It's not true. OK Paul did vote for those things, but he did not vote "yes," he voted "Aye" so there.
It's also another Shallman lie that Paul is only using CD2 as a stepping stone to run for Mayor in 2013. Paul is going to run for Controller instead. Gotcha there in another lie Shallman.
Krekorian has dominated all communication with voters both in the primary and now in the run off.
Ask any voter in CD2 they will all tell you the same thing.
No last minute shit is going to decide an election when the only voters are the clued in folks.
Essel lost this race months ago when she failed to gain any community support.
All the rest is just yakety yak.
Police Political League started to air their radio commercials yesterday on KFI. They dont' do anything for their cops but send an In & Out truck once a year but collect over $6 million in cop dues to spend on political campaigns. TEAMSTERS TEAMSTERS TEAMSTERS is the word cops are using these days after finding out the DWP got a raise and LAPD didn't.
12:46 - Go elsewhere until the CD 2 campaign is over. The remaining 1/15th of you need to care.
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