Caption this contest..............
Your thoughts and comments appreciated
This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
"those are two constituents I'll personally handle.... oops to bite my lip to keep from smiling..."
"I will give her a six figure job, and she'll give me a five star blowjob. Then I will scream at her and she'll quit and sue the city."
Here's my caption: "Red Spot is a jealous, sexist, boorish, mostly-illiterate Republican hack who is not funny and probably a virgin"
1:48 PM
I was channeling Kevin Roderick.
"And I thought MAV and I were the biggest boobs ever"
"Move Fracine, I have a new Deputy Chief!"
Chris Essel's new campaign strategist?
"Antonio, we've missed you."
Real classy stuff today fellas.
I'm more convinced than ever Red Spot has something majorly incriminating on Higby. Maybe nekkid pics, maybe something else, who knows but nothing else explains why Red Spot is still allowed here especially after last week with Higby scooping the fishwraps, kicking asses and taking names. Oh well I guess. Male chauvinism = clickety clicks.
Looks like you photo-shopped Huizar's face into the background; and not very well.
Not believable (your caption), because Huizar isn't as illiterate as Rad Spit...
"I'm pre-occupy with these!!"
Damn, RS, even Nick Pacheco got over being this "pre-occupy" with Huizar. That dude must have really shellacked you on something. did he refuse to fix a parking ticket for you? Was Richelle your high school sweetheart (sorry "sweatheat"), or something.
(Or are you Huizar's jilted FIRST wife?)
You post more on Huizar than all the other blog-minders post on the other 13 current CMs combined. And truth be told, Jose just ain't all that interesting. He's cruising through his second term with just slightly more to claim credit for than Tony V's
and only a handful of people even care.
Come on guys. They are free, somebody else has paid for them. Relax, enjoy and share.
Mike, serioulsy? how about a little class. Not a lot...just a little.
Red Spot, isn't your time better spent playing on the freeway or something...
If you hate you representatives so much, run for office!
2:50 p.m.
Either that, or he was getting one of those cheapo outpatient Beverly Hills-adjacent face lifts when he missed the MTA meeting.
Now this gives the Photo of Paul & Hedie some real competition.
What photo you ask? Keep searching and you will be amazed what you will find.
Damn those are bigger than Francine, jennifer and Andrea's combined!!!
Ring.....ring...., hello Richelle it's me jose. I'm going to be a little late today getting home, I have two pressing issues to take care of.
Hey Rick coca, get me an interview with those two, asap little man.
I think I will take them with me on my next weekly Zacatecas trip.
I wonder if I can hire her to breast feed my next child during the day and me during the night?
I can always use my C.L.A.R.T.S. money
1:38 & 1:45 are obvious Red Spot comments. I'll go on a limb and speculate there haven't been many women in his life. Most women aren't attracted to disrespectful pigs.
Wow. Tacky.
I think huzeey found the WMD's tht bush was looking for. Where there is a nice set of racks Huizar is not far behind. That boy is obsessed with boobs. He should just spend the salary increase he NEVER donated but said he would Tobit Richelle a nice set. That way we won't have to hear about all the women he chases around town and city hall.
Can you say competition .....Francine, oops I mean Richelle his REAL wife.
I think Red Spot is trying to get Higby in big trouble with this thread and all the borderline libelous comments
Way to go RS. You sure set the tenor for a compelling exchange of ideas with THIS one. (That's sarcasm if you can't tell).
"See? Money can buy happiness!"
Red Spot, please don't blame your immaturity on Kevin Roderick. You will NEVER amount to ANYTHING resembling Kevin.
Your Mom
In case of water landing, these may be used as flotation devices.
Oh come on. This kind of attention is exactly what this insipid woman wanted when she had those installed.
-(signed) a far less insipid woman
Good one Red Spot. Yup sleazy women with no brains but huge boobies is what Huizar likes. Although didn't Alvin Parra say Huizar plays on the other team and is that why he has so many gay guys working for him? gossip has it that Huizar is going to run his campaign to get re elected using cops and their hard work keeping crime down. Cops hate Huizar in CD 14 and a couple of Cops have that "smoking gun" Video of Huizar criticizing LAPD in Ramona Gardens and showing his support for gang bangers. You can find it on YouTube.
Caption ..... "Given the chance, does anyone believe Red Spot wouldn't love to be a shady corrupt politician chasing beautiful women around and wasting tax money?"
J. Huizar: "I would like to fuck dem titties, and then TELL EVERYONE I KNOW THAT I WENT TO PRINCETON A FEW HUNDRED MORE TIMES."
Seriously, Huizar has an inferiority complex feeling the need to mention his alma mater a hundred times a month.
You can take the brown skins out of the city, but you can't take the city out of the brown skins.
You have good taste, Red Spot. Nothing wrong with admiring hot ladies. She's way better looking than Mayor V.'s GF. The guy standing behind her is pretty hot too.
Just say nice things friends; the lady went through a lot of trouble to look her best. Too bad we don't see more ladies like her in politics.
Okay so here's my caption:
"Don't mean to stereotype, but why do women in big business always end up looking like Chris Essel? Essel would be hot looking if she wasn't so old fashion. It's a choice I guess."
Who is this woman?
"Thanks for the mammories!"
Francine Godoy's tits don't stay up like those why do francine's tits smell like Casas. I knew he was dipping in my stash
My caption submitted at 1:48 clearly won this contest. So. . . what's the prize?
Red Spot! Can you spell J-E-A-L-O-U-S-Y? You should practice that one - J-E-A-L-O-U-S-Y - it's obviously a big part of your life.
anybody seen a six year old boy in there???
8:16 PM
Can you "spoll" N-O-N-S-E-N-S-E??
D`Arcy should hire her for "lactation" lessons at DWP, for 1/100th of the cost.
1:48 PM
Regarding your post,
Here's my caption: "Red Spot is a jealous, sexist, boorish, mostly-illiterate Republican hack who is not funny and probably a virgin"
November 03, 2009 1:48 PM
after consulting with your mom, we have decided to take you to the next "Huizar's Winter Wonderland", in consideration of your fictitious missive.
Papi proud!!
All these postings are Henry Casas and Red Spot talking to themselves.
Red Spot is kind of like the girl in Jr. High who likes the cute guy (Huizar) but expresses it by saying mean things about him all the time because you know for a fact that if RS was in the same room as Huizar or was even so lucky to shake his hand RS would squeal like a Miley Cyrus tweenie. What the hell does "Red Spot" mean anyway??? Actually on second though I don't EVEN WANT TO GO THERE.
Let me correct you. Huizar doesn't chase girls around town or city hall. That was his former staffer henry casas.
-in the valley
Huizar would been like the only male member of the junior high cheerleading squad.
Red Spot sorry ahead of time if you already answered the Question but what did Council Man Huizar do to you?? You are angry and critecize the Council Man for anything no matter how big or how small like calling him Junior High Cheer Leader it just seems like you are really angry at the Council Man for somthing and please accept my deepest of apologys if you answer this question befor but please tell those of us newer Members of the Mayor Sam Sister City so we can know to.
Foxy Lady LA, shame on you for expanding your commentary into these areas. What kind of lady says stuff like that? Stick to attacking LAPD and whoever the Chief happens to be. Imagine if it ever got out who you really are?
dimwit red spit. half the face of someone and you copied the other half with the website of huizar. what is your fascination? red spot likes huizar. red spot likes huizar.
whenever i read red spot's posts i think: "the sky is falling"
No caption, but they're too big. They're hanging out too much. Those false eyelashes are over the top.
But she's cute enough. Just not classy enough to cover herself in public.
Who is she? Huizar's wife?
9:03 Let me correct you!
Henry never chased girls around town or city hall, Henry got the girls!! Huizar on the other hand chased but never got so he had to settle for knocking up his fat wife Richelle or bonking fat Francine and paying for with city dollars.
I've seen Henry's ex and let me tell you, that boy is a lucky man unlike huizar who damned to being with linebacker size chicks.
Caption: hey huezzy dont even think about it, she's out of your league. Leave that for Henry Casas that more his style. You go home and sleep with your pigs.
Cute photo.
That's what happens when you hire Henry Casas. We kicked him out of the valley for the same behavior. We knew it was a matter of time before he got fired by Huizar and Henry would turn on him. He made a mess out here with the women who couldn't stand him. Watch out whoever hires him next. The guy next psychological attention and he doesn't even know it.
--in the valley
Does Henry Casas blog in the early morning hours and sleep all day? Does he have a job yet?
Nice job on the eye makeup.
Celina Mancia and Henry Casas are working for Central City East and SEA respectively.
We noted that in our "Outtakes" post.
7:56 sounds like you are a scorn ex-lover of his, did he break your little heart? Get over it already, just be happy he ever gave you the time of day.
Red Spot you got 58 hits on this. People must be interested enough to post.
Is anyone going to tell us who the attention-whore is?
I mean the woman, not Huizzie.
10:48pm = Bonehead
How about "Now THOSE are some elephant hills worth spending $9 million on!"
"I have 2 in City Hall, 1 in Boyle Heights, maybe she can be my Dumb, Big Titi girl in El Sereno, if she has a friend, I'll hire her in Eagle Rock...then I'll finally have a reason to visit my district offices-in private"
9 million for elephant hill!!!!!! And we still have to see how much more the city hs to pay in damages!!!! This will huant Jose in his re-election!!!! Eagle and Boyle heights and downtown don't care about el sereno. They want more cops, there roads fixed and trees trimed!!!! Say good bye to your 190k a year job Jose. You will finally have to find a real job loser!!!!!
Isn't this photo in the wrong post?? These are the real Elephant Hills!! WooHoo!!!
I think she has the BIGGEST
eyelashes I've ever seen!!
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