Community Leader Endorses Mary Benson in CD 2 Council Race
** Breaking News!! Mary Benson receives the endorsement of KRLA's Kevin James. We appreciate your "thoughtful" comments on this endorsement's impact in the CD 2 Special Election.
** This is a nice read on what the "thoughtful" voters in CD 2 will based their support upon when casting ballots for City Council.
After careful thought and mustering as much awareness as I can, I have decided to publicize my candidate support. When Wendy ran for CD2, I supported her privately, but did not make my support public because I was helping to get the Scenic Corridor approved and feared taking public sides.
For the last several months my life has been filled with one demanding incident after another culminating in the Station Fire. Now slowly adjusting to the horrible requirement of looking at the scorched moonscape and the burnt bunnies while feeding the wildlife in the forest and whiling away the time watching the Commerce cement drying, my mind has quieted. I had an epiphany, realizing that there is little time left, so I was deciding that I had better talk to my friends when I received a call from a good friend of mine and also a good friend of Mary Benson's, asking me to support Tamar. I was shocked and stirred. Then, I was told that other Sunland Tujungans have recently endorsed Tamar.
What I have to say has little to do with the other candidates. It is about Mary Benson. Originally, Mary was my second choice, but my first choice did not run. Therefore, Mary has become my first choice and I am aware that I must be as candid and as persuasive as possible as quickly as I can.
So let's get to it. Who of all these candidates has so much as begun to do for this community that which Mary Benson has done for years? Who?
Who was here in person working tirelessly on behalf of our community during the Station Fire? Who has lived her whole life here amongst us? Who has fought so consistently for trails, for the Rim of the Valley, for historical status for Stonehurst, for the equestrian community, for the watershed? Who has come to all those meetings in Sunland Tujunga for all those years? Who has worked to preserve our open space and rural lifestyle? Who helped to write the grant for the 4 3/4 acres on Oro Vista?Who fought to stop Home Depot? Who is fighting to save the Verdugo Hills Golf Course? Mary Benson that's who!
I have asked why would you support any candidate over Mary? Guess what I have been told almost every time?
"Well, I don't think Mary Benson is electable."
Well, my response is, "You are right! She is not electable unless you vote for her."
For the last several months my life has been filled with one demanding incident after another culminating in the Station Fire. Now slowly adjusting to the horrible requirement of looking at the scorched moonscape and the burnt bunnies while feeding the wildlife in the forest and whiling away the time watching the Commerce cement drying, my mind has quieted. I had an epiphany, realizing that there is little time left, so I was deciding that I had better talk to my friends when I received a call from a good friend of mine and also a good friend of Mary Benson's, asking me to support Tamar. I was shocked and stirred. Then, I was told that other Sunland Tujungans have recently endorsed Tamar.
What I have to say has little to do with the other candidates. It is about Mary Benson. Originally, Mary was my second choice, but my first choice did not run. Therefore, Mary has become my first choice and I am aware that I must be as candid and as persuasive as possible as quickly as I can.
So let's get to it. Who of all these candidates has so much as begun to do for this community that which Mary Benson has done for years? Who?
Who was here in person working tirelessly on behalf of our community during the Station Fire? Who has lived her whole life here amongst us? Who has fought so consistently for trails, for the Rim of the Valley, for historical status for Stonehurst, for the equestrian community, for the watershed? Who has come to all those meetings in Sunland Tujunga for all those years? Who has worked to preserve our open space and rural lifestyle? Who helped to write the grant for the 4 3/4 acres on Oro Vista?Who fought to stop Home Depot? Who is fighting to save the Verdugo Hills Golf Course? Mary Benson that's who!
I have asked why would you support any candidate over Mary? Guess what I have been told almost every time?
"Well, I don't think Mary Benson is electable."
Well, my response is, "You are right! She is not electable unless you vote for her."
Link here to enter the "Mary Benson for City Council" website.
Your thoughts...........................................................
Labels: cd2 special election, Mary Benson
That photo really represents the racial and cultural makeup of Los Angeles, doesn't it? I'm sure they have the needs of ALL Los Angeles residents in their best interests...I mean, you can just tell!
Wow, what a THRILLING, compelling headline that was . . .
ONE (1) resident in CD2 had made a decision.
I can't wait for when you guys start running restaurant reviews.
"Bill eats at Sizzler"
Or, maybe you'll branch out into SPORTS coverage.
"Carlos roots for the Clippers"
Krekorian has a looks like a used car salesman. Galatzan is dreaming of Antonio, her sweetest taboo. The scary one, though, is Essel, who looks like such a sweetheart, but somewhere under that blouse is a circuit board & radio transmitter with Mayor Villaraigosa at the controls.
Hopefully, she will be Antonio's "Political Black Widow".
11:54 LMAO!
Why don't you people want to vote for Zuma Dogg? Can't you see? HE'S GOT INTELLIGENCE! You people don't want to listen. You people don't want to learn!
Of all the times I've said NOONE CARES this time I guarantee I'm right. Literally. NOONE CARES.
The idiots in Council are falling over themselves thanking each other with long speeches and (in Bill Rosendahl's case, nearly tears and references to his advanced age, as though it means wisdom, prayers and religion) pats on their own backs for what a great job they've all done this week. Jan Perry admitted things started with a win-lose mindset, but claims it faded away.
And of course, thanking the "fine working men and women of the city" for joining hands in prayer and apple pie or churros, for "not wasting a crisis" and using it to -- pat themselves on the back. All looking to their next race and soundbites they can quote themselves on, as they grew as human beings and politicians... geez, an hour later they're still going around the horseshoe yacking.
Oh, no now Eric Garcetti is going an Obama or Antonio: pointing out "two little girls, the children of our workers," that they're doing all this for. Thinking about "a homeless man" downtown somewhere, who's in their hearts and minds. (violins - ). "We're all champions of labor and fiscal conservatives, there are no lines that separate..."
Oh no, he's smooth, all right.
I spoke with some of the pro-Benson folks and told them if they want to make a statement they need to organize as the Galatzan and Krekorian people have. As nice as this is its like peeing in the ocean and calling it rain.
Well, I am that one resident and I did not post my endorsement. But in case you are wondering who I am, my name is Elaine Brown, and I have been a non-prominent communtiy activist in Sunland Tujunga for 25 years working with the Chamber of Commerce for sometime, presently sitting on the STNC/LUC and President of the Commerce Owners Business and Restoration Association, Inc. I am endorsing Mary as an individual and not for any organization.
There are numerous people who support Mary and I am asking them to come forth and post on this blog so it is well known that Walter Moore and I are just a teaspoon of the iceing on a very large cake.
Thanks for posting this Red Spot.
Elaine Brown
Sunland, CA
I've made plenty of statements supporting Mary directly to the people who will be voting for Mary. They're the ones that count. Sorry Higby, but your core readership isn't exactly CD2 voters.
I wholeheartedly support Mary Benson for City Council. I've already mailed in my ballot. Yay Mary!
This is worse than the rumor Red Spot posted about some stupid hillbilly bar no one's ever heard of burning down and when it turned out the place was still standing he posted another blog rejoicing about the bar that never burned down in the first place. Christ Jesus almighty!
12:38 p.m.
You're wrong, I actually DON'T care.
hEY, WIde U change ThE hedlion, ReEd Spt?
I actually do want to vote for Zuma, just not for any of the jobs he's run for so far.
I have a long list of positions he's suited for, however.
He'll get my enthusiastic vote just as soon as he lowers his expectations . . .
a LOT!
Don'tcha think someone who's trying out for a $1/4 million salary ought to have at least been worth, oh, maybe -- minimum wage, in his last known "job"?
@:23 PM
Time for you to go play "Dodge Car" on your nearest freeway.
2:37 = Mayor Sam comment of the year. Lol.
Noone doesn't care and the rest of us couldn't care less. Go chew on that one for a while, Red Spot.
One leader endorsed Mary? One?
Who are all these people?
If you don't know who 2:47 is you better act like you know!
I'm going to join 88% of my fellow CD2 citizens and just eat at Sizzler on my senior discount and not vote for anyone.
I can haz a post about who Mrs. Funny Bones endorses??? Does Mr. Edward Monkey haz an endorsement, too?
Edward is writing in his own name.
I think if Mary made the runoff, the people in S-T would be ecstatic. I think if any grassroots candidate makes the runoff, they will win just like Nuch. All their rivals will get behind them.
Remember, CD2 people, if you don't vote . . .
NOONE wins!
(hee, hee, hee!)
Phil, Mary is a Republican Mormon.
Ask anyone. She has lot less support in S-T than you are giving her credit for.
5:22 p.m.
If elected by people who don't vote, I will serve with the same degree of apathy. (And you'll notice no difference in the level of representation from City Hall).
I. M. ("Irving") NOONE
P.S. I really, REALLY don't care (so I'm actually endorsing Zuma Dogg).
Put that in your headline:
"NOONE endorses Z-Dogg"
Ah, the Mormon card.
I'm surprised Mary is a Republican though being so anti-free market.
Higby, at 6:03.
Have you forgotten our (last) Republican president, already?
Maybe it's time for him to make an American Express commercial. Of course he'd call it "American Expression" and that would spoil the effect.
Be like NOONE, vote for Zuma Dogg.
I'm voting against Bill eats at Sizzler and sticking to IHop - they spit in the salad bar at Sizzler and the last time, the bottom of the salad was mushy and the chicken part of the salad bar tasty but I ate too much, can't stop myself. IHop's pot roast and onion rings are so sick.
So we cancel each other out. NOONE wins.
Elaine is a good person, but why did she wait so long to endorse Mary? Was she undecided. Endorsements that come this late in the campaign aren't very useful because there is little time for candidates to tell anyone about the endorsement.
Michael where did you get the impression that Mary is anti-free market?
Mormons are wacks, really.
Judging by comments to Elaine Brown's endorsement of Mary Benson, we may have earned what we get.
If we just one time stick together and vote for our local candidate, we can finally and for the first time have a voice in City Hall actually focused on us. Wow!!
The political pros will do as they alwqays do, repay heavy donors and worship the god of political power. Two are willing to leave jobs that will cost taxpayers millions to fill. The third knows nothing about the area, our interests or our needs. In the SHPOA special newsletter, Ms Essel would not even promise to fight to keep us in CD2 after the census next year.That's scary.
If you care about Sunland/Tujunga/Shadow Hills/Lake View Terrace/La Tuna Canyon, please wash out your mouth with soap and then give serious thought to voting next Tueswday and THEN RE-read Elaine's comments about Mary. They are accurate and I cojuld not respect a neighbor more.
Mary has more support than any other grass roots candidate. With a little cooperation, we actually can put her in office. Think about it!! We might keep the golf course in and the developers out. Wow!!Royan Herman
I've known Mary for 20 years. If she's a Mormon, I didn't know it. I do know that I have no use for bigots.
6:52 - Elaine here. Thanks for the good person bit. You can rest assured that I have widely publicized my endorsement of Mary, but I thought I made it quite clear in my endorsement why I waited and what prompted me to do something, or did you read it?
Actually I did not go into the incidents in my personal life because they are incidental to a candidate endorsement; however, I think I made it clear that I was in the path of the Station Fire. What I did not say was that those of us who were evacuating horses and other pets would never have had any city help from Animal Services if it had not been for Mary.
Antonio nor even a Mayoral Aide was to be found. Paul was missing. Nor was Chris available. Tamar picked up the phone, I hear, and made a couple of calls. If any of the other grassroots candidates appeared on hand with offers of help, I am unaware of it.
But Mary Benson was everywhere, in person, physically at hand, doing everything she could to help us including personally making five stalls and a turnout arena available. One of many very good reasons for voting for Mary Benson.
Just imagine a non-career politician, a grassroots activist, an untainted Councilmember in one of the fifteen CM seats - hard to visulize isn't it?
If that doesn't appeal then go vote for one of the big three and fill that seat with the usual.
Mary is a Mormon and she wears bullet proof underwear. She also believes that Jesus is coming to St. Louis when he returns. Just what we need, another wacko on the City Council.
I hope everyone is as not amused as I with the guy making nasty and stupid remarks about a Council candidate, especially the only one who will actually serve this area.
You are NOT funny.
You do NOT know Mary.
You do NOT have good sense.
Just shut up already.
Oh, 8:06 - I am so sad for you. I send you light and love. You really need it.
Sorry, it's not nice, but I am laughing my ass off on this thread. Good stuff, people.
I hope everyone carefully reads Elaine [7:59 pm] .
What a perfect time for all the candidates to show what they're made of and what kind or support they'll really give.
Not one of the male candidates lifted a finger? I wouldn't lift a finger to vote for any of them that didn't show up in time of crisis. You sure couldn't count on them for the mundane if they aren't there in time of need.
Come on, if Mary has an ounce of humor she's laughing about the bullet-proof underwear right this minute. Also - vote Mary Benson! Kevin hurry up and endorse! GO!
Since when does the religion of a person have anything to do with their right or ability to be a Councilmember in the City of Los Angeles?
Give me brains, integrity, an open mind, common sense, and perseverence, and you can have the charisma and good looks..
"I personally fully endorse Ms. Mary Benson to represent our community and will vote to elect her to Council District 2 in the upcoming September 22nd special election.
Ms. Benson has the leadership experience and community roots that are sadly absent from LA city hall.
Ms. Benson is a leader in our community, and she is not a career politician. She is not beholden to tree hugger types, nor development special interests.
I am Ricky Grubb, and this is my personal endorsement.
I currently serve as the elected environmental Representative of the Sunland Tujunga Neighborhood Council."
Ricky Grubb
Naturalist and Photographer
Sunland Tujunga
Neighborhood Council
"I personally fully endorse Ms. Mary Benson to represent our community and will vote to elect her to Council District 2 in the upcoming September 22nd special election.
Ms. Benson has the leadership experience and community roots that are sadly absent from LA city hall.
Ms. Benson is a leader in our community, and she is not a career politician. She is not beholden to tree hugger types, nor development special interests.
I am Ricky Grubb, and this is my personal endorsement.
I currently serve as the elected environmental Representative of the Sunland Tujunga Neighborhood Council."
Ricky Grubb
Naturalist and Photographer
Sunland Tujunga
Neighborhood Council
Mary Benson is the dark horse in this race. She's not one of Antonio's 3 and she is the most qualified of all the candidates, and the one with the closest and most stable connection to CD2.
Essel doesn't live in CD2, Krackorian is a blow in, and Tamar Galatzan is a fake who took a double dip of City Attorney money and LAUSD money, and doesn't do either job.
Mary Benson is the best candidate.
Well, I may be one supporter of Mary Benson, but I have company. Thank you, Kevin! Elaine
Hoorah for Mary Benson!!!
Thank you Kevin, go Mary go!!!!!!
Whoo Hoooo, let's take back out city one Council District at a time!
WE MUST UNITE! If you didn't believe Mary could get elected, what do you think now? Yes, she can win! All you have to do is vote for her! eb
Mary Benson is a wind bag.
She has no chance and never will.
Her supporters should get their heads on straight and focus on someone who the entire CD2 can get behind.
It ain't her.
Party up tonight. You won't be on Tuesday..
Very smart move Elaine. It appears you aren't the only one. I'm so glad you aren't one of the former Home Depot fighters who endorsed Galatzan. I lost all respect for them and honestly wish they would get a Home Depot now. They made a bad, bad decision and there is more behind that story because you know they don't think that Tamar Galatzan is the best choice.
For that reason, I even hope that Chris Essel gets in to the runoff instead of Tamar, just to show them that they're aren't as important in CD 2 as they like to believe.
Joe, Abby, Tomi - losers, losers, sell-outs. Despicable sell-outs.
Mary would be an excellent grassroots choice. But Zuma would shake things up. CC needs shaken up.
Krekorian is the only candidate of the "3" who is worthy.
Krekoprian is leaving the State Assembly job he only got this year to a better pay check from City Hall. Then you and I get to pay for another special election to fill his seat. Now that's what I call caring about the people.
10:58 doesn't know the facts. Krekorian was elected to the Assembly in 2006. And Krekorian does care about the people. He wants to be more hands on locally. He has already made quite an impression in that regard over the last several years by having a strong presence and for getting things done in his Assembly District, a lot of which is in CD2. He's got a broad range of experience. On the other hand, Benson's a one trick pony, focused only on Sunland-Tujunga. Might be good for them but not for anyone else. But evidently not all of S-T agrees since some have endorsed Tamar and some Paul.
Well, if Mary is a trick pony, she's one Helluva trick pony and she's one Helluva Land Use-Trick Pony. Mary Benson knows Land Use Tricks better than all of these trick ponies put together.
Don't you have terrible land use problems down there in Studio City? Don't you need someone who knows how to gallop around that horseshoe?
Well, that is Mary Benson!
4:23 Mary lives in Sun Valley but she is has been an advocate for all community members regarding issues benefiting community members city wide and she has a proven tract record regarding the following issues: preservation of Rim of the Valley, evironmental issues and quality of life issues. She vigerously opposed the following: Measure B, SB-1818, Sober Living Homes in residential neighborhoods, McMansions and CRA's that are the wrong fit for neighborhoods.
If that's being a "trick pony" we need fore of them.
Yes, Mary Benson WILL gallop around the horseshoe.
The machine is quite familiar with Mary and is already aware that Mary knows a trick or two.
What is going to be most difficult for the CMs will be dealing with her pleasant manner, her fearlessness, intelligence, and integrity in the midst of the encumbent atomosphere of corruption and lies.
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