Frank Sheftel Fights for the Freedom of CD 2 Voters...Again!
Troubling information is coming out today that there is yet another exclusionary event taking place in the special election for the City Council seat in CD 2. If you remember the Mayor Sam article I wrote called "VICA : Elitists, Snobs and Phonies" , it seems that this troubling situation is occurring again.
Christopher Alan is the Managing Member of Victory Towne Centre, LLC, and the principal of Dasher Lawless, Inc., the developer that will manage the construction of the Property. Mr. Alan has been involved in construction and development projects since 1988 and as been a licensed California General Contractor since 2001. During Mr. Alan’s 18 plus years in the construction industry he has both overseen and been involved in the day-to-day construction and development of projects across four states. Mr. Alan has been responsible for a variety of real estate
development and construction projects with total values approaching the better part of $1 billion. Mr. Alan is currently in the process of entitling and developing two mixed-use projects with a combined size of over 100,000 square feet of retail, office and residential units. Those projects
are Piazza di Oliva which is located in Burbank, California and La Cienega Place which is located on the west side of Los Angeles. The estimated finished values on these two projects are expected to exceed $24 million and $33 million, respectively. Mr. Alan is responsible for all
aspects of the two projects, including obtaining entitlements as well as overseeing construction. World Oil, Inc., which is a privately held company, is Mr. Alan’s financial partner on these projects, and has been involved in numerous other projects with Mr. Alan over the years.
Mr. Alan currently resides in an adjacent area very close to the Victory Towne Centre project and is very familiar with Valley Glen, the neighborhood in which Victory Towne Centre is located. He has both lived and worked in the immediate area for close to 10 years. Mr. Alan’s
company office is located directly across the street from the project itself. Mr. Alan has experience building both commercial and residential projects in Valley Glen and is currently in the process of constructing a condominium project with 14 units as well as two single family
homes in the immediate area. As a resident and business owner in the Valley Glen area, Mr. Alan has been involved as a council member of the Valley Glen Neighborhood Council as well as the Valley Glen Homeowners’ Association. He has developed relationships with other
homeowners and business owners in the area as well as having a valuable working relationship with Los Angeles Councilwoman, Wendy Gruell and her staff, who represent the area.
Mr. Alan is a native of Florida and has been living in Southern California for over 10 years. He is a graduate of Youngstown State University.
So the fact that Zuma Dogg "has been bashing Judy Price" on his blog, is supposed to make her and the group MORE inclined to invite all of the rabble-rousers? Anything to keep Zuma Dogg out is fine with me, he wastes enough of our time in city council and we all know what he has to say from that and his blog. Plus he's the carpetbagger without even a carpet, just a foul mouth and intnet to slam certain candidates. Lowers the level of discourse wherever he goes.
I otherwise see your point about fairness, but there have been enough debates with all the candidates, and they get too little time each with so many, they're too fractures, and let's face it, these 3 are the ones with a real chance at making a runoff.
Stay focused 3:36 this is not about ZD. It is about one of the largest developers hedging his bets and covering all his bases so he will be in a better postion to take advantage as his project on Vanowen as it moves forward.
This just makes it clear that all three are paddling up the same stream and the water is as brown as all the rest of the polluted steams leading into and out of city hall.
Benson, Sheftel, Sanchez are all possible contenders.
Don't underestimate the Grassroots people this time
around. The fact that this is hosted by a big developer
is what's the big news. Trying to sway the vote in there
favor. WAKE UP CD2 !!!
Says who? Do you have a crystal ball? The media as well as this blog is trying to influence this the race and as usual it is all about money!
It is absurdly naive to tar everyone with the same brush just because they "consort with developers." The only way to achieve controlled growth that strikes a balance between the needs of the community and generating revenue is to engage them and all parties involved.
The likes of McCue who want "no more development until all the infrastructure is built up and fixed" are naive. Where do they expect to get the money otherwise, it's a chicken and egg. The only other option is higher property and sales taxes and fees, ALL OF which the city is already doing. Creating backlash.
Meanwhile, the smaller cities all around us ARE achieving this balance, not taking it out on their residents, instead keeping up much better in providing social services. Even the modest ones like Burbank and Glendale, Culver City, as well as the small "tony" ones like West Hollywood, Beverly Hills and Santa Monica.
Also, we are suffering the traffic and congestion anyway, but no benefits. This attitude makes the minor candidates more "minor" than the fact they haven't raised money. Lack of real-world sense.
Whoever the Zuma basher is has given more credibility to him than anyone, or anything else. Take it from me- this is the way Jesus Christ got popular.
Keep it up, fool- you know not what you do.
9:44, you are comparing Zuma Dogg to Jesus, you idiot, and justifying what even Phil says is "bashing Judy Price" all over the place, to Jesus? You are insane - and if the voters are so stupid as to make such a comparison, they deserve him.
So when Sheftel was included in the VICA event he didn't say anything. Now that's he excluded he's a patriot?
Zuma Doggg is delusional posting on his blog he's going to make the runoff.
No, I said my indications (and don't worry what they are) say I'm in the Top 3. And whether YOU choose to believe it, or not, I feel the type of momentum you could expect there to be surrounding Zuma Dogg in this "protest vote" environment in the way that City Hall fears most.
So, I'm just saying, I though ZD was OUT of it, cause I felt it was going to a BIG 3 MONEY raiser, but it's my belief there is some research out there indicating the "ZD factor" is in effect.
Mock away, spin-losers. I've been mocked for 3 years and now I'm in the Top 3.
(Don't loose your mind, yet. Maybe it will stay at 3, and it isn't 2 already.)
Big surprise! Jennerjahn gets it wrong once again. The meet & greet sponsored by Christopher Alan is not a public event. It is private. Threat to democracy? C'mon. You're joking, right? Sheftel should stick to his pot shop and stop trying to create an issue where there is none. If this is the way he will conduct himself as a city councilmember, run don't walk to the nearest exit.
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