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Monday, November 03, 2008

But it was only a little white lie...

All the way to the last minutes of the game and they still can't resist lying to us. I smell fear alright. OK, sure, these two Dems are guilty of Kerrian nuance, but this is blatant distortion. If one's case is solid enough, they don't need to resort to lying, do they?

"I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian, it's also a sacred union. God's in the mix."

— Sen. Barack Obama, Interview with Rick Warren,
Saddleback Church, August 16, 2008

"Neither Barack Obama nor I support redefining from a civil side what constitutes marriage. We do not support that."

— Sen. Joe Biden, Vice Presidential Debate,
October 2, 2008

This one is so easy it's amusing, as will be my message to the Mormon church at the end of this post. Umm, guys, Obama never said anything about civil marriage. He said, speaking to an Evangelical crowd, that for him 'God is in the mix.' That doesn't say anything about marriage law, only his relationship with God. He's not a theocrat, so I don't think Obama supports the initiative as much as our right-wing friends would like to believe.

As for Biden, he said that the Dem ticket doesn't support redefining civil marriage. Since same-sex marriage is not legal in most states, but is in a few, and since it is currently legal here in California, that quote is a tacit endorsement against Prop 8. Duh.

... and for the LDS, a little blast from the past:



Blogger Unknown said:

Did you hear villaraigosa on McIntyre this morning contradict himself tons of times on Prop 8. He was all over the place and Doug nailed him on it. If Obama wins at least no one can say the so called Rock Star Latino Mayor had anything to do with it. HE DID NOTHING TO HELP THE DEMOCRATS.

November 03, 2008 3:07 PM  

Blogger Anonymous said:

If I told you that Rush Limbaugh says the presidential race is a dead heat, I know you wouldn't believe it, so you can find the link to his website below.


CNN reports that Ed Rollins, Republican political strategist is predicting an Obama landslide -- 352 electoral votes. Alex Castellanos, another Republican strategist, gives Obama 318 votes.

Kansas City's Catholic Bishop Robert Finn urged voters to oppose Obama and said that their eternal salvation was at stake.

"You make yourself a participant in the act of abortion and you mustn''t do it because your eternal salvation is tied up with that important choice," Finn said.

Remember those radio guys from Montreal who pretended to be the French President and got Sarah Palin to talk to them? Now they explained that they only get to use 30% of the jokes they wrote before people smarten up. With Palin they simply ran out of jokes and she still didn't get it.

November 03, 2008 4:45 PM  

Blogger Anonymous said:

Being Joe the Plumber is not without its perks.

Toledo police pulled over Joe for doing 50 in a 35 zone.

They let him go with a warning. One of the factors at play was that a clerk in the PD is being investigated for looking up Joe's address.

The police report says Wurzelbacher was given a warning because of that investigation and because a citation could have "negative repercussions to the department and city.'"

November 03, 2008 4:52 PM  

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