You Can't Fight Hate With Hate
In the discussion of the anti-same-sex marriage ballot measure, Proposition 8, much has been said against those who support the measure and hence wish to outlaw same-sex marriage rights. And sadly much of that has been bigotry towards Christians, chiefly Mormons and Catholics.
It is true that a number of evangelical Christian, Mormon and Catholic organizations have supported the Yes on 8 measure. It is also true that a number of religious organizations however have endorsed marriage equity and the No on 8 campaign (including Catholic and Mormon groups).
Which brings me to an important point. One of the chief Christian churches that not only opposes Prop 8 but has a long (back to the 70s) and strong record of support for the rights of gays and lesbians and same-sex marriage. That would be the United Church of Christ, the very denomination that both Barack Obama and I belong to.
Which to me makes it more disingenious that Obama does not support same-sex marriage and claims it for religious reasons. While I take issue with Senator John McCain, Senator Joe Biden and Governor Sarah Palin's stance on the issue, all three are members of denominations (McCain - Southern Baptist, Biden - Roman Catholic, Palin - Non-denominational Evangelical) that have a historic opposition to same-sex marriage.
Obama needs to come clean and say that he either opposes gay marriage for political reasons or personal reasons because our church doesn't hold the belief he says it does. Of course I was baptized into the church a good 24 years before Obama was so maybe he missed that Sunday School class.
It is true that a number of evangelical Christian, Mormon and Catholic organizations have supported the Yes on 8 measure. It is also true that a number of religious organizations however have endorsed marriage equity and the No on 8 campaign (including Catholic and Mormon groups).
Which brings me to an important point. One of the chief Christian churches that not only opposes Prop 8 but has a long (back to the 70s) and strong record of support for the rights of gays and lesbians and same-sex marriage. That would be the United Church of Christ, the very denomination that both Barack Obama and I belong to.
Which to me makes it more disingenious that Obama does not support same-sex marriage and claims it for religious reasons. While I take issue with Senator John McCain, Senator Joe Biden and Governor Sarah Palin's stance on the issue, all three are members of denominations (McCain - Southern Baptist, Biden - Roman Catholic, Palin - Non-denominational Evangelical) that have a historic opposition to same-sex marriage.
Obama needs to come clean and say that he either opposes gay marriage for political reasons or personal reasons because our church doesn't hold the belief he says it does. Of course I was baptized into the church a good 24 years before Obama was so maybe he missed that Sunday School class.
Labels: Barack Obama, joe biden, john mccain, proposition 8, same-sex marriage, sarah palin, united chui
I don't see this as a religious issue at all although I VERY MUCH appreciate our religious institutions help in supporting Prop 8. They ARE the foundation of centuries of enduring family lineage.
This is a family issue. Specifically this means families that are raising non-adult children today and families who will someday have children tomorrow. They are the ones who will be most affected If Prop 8 fails.
I support your right to civil unions that give -legal- rights to same sex couples. However when it comes to marriage that's a very different thing and this is why I am voting YES on PROP 8.
Why? It's all about children. Our children.
Preserving marriage between a man and a woman sends a number of powerfully important messages to our children that helps to preserve and continue the legacy of our families. Even if our children are adopted.
If the State of California tells our children that there is no difference between marriages that consist of a dad and a mom over the alternatives that being imposed upon us by people like Gavin Newsom, then that -will- have a deeply corrupting influence on families over time.
Same sex couples have made their decisions. They're adults. They made their decisions as adults and they understand the obstacles ahead of them. They also have legal standing as a couple if they choose civil unions. If they have adopted a child to raise in a family of same sex parents the again they understand the obstacles ahead of them and they have willingly chosen that path. While I can appreciate the challenges that Jason and his partner encounter, they apparently don't appreciate our challenges as families who find that legacies are important our families and our children. Our challenges shouldn't have to include steering our children clear of a new government sanctioned definition of marriage.
Offering marriages alternatives to our children outside of that between a man and a woman creates profound risks to families. Most families look forward to watching our children grow to become adults (not to quickly though). We look forward to them dating, marrying and experiencing the birth of their own children like we did. We look forward to having grandchildren that share many of the same physical traits that our son's and daughters have, traits that they inherited from us. Someday we look forward to sharing the values our parents shared with us and handing them down to our children and grandchildren.
Until that judicial fiat late last Spring by the Ron George court, marriage -was- between a man and a woman. 60% of Californian's voted to hold that up as a standard. It wasn't the voters that chose otherwise, it was the California Supreme Court who chose to ignore the majority of Californians.
Later Attorney General Jerry Brown found that Supreme Court decision as a opening to manipulate the ballot title and the language of the measure to make it appear that we are taking away someone's rights. Rights that have never existed before then.
In my opinion, the issue of marriage should always defer to the interests of families. After all, families have to live with the consequences of our mistakes when raising our children. When judges, elected leaders or school boards screw up by their decisions, they just quietly distance themselves from our problem and blame it on us for not taking an active enough role in our child's development.
If marriage is upheld by defeating Prop 9, it will not have been by the solid support of the public, instead it will have been by a tortured series of decisions by very powerful individuals. If Prop 8 is defeated, California’s acceptance of same sex marriage will be held at arms length.
How 'bout this one: "Heather has Two Obammies!" WOO-HOO!!
Children are totally overrated.
NO ON 8.
Sleep tight, westchesterparents.
Our school has a proud tradition of welcoming families of all races, religions, nationalities and genders!
Our recently transferred and much beloved Assistant Principal is in a same-sex relationship and the family recently welcomed the birth of their second child! Hooray! Welcome Baby Miko!! We miss you all!
To tell the many children of our same-sex parent families that they are not the same as families with straight parents is wrong and discriminatory. They are just as much an American Family as my own, and as such are subject to the same rights as the rest of us.
I am voting NO ON 8 for the children. To protect our children from discrimination and hate. ALL our children.
To you will be glad to know I will be voting NO on proposition 8 and voting to have a GAY PRIDE parade in WestChester.
TransSexual Parade Committee Chairman
Big Jim ...who Loves Trannies
Like, 2:06 has totally convinced me!
Children are overrated, I agree.
You must of had a bad childhood,
Children can never be over rated.
It's call LOVE.
I wonder why?
Male and Female = Child
Male and Male = zero?
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