Ask Sarah!
Those darn Democrats have gone and rented an electronic billboard outside of the Palin rally in Carson!
"To submit a question for our electronic billboard, text the keyword ASK then the question to the number 69866
For example, send to 69866: ASK You said you'd run a respectful campaign on the issues, what happened?
Keep your questions under 160 characters including spaces and remember to keep them family friendly since we're showing them in public.
Here is a better view:
Of course I had to ask her if she agreed that there should be No Home Depot in Sunland-Tujunga.
"To submit a question for our electronic billboard, text the keyword ASK then the question to the number 69866
For example, send to 69866: ASK You said you'd run a respectful campaign on the issues, what happened?
Keep your questions under 160 characters including spaces and remember to keep them family friendly since we're showing them in public.
Here is a better view:
Of course I had to ask her if she agreed that there should be No Home Depot in Sunland-Tujunga.
Labels: sarah palin
Mr. Joe B(ama),
Is Latham & Watkins working with the Obama Campaign to bring some dead people from Cook County and give them orange t-shirts to chant "Viva Home Depot"??
Can we flash Obama's birth certificate across the screen??
Hom much tay payers money did ACORN get to help put the economy in the pits??
Did Bill Ayers use Home Depot nails in those Pipe Bombs??
Are those hair transplants on Biden's head??
....more to come.
1.Probably, L&W works all sides.
2.Not Up To Me!
3.However much they may or may not have gotten, it certainly was no factor in Bush tanking the economy.
4. Home Depot wasn't around then.
5. I'll ask him next time we're
sipping margaritas.
If I vote for you, do you promise to keep your religious views in-check? I want a VP/President, not someone inflicting her religious beliefs on me.
Pledge this publicly, and you have my vote.
Can you please stop winking at me?
It's embarrassing!
Re the religious views, she never imposed them in her job as governor or mayor. She has already said she would not impose them as VP but is in favor of a culture of life and does believe in God. If that's enough for Obama (This is not the Rev. Wright I knew) then it should be enough for her.
So, the rest is up to you.
You obviously have swallowed the DEM Kool-Aid! Bush did NOT tank the economy...Barney Frank and Chuckie Schumer tanked the economy when they fought tooth and nail to keep Bush,McCain from REULATING Freddie and FAnnie in 2002!
Bill Clinton, in 1999, signed the Community Reorganization Bill in which he told FAnnie and Freddie that he wanted them to up the number of subprime loans from 20% to 50%!
Fannie and Freddie were DEREGULATED by Bill Clinton in 1999! Prior to that, they were both in great financial shape!
Obama SUPPORTS deregulation!
Obviously, so does McCain... NOW!
In 1999, Clinton was the first "Black President", and this was his 'gift' to Blacks...his version of REPARATIONS TO BLACKS!
Sarah Palin has set women back 100 years with her sexist attitude thinking that will help get her elected. The lipstick, winking, talking about high heels is all bullshit. Professional women around the country have worked hard to get rid of these type of sexist remarks and attitudes. She obviously doesn't have a brain because she couldn't answer questions at the debate. Why is the McCain campaign now going to not allow the media access to Sarah, why didn't the McCain campaign tell Sarah they pulled out of Michigan? She read it in the paper, and wearing $5,000 suits does not make you the model for the Average American Woman.
Sarah, why were you so easy on that twit Biden?
Mister Joe B.: Per your third comment - the economy tanking was caused by the "Everybody Deserves A House" program originated under Bill Clinton, which started the whole sub-prime lending fiasco. President Bush continued the program, but it wasn't his fault that the economy tanked - it was the fault of the lenders and real estate agents who got way too greedy.
I speak from personal experience regarding greedy real estate agents, who tried every trick in the book to rope me into a sub-prime mortgage. I stitpulated that there was to be NO second mortgage at a variable rate, and both the agents and the underwriters didn't listen; instead they inserted clauses which mandated subprime second mortgages AND balloon payments. Rather than to buy, I walked away from the lot of them, preferring to save my money and let it earn interest instead.
Unlike you, I've charted the economic history of the USA during the 19th and 20th centuries. I've observed every boom is followed by a bust - if you don't believe me, light a firecracker!
How do you reconcile the fact that you are the mother of five, a governor, and you want to be vice president with your conservative religious beliefs regarding the subserviant role of women in the world.
How did you carve out an exception for yourself?
According to the Orange County Weekly, right-wing Congressman Dana Rohrabacher used the name "Diana" to visit Sirhan Sirhan in prison in hopes of badgering him into confessing that he was part of an Arab conspiracy to kill Robert Kennedy.
Do you support his efforts and did you help him dress in drag for the visit?
Each time that the campaign asks you to twist the facts and even lie to attack Obama, do you stop and ask yourself, "What would Jesus do?"
8:13 claiming that Sarah's not qualified to be President and sets back women's rights because she wears lipstick and heels is an ugly old faded feminist, part of the reason Hillary's candidacy backfired: the old bra- burning and no-leg-shaving old guard feminists were just saggy, hairy angry things.
There's a huge backlash in girls and women wanting to be all "girlie," from college girls and your "hot moms" to the American Girl stores, the Britney wanna-be's. The ugly women who're the backbone of the Democratic party are not a turn-on.
What does set the women's movement back is Palin's stupidity -- what we've needed is a woman who's hot AND smart, not an illiterate dummy who can't name a single periodical she reads ("whatever they put in front of me" suggests an idiot who can't function on her own, a shill for someone else's interests and a token female).
10:34's comment is appropriate: these rightwing evangelical women that deny the right of other women to abort Down's syndrome babies or in cases of incest and rape, who believe dinosaurs walked with man, that a woman is subservient to her husband -- can't be President.
But if you look at religion, Obama's sucking at the Rev. Wright Wrong Way of Religion for 20 years is worse. So I'd exclude the religious issue if I were a McPhalin.
Aren't the Democrats supposed to be worried about wasting electricity and environmental warming from those thousands of light bulbs?
What about the safety issues, as drivers speed by and are urged to text questions?
Maybe they can ask Biden what he thinks about gigantic lighted billboards like the ethnic liberals in our city, Perry, Reyes, Hahn (an honorary black-Latina woman by her choice and votes) and Wesson mostly, are putting up all over to "help the poor?"
During the debate you said you and McCain were part of a "group of mavericks."
I don't know who's writing your sound bites, but that's an oxymoron. A maverick is an individual who isn't part of a group.
We have a guy in Los Angeles, Tom LaBong, who also engages his mouth before his brain, so we understand, but others might not.
Obviously 10:34 doesn't understand the text found in the Book of Genesis, wherein it is clearly stated that male and females are equals... it's the only religous text on the planet which clearly states in one verse: "Male and Female, He created them."
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