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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Zuma Dogg Talks Special Order 40 with Mayor Villaraigosa

Had Matt Dowd not bogarted the situation I think Zuma Dogg could have got more time with the Mayor; however in this piece ZD chats Special Order 40 and transparency in anti-gang programs with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.

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Anonymous Anonymous said:

The Mayor continues to be a big time disappointment. He should not look forward to a second term.

CD-14, where disappointment in CM office 2x now.

May 10, 2008 6:44 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Way to go Zuma, keep making that idiot Mayor uncomfortable

May 10, 2008 7:40 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Zuma lurches at the Mayor, matt dowd butts in and scuttles the "interview," a perfect storm of dysfunction.

May 10, 2008 9:09 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Why is the shady as f*ck "Festival De La Gente" sending out email blasts under the name "LA Daily Blog?" That happens to be the name of Zuma Dogg's blog (LADailyBlog.com)

From: ladailyblog
To: "'recipient'"
Subject: 9th Annual "Festival de la Gente " 2008 Event Info / Change in Venue
Date: Sat, May 10, 2008 09:03 PM

Dear Supporter,

Attached you will find event information for The Nation’s Premiere Dia De Los Muertos or Day of the Dead Celebration.

The 9th Annual “Festival De La Gente /Charity Concert” will feature Artists and Entertainers on Saturday October 4th 2008 at the John Anson Ford Amphitheatre in the Hollywood Hills,

Along with the United States largest Giant paper mache puppet collection (judas/mojigangas).
[WOW...some festival...paper mache puppets are the main attraction...think I'll pass. Sound like something Ed Reyes can enjoy, though.

ZUMA'S REPLY TO Mr. LA Daily Blog Wanna Be Fraud Perpetrator:
"Go work hard, eat your vitamin, and be more like Zuma Dogg...then you won't have to ride my jock tip by defrauding the public into thinking what they are reading was sent by my LA Daily Blog. (http://LADailyBlog.com) Don't worry, I will make sure the truth comes out and you will look like a jackass. Now back up off my tip for the simple fact you're on it like a gnat on the dogg's tip."

WHAT A BUNCH OF COWARDS FOR HAVING TO RIDE ON ZUMA DOGG'S TIP. (For all the shady money that funnels through this event, they should buy their own publicity. But thanks for admitting you CAN'T BUY the PR heat that ZD generates! (HA!)

May 10, 2008 9:58 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Special Order 40 instituted in 1979, which is outdated. Chief Bratton is an advocate of “best practice” and he should bring Special Order 40 into the 21st Century, but I’m NOT confident he has the independence to change it because he is NOT his own boss. The current City Charter makes him a puppet at the Mayor’s disposal and the liberal Mini-ACLU Police Commission that Mayor Villaraigosa has appointed to supervise Batton.

May 10, 2008 11:50 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I doubt anyone outside the readers of this blog are aware of zuma's blog, but I am outraged that there's another Mexican ethnic festival that just has to be "the biggest in the US" just like that stupid Fiesta de Broadway had to be biggest, too, and Huizar admitted he and the Mexicans were competing with all the other Mexican population centers. ON OUR TAXPAYER DIME. THAT ONE COST $160K, JUST A WEEK OR TWO AGO, how much is this STUPID POINTLESS EVENT?

These Mexicans don't even hide that they consider this to be an extension of Mexico, damn the anglos who make up the tax base for this garbage.

If those moronic babbling women at city hall made sense, like adding up just the Mexican events and putting them on a sheet to circulate on this blog and elsewhere, that would have impact. Instead they make themselves as utterly irrelevant as dowd and dogg by their rude behavior, especially the fat one who berates them all the time. And the other two go on about waivers but attack the best ones instead, like the Oscars. Unfortunately they grate on me, the look and sound of them, but waivers for all these Mexican boondoggles at a time of financial crisis is crazy, even many Mexicans would rather have park rangers and rec workers, free use of park and school facilities for sports, etc.

May 11, 2008 7:35 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Finally someone got the mayor on the record that he supports special order 40. Bratton will not change it if the mayor supports it.

They are 2 birds of a feather stick together. Bratton is a good guy except he is a puppet.

May 11, 2008 8:23 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

CORRECTION: Matt Dowd obtained the Mayor's attention first, in chambers. ZD jumped in on that one.
and remember, Matt Dowd is not here to provide Special Order 40 quotes from the Mayor, because this blog cannot obtain them for itself.
you're lucky to get this on your blog at all, better yet, why don't you just redirect all your mayorsam traffic straight to ZumaTimes. saves us all the click when going there by ourselves from here.

May 11, 2008 9:04 AM  

Blogger Zuma Dogg said:

To quote the mayor, "It's true!"

Matt had the mayor's attention first, but ZD jumped in, cause I had the camera - and had to tell the mayor about that asshole Del Rey NC Prez. After that, Matt had his turn (and he had all the time he needed with the mayor). And he was accessible enough that my time didn't get cut short cause of Matt either. (Even though I aksed some tough questions, I think I was also respectful of the mayor -- and didn't turn it into a shout-down fest, or relentless, un-ending questions. I got what I needed (especially since it wasn't a press conference) -- and I didn't interfere with him meeting other people (visitors to city hall) by standing there shouting bad things about the mayor (as a first amendment protest).

So I hope fans of the mayor understand this.

May 11, 2008 12:30 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The Mayor has no sincerity. Why bother with him! Does he know what the word truth means!

May 11, 2008 2:20 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

If it hasn't been clear to you all along, zd, that the Mayor supports SP40, I don't know what is. He AND Bratton call anyone against illegal immigration "immigration haters," at least Bratton does it in public, but of course he's copying the Mayor and Reyes and the rest of them.

Very disappointing that the Mayor not only backs up braindead REyes, but uses him as a national spokesman for illegal employment, like on Lou Dobbs where Dobbs expressed utter disgust at him and Bratton, using "the economy" as an excuse for opposing ICE on enforcing ICE laws, or going near the illegal issue.

Bratton has said SP40 will be here in L A long after he and everyone else are gone -- soon, I hope.

The Mayor's running around the country for HIllary, doesn't fit well with the public's mood on illegal immigration. It's not a bigger issue only because they've already written off L A and Calif.

Not letting the cops ask for illegal status of criminals, even when they're known and previously deported pedophiles like Pedro Ortiz who molested the 6-year old girl and many others - and had already been deported-- or repeat gangbanger Espinoza, Jamiel's murderer, is too unbelievable for most people to comprehend, that any leader even a Mexican can say it.

Obama's "social positions" like this will hurt him against McCain, the pro-Obama L A Times writes in its front section today. Sure will and we'll end up with McCain. The Hillary moderates will deflect to him, too -- he may have won with the liberal Democrats who control the party, but he'll lose the country.

May 11, 2008 4:20 PM  

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