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Friday, May 09, 2008

The Sounds Of Los Angeles

Kommunity FK was one of the first, and definitely the most talented of what became known as the "goth rock" movement that swept Los Angeles in the early 80's. Their lead singer, Patrick Mata, besides having an incredible voice and range, was also a bit of a cult figure in town for many years. He and I got off on the wrong foot at the beginning (he was 2 hours late for a show that my band was the closing act, and so just when we started our set, he basically kicked us off stage), but as the years went by we became friends.

I don't know why this band never rose above their mid level recognition, but they should of. To put his music in a historical perspective, Patrick started this band in 1978. The top hits of that year were "Staying Alive"-the Bee Gees and "You Light Up My Life-Debby Boone. Patrick was way ahead of his time, the term "goth rock" had yet to be invented.

This clip is from a reformed version of Kommunity FK, with Patrick Mata, performing in 1997. The song is "Something Inside Me Has Died", their first underground "hit".

Yea, the gothy shtick may look dated now, but beyond that, Patrick was/is a great songwriter and performer. Wherever you are Patrick, here's to you!

Kommunity FK

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Anonymous Anonymous said:

Please stop this self-whatever, self-satisfying(?) crap.

May 09, 2008 10:41 PM  

Blogger Unknown said:

Yes sir! Sorry for the inconvenience.
Won't happen again for at least a week. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.

May 09, 2008 10:53 PM  

Blogger Michael Higby said:

Keep it up Joe because there's more to life than Villaraigosa, Rocky and Trujillo.

May 10, 2008 1:03 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

You said it Higby.When the Villarz and the Del-gars, and your Hahn-erz get you completely fulla vitri a guy (gal) needs a shot of Goth/Drama. It's like coke for the 21st century.. Keep it up, Joby.

May 10, 2008 5:57 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

But there isn't SUPPOSED TO BE more than that on this blog!!!

You know what? Keep doing it. Measure how many responses you get to this arcane crap.

May 10, 2008 9:04 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I remember the band but curious what was your band?

May 10, 2008 9:18 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

If you're going to post this stuff, can you please at least spell proper names correctly? Debby(???) Boone.

Incorrecto. This type of things is distracting.

May 10, 2008 9:20 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I just posted that but it didn't allow it to go through. I don't know why that happens sometimes.

But I want to know the name of Joe's band too. I said that Mata guy creeps me out.

And to the poster who is bitching about your spelling - tell them to search for Debby Boone. You spelled it correctly. She creeps me out in a different way. Staying Alive, creepy in a gay way. I wore a Disco Sucks shirt in 1978 and I'm lucky that my high school-aged kids wear one that says Disco Still Sucks... but I think they kind of like it.

May 10, 2008 12:51 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Incorrecto isn't a word. But your insinuation that all Spanish words are English words with an "o" at the end, speak volumes about your racism.

May 10, 2008 12:52 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

12:52, you're an idiot.

We all know it's not a word, but an effing idiot like you uses the race card because of the STYLE & FUN I was using with such a word.

You are a small-minded boob with zero creative, and probably stuck with a meanial job, just waiting to pounce on a creative, free-wheeling writer. Race card crap.

May 10, 2008 1:09 PM  

Blogger Michael Higby said:

9:04: Who says what is "supposed to be" and "not supposed to be" on this blog?

Oh - me!

Now go play on the freeway.

May 10, 2008 1:30 PM  

Blogger Debbie said:

My Homie Mayor Sam said:

"9:04: Who says what is "supposed to be" and "not supposed to be" on this blog?

Oh - me!

Now go play on the freeway."

Oh, snap! That was funny.

Joe B.:How 'bout highlighting some of the famous (and infamous) clubs of LA, past and present(i.e. gazzarri's, the whiskey, my garage in '77, the troubador, palamino, etc.) I'm sure you have lots of stories of craziness inside those places and of the great musicians who stopped by to say hi to LA.

I LOVE all the LA aspects here in the Sister City! We rock!


May 10, 2008 2:08 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Yes, I am an effing idiot and a small-minded boob, devoid of all creativity and stuck with a menial job. You got me there.. But I object to your saying that I'm not STYLISH or FUN enough (or obviously creative enough) to enjoy having you make fun of the language of a country you more than likely hate. So I guess I had to pull out the "race card". Damn, you are creative.. Go back and read your post. I'm jealous of your brilliant creativity and fun way of filling your spare time - you're on your way to becoming a great writer (lol) and I've been just waiting to pounce on a creative, free-wheeling writer. I think you are also anonymous 9:20. I especially love your line that says, "This type of things is distracting". Brilliant. Go figure. I don't know how you read me the way you do.

So now what, Mr. Free-wheeler? You want to go make fun of some o' them Irish guys in a bar somewhere? I'm sure you'll have some clever repartee for an evening with me. Or not.

Salute to the boss Michael, on your comeback to 9:04, who is more than likely the same person at 9:20 and then again, at 1:09. The annoying dumb ones..

May 10, 2008 3:34 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:




May 10, 2008 6:35 PM  

Blogger Unknown said:

I played in several bands,none of which got much further than local attention. One band, "Cold September"
played the New Music Seminar in NY and opened for Janes Addiction, Flesh For Lulu, Ian Asbury, 4 Non Blondes to name a few. The other "Snailface",
was pretty popular in town at the time. My music career, as fun as it was, on a success meter was
"Always the Bridesmaid, Never the Bride".

May 10, 2008 8:57 PM  

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