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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Open Thread for Saturday

The LA Times reports that John Trasviña, president of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund is speaking out over Rush Limbaugh referring to Mayor Villaraigosa as a "shoeshine boy."

"The fact that your stated first impression of [Mayor Villaraigosa] was to consider him "a shoeshine boy" instead of the elected mayor of America's second-largest city speaks volumes about your view of America and the role or status of people who do not fit your preconceived notion of what an elected official should be," Trasviña wrote.

But does it count that the Mayor indeed had worked as a shoeshine boy?

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Anonymous Anonymous said:

No, it doesn't count. Or will Mayor Sam tell us all what his first job was and let us all call him by that sobriquet whenever we're looking to demean him?

May 10, 2008 7:33 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Newsweek, 2005 ...young Tony made money by taking the bus downtown to shine shoes and sell newspapers.

May 10, 2008 7:38 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

No body cares what MALDEF has to say. They're another group who supports illegals and show their racism at every turn.

People should log on to Janice Hahn blog and post. Does she think we're as stupid as she and her council idiots are? She put pressure to have 2 great gang LAPd officers removed and supported hard core violent Crip gang bangers. Everyone knows it and the Fox 11 Video has been sent all over the city and nation. So shut the hell up JANICE.

In case you missed it here's the Fox 11 video of Janice supporting gang bangers instead of good cops.


May 10, 2008 8:27 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Everybody has to get into the act on this. I don't know if the Mayor himself would even have bothered about it as much as everyone else has.

If Rush Limbaugh had said "shoeshine boy" alone, without making it one part of the spectrum of possibilities, I could see the criticism.

I don't think that the Mayor himself is so nacissistic that he thinks everyone in the country knows him on sight. Along these line, he would not have thought keeping company Mirthala in public was concealable, especially in the local area.

The mayor working as a shoeshine boy was probably the most honest work done for money, in ethical terms, to date. He had to be accountable back then.

May 10, 2008 9:43 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Rush never said it better!
A Tijuana Shoeshine boy/Dog catcher who illegally
supplies the L.A. taco trucks with
mystery meat would have been a more to the point comparison!
Maldef is controled by Invasion
Agenda to create an Illegal
Mexican Nation within the borders
of the USA!!!


May 10, 2008 9:58 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I’m that defending Rush Limbaugh, but what he said was not criminal in any way, just exercising his freedom of speech. I think the MALDEF should target the public schools which have allowed children to be sexually abused.

May 10, 2008 11:58 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

MALDEF is a racist org which tires to limit free debate and speech about illegal immigration so who cares.

But LImbaugh was making a joke, so he thought, and he's often crude, look what he's called Hillary -- but so has this blog, look at just a couple of threads below.

He called tony a Secret Service Agent OF a showshine boy, maybe because he was grinning so hard as usual, while the real east coasters and DC insiders are more natural. He just stands out as trying too hard to look preppy when he never will be, like the way he drapes his jacket over his shoulder to look dapper, so staged, but all the local Mexicans only look natural when they're doing some presentation with Mariachis or for some Fiesta with Mexican culture.

May 10, 2008 1:01 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

733 hasn't got any pussy lately. Or cock. Whatever they're into. Not that there's anything wrong with that of course.

May 10, 2008 1:42 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

7:38 - would Maldef, 7:33 and the other professional race baiters been upset if Rush had called him a Newspaper boy?

May 10, 2008 1:43 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I was all for a Mexican being Mayor, frankly, believing him when he said he'd try to unify the different parts of the city. He does run around to every ethnic festival and photo op, but he has to distance himself from the Reyes/ Alarcon/ Cardenas/ Huizar bunch who are going after the westside and valley to misuse AB1818 to put "affordable housing" there for all their illegals.

They've been saying this is their intent for some time, especially Reyes at every chance in Council, but no one's listening seriously.

Read Steven Leigh Morris' article in the L A Weekly, about how the CRA just revamped the General Plan which regulates city building (it's required they do this every 5 years), who no community outreach or input until AFTER the fact -- the 50 "advisors" were special interest groups like Construction trade unions, realtors and builders, and leftwing "affordable housing" advocates.

The map in the Weekly shows all the areas they determined they can put in high-density housing with NO parking spots: anywhere within 1500 feet or about 3 blocks from a bus stop. In other words, almost everywhere in the city. Westsiders are starting to wake up, but it's been a handful of their NIMBYs who fight and sue over EVERYthing that caused the CRA to circumvent ALL the NC's and HOA's. The article mentions one group planning to fight, never heard of them.

May 10, 2008 2:24 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Mexican Mafia & Your Tax Dollars
Sunday, January 20th, 2008

Marroquin founded in 1998 the Hawthorne L.A.-based anti-gang organization NO GUNS and received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the city for his efforts to help steer Latino youths away from a life of crime.

“I never for a moment believed that he ever left the life,” said Connie Rice, a civil rights attorney and former member of the Los Angeles Police Commission who noted that she saw Marroquin at meetings of anti-gang agencies. “I always thought he was using the system.” according to her report and independent audits have stated that L.A. Bridges, which has funneled more than $100 million to programs like No Guns, cannot show that it has reduced gang activity, and the city council lacks any meaningful measures for determining success. Just last week, another purported gang-member-turned-good, 30-year-old Mario Corona, with a group called Communities in Schools, also a recipient of L.A. Bridges money, was sentenced to 32 months in prison for transporting a large amount of methamphetamine and being a felon with a gun.


May 10, 2008 3:11 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Michael Higby, who do I call to thank for the tasteless, bloodspattered election materials from Bob Blumenfield's campaign? My wife didn't sleep at all last night.

May 10, 2008 4:16 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Those weren't bloodsplatters. They were from Stuart Waldman ketchup packets.

May 10, 2008 11:26 PM  

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