This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Hillary: "Another darkie hung out to dry in the Lone Star State."
Obama says it is 'premature to talk about a joint ticket'
Ben Smith:
Speaking to reporters on his plane before leaving San Antonio for Chicago, Sen. Barack Obama hinted at taking a tougher line against Clinton in the coming weeks, telling reporters that she must back up her experience argument with details.
Three stooges.
The cholo mayor is more likely to ask "where you from", throw up some gang signs and then shoot the "mayate".
Antonio .....
"Fabian let's take Obama for a ride through Harbor Gateway, hehehe."
"That's a good idea Antonio, and let's tell Obama to use "sign language" to communicate with the cholos. hehehehe
Sherry Diyorio, who was visiting friends in the neighborhood, said family members who were in the car told her they saw a man in the street making gang signs. They were afraid and tried to drive away, but hit a dead-end, Diyorio added. The vehicle turned around and the man fired, hitting the child twice - including once in the forehead, Diyorio said.
Bet Obama used Ajax to wash his hands after that meet n greet. Sordidly true.
Obama better get tough because the idiots running Hillary's campaign are the dirtiest, sleaziest, most corrupt, low lives in the nation. She has Ace, Parke, and Mike Trujillo who are without a doubt mean son of a bitches. Hopefully KARMA IS A BITCH TO THESE GUYS.
"That Fabian and Antonio are such ass-kissers, I guess they are worried Hillary will Lose"
Way to look out for the nation.
Hillary is intelligent, experienced and the most competent candidate to become the next president but...since Ace, Parke and Trujillo are working on her campaign let's hope karma bites them in the ass and takes her down with them.
I'm sure that the working poor, children who can't afford medical insurance and soldiers fighting a war without end won't mind.
They've waited this long for solutions, what's 4 more years?
Great! Thanks everybody for contributing. The JackHoff Points are in:
9:52 -- Yikes. Lose 32 points.
10:20 -- You saved the thread! +32 for you!
10:53 -- Concise. Punchy. From the top of the key, all net! 3 pts.
10:56 -- When you use the term "cholo mayor," we instantly tune out even though the rest of the post was clever. Also, I don't post links to articles, so let's not slow down the thread by posting all that browser gobbledegook. Uhmmm....Inbound pass stolen by -- a Cholo! Turnover.
1:09 -- you're gettin' warmer! Hard to fit that many words in a balloon though, but still on topic. Hm, posted link to article...uh, Rebound, up and in! 2 pts.
3:36 -- Half-court shot at the buzzer, it's IN! 3 pts.
4:02 -- Takes the pass and slashes across the key, there's contact! Was it charging? No! Blocking on the defense! Two from the free throw line. Easy. 2 pts.
6:14 -- Still in line at the snack stand. But at least in the arena. 1 pt.
6:18 -- Loose ball, almost everyone is on the floor, the big guy picks it up -- Slam Dunk -- and a foul on the play! 2 + 1 pts.
Whew, so much better than yesterday! Well done, all!
See you soon!
Also, I don't post links to articles, so let's not slow down the thread by posting all that browser gobbledegook.
The link does not "slow down" the thread, it is used only to reference a news story. Or would you rather I copy and paste the complete news story or a very large chunk like others do?
Fabian quit ass-kissing, do you think you are going to get my White House Cabinet assignment?
Why do some people show such xenophobic vitriol?
I wish I knew who thier parents, are to teach such xenophobic vitriol.
I hate white sheet wearing xenophobic racists, especially the mexicans who use the word mayate, why such vitriol!!!
"...Or would you rather I copy and paste the complete news story or a very large chunk like others do?"
Frankly, for Jack Hoff posts, I'd rather you do neither.
1:29a, I hear you and we're just going to have to disagree on the browser gobbledegook. Some Mayor Sam readers might only have a minute during their day to get a quick fix and links/posted articles within a thread do slow things down when the workday clock is ticking.
10:20a's entry was a perfect example; Mini-headline, attribution and information in one sentence to the point. Got it, that was awesome. Only thing missing was a funny balloon caption, but I shan't be greedy. Especially when 10:20a saved us all from a KKKFI-style thread.
As for your caption; Half court shot at the buzzer....!! Well done! 3 pts.
Jack Hoff you spent more time and clogged up the blog more defending your idiotic baseless decision to leave off the links than we would have spent on the links. Links are the backup. A busy reader doesn't have to use the links but that's up to us. Put 'em up and shut up already.
Hey, if you're such a links fan, go play golf.
This is basketball -- a much faster game.
8:15a; Technical Foul.
Hoff's got
must-have-last-word disease.
No I don't.
Jack Hoff should get back to "verbing" his name. So far his debut on this blog has been a masturbation.
Jack Hoff (on getting the last word), "No I don't." LOL
They didn't even get it. They were trying so hard to fit vitriol in a sentence.
You are such a hoot.
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